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By  Henry  Dor&9  S.J. 


By  D.J.  Finn,  S.J. 

Second  Part 


Profusely  illustrated 

Vol.    IX 





lunnr  M  r.HlNA 

JyULriv^  c 


Gettysburg  College 

Gettysburg,  Pa. 


Gift  of 
Dr.  Frank  H.  Kramer 

Accession      10Li.)|91 

BS721.D72     v.  9 



By  Henpy  Dore,  S.J. 



By  D.J.  Finn,  S.J. 

Second  Part 

Profusely  illustrated 

Vol.    IX 






Contents I 

List  of  illustrations VII 

Preface     XI 

Immortal  Gods,  Genii 


Article  I         Yuen  Shi  Tien  Tsun     (T)   (1) 

The  Eternal     1-3 

The  legend  of  Yuen  Shi  T'ien  wang.     ...      4-5 

Appendix  —  The    genealogy   of  Taoism 6-8 

Article  II       Yuh-hwang,  The  August    (Jade)  Emperor 

The  modern  Jupiter. 

I.  Yuh-hwang    in  legend 9-10 

II.  Yuh-hwang  in  actual  history 10-12 

III.  Honorific    titles    conferred    on    Yuh-hwang....      12-16 

Article  III     T'ung-T'ien-Kiao-Chu  (T)     17-18 

(1)     (T)  means  that  the  temples  of  the  divinity  to  which    this    letter 
is  affixed  are  kept  by  Taoist  priests. 

(T.  B.)   that  they  are  kept  by  Budhist  priests  also. 
When  the  letter  B.  and  C.    are    alone  without  (      ),  they  are  meant  to 
show  that  the  divinity  is  also  honoured  by  Budhists  and,   or  Confiucianists. 

—  II  — 

Article  VI 



Article  IV       Hung- Kiun-Tao- Jen     (T) 19 

Article  V         Hiien-Tien-Shang   Ti     ^T  B) 

The  sovereign  of  The  Gloomy  skies. 

Muh-Kung  and  Kin-mu     (T) 

The  god  of  the  immortals  and  his  Consort 

Preliminary   notions      

Tung-wang  -kung 


VII      The  eight  Immortals,  Pah-sien     (T)  B.C. 

List  of  eight  immortals ... 

Classification  and  distinctive  features 

Han   chung-li      






Ho  sien-ku      


Li  of  The  Eight  hundreds  —  Yung  C'heng- 
Tung-Chung-shu  —  Yeu-Kiiin-ping — Fan 

Chang  shen  —  Ko-Yung-kwei      60-62 

General   Conclusion 63 

Article  VIII    Liu-hai-sien     (T.B.)  C 
The  immortal   Liu-hai. 

I.  Name    and    Legend 64-65 

II.  An  Apparitionof  Liu-hai 66-68 

Article  IX        Chang-tao-ling     (T) 

I.  Chang-Tao-ling,  according  to  the  Taoist  Book 

and  Works  of  other  writers.  ...      .    69-76 

II.  Chang-Tao-ling   in    history 76-79 

III.  Chang-Tao-ling   according  to  the  Histories  of 

the  Three  Kingdoms.  —  Origin  of  the 

title  "Tien  shi"  ~H  gjjj  (Heaven-Teacher)   79-86 




. 31-34 


.  36-37 









Ill  — 

Appendix  —  Cult  of  Wang  Chang 87 

Article  X  Hii-chen-kiiin    (TB)  C      88-91 

Site  of  the  well  and  cave  occpied  by  the 

Dragon  that  Hii-sun  overcome     91-94 

Article  XI        Sz-ta-T'ien-wang    (BT)      95-97 

Article  XII      T'ai-yih     (T) 

The  great  One 99-100 

(1)  T'ai  yih :  the   Sovereign  of  the  Five 

Heavenly  Emperors 100 

(2)  T'ai    yih.     Cosmic     Matter     before     its 

dispersion 100-101 

(3)  T'ai  yih.    Three  and   One 101 

(4)  T'ai  yih.  An  unknown  spirit      101 

(5)  T'ai  yih.  Spirit  of  the  Pole  Star 101 

(6)  T'ai  yih.  Spirit  of  the  First  of  the    Nine 
Constellations 101-102 

(7)  The  Ten  T'ai  yih  Spirits 102-104 

(8)  Tai-Yih-  Chen- Jen  i:  Zl  M  A 104 

Artitle  XIII   Shin-Rh-Ting-Kiah-Shen     (T) 

The  twelve  Ting-Kiah  spirits  of  Taoism.     ...      105 

The   Six  Ting  Spirits      ("J")         105 

The  Six  Kiah  Spirits      (Ef3)     105-1 06 

Article  XIV  The  Dipper  Mother  —  Teu-mu     (BT).  .         107-109 
Arrangement  of  Hall  dedicated    to    Teu-mu        110 

Article  XV     Na-ch'a-san-t'ai-tsze      (T  B) 111-121 

Article  XVI  Heng-Hoh-Rh-Tsiang      (BT) 

Marshals  "Sniffer"   and   "Blower" 123-124 

Article  XVII  Ts'ing-lung,  Peh-hu     (T)       125-127 

Article  XVIII    Kwan-k'eu-shen    and    Rh-lang-shen  (BT)  128 

I.  Such  facts  as  seem  to  rest  on  historic  basis  J 28-129 

II.  The  Embroidery  of   Legend      129-130 

HI.  Cult    130-132 

Article  XIX.      Wang-ling-kwang  and  Sah-sheu-kien  (BT)  C 

—  IV  — 

I.  Wang-lin-kwan.  i  f$  ll" 133-135 

II.  Sa-chen-jen.     $|   ^    A 136-138 

Article  XX         Chen  yuan  the  Immortal  (Sien)      (T)      139 
Article  XXI       Lieh-Tsze.      (T) 140-141 

Appendix  —  The  historical  Lieh-Tsze   and 
his  works. 

I.  The  author. 

II.  His  Works. 

III.  His  Doctrine.      (T)     142-145 

Article  XXII     Nan-Hwa-Chwang-Sheng 

Chwang-Tsze.     Author  of  The  "Nan-hwa- 

king." 145-146 

T'ao-chow-kung's  son  (^^^)  is  condemned.  147-149 
Appendix  — The  historical  Chwang-Tsze  Ui1  and 

his  work 150-153 

I.  The  man. 

II.  His  work. 

III.  His  Doctrine. 

Article  XXIII   Hwai  nan  tsze     (T) 

The  sage  from  The  south  of  The  Hwai  River— 145-157 
Appendix  —  Historical  notes 

I.  The  Literary  School  of  Hwai-nan-tsze  7f£  ^   -^ 

II.  The    works   of    Hwai-nan-tsze 158-159 

Article  XXIV     Wang-yuen-shwai     (T) 

Generalissimo  Wang     160-161 

Article  XXV      Sie-t'ien-kiiin     (T)  B 

Sie  the   Heavenly  Leader 162-K3 

Article  XXVI     Hwun-ki-p'ang-yuen-shwai     (T  B) 

Generalissimo  P'ang     164-165 

Article  XXVII    Li-yuen-shwai     (T) 

Generalissimo    Li      166-167 

Article  XXVIII  Liu-t'ien-kiun 

Liu,    The  Heaveanlv  Chief 168 

—  V  — 

Article  XXIX    Wang  Kao  Rh  yuan  shwai     (T) 

The  Two  Generalissimos,  Wang  and  Kao  ...      196 

Article  XXX      T'ien-hwai-pih  yuan  shwai 

Generalissimo   T'ien  hwa-pih 170-171 

Article  XXXI    T'ien  yii  yuan  shwai     (T) 

The  Generalissimo  "Field  Rain." 172-173 

Article  XXXII    Tang  yuan  shwai     [T) 

Generalissimo  Tang     174 

Article  XXXIII     Shih  yuan  shwai     (T) 

Generalissimo     Shih  175 

Article  XXXIV      Fu-ying-yuan-shwai     (T)  B 

Generalissimo  Fu-ying 167-177 

Article  XXXV       Yang  yuan  shwai     (T)  B 

Generalissimo    Yang 178 

Article  XXXVI     Kao  yuan  shwai     (B  T) 

Generalissimo  Kao  (a  faultless  healer) 179-180 

Article  XXXVII    Ohang-yuan-shwai     (T  B) 

Generalissimo  Chang,  Averter  of  The 

Small-pox 181 

Article  XXXVIII  Sin-hing,  keu  yuan  shwai     (T)  C 

(Thunder  Department)         182-183 

Article  XXXIX     Tie  yuan  shwai     (T)  B    184 

Article  XL  K'ang-yuan-shwai     (T  B) 

Generalissimo  K'ang    185 

Article  XLI  Mung  yuan  shwai  (The  Merciful)  (T)B  186-187 

Article  XLII         Fung-hwo-yuan  T'ien  yuan  shwai     (T) 
Generalissimo  T'ien  (of  the  Wind  and 
Fire  Ministry)        188-189 

Article  XLIII       Hiu-Li-hu-Sien     (T) 

The  Genii  of  The  Nine  Carp    Lake 190-191 

Article  XLIV         Wang-Shi-Ch'en.     (T)    ,..192. 

—  VI  — 

Article  XLV  Lii-Shan-  K'wang-Feu  Sien-Sheng     (T) 

Master  K'wang-Feu  of  Mt.    Lii      193-194 

Article  XLVI         Hwang-Sien-Shi     (T) 

I J  wang  the  Immortal    195 

Article  XLVII       Peh-Kih-K'u-Sie-yuan     (T) 

Executive  of  North  Pole  exorcisms 196-198 

Article  XLVIII     Peh-hoh-T'ung  Tsze      (T) 

The  White  Crane  Boy 199-200 

Article  XLIX         Yang-sze-tsiang-kiiin     (T  B) 

Generalissimo  Yang    Sze 201 

Article  L  Chih-Kioh  Sien     (T) 

The  Bare  Foot  Immortal      202-203 

Article  LI  Wen-yuan-shwai     (T  B) 

Generalissimo    Wen 204-206 

Article  LII         Ts'ien-li-yen  Shun  fung-rh     (T  B) 

Thousand  li  Eye  and  Fair  wind  Ear 207-209 

Article  LIII       Kiangtszeya     (B  T)  C 210-215 

Article  LIV       San  Mao     (B  T) 

The  three    Mao  brothers 216-218 

Article  LV         Kin-K'eii-shang-ti  and  Yuh-K'eii-shang-ti 

(T  B) 219 

Article  LVI       Wu-lao 

The  live  Ancient  of  days 220-221 

Article  LVII     Some  Immortals,  better  known  or  more 

honoured      222-225 

Article  LVIII  The  usual  grouping  of  "Saints"  in  Taoist 

Temples. 226-227 



No  Page 

131.  Yuen  shi  T'ien-tsun 2 

132.  Yuh-hwang,  the  Pearly  Emperor 10 

133.  T'ung-t'ien  Kiao-chu 18 

134.  Hung  kiun  Lao-tze  (the  Great  Potter),  holding  in  his 

hand  the  three  pills  which  he  gave  to  Lao-tze,  Yuen- 

shi  t'ien  tsun  and  T'ung-t'ien   kiao-chu 19 

135.  Chen-wu  after  his  victory 20 

The  tortoise  and  the  serpent  lay  at  his  feet. 

136.  Chen-wu,  holding  in  his  hand  his  rolled  up  flag 22 

137.  The  Goddess  Si-wang-mu  (the  Western  Royal  Mother)  30 

138.  Tung-wang    kung    and    Si-wang-mu.     The  king    and 

queen   of  the  Immortals 32 

139.  Excess  in  the  cups  among  the    Immortals     36 

140.  The  eight  Immortals  at    their    awaking     38 

141.  Han   Chung-li 40 

142.  Lu  Tung-pin   on    Kwei-sing's   kraken 42 

143.  Chang     Kwo-lao 44 

144.  Lan  T'sai  hwo 46 

145.  Han  Siang-tze 48 

146.  Ts'ao  Kwoh- kiu 52 

147.  The  Fairy    Lady,    Ho 56 

148.  T'ieh-kwai    Li 58 

149.  Lu    Tung-pin.      Han    Chung-li 60 

150.  The  Fairy    Goddess    Ho.      Chang-kwo-lao 60 

151.  Lan  Ts'ai-hwo.     Tsao  Kwoh-kiu 62 

152.  T'ieh  Kwai-li.     Han  Siang-tze 62 

153.  The    Immortal    Liu-hai.     This    picture    is   affixed    in 

families  as  a  protective  and  luckbearing  talisman      ...  66 

154.  Chang  T'ien-shi  and  his  insignia.     Picture  known  as 

that  of  ''the  five    venomous   animals" 80 

155.  Hsii  the  Immortal,  travelling  on  the  lakes 88 

-  VIII  — 

No  Page 

156.  Li,   the   tower-bearer 96 

157.  Ma,  the  heavenly  king 96 

158.  Chao,   the    heavenly    king 98 

159.  Wen,  the  heavenly  king 98 

160.  T'ai-yih  Chen-jen. 100 

161.  Teu-mu .108 

162.  Na-to  San-t'ai-tze 112 

163.  Heng-hah.     The  blowing  and  sniffing  Taoist  Monk.    ...124 

164.  The  God  of  the  Blue  Dragon  star— Cheng   Kiu-kung 

(in  the  Yuh-hwang  Monastery) 126 

165.  The  God  of  the  White  Tiger    star.      Ying   Ch'eng-siu 

(In  the    Hwang   Monastery) 126 

166.  Eul-lang 128 

167.  Wang-ling-kwan  (In  a  monastery  at  T'ung  Chow).     .    134 

168.  Sah  Chen-jen  and  the  God  of  the    city  moat  coming 

out  of   the  water 136 

169.  The   Immortal    Chen-yuan 138 

170.  Lieh-tse 140 

171.  Hwai-nan-tse 146 

172.  Generalissimo    Wrang 154 

173.  Nan-hwa  Chwang-sheng    (Chwang-tze) 160 

174.  Sieh,  the  heavenly    leader 162 

175.  The    Generalissimo    Hwun-k'i-pang 164 

176.  Generalissimo  Li 166 

177.  Liu,    the    heavenly    leader 168 

178.  The    two    Generalissimos,   Kao  and  Wang 169 

179.  The  Generalissimo  Tien  hwa-pih 170 

180.  Tien-yu  Yuan-shwai  (Generalissimo   Tien-yu) 172 

181.  Generalissimo  Tang 174 

182.  Generalissimo    Shih 175 

183.  Generalissimo  Fu-ying 176 

184.  Generalissimo  Yang  and   his   military   attendant.     ...      178 

185.  Generalissimo  Kao,  the  peerless   doctor 180 

186.  Generalissimo  Chang,  who  protects  from    smallpox.  .      180 


Ko  Page 

187.  Generalissimo  T'ieh 184 

188.  Generalissimo   K'ang 184 

189.  Generalissimo    Meng 186 

190.  The  three  Brothers   Musicians 188 

191.  Wang-shi-ch'en  raises  a  flood  in  the  Yellow  River.     ...192 

192.  The  teacher  Kw'ang-feu  of  Lu-shan,  and  his    eldest 

brother    Kw'ang-suh 194 

193.  Hwang  the  Immortal,  writer  of  magic  charms 194 

194.  Yen  Chen-k'ing,  canonised,  first  officer  of  the  Ministry 

that  exorcises    the    North    Pole 196 

195.  The  divining  youth  Peh-hoh  (White  Crane) 200 

196.  General  Yang-sze 201 

197.  Generalissimo  Wen 204 

198.  Ts'ien-li-yen.     Shun-fung-eul 108 

199 210 

200.  Written  charm  burnt  in  honour  of  the  Three  Princes 

San  Mao.     ...      216 

201.  The  Three  Princes  San  Mao    .      216 

202.  Kin-k'ueh  Shangti  and  Yuh-k'ueh  Shangti 219 

203—204-205—206.  The  Four  Patrons  of  Longevity  (Another 

manner  of  representing  them) 220 



Fr.  Kennelly,  the  translator  of  the  first  eight  volumes  of  Fr. 
Dore's  monumental  work,  has  laid  down  his  pen  and  gone  to  the 
sure  reward  of  his  labours.  Another  comes  to  resume  the  task 
though  less  qualified  and  confessedly  incapable  of  adding  learned, 
succinct  notes  called  from  such  wide  reading  as  distinguished 
Fr.  Kennelly's  work.  The  present  translator  must  therefore 
confine  himself  to  giving  a  faithful  rendering  of  the  French  text. 
Such  petty  changes  as  he  has  made  are  not  distinguished,  because 
Fr.  Dore  is  happily  with  us  still  and  has  reviewed  these  few 
alterations:  still  better,  he  has  himself  added  considerable  new 
matter  to  Articles  I,  VII,  IX,  XXI,  XXII,  XXIV  and  LVII. 
The  translator  adds  this  preface  in  the  hope  of  helping  the 
reader  to  an  orientation  amid  such  masses  of  material  and  also 
to  appreciation  of  some  features  of  the  book  which  otherwise 
might  escape  notice. 

The  volume  treats  of  the  contribution  made  by  Taoist 
to  the  Chinese  Pantheon,  namely,  those  worthies,  heroes,  spirits 
"demons"  (in  its  Greek  sense),  quasi-divinities  or  even  such 
supreme  celestial  rulers  as  have  connexions  rather  with  Taoism 
than  with  Buddhism  or  Confucianism.  Of  course  the  traces  of 
the  working  principle  "The  Three  Beliefs  are  One"  ■§§  fp  M  H 
■fHf  3$  -— "  are  evident  again  and  again  and  Fr.  Dore  has  given 
a  hint  at  the  head  of  each  article  by  the  use  of  the  letters  T 
(Taoist),   B  (Buddhist).  C  (Confucian). 

This  volume  is  not  an  account  of  Taoism  in  its  historical 
development  in  China.  That  is  to  come  later  in  a  volume,  now 
under  Fr.  Dore's  pen,  which  will  deal  with  Lao-tsze's  life,  legend 
and  doctrine.  The  text  and  illustrations  of  this  volume  re- 
present those  who  beside    Lao-tsze    claim  veneration  or    worship 

—  XII  — 

from  the  Taoists  or  the  eclectics  of  to-day  —  or  yesterday.  (1) 
It  is  therefore  a  pudding-stone  conglomerate  of  fact  and  fiction 
history  and  myth  under  formative  influences  streaming  in  from 
Buddhism,  Confucianism  and  even  a  primitive  magic  (a  fourth 
"religion"  that  is  not  officially  counted  in  China  but  has  been 
most  potent). 

A  few  word  about  Lao-tsze  will  help  the  purpose  of  this 
preface.  To  understand  his  appearances  in  this  book,  we  must 
make  a  dichotomy:  there  is  the  Lao-tsze  of  legend,  a  magician, 
a  divinity  and  there  is  the  Lao-tsze  of  history.  As  a  historical 
personage,  he  is  as  recent  as  the  battle  of  Marathon  —  for 
he  seems  to  have  died  in  that  same  year  490  B.  C.  and  he 
was  probably  the  author  of  the  doctrinal  treatise  the  Tao-Teh- 
King  jff  ^§  $£.  As  a  mythical  personage,  he  left  China  for 
regions  beyond  the  Western  Passes  in  1030  B.C..  that  is  in  the 
early  year  of  the  Chow  Mj  Dynasty  which  he  had  helped  with 
his  magic  to  establish  itself:  he  had  taken  a  leading  part  in 
warring  down  all  those  other  demons,  and  thaumaturgs  who 
supported  the  Shang  tyrant.  This  latter  Lao-tsze  may  be  found 
for  example  in  Articles  III,  XLV  and  LIII.  This  is  the 
Lao-tsze  who  reigns  in  the  Third  (Lowest)  Heaven,  the  T'ai 
Ts'ing  ^  ^,  among  the  Immortals  f[Jj. 

The  historical  Lao-tsze  gave  the  initial  impulse  to  a 
school  of  philosophy  that  produced  Li  eh  tsze  and  Chwang  tsze  in 
the  fifth  century  B.  C.  and  Hwai-nan-tsze  in  the  second  (see 
Articles  XXI,  XXII,  XXIV  below).  This  is  the  Taoism  that 
could  claim  to  be  a  philosophy  —  cosmology,  metaphysics  and 
ethics  —  though  always  very  obscure  and  tending  to  esoteric 
mysticism;  in  fact,  some  hold  that  its  sources  are  to  be  found 
farther  back  and  probably  outside  China  altogether,  Lao-tsze 
then  being  to  this  foreign  thought  what  Confucius  was  to  the 
traditions  of  the  earlier  Chow.  The  classic  of  Taoism  is  the 
Tao-Teh-King  (the   Book   of    the    Principle    and   of   its  Action)  ; 

(1)     See  note  at  end  of  preface. 

—  XIII  — 

after  two  millennia  of  existence,  it  has  recently  been  recognized 
to  be  a  book  of  verse.  It  records  for  us  Lao-tsze's  thought  if 
not  his  actual  writing:  it  is  vague  and  difficult  in  the  extreme. 
It  centres  about  an  Absolute,  a  monist  principle  that  demands 
the  identification  in  itself  of  all  contraries.  It  postulates  in  man 
pii  attitude  of  quietism,  of  Non-interference  (4te  ^).  The  book 
is  prolific  of  obscurities.  The  reader  will  find  in  Articles  XXI, 
XXII,  the  same  doctrines  as  developed  by  the  later  writers. 

But  far  from  remaining  a  difficult  monistic  philosophy 
with  mystic  elements,  Taoism  developed  or  absorbed  a  ritual,  a 
Pantheon  and  an  eschatology,  that  borrowed  from  and  at  times 
lent  to  Buddhism.  Taoism  now  presents  a  whole  arsenal  of  magic 
devices  (see  the  charms  explained  in  Vol.  Ill  — English  edition— 
Vol.  V  of  the  French:  those  spells  are  in  the  main  Taoistic), 
these  probably  being  an  inheritance  from  an  earlier  strain  of 
Chinese  religion,  witness  the  importance  attached  to  Kiang 
Tsze-ya  and  the  Eight  Diagrams  as  well  as  the  attachment  to  a 
style  of  "rebus"  writing  that  is  reminiscent  of  the  earlier 
bronzes  of  Shang  or  Chow. 

To  this  type  of  Taoism  belongs  the  Triad  of  Divinities  — 
said  to  be  merely  a  twofold  repetition  of  Lao-tsze  —  which  is 
worth  studying  in  Vol.  VI.  As  a  guide  to  the  hierarchy  of 
Taoism  into  which  one  must  fit  the  personages  described  in  this 
volume,  the  author's  table  of  this  Taoist  Triad  is  reproduced 
here  :— 

I.  Highest  Heaven:  Yuh  ts'ing:  3T  fjif  (Jade  Pure) 

RULER:  T'ien  pao:  [Yuan-shi  T'ien-tsun( Article  I) or 
3^      Hf     [Yuh-hwang  (Article  II) 

POPULATION :  The  Saints  m  A 

II.  Middle  Heaven:  Shang  Ts'ing  J^  f|  (Upper  Pure) 

RULER:  Ling  pao  T'ien  tsun:     Tao-kiun  jtf  J*" 
POPULATION:  the  Heroes  ^A   (who  have  attained 
perfect  rule  over  Nature). 

—  XIV  — 
III.     Lowest  Heaven:  T'ai  Ts'ing  -fc  fjlf  (Great  Pure) 
RULER :  Shen  Rao  jjtijj  ^f  Lao  Kiiin  %  3* 

POPULATION:    the   Immortals    f[[j    A     (i.  e.  human 
souls  endowed  with  divine  powers.     The  most    numerous  class.) 

The  personages  described  in  this  volume  are  supposed  to 
have  places  in  this  hierarchy  consisting  of  some  800  "deified" 
Taoists.  After  Articles  XV  below  a  term  "Generalissimo"  is  to 
be  found  frequently  in  the  headings :  the  reason  is  obvious :  as  the 
Chinese  Heavens  are  the  prototype  (to  be  understood  as  "copy") 
of  the  Chinese  realm,  there  must  be  there  a  corps  of  Heavenly 
Officers,  in  fact  26  in  number,  Na-ch'a  (Article  XV)  is  their 
Marshal  and  Wang  Ling-kwan  (Art.  XIX)  is  the  first  in  dignity. 

A  classification  and  study  of  all  these  personages  would 
be  of  interest  but  would  take  too  much  space  here.  As  a  guide 
which  the  reader  may  wish  to  follow  up  for  himself  the  following 
division  by  periods  may  be  of  use: 

1.  A  completely  mythical  period:  Articles  I,  II,  IV,  VI,  XI, 
XLVI,  XLIX  (?)  LVI. 

2.  The  period  of  the  wars  of  the  Chow  dynasty  against  the 
Sitting  (1122  B.C.)  :  this  seems  to  be  regarded  as  the  emergence 
of  Taoism  from  myth  to  history:  a  kind  of  "epic"  moment:  see 
Articles  III,  V,  XV  (Really  a  borrowing  from  Buddhism)  :  XVI, 
XVII,  XXXIX  (a  Chinese  Herakles),  XLVIII,  LII,  LIII.  This 
period  apparently  condensed  myths  in  itself:  it  attracts  both 
from  the  earlier  and  the  later  periods;  e.  g.  LII  seems  to  be  pure 
myth,  XV  is  one  who  first  come  in  the  train  of  Buddha  whereas 
LIII  historically  belongs  this  period. 

3.  The  Chow  Dynasty  (1122  B.C. -255  B.C.)  XXI,  XXII, 
XXIX,  XXXIII,  XLI,  XLV  (a  pupil  of  Lao  Tsze)  LVII  (the 
philosopher  Mill  Tsze.) 

4.  The  Ts'in  (255  B.C.-  206  B.  C.) :  XVIII,  LIV. 

—  XV  — 

5.  The  Han  (206  B.C. -220  A.  D.)  :  IX  (the  very  impor- 
tant Chang  T'ien-shi),  XXIV  (Hwai-nan-tsze),  XXVI,  XXXV, 
XLIII  (9  Carp-Lake  Immortals),  LI,  (LIV),  LVII  (Chang 
liang).     The    period    is   typical    for  magic  Taoism. 

6.  The  E  &  W  Tsin  265  —  420  A.  D. :  X  and  XXVIII. 

7.  Sui  (590  —  618  A.  D.  )  and  T'ang  Dynasties.  (618  —  907 
A.  D.)  XVIII;  VII  (The  Eight  Immortals  except  Ts'ao)  : 
of  these  personages  have  human  traits. 

(7  a)   LV  and  VIII  belong  to  the  transition  (disorders) period. 

8.  The  Bung  (960  —  1228  A.  D.)  (One  of  the  Eight  Immor- 
tals in  VII)  ;  XIX,  XXXII,  XLIV,  L. 

Looking  at  this  panorama,  one  might  count  the  first  and 
second  periods  as  a  back-ground  of  hazy  lights,  the  eight  is  the 
immediate  fore-ground,  (almost  the  view-point)  ;  the  fifth  is  the 
centre  of  interest  where  imagination  works  on  definite  details  — 
the  seventh  is  close  up  to  distinct  vision  where  as  the  third 
tends  to  fade  away  into  mythical  obscurity.  That  is,  by  the  end 
of  the  Sang  dynasty,  Taoism  had  settled  down  —  its  active 
formation  was  going  on  in  the  Han  period. 

The  legends  of  "Eight  Hundred"  Li  (in  Article  VII  ^  A 
"§"),  of  Lieh  Tsze  (Article  XXI)  and  of  THen-hwa  (Article  XXX) 
present  in  themselves  a  sliding  about  of  dates  that  may  have 
taken  place  unrecorded  in  many  other  cases. 

Many  of  these  tales  have  a  human  interest — and  as 
samples  one  might  recommend  Chwang-tsze  and  his  wife  (Article 
XXIV)  or  Mong  the  sympathetic  (Article  XLI),  or  that  of  the 
friends  Wang  and  Kao  (Article  XXIX).  For  the  magic  of  fairy 
tables,  there  is  the  story  of  Na-ch'a  (Article  XV)  or  of  the  Nine 
Brothers  (Article  XLIII)  or  of  "Television  and  Listener-in" 
(Article  LII). 

As  this  preface  is  intended  to  be  the  showman  for  the 
production,  I  must  not  forget  to  recommend  the  display  of  illur- 

—  XVI  — 

trations.     Considered  in  themselves,  they  form    a  very    album  of 
••ri  alier" —  fast  becoming  rare  antiquities. 

First,  the  style  of  head-dress  in  the  various  pictures 
deserves  attention  :  there  is  the  hat  of  state  mien  j|  distinguished 
by  its  pearl  strings  liu  $&,  its  slanting  flat  top  Ping  $£,  the 
dragon-head  and  tail  projecting  at  the  sides  (Fig.  132)  ;  there  is 
the  Chung-tsing  kwan  $  1$  %£  of  a  soft  material  (leather:  cf.  |$ 
^f-)  put  together  with  raised  ridges  which  Avere  then  decorated 
with  gold,  pearls  etc  (Fig.  182)  :  there  is  the  hat  of  the  ministers 
and  scholars,  puh-t'eu  ^  ||j  (e.  g.  Fig.  192  as  for  the  H  ^  ;  or 
Fig.  155,  190  as  for  scholars  >l|ic  £);  Fig.  173  seems  to  be  the 
shun  i) an g  kin  $i(J  ]^  [jl>  often  now  regarded  as  worn  specially 
by  Taoists.  For  the  greatest  part  the  other  hats  worn  are  like 
the  puh-t'eu  but  with  the  projecting  "feet"  turned  up  into  horns 
at  the  back.  Then  there  are  the  helmets  ^  of  which  Figg.  156,- 
159  and  Figg.  168,  Tj6,  present  various  forms.  Many  other 
figures  carry  the  head-ornament  that  gathers  the  hair  within  a 
little  case  or  cap  admitting  of  various  forms  of  decoration.  Figg. 
133  and  199  are  representative.  Once  (Fig.  144)  we  have  the 
out-door  hat  for  sun  and  rain  popularly  called  a  "Gong"  hat  $$ 
g£  |]j|.  Among  the  women's  head-gear,  Fig.  138  is  noteworthy 
for  the  ingenious  touch  by  which  the  "phoenix"  (Ht  or  ^)  of 
Fig.  137  becomes  an  ornament  in  Si-wany-mu's  hair. 

Among  the  implements  or  symbols  to  be  noted,  the  most 
important  is  the  #fl  jp|  Jii-i,  a  sceptre  originally  associated  with 
Buddhism  as  one  of  its  seven  Precious  Jewels.  Yuan  shi  T'ien 
tsun  carries  it  in  Fig.  131.  In  Figg.  132,  138,  201,  we  have 
examples  of  the  tablets  that  were  part  of  the  ceremonies  of 
imperial  audience  or  of  office  as  tokens  of  investiture  jj$  ^,  f£; 
or  jJtj;  on  Fig.  132,  we  see  a  constellation  token,  one  of  the  twelve 
symbols  Ip:  on  the  Emperor's  tablet,  as  the  next  highest  nobles  had 
only  nine  symbols  omitting  the  sun,  moon  and  constellation,  this 
figure  denotes  an  emperor).  On  Fig.  133,  139  etc.  173  there  is 
the  yak's  tail,  $|  H  Chu-wei,  a  symbol  of  conversationalists 
(leaders  of  the  herd  by  the   constant   wagging  of  their  tongues) 

-XVII  - 

and  of  the  command  not  to  kill  living  things.  There  is  a  "star 
flag"  in  Figg.  135  and  136  of  which  the  unwrapping  will  cause 
rain  J^  j|  $t.  In  fig.  190  Kiang  holds  a  flag  (^  %  $j£)  that 
can  flick  all  demons  away  (as  a  charm  fy)  and  a  staff  (fj*  jji^ 
$$j)  of  use  against  demons.  Wang  Ling-kwan  (Fig.  167)  carries  one 
of  "nine  joints"  X  tp  Wl  Hwang  (Fig.  193)  holds  a  charm,  as  will 
be  easily  recognized  by  those  who  have  read  Vol  III  (English 
edition).  —  the  characters  ^jj  ^  are  the  inevitable  formula  of 
command  over  the  spirits.  The  instrument  carried  by  Chang 
Kwoh-lao  (Figg.  143  and  150)  was  described  for  me  by  a 
Cantonese  as  $,  (or^p)  ~£  ffi,  but  he  could  give  no  further 
explanation  except  that  it  was  some  magical  apparatus  consisting 
of  a  tongs-like  thing  in  a  case.  The  fans  in  Fig.  190  are  for 
the  purposes  of  the  magic  control  of  "wind  and  fire,"  that  is 
the  meteorological  elements  J^  »X.  (tne  wheels  in  162,  174,  179 
are  called  "wind-fire  wheels"). 

Armour  can  be  seen  to  advantage  in  Fig.  159  where  one 
can  distinguish  clearly  the  three  pieces  —  shoulders,  trunk  and 
legs:  this  division  seems  to  be  followed  in  the  leaf-cape,  leaf- 
girdle  and  the  trousers  of  Na-ch'a  (Fig.  162).  Fig.  152  carries  a 
pretty  specimen  of  the  "Wolf-tooth  banner"  —  a  battle-mace.  In 
other  pictures,  one  may  find  the  weapons  known  as  ^  (Fig. 
185)  Jf  (Fig.  182),  =  %  (Fig.  184).  In  Fig.  156,  a  Chinese  eye 
notices  at  once  the  left  arm  covered  with  civilian  dress  and  the 
right  exposed  in  armour  as  the  mark  of  very  high  army  rank  :  Li 
is  higher  in  rank  than  the  other  three. 

Doubtless  the  Pah-kwa  will  be  familiar  to  all  readers. 
If  not,  I  must  refer  them  to  Mayers:  Chinese  Reader's  Manual  Part 
II  N°  241  or  to  Vol  II  of  this  present  work  p.  223.  There 
diagrams  are  to  be  found  in  figg.  153,  154,  199  below :  and  it 
should  be  noted  that  fig.  153  presents  the  arrangement  known  as 
$k  Ji  whereas  fig.  199  shows  the  $£  ^  scheme  (though  one 
might  have  expected  that  Kiang  would  rather  have  the  arrange- 
ment attributed  to  Wen-wang).  In  Figg.  153  and  199  the  Pah- 

-XVIII  — 

kwa  as  it  were  nail  down  the  good-luck  7k  |ft  ^  -^c-  An  explana- 
tion of  all  the  characters  on  Fig.  153  would  be  too  long,  but  we 
may  note  that  the  use  of  black  and  red  in  the  "Twelve  Branches" 
indicates  those  figures  that  are  "opposed"  or  "congruent' '. 

A  few  pictures  call  for  special  notice.  The  children  in 
Figg.  169  and  185  seem  to  refer  to  help  in  child-birth  from  these 
beings.  The  "generalissimos"  as  a  whole  are  supposed  to 
indicate  in  Chinese  calenders  whether  weather  phenomena  in 
the  year  over  which  they  individually  preside  will  be  mild  :  you 
judge  by  the  general  look  of  the  picture:  if  the  year's  special 
Generalissimo  is  fierce,  the  thunder  will  be  dreadful.  In  the 
series  141-148,  there  is  reference  to  a  combat  in  which  the  Eight 
Immortals  overcame  the  sea-monsters,  subjects  of  Lung-ivang. 
In  Fig.  177,  the  bats  emanating  from  Liu's  breath  probably  refer 
to  his  potency  in  calling  upon  the  rains  (cf.  Vol.  VII  Fig.  107). 
Fig.  154  seems  to  be  specially  aimed  at  enticing  wealth  to  come 
the  user's  way.  The  black  tiger  is  a  wealth  emblem  and  beneath 
his  feet  are  objects  that  are  usually  to  be  found  in  the  Chinese 
cornucopia  ^  ^  &  (see  Vol  XI.  figg.  272,  275,  276:  Vol.  V.  figg. 
201,  215;  also  Vol.  VII  fig.  90  where  frogs,  turtles  are  bringing 
offerings  of  valuables  to  Si-wang-mu)  :  i.  e.  the  twin  coins  under 
the  tiger's  left  fore-leg,  the  "fiery-pearl"  under  his  right  hind-leg 
and  a  pair  objects  (identified  by  some  as  horns  that  startles  the 
heavens)  under  the  left:  this  latter  object  also  is  out  of  the 
cornucopia's  store:  the  tiger's  right  fore-leg  laises  the  "Seal  of 
the  Heaven-master"  (the  imprint  being  Blessing,  come:  away,, 
malign!").  Health  (the  chasing  of  the  venomous  animals)  and 
wealth  would  be  secured  by  the  presence  of  "Heaven's-master, 
the  Hero  of  the  Dragon-Tiger  Mountain."   (Cf.  Vol.  1  p.  224). 

With  these  indications,  the  allusiveness  of  the  plates  is 
not  by  any  means  exhausted  nor  their  value  as  illustrations  of 
antiquities  and  culture.  But  at  first  sight  this  interest  might 
seem  to  be  altogether  absent  from  productions  for  the  most  part 
so  crude  when  judged  as  art. 

—  XIX  — 

With  this,  we  must  close  a  preface  that  has  grown  too 
long  and  allow  the  reader  to  enjoy  Fr.  Dore's  fullness.  Below 
a  note  is  added  to  set  on  record  here  the  official  attitude  of  the 
New  China  to  all  that  forms  the  matter  of  these  volumes. 

Canton  29th  Sept.  1930 

Feast  of  St.  Michael  the  Archangel. 

Note.  Temples  regarded  as  worthy  or  unworthy  of  official  recogni- 

A  decree  of  the  Government  of  Nanking  (Home  office)  relative  to 
the  preservation  or  destruction  of  temples  was  published  in  the  Shi-pao  ff£ 
$J  23rd.  Nov,  1928. 

It  divides  temples  into  two  classes. 

I.  Those  to  be   kept  up. 

of  (A)  #;  HT  $g;  sages  and  worthies  of  preceding  ages;  Fuh-lii  {%  || 
(Vol.  X.);  Shen  Nung  jpiji  Jft  (Vol.  X.)  Hwang-ti  !ar  ifr  (Vol.  X.);  Lei  Tsui^m. 
(first  rearer  of  silk-worms  cf.  Vol.  XI);  Ts'ang  Hieh  #  fig  (inventor  of 
writing);  Heutsih  }§  fg  (harvest-patron);  The  Great  Yii  ^  ^  (the 
irrigator):  Confucius  :  Mencius ;  Rung  Shu-pan  £•  $g  $£  (Vol.  XI):  Kican  Yii 
U  Vi  (Vol.  VI,  XII);  Yoh-Fei  |&  ffi.  (Vol.  XII). 

of  (B)  g2  fft  ^:  religions  teaching  theism  with  pure  and  right  inten- 
tion: credence  is  admissible. 

a)  Polytheistic  religiors  £  jjjiji  ffc:  of  Salcyamuni  and  of  Lao-tsze. 

b)  Monotheistic:  Mahometanism  and  Christianity  JJ|$  Ufa 

II.  Temples  to  be  suppressed. 

A-  "S"  jpfe  ffc:  in  which  purely  legendary  personages  are  worshipped 
with  no  practical  utility  whatever. 

1.  Temples  of  Stellar  Spirits:  sun,  moon  etc.  (Vol.  XII),  Fire-spirit 
Hwo-shen  >\  #  (Vol.  X);  Kweising  &  M  and  Wen  cli'ang  %  g  (Vol.  VI); 
cult  of  the  battle-flag  ffi  &'  J§j. 

2.  Genii  of  the  mountains,  rivers,  earth;  The  5  Holy  Peaks:  The  4 
Rivers  0  jjf:  River  Spirits  (Vol.  X).  T'ai-shan  0  ill  (Vol.  XI),  Tungyoh 
Ta-ti  )g  &  jz  iff,  The  Dragon-kings  gg  2  (Vol.  VII).  Ch'eng-hwang  i$  |g 
(Vol.  XI).  T'u-ti  ±  flfe  and  A  t£  (Vol.  X),  the  Hearth  God  fct  jp$  (Vol.    XI). 

—  XX  — 

3.     The  Ministry  of  Thunder  etc.  (Vol.  X). 

B.  j^^l  $${:  Temples  offending  against  public  morality  e.g.  by  playing  on 
credulity  of  people  for  gain  etc.  Temples  of  Chang  sicn  3g  f|I|  (Vol.  XI): 
Sung-tsseniangniang  i£  -f-  M  j&  (Vol.  I):  Ts'ai  sftengf  jjiiji  (Vol. XI);  Rh  lung 
Z.  f$  (Vol.  IX),  Ts'i-t'ien-ta-shcng  ^  ^  ^  ^  (the  Monkey  Sun  Eeu-tsse  & 
fl£  -^  (Vol.  V);  7T>?i  Sfien  }f.  #  ("Vol.  X);  Hiien-t'an  ;£  £g  (god  of  riches  Vol. 
V.  XI);  Shi  Ts'icn  fc£  ;g  (Vol.  XI);  Eu-sien  (fox-spirit  Vol.  V).  A  Cantonese 
paper  of  24  9  30  adds  the  assurance  that  Chinese  cultivate  a  "religion"^ 
f£  free  from  superstition-superior  to  all  these  classes-under  the  name  of 
%$  ^  i.e.  the  devotion  to  the  ethical  relations  of  the  ^  $$:  ruler  and 
ruler:  father  and  son:  husband  and  -wife:  and  the  culture  of  the  jg.  ffi  viz. 
•fc  (benevolence)  ^  (justice?  right)  jji  (propriety),  $?  (wisdom),  ff 


(if  \ii         — = 



(TAOISM)      (1) 


YUEN  Silt  T'lEN  TSUN     JC  jta  JR. 


Yuen  Shi  T'ien  Tsun,  the  First  Principle,  His  Heavenly 
Excellency,  is  a  Taoist  god  often  described  as  the  first  person 
in  the  Taoist  triad.  This  personage  has  never  had  an  existence; 
name,  origin  and  function  are  pure  inventions  of  Lao-tze's 
followers.  According  to  them,  Yuen  Shi  T'ien  Tsun  owns  no 
beginning,  no  over-lord,  but  is  himself  the  principle  of  all 
things;  hence  the  name  Yuen  Shi,  First  principle. 

(1)     (for  Lao-tse:  see  Part  III) 


Thus  the  Taoist  teaching  represents  him  as  first  member 
of  the  heavenly  Triad,  sovereign  ruler  of  the  third  heaven,  the 
Yuh-ts'ing  3£  f^,  abode  of  the  saints  IS  A  ;  ne  is  enthroned 
above  all  the  heavens.      (1) 

The  author  of  the  Sui  shu  king  tsih  chi  (5^  #  $g  |g  & 
provides  him  with  surname  and  name:  "Loll  ising-sin"  ^|  fjfi  '$=, 
The  description  then  goes  on  :  he  was  born  before  all  beginning, 
his  substance  is  indestrucible,  it  is  formed  essentially  of  air 
increated,  self-existent,  invisible,  limitless.  Xo  one  has  been 
able  to  trace  back  the  beginning  of  his  existence.  He  it  is  who, 
source  of  all  truth,  teaches  at  each  revolution  of  the  spheres  (at 
each  new  Kalpa)  the  mysterious  doctrine  that  confers  immor- 
tality. Ail  who  arrive  at  this  knlowedge  mount  step  by  step  to 
everlasting  life  refine  themselves  like  spirits  and  in  the  full  light 
of  clay  turn  into  Immortals.  (2) 

The  Taoist  adepts  had  to  set  up  a  rival  to  the  Buddhist 
triad:  not  to  be  beaten  in  the  display  of  the  marvellous,  they 
found  two  personages  to  partner  their  Lao-tze.  Thus  they 
erected  thrones  for  Yuen  Shi  T'ien-tsun  and  Tao-Kiin,  jjf  ;g",  in 
the  two  highest  of  their  three  heavens.  So,  Yuen  Shi  T'ien-tsun 
was  installed  in  the  first  heaven,  the  (Jade)  Yuh-ts'ing  3£  fpf 
and  Tao-Kiin  in  the  second  (Superior)  Shang-ts'ing  J^  ffi  while 
Lao-tze  occupied  the  throne  in  the  third  heaven  T'ai-ts'ing  -Jx,  fjif. 

In  modern  times,  the  actual  highest  sovereignty  is  in 
dispute  between  Yuh-hwang  3£  Jl  and  Yuen-shi  T'ien-tsun.  The 
temples  it  is  true,  usually  honour  the  latter  as  the  first  person 
of  the  Taoist  triad  but  actually  the  supreme  governance  of  the 
universe  is  assigned  to  the  former,  the  August  (Jade)  Emperor. 

Cf.  the  book:  T'ai  yuen  clicn  yih  pen  tsi  Icing:  %  jt  jR  £,  #  [It?  $g 

(2)  (Book  35  p.  17,19)  Hf  ff£  Soei-Shi. 

(3)  Cf.  Tuh  shu  hi  shu  lioh  |f  ^  £[}  ®f  §  Book  43  p.   2. 

(4)  See  schema  of  Taoist  Heavens  in  Vol  VI  above  p.  9  (French  edition) 

Fig.   131 


Yuen  che  t'ien  tsuen 
Yuan  ski  7''ien-tsun. 


Yuen-shi  T'ien-tsun  cannot  have  been  always  part  of  the 
Taoist  Triad :  his  primal  place  was  above  the  three  Heavens, 
above  the  three  Pure  Ones,  he  was  superior  to  all  upheavals  or 
renewals  of  the  universe.  Like  a  rock  unshaken  amid  the  fury 
of  storms,  this  god  knowing  no  beginning,  no  end,  no  change 
existed  through  all  the  cosmic  revolutions,  seeing  the  storms  of 
ruin  expend  themselves  impotent  at  his  feet.  Yet  he  can  keep 
count  of  the  works  good  or  evil  of  each  family  by  the  help  of 
the  hearth  god,  his  faithful  Chief  of  Secret  Service,  Tsao-kiin  f|| 
j£ ;  and  for  an  executive  officer  of  justice  he  commands  the 
service  of  the  President  of  the  Thunder  Department  Lei-tsu  f[f  |£ 
and  his  staff.  His  ministers  have  heavenly  palaces  in  the  seven 
Stars  of  the  North  Pole  while  their  establishments  on  earth  are 
on  the  Sacred  Peak  of  the  East  and  other  holy  mountains.  This 
is  the  theory  of  the  Taoist  books.  Modern  practice,  as  noted 
above,  has  left  this  unrivalled  god  somewhat  out  in  the  cold  and 
turn  preferably  to  Yuh-hwang,  First  Lord  of  the  skies. 

A  critical  view  is  represented  by  Sii-p'u  f£  p$  (president 
of  the  Tribunal  of  Rites  under  the  Ming  B£j)  on  the  question: 
"The  three  Pure  Ones  (the  three  members  of  the  Taoist  Triad) 
are  merely  a  fictitious  invention  of  the  Taoists.  Is  it  not  the 
height  of  absurdity  to  take  Li-lao-tsze  ^  -%  ^f  as  one  of  the 
Three  Lords  of  Heaven".   (1) 

To  complete  this  notice,  we  give  here  the  Taoist  legend  of 
Yuen-shi  T'ien-wang  which  seems  to  have  been  the  basis  for  all 
that  has  been  written  about  the  sfod  Yuen-shi  T'ien  Tsun. 

(1)  Cf.  Ming-shi  B^  $1  Book  181  p.  2 
See  Chinese  Superstitions,  Vol.  VI.  p. 102  (English  Edition) 
In  a  list  of  24  other  Buclhas  worshipped  by  Chinese  Buddhists  (taken 
from  a  litany)  occurs  the  name  7C  i&  ^  3E  Yuen  sin  T'ien  wang  which 
apparently  is  but  an  absorption  of  the  Taoist  divinity  into  Buddhist  wor- 
ship (syncretism).  Our  fig-.  131  shows  some  Buddhist  trappings:  the  pearl 
on  the  forehead,  the  Joh-i  sceptre,  the  suggestion  of  a  lotus-leaf  cushions. 



7C     ffi      3c     S 

Kin-hung  ^  ifej,  the  divinity  of  T'di-shan  ^  til,  descendant 
in  the  fifth  generation  from  P'ai-ku  ^  "^f  tells  the  legend    thus: 

Once  upon  a  time  there  lived  a  man  called  Yuen-shi  Ti'cn- 
wang  who  dwelt  in  the  mountains  and  was  wont  to  teach  his 
followers  on  the  mountain  peaks ;  thanks  to  his  teaching  my 
brothers  and  nephews  were  enabled  to  arrive  at  the  true  doctrine. 
Now  this  man  used  to  speak  of  the  most  remote  ages  as  if  he 
had  been  an  eye-witness  of  the  events  which  he  described.  When 
asked  where  his  home  was,  he  used  merely  to  point  to  the  skies 
and  then  iridescent  clouds  would  wrap  him  about.  "Whoever 
would  know,  he  used  to  reply,  where  1  dwell,  must  fly  up  to 
these  immeasurable  heights".  Thereupon  I  thought  to  myself 
seeing  that  the  vast  heavens  are  void  who  can  tell  me  where 
to  find  him  at  home?  But  two  genii,  Ch'ih-tsing-tze  ff  j^  ^  (1)  and 
Hwang-lao  jir  ^  came  down  upon  the  summit  of  T'ai  Shan  ^ 
I_Lf  and  spoke  thus  among  themselves:  "Since  there  is  a  genius 
called  Yuen-shi  %  #p,  let  us  go  to  visit  him,  even  if  we  must  pass 
the  bounds  of  the  universe  and  go  beyond  the  outmost  stars." 
I  begged  of  them  to  give  me  instruction;  after  some  words  of 
teaching  which  1  welcomed  with  respect,  those  two  genii  climbed 
to  the  highest  peak  of  the  holy  mountain,  ascended  thence 
into  the  vault  of  sky  and  cried  to  me  from  the  heights  of  heaven's 
clouds:  "If  thou  wouldst  know  the  beginning  of  Yuen-shi, 
thou  must  fare  beyond  the  confines  of  heaven  and  earth,  for 
he  dwells  without  the  bounds  of  this  world.  Then  must  thou 
go  higher  and  ever  higher  even  to  the  sphere  of  nothingness 
and  being,    in    the  plains  of  the  radiant  spirits." 

When  they  reached  those  immeasurable  heights,  the    two 

(1)  The  god  of  fire,  evolved  from   Yang    and    Yin   assisted   by   Hiien- 

(2)  The  First  Ancestor  of  the  Sombre  Heavens"  (up  Article  V  below}. 


genii  caught  a  glint  of  light  and  lo !  Hiicn-hiicn-shang-jen  ]£ 
£  _L  A  (1)  appeared  in  front  of  them.  The  two  genii  bowed 
down  in  homage  and  gratitude.  The  apparition  answered  their 
greetings  in  words :  "You  can  best  show  your  gratitude  by 
imparting  my  doctrine  to  men.  You  wish  to  know  the  story  of 
Yuen-shi;  I  will  tell  you. . .  When  P'an-ku  $£  "ft  had  in  the 
period  of  primitive  chaos  finished  his  work,  his  soul  shed  its 
mortal  envelope  and  found  itself  tossing  about  in  the  void 
without  any  point  of  support. 

"I  must  perforce",  said  the  soul  within  itself,  "be  reborn 
in  order  to  regain  a  visible  form  and  preserve  my  original  shape. 
Else  until  I  first  get  a  rebirth  in  a  mother's  womb  I  shall  remain 
a  mere  empty,  unstable  being".  So  his  soul  borne  on  the  wings 
of  the  wind  reached  Fuh-yii-tai  %  ^f  ^ ;  there  it  beheld  a  holy 
woman  called  T'ai-yuen  -Jk  yt  (2)  of  some  forty  years  of  age, 
who  keeping  her  virginity  was  living  alone  on  the  mountain 
Ts'o-ngo-shan  |H  |KJ|  llj.  The  air  and  rainbow  mists  were  the 
sole  food  of  her  vital  spirits;  she  was  a  hermaphrodite  combining 
active  and  passive  principles  in  herself  and  each  day  she  climbed 
to  the  mountain  top  to  collect  there  the  flowering  quintessence 
of  sun  and  moon.  P'an-ku  captivated  by  her  virginal  purity 
seized  a  moment  when  she  was  sighing  to  enter  her  mouth  as  a 
pure  ray  of  light.  She  was  with  child  twelve  years  and  at  the 
end  of  that  period  the  birth  took  place  across  her  spinal  column. 
From  the  first  moment  of  his  existence,  this  child  could  walk  and 
speak  and  his  body  was  surrounded  with  a  cloud-glory  in  five 
colours.  He  took  the  name  of  Yuen-shi  T'ien-wang ;  his  mother 
is  usually  called  T'ai-yuen  ^  7C  M  #  ("Holy  Mother 
of  the  First  Beginning") 

So,  Yuen-shi  T'ien-wang  7c  £p  ;£;  3E  is  an  avatar  of 
P'an-ku  H  -£.  (2) 

(1)  The  Great  Principle.      Originally  Jz  meant  a  vast    period  of  time 
like  a  geological  epoch. 

(2)  Cf.  She n-sien-tong- kien  jjjf)3  f|[|  MIS  Bk.  1  Art.  4    p.  6,7,8. 




-k  m  je  m 

Fu-li  Yuen-shi  T'icn-tsun     :&^jthnHl^ 
T'ai-shang  Tao-teh  T'ien-tsun  ;fc  ±  M  fig  3^  :©: 
ShangrtsHng  Ling-pao  T'icn-tsun  _h  In  ft  ;Sf  3*i  3§L 
Yuh-ts'ing  Yuen-shi  T'ien-tsun  Jt_  ffi  %  ffe  Ji  j§t 

±  $&  M  A  ft  $ 

*  ^  M  A  #  it 



Jt  A  1 HJ  £ 

Wm  shang  Yuen  Kiin:  Mother  of  Lao-tze. 

Kao-shang  Lao  tze     -\-  522  B.C. 

Wu-shang  chen-jen  Yin  Hi.  Lao-tze's  Disciple. 

T'ai-hwo  chen-jen  Yin  kwei.  Yin  His  cousin. 

T'ai-kih  chen-jen  Tu   Chung.    P'eng   Tsu's 

|£jjjt(the  Methuselah  of  China)    disciple. 

T'ai  ts'ing  chen-jen  P'eny-Tsuny. 

Avatar  of  P'ens:  Tsu. 
T'ai-ts'ing  chen-jen  Suny-Lun.  Musician. 

Si-yuh  chen-jen  Funy-Ch'any. 

Hiien-chow  chen-jen  Yao  Ton.  Yin  hi's  disciple. 

PuJi-su  chen-jen  Chow-Lianh.  Yin  Tan's  disciple. 

T'ai-Wei  chen-jen  Yin  Teny. 

Hwang -ting  chen-jen  Wang  T'an.  C.B.  176-157. 

Si-yuh  sien-k'iny  Li  Yih.  B.C. 179-157. 

179-157    Ho    shany    chany   jen  (Ho  shang-kung 

m  ±  £)• 
-f-  C.  130  B.C.  Chen-jen  Ngan  Ki-sheny. 

+  C.  130  B.C.  Chen-jen  Ma  Ming-sheny. 


After  the  Christian  Era: 

Chen-jen  Yin  Ch'ang-sheng 
Chen-jen  Hsu  Tsung-shi 
Chen-jen  Wei  Peh-yang 

MAd^^  +  122  A.D. 
*A!&#^  121-168  A.D. 

mhmi&\%c.  150  a.d. 



Cheng-yih  Ti'en-shi  Chang  Tao-ling.  -f  156 
Hiien  in  chen-jen  Wan-Ch'ang     -f-      156 
Luh-tai  chen  jen  Chao  Shing     -f-     356 
Hwa-yang  chen-jen  Li  Ya. 

Cheng-yang  chen  jen  Chung-li  K'iien.  +  C.  180 
Shun-yang  chen-jen  Lu  Yen.     869-874 

%§$}$.  A  #J  j£  i&    Hai  chan  chen  jen  Liu  Hiicn-ying  911 

Chung-yang  cheng-jen   Wang  Chit     -4-  1192     lli^AIS 
Tze-yang  chen-jen  Chang  Peh-twan     1082    $t  H  jl;  A  !*ff  ffi  $ft 

^H^A  !/il  (6  #$     Tze-yang  chen-jen  Chang  Peh-twan 


Ts'iii-hiien  chen-jen  Shih  T'ai.     -f-     1139 
J'ze  /w'e7i  chen-jen  Hsieh  Tao-kivang  1159-1169 
S'ui-hu  chen-jen  Ch'en  Nan     -f-     1224 
Hai-kiung  chen-jen  Peh  Yuh  Chen    -f-    1218 
Hoh-lin  chen-jen  Punej-Sze.     1208-1229 

A  J£  +  1192  Chung-yang  chen-jen  Wang  Chit. 



Yuh-yang  chen-jen  Wang  Ch'u  yih.  -f-  1222 
T'ai-ku  chen-jen  Hoh  Ta-t'ung  -j-  1212 
Ch'ang  sheng  chen-jen  Lin  Ch'u  hiien.  -(-1203 
Tan-gang  chen-jen  Ma  Yuh.  -f-  1193 
Ch'ang-chen  chen-jen  Tan  Ch'u-ticau.  +  1175 
Ch-ang  ch'un  chen-jen  K'iu  Ch'u-ki.  -f-  1227 
Ts'ing-tsing  sien  ku  Sun  Puh-eul.     +     1182 

8  Immortal  gods,  genii 

All  these  personages  are  venerated  by  the  "Tao-shi"  in 
in  their  temples  together  with  Iviu  Gh'ang-chun's  18  disciples  of 
whom  a  list  is  given  below. 

The  above  table  is  taken  from  the  new  edition  of  the 
Taoist  Canon  (Iff  H  Too  Isang.  Commercial  Press  Edition.  Vol. 
370  X°  704;  Wieger's  Edition,  N°  681) 

The  author  Teng  I  %  §ffi ,  surnamed  Ynh-pin-tze  31  ^  -^ , 

indicates  in  his  Commentary  on  the  Tao  tch-king  jft  ft§  %!$  in 
general  lines  the  chief  fore-bears  and  the  most  celebrated  masters 
of  Taoism  up  to  the  14th  century.  The  work  dates  from  1298. 
according  to  the  preface:  the  table  of  the  ancestors  of  Taoism 
was  attributed  to  an  ancient  "Tao-shi",  named  Siao  Ting-chi  ^ 
$£  ;£  without  the  least  scruple  about  chronological  order. 




"Yuh-hwang"  means  the  Jade  Emperor.  Jade  being  the 
symbol  of  Purity,  he  is  sometimes  known  as  the  August  Pure 
One.  Another  title  of  his  Yuh-hwang-shang-ti  3£  J*  J^  if^,  the 
Pure  August  Over-Lord. 

1.     Yuh-hwang  in  Legend. 

In  the  Chung-tseng-sheu-sheng-ki  g  jf|  ^  jjj$  fg,  (1)  the 
following  legendary  life  of  Yuh-hwang  is  given : 

Of  old  there  was  a  kingdom  called  Kwang-yen-miao-loh- 
kwoh,  ^Jg  $>  m  H  whose  king  was  Tsing-teh  ffi  ^g :  the  queen 
was  called  Pao-Yueh  j^  ^.  Though  past  her  prime  she  had  as 
yet  no  male  child.  So  royal  edict  summoned  the  Tao-shi  jf|  Jr 
(Taoist  priets  or  adepts)  to  the  palace  that  there  they  might 
perform  their  rites,  plant  their  flags  and  recite  their  prayers  in 
order  to  secure  an  heir  for  the  throne.  During  the  following 
night,  the  queen  was  favoured  with  a  vision,  Lao-kiln  %  jg 
appeared  to  her,  riding  on  a  dragon  and  carrying  a  male  child 
in  his  arms:  he  came  flying  through  the  air  towards  her.  The 
queen  implored  him  to  let  her  have  the  child  to  be  heir  to  the 
crown.  "Willingly;  take  him,"  said  he  to  the  queen.  She  fell 
on  her  knees  and  thanked  him.  On  waking,  she  knew  she  was 
pregnant;  at  the  end  of  a  year,  on  the  ninth  day  of  the  first 
moon,  of  the  year  Ping-wu  ptj  41  (52nd  of  the  cycle),  at  noon 
she  gave  brith  to  the  royal  heir.  From  childhood  on,  he  gave 
proof  of  compassion  and  generosity  towards  the  poor;  he  distri- 
buted all  the  palace  wealth  to  the  people  of  poor  condition.    On 

(1)      Book  I  p.  7. 


the  death  of  his  father,  he  ascended  the  throne  but  after  a  few- 
days  reign  he  resigned  the  sceptre  to  his  prime  minister,  left  the 
kingdom  and  took  to  living  as  an  hermit  at  P'u-ming  ^  fjfj  and 
on  the  mountain  Siu-yen  ^  ||.  According  to  the  Ming  Annals 
jjg  _-  ££  rt.  Book  34  p.  23,  Book  87  p. 25,  the  mountain  P'u-ming 
is  situated  90  li  (about  30  miles)  west  of  Mien-hien  in  Shen-si: 
the  mountain  Siu-yen  is  100  li  S.  E.  of  the  prefecture  of  Yung- 
ping  in  Yun-nan..  After  attaining  "perfection",  he  passed  his 
davs  in  healing  the  sick  and  saving  people's  lives:  death  found 
him  in  this  employment.  The  Sung  emperors  Cheng-tsung  %  jf| 
£  (998-1023  A.  D.)  and  Ewui-tsung  £  %.  £  (H01-112G  A.D.) 
bestowed  upon  him  all  the  posthumous  titles  with  which  we 
find  him  honoured  in  our  own  day. 

2.     Yuh-hwang  in  actual  history. 

In  the  year  1005,  the  Sung  Emperor  Cheng-tsung  had  been 
compelled  to  sign  a  dishonorable  treaty  with  the  Tungus  j§  ■£ 
(or  K'i-tan  §£  ft)  and  the  dynasty  was  like  to  fall  into  disfavour. 
In  order  to  confirm  his  authority,  the  emperor  turned  visionary 
and  announced  solemnly  that  he  was  in  direct  communication 
with  the  Heavenly  Gods.  In  this,  he  was  following  the  advice 
of  his  minister,  the  politic  and  sceptic  Wang  kin-jao  3£  gfc  % 
who  had  often  expounded  to  him  how  the  supposed  revelations 
made  to  Fuh-hi,  Yii-wang  and  others  were  merely  politic  shifts 
to  secure  obedience.  The  emperor  studiously  conned  his  part 
and  finally  in  the  tenth  month  of  1012  A.  D.  called  together 
his  ministers  and  gave  them  an  account  of  a  dream  in  which  an 
Immortal  had  brought  him  a  letter  from  Yuh-hwang,  the  August 
Pure  One,  the  Emperor  of  Jade ;  the  letter  ran,  "I  have  already 
sent  you  two  Heavenly  Letters  by  your  ancestor  Chau  (T'ai- 
tsu) ;  I  am  now  about  to  send  him  to  visit  you  in  person."  Soon 
this  promise  was  fulfilled  and  T'ai-Tsu  -fr  ft  the  founder  of  the 
dynasty,  came  to  the  Emperor,  Cheng-tsung  immediately  informed 
his  ministers  of  the  visit.     This  gives  us  the  clue  to    the    origin 

Fig.   432 

Yu-hoang,  FEmpereur  auguste. 
Ytih-hwang ,  the  Pearly  Emperor. 


of  Yuh-hwang,  he  was  born  of  a  piece  of  knavery,  and  issued    in 
full  panoply  from  the  imperial  brain. 

Here,  for  instance,  is  the  judgment  passed  by  the  official 
history  of  China,  the  Tze-chi-Pung-kicn  kang-muh  ^  jfe  jj§  H*  ^ 
@.  Sun-chen-tsong  was  a  knave  who  cheated  Heaven  sacrile- 
giously; his  minister  Wang  -kin-  jao  was  a  mere  scamp.  The 
Emperor  K'ang-hsi  of  the  Ts'ing  dynasty  K'ang-hsi  J§£  EE 
(1662-1723)  when  giving  the  imperial  approbation  to  this  official 
history,  judged  it  his  duty  to  add  a  comment  on  this  very 
passage.  Here  is  his  note:  "If  it  is  evil  to  impute  falsehood  to 
a  man,  is  it  not  horrible  to  impute  it  to  Heaven?  Cheng  -Tsung 
was  a  poor  simpleton  and  his  minister  Wang-kin- jao  was  guilty 
of  a  great  crime". 

To  remove  all  doubt,  the  great  history  thinks  it  proper 
to  record  this  important  event,  namely  the  creation  of  a  new 
divinity;  "It  is  at  this  date  that  the  name  of  Yuh-hwang  figures 
for  the  first  time  on  the  list  of  divinities  to  be  worshipped. 
Nothing  is  known  about  the  beginning  or  end  of  this  personage 
of  whom  no  information  is  available.  It  is  probable  that  the 
legends  glorifying  him  date  also  from  this  period." 

Cheng-tsung,  once  pledged  to  the  trickery,  was  apprehen- 
sive of  being  taking  to  task  by  his  minister,  the  scholar  Wang-tan 
3E  ill-  So  he  resolved  to  pledge  him  to  a  golden  silence.  He 
invited  him  to  his  table,  overpowered  him  with  marks  of 
affection  and  esteem,  and  made  him  drunk  with  a  choice  wine. 
"I  want",  he  added,  ''the  members  of  your  household  to  taste 
this  wine,  so  I  am  sending  you  a  cask  of  it  as  a  present."  The 
cask  was  delivered  but  full  of  rich  pearls.  Wang-tan's  gratitude 
was  to  be  shown  by  silence,  and  Wang-tan  complied.  On  his 
death-bed  indeed  he  demanded  that  his  head  should  be  shaved 
and  he  should  be  clothed  in  the  dress  of  a  bonze ;  this  was 
to  be  an  expiation  of  his  guilty  connivance  with  the  Emperor's 
deceit.  At  this  passage,  the  imperial  commentator  K'ang-hsi 
takes  up  his  brush  again:     "Wang-tan  is   guilty   of    two    faults; 


first  in  his  life-time  he  proved  himself  a  vile  flatterer  of  his 
sovereign,  secondly  when  death  was  coming  he  tried  to  flatter 

3°     Honorific  titles  conferred  on  Yuh-hwang. 

In  1013,  the  Sung  Emperor  Cheng-tswng  had  a  statue  of 
Yuh-hwang  cast  and  set  it  up  in  the  palace  or  temple  of  the 
Jade  Pure  One.  Yuh-ts'ing  hung,  3?  ffi  ^  which  was  built  in 
honour  of  this  god:  in  person,  accompanied  by  his  whole  court, 
he  visited  it  and  offered  sacrifice  with  the  rites  usual  for  the 
adoration  of  Heaven. 

In  1015,  the  same  emperor  conferred  on  him  the  pompous 
title  of  "Supreme  author  of  Heaven,  of  the  Universe,  of  human 
destinies,  of  Good,  of  rites,  and  of  the  WAY,  purest  August 
One,  high  sovereign  of  Heaven." 

In  1115,  Sung -hwui-t sung  had  a  magnificent  temple  built 
in  honour  of  Yuh-hwang  who  received  by  imperial  script  the 
right  to  wear  the  dress  of  an  emperor ;  orders  were  given  at  the 
same  time  to  the  people  to  build  everywhere  Taoist  temples  and 
to  make  statues  of  the  "August  Pure  One."  In  order  to  cap  his 
exaltation  of  the  Yuh-hwang,  the  Emperor  conferred  on  him  the 
most  lofty  dignity  of  all,  the  title  of  Shang  Ti  _fc  $?  Chief  Ruler 
of  the  Universe,  a  title  that  set  Yuh-hwang  on  a  level  with  the 
Sovereign  on  High,  the  August  Heaven  ^  of  the  scholars. 

The  worship  of  Yuh-hwang  as  the  most  popular  god  of  all 
as  a  real  Jupiter,  dates  from  that  period. 

A  number  of  works,  among  others  the  ''Cheng-ling-wci- 
yeh-tu"  j$.  fg  -gr  H  |g,  set  Yuh-hwang  on  the  throne  of  the 
Third  Heaven,  the  Yuh-ts'ing  3£  -j^f  (the  Jade  Purity)  and  give 
him  the  primary  in  the  Taoist  Trinity.  As  far  as  the  people  is 
concerned,  usually  "God"  is  identical  with  Yuh-wang.  Hence 
there  is  difficulty  in  giving  the  title  "Shang-ii"  to  God,  as 
worhipped  by  Christians:  for  this  title   is  preferentially  used    in 


reference  to  Yuh-hwang  by  the  people  —  "Ynh-hwang-shang-ti." (1) 

There  is  a  touch  of  impishness  in  the  remark  of  a  Chinese 
author :  "the  emperor  Hui-tsung  who  did  so  much  to  spread  the 
cult  and  exalt  the  memory  of  Yuh-hwang  was  ill  paid  for  his 
services.  Why  did  his  divine  protector  allow  him  to  perish 
miserably  in  Sha-moh  desert?" 

It  would  not  probably  be  amiss  to  surmise  that  vague 
legends  of  Yuh-hwang  had  already  existed  before  the  reign  of 
Cheng-tsung;  perhaps  this  emperor,  conversant  with  the  fables 
of  the  Taoist  priests  and  the  bonzes,  had  drawn  upon  them  to 
serve  his  own  purpose. 

The  statement  of  the  historians  that  this  is  the  first  time 
that  the  name  of  Yuh-hwang  figures  on  the  list  of  gods  for 
worship,  proves  merely  that  this  was  the  first  occasion  on  which 
an  emperor  formally  ordered  honours  to  be  paid  to  this  divinity. 

In  their  pride  the  litterati,  even  in  our  own  time,  make 
it  a  point  of  honour  to  recognise  only  the  gods  named  on  the 
official  lists  for  sacrifice;  this  does  not  mean  that  they  ignore 
the  rest,  but  merely  that  officially  the  gods  who  are  not  inscribed 
do  not  receive  recognition  from  the  government. 

Adequate  proof  of  the  point  at  issue  here  would  be  some 
document  prior  to  Cheng-tsung  or  some  proof  that  Yuh-hwang 
was  already  acknowledged  by  Taoists  or  Buddhists. 

The  Buddhists  do  in  fact  claim  that  Yuh-ii  is  one  of  their 
divinities  borrowed  and  appropriated  by  the  Taoists. 

One  fact  is  certain,  namely  that  under  the  Sung  dynasty, 
the  Taoist-priests  several  times  endeavoured  to  foist  Taoist 
titles  on  the  gods  worshipped  by  the  Bonzes  and  actually  for  a 
whole  year  succeeded  thanks  to  the  intrigue    of    Lin   Ling-su  ^ 

m.  m-  (2) 

(1)  Cf,    Tse-chi-t'unglien-kang-muh.     ft  $  ill  £  IS  g    Wieger,  Textes 
historiques,  Vol  III. 

(2)  Article  V,  (below)  p.4Sl 


One  might  advance  a  theory  as  explanation  of  a  possible 
borrrowing  from  Buddhism.  Cheng-tsung  might  well  have 
selected  from  his  store  of  superstitious  lore  a  Buddhist  deity  to 
serve  his  purpose.  But  which  one?  Tentatively,  I  suggest  that 
the  Taoist  adepts  simply  took  Indra  from  Buddhism  and  made 
him  their  own  by  a  slight  change  of  name. 

Indra  is  called  in  Chinese  by  one  of  the  following  titles: 
Yin-to-lo  g|  |S'£  jg,  T'ien-chu  Ji  ^  (the  Master  of  Heaven), 
Neng-T'ien-chu  U£  Ji  ^  (the  Powerful  Master  of  Heaven),  T*-/WWfc 
*$  H  the  Buddhist  Sovereign,  or  simply  Ti  ^.  Modern  bonzes 
call  him  Yuh-ti  3£  *$?,  the  Jade  Emperor  and  set  him  frequently 
on  their  altars  in  company  with  Fan-wang  ^  3E  Brahma,  e.g.  in 
the  famous  temple  of  Ting-hwui-tsz  %  |§  ^p,  of  Joh-kao  j|0  ^ 
(Kiangsu)  where  they  are  especially  jealous  of  the  purity  of 
Buddhist  traditions.  (1) 

It  will  be  granted  that  these  names  are  suggestive  and 
that  the  role  conferred  on  Yuh-hwang  3£  Jl  by  the  Tao-shi 
exactly  corresponds  with  that  of  Master  of  Heaven  and  Supreme 

It  is  an  easy  step  to  add  Yuh  31  to  the  title  Ti  $?  or  to 
change  this  Ti  for  the  synonym  Hwang  Jl. 

Who  then  first  called  the  god  Yuh-ti  3£  ^  ?  Was  it  the 
bonzes  or  the  Tao-shi? 

Certainly  it  is  the  bonzes  who  now-a-days  claim  the 
divinity  as  theirs  and  call  him  openly  Yuh-Ti  3£  ^.  His  place 
in  the  temples,  facing  Brahma,  who  is  the  regulation  pendant  of 
Indra,  gives  some  colour  to  the  suggestion  above.  (2) 

(1)  See  article  on  indra  and  Brahma.  (Vol.  VII)  At  the  end  of  the 
article.  (Fig  58)  there  is  a  reproduction  of  the  two  statues  (Yuh-ti  and 
Fan-wang)  as  they  are  to  he  seen  in  the  temple  of  Ting  lncni  Isz. 

(2)  Shakra,  or  Indra,  god  of  the  atmostphere,  is,  in  the  modern 
editions  of  Pe-chang-ts'ing-Jcwei  "Manual  of  Buddhist  Regulations  and 
Festivals"  identified  with  the  well  known  Taoist  divinity  Yii-ti".  Birthday 
of  Shakra,  1st  month  9th  day.  Cf.  Edkins.  Chinese  Buddhism,  p. 210. 


The  pagans  when  speaking  of  this  god  usually  call  him 
Chang-Yuh-hwdng,  as  much  as  to  claim  him  for  an  ancestor  of 
the  family  Chang  5i  (1)  :  Chang  Tao  ling  3J|  $  $£  and  all  who 
have  succeeded  to  him  with  the  title  of  Master  of  Heaven  ^  gjjj 
claim  to  be  his  descendents  in  the  direct  line. 

The  theory  has  been  sugested  that  the  legend  of  Yuh- 
hwang  was  only  a  symbol  of  ancient  Nature-worship.  Thus  the 
Emperor,  Tsing-teh  $*  |§,  his  father,  would  be  the  sun,  the  great 
ruler  of  all  Nature :  the  queen  Pao-yueh  ^  ^  is  then  the  moon, 
the  fair  queen  of  the  heavens:  of  their  symbolic  wedlock  is 
born  the  beneficent  living  power  that  decks  nature  with  its 
array  of  plant  and  flower.  I  incline  rather  to  the  belief  that  the 
Chinese  never  thought  of  these  charming  fancies,  which  in  fact 
are  not  to  be  found  in  any  Taoist  book.  The  Tao-shi  and  all 
the  people  regard  Yuh-wang  as  a  personal  god  who  keeps  a  court 
and  palace,  receives  the  ambassadors  of  other  inferior  gods  and 
gives  them  his  orders.  (2) 

(1)  See  p.  below 

(2)  note  Cf.  Si-Yu-M  BfjigtfE;  Nan-hai-ltvanyinp'u-sah-chwan  |^  j#  H5i 
b"  *  M  %'•  and  a11  the  popular  books. 

Note.  In  a  temple  dedicated  to  Yuh-hwang  at  Haimen-t'ing  ff$  f'J  Jf* 
I  have  found  the  36  T'ien-Miin  ^^"  or  Taoist  genii  arranged  along  the 
walls  at  each  side  of  the  central  altar.  There  are  the  same  Taoist  genii 
that  we  shall  describe  in  succeeding  chapters,  e.g.  the  Thunder  Depart- 
ment, Sun  hen  tsze,  Chu  pa-lciai,  Ma  Yuan-shwai,  the  god  of  the  sun,  of  the 





«"#                       ft,     Kq     Sa     &h     SJ 


^          IK  m  *  35  » 



Two  officers-in-waiting 


,           c 
Two  officers-in-waiting   jQ      £ 



Eul-kung  ts  ao             •            JJ 



~#  i 

n  #  W          (o    a 






Two  Generals 

Two  Generals                    Q 


Eul  ts'iang-l-iiin 

Eul-ts'iang-kiiin               I            S; 





r  JHF  ¥            (O  ^ 



White  tiger 


Wang -ling -In- an 

3E  S  t 



PJ    BE 

Green  dragon 

The  Vestibule  and  the  great  hall  dedicated   to    Yuh-hwang 
in  the  Temple  Yuh-hwang-tien  3L  M.  ]$t  (Taoist) 

t'ung-t'ien-kiao-chu  17 



T'ung-Vien-friao-chu  jg  ^  ffc  ^  (1)  is  in  modern  Taoism 
regarded  as  the  first  of  the  patriarchs,  and  one  of  the  most 
powerful  genii.  His  master  was  Hung-lciiin-lao-tsu  $t  |£j  ^  f£ : 
his  dress  was  a  red  robe  embroidered  with  white  cranes;  he  rode 
on  a  Kw'ei  niu  ^  Hf-,  a  one-horrid  monster  somewhat  like  a  buffalo. 
His  palace  Pih-yiu-kung  ||  $|  ^  stood  on  Mt.  Tsz-Chi-ya  ^  g 
jH.  This  genius  sided  with  the  infamous  Chow-wang  £J-  3£  last 
of  the  Shang  dynasty  (1154-1122  B.C.)  and  helped  him  in  his 
struggle  with  the  armies  of  Wu-wang  |£  3£  first  of  the  Chow 
Dynasty  (1122  B.C.).  First  of  all  he  sent  his  disciple  To-pao-tao- 
jen  ^  ^  j|  A  to  Kiai-p'ai-hwan  J^-  j}$.  |j§  and  entrusted  to  him 
four  valuable  swords  along  with  the  plan  of  a  fortress  which  he 
was  to  build  and  call  Cku-Sien-Ch'en  ffj  f[Ij  p|L,  the  "Citadel  of  all 
the  Immortals."  (2) 

To-pao-tao-jen  carried  out  these  instructions,  but  he  had 
to  fight  Kwang-ch'eng-tse  J|  jfc  ^  and  was  struck  to  the  ground 
by  his  adversary  with  a  blow  of  his  Heavenly  seal  and  had  to 
save  himself  by  flight. 

T'ung-tien-Jciao-chu  then  came  to  defend  his  disciple  and 
to  rally  the  army.  Unfortunately  a  whole  troup  of  gods  came 
to  support  the  Magician,  Kiang-tze-ya.  (3)  H  ^  3J-.  The  first 
to  attack  was  Lao-tze  %  ^  who  struck  him  twice  or  three  times 
with  his  staff;  then  came  Chun-t'i  ifl  $§  (the  goddess  of  light, 
Maritchi)  armed  with  her  stick  Kia-ch'i-ivu  j]\l  ^  $■ ;  T'ung- 
t'ien-kiao-chu's  buffalo  falls  and  the  rider  has  to  escape  hurriedly 
into  the  air  amid  a  dust-whirl. 

(1)  Also  called  T'ung-t'ien-liao-tsu  M  ^  Wi  ffl 

(2)  j  [Fung-shen-yen-i  $t  jpiji  Jf§  jg  Book  6  Hwui  JeI  73,  p. 31 

(3)  See  below,  Article  LIII.     He  was  the  Chow  general, 


The  result  of  the  combats  was  decisively  against  our 
worthy:  Jan'teng-tao-jen  $£  jg  ^ff  \  (Dipanikara,  a  Buddha,  see 
Vol  VI  p. 89  sq.)  rent  the  air  and  swooped  suddenly  upon  him  ; 
with  a  violent  stroke  of  his  pillar  that  steadies  the  sea  Jan-ieng 
flung  him  down  to  earth  and  compelled  him  to  give  up  the 
struggle.  (1) 

T'ung-t'ien-kiao-chu  planned  a  new  camp  outside  T'ung- 
kwan  Jij  ||  and  endeavoured  to  renew  the  attack:  a  second  time 
Lao-tsze's  staff  stopped  him ;  Yuen-shi-t'ien-tsun  inflicted  a 
wound  in  his  shoulder  with  the  precious  stone  Jou-i  j$  ^ 
originally  a  Sacred  Jewel,  later  regarded  as  a  staff  or  sceptre 
(see  fig.  131)  and  Chun-ti-tao-jen  waved  the  tree  branch  of  the 
seven  powers:  on  the  instant  T'wng-t'ien-kiao-chu's  magic  sword 
crumbled  and  he  had  to  seek  safety  in  flight. 

Hung-hiun-tao-jen,  master  of  all  three  spirits,  seeing 
them  engaged  in  combat,  determined  to  bring  about  a  peace:  so 
he  assembled  them  under  one  tent  in  Kiang-tze-ya's  camp,  made 
them  kneel  before  him  and  lectured  T'ung-t'ien-kiao-Chu  at  length 
on  the  iniquity  of  helping  the  tyrant  Chow ;  then  he  bade  all 
three  live  henceforth  in  perfect  accord.  The  discourse  finished, 
he  gave  each  a  pill  to  be  swallowed  at  once.  When  the  pills 
had  been  taken,  Hung-kiiin-tao-jen  then  warned  them  that  the 
effect  of  the  pills  would  be  to  kill  instantly  the  one  who  would 
harbour  a  thought  of  discord  in  his  heart,  for  the  pill  would 
thereupon  burst  within  him. 

Ilung-kiun-lao-tsu  took  off  T'ung-Vien-liao-chu  with  him 
on  the  clouds  and  the  meeting  broke  up.  (2) 

(1)  Op,cit.Bk.7.Fwwi  77.  p.l ;  Bk.1,Hwui  78, p. 5. 

(2)  Op.cit.  Bk,7,  Hwui  82, p. 17,  Bk  7,  Emti  84,  p. 25. 

Fig.  133 

T'ong't'ien  kiao  tchou. 
T'ung-t'ien  kiao-chu. 

Fig.   434 

Hong  kiun  lao  tsou.      11  tient  en  main  les  trois   pilules  qu'il  donna  a  Lao  tse.  a  Yuen   rlie 

fien  tsuen  et  a  T'ong  t'ien  kiao  tsou. 
Hung  kiun  Lao-tsu  (the  Great  Potter),  holding  in  his  hand  the   three  pills  which  he  gavt   to 

Lao-tze,  Yuan-shi  tien  tsun  and  T'ung-Vien  kiao-tsu. 



m  m  m  a 

Hung-kiiin-iao-jen  (or  Lao-tsze  ■%  f§)  is  the  name  of  a 
mythical  personage  whom  the  Taoists  assign  as  the  common 
master  of  Y  uen-shi-Vien-tsun ,  Lao-tsze  and  T'ung-Vien  kiao-tsu 
(see  preceding  ad  fin.)  He  is  a  pure  fiction  possessing  neither 
historical  basis  nor  genealogy  of  his  own.  The  Taoist  books 
show  in  his  hand  a  bamboo  staff  with  a  gnarled  root-end  forming 
a  kind  of  crosier. 

The  palace  or  paradise  where  he  is  reputed  to  live  is  called 
Tsz-siao-kung  $|  ^  >g\ 

He  is  the  primal  ancestor  of  Taoism  who  has  formed  by 
his  lessons  the  very  founder  himself  (Lao-tsze),  he  is  the  first 
patriarch  and  the  most  powerful  of  the  genii.  (1)  Hence  he  is 
usually  called  Hung-hiiin  lao-tsu  $t  f§j  ^  §§,  "Hung-kiun  the 
primal  ancestor." 

(1)     See  Op.cit.  Bk.  7.  Hwui  8.  p.  24. 



£      Ji     ±      * 


This  Taoist  god  is  called:  Hilen  t'ien-sluiny-ii  or  Chen-wu 
jPl  j£.  Yet  another  name  is:  Pch-kih  yiu-ehcng-ehen-liiin  ft  ^  f£ 
15  j||  ;fj*.  Hiien-l'ien-shang-ti  is  a  reincarnation  of  Yuan-shi  t'ien- 
tsun  (see  Article  I)  who  on  a  ray  of  light  entered  the  womb  of 
Shan-sheng  ^j|  J^,  queen  of  the  Kingdom  of  Tsing-loh  $*  |f|. 
After  fourteen  months  he  came  forth.  On  reaching  his  fifteenth 
year,  he  left  his  father  and  mother  and  betook  himself  to  Mt. 
T'ai-hwo  >k  fp  ill  to  put  himself  at  the  disposal  of  the  holy 
patriarch,  Tse  Ml  who  came  down  from  the  third  heaven,  the 
Jade  Azure,  Yuh-ts'ing  3£  Jjif,  to  teach  him  a  marvellous  doctrine. 
Some  authors  add  that  a  celestial  spirit  presented  him  with  a 
magic  sabre  which  he  wore  in  his  retreat  on  ^c^lll  T'ai-hivu-shan. 

This  mountain  T'ai-hwo-shan  is  120  li  to  the  south  of 
Kiicn-chow  j^j  j'\],  in  the  prefecture  of  Siang-yang-fu  H  %  fff 
Hu-peh  (fft).  Its  original  name  was  T'ai  Yoh  ^  Ipt  but  it 
changed  this  name  when  Hilen  Pien  got  orders  to  stay  here. 
One  very  lofty  peak  called  Tsz-siao  $fe  ff  towered  over  the  whole 
mountain  massif,  its  name  was  changed  to  Wu4ang-shan  (1)  ^ 
•^  \\\  because  Chen-wu  jf|  ^  alone  among  men  is  perfection 
itself  (2)  (a  play  on  the  words :  Chen-wu-tang  i$.  jj^  ^,  Chen-wu 
is    alone  capable    of.)     It  was    on  this  high  peak  that  for  forty 

(1)  Cf.  Hing-yiht'ung-chi  B^  —  }I  ;£  Bk.  60,  p.  25 

(2)  Chen-wu  !£  &  at  Wutang-shan^  ^  \h  is  one  of  the  most  celebrated 
pilgrimages  in  all  China.  On  the  very  top  of  the  mountain,  on  the  actual 
peak,  there'stands  the  pagoda  of  gilted  bronze  built  in  1416,  i.e.  the  14th 
year  of  the  reign  Yung  Loh  jfc  *g|  (Ming  dynasty).  Every  year  pilgrims 
in  tens  of  thousands  come  together  there  especially  in  the  second,  the 
third  and  the  ninth  Chinese  months. 

Fisr.  d 35 

Tchen-ou  apres  sa  vietoire.   La  tortue  et  le  serpent  sont  a  ses  pieds, 
Chen-unt  after  his  victory.    The  tortoise  and  the  serpent  lay  at  his  feet. 


years  he  practised  perfection:     Such  a  degree  of  "subtlety"  did 
he  reach  that  he  could  fly. 

Yuen-shi-t'ien-tsun  (the  Taoist  Primal)  got  to  hear  of  him 
and  sent  five  dignitaries  from  among  the  Heroes  of  the  second 
Heaven  and  a  company  of  Immortals  from  the  first  Heaven  to 
invite  him  up  to  Heaven.  Hiien-t'ien  complied  and  entered  the 
golden  palace  of  Heaven. 

That  was  in  the  reign  of  the  emperor  Chow  frj"  (B.C.  1154 
the  last  of  the  Shang  ^  or  Yin  J$  dynasty).  The  demon  kings, 
Kwei-wang  jfe  3£  at  the  head  of  their  legions  were  then  ravaging 
the  universe.  Yuen-shi  t'ien-tsun  ordered  Yuh-hwang  (the  Pearly 
August)  to  put  Hilen  t'ien  at  the  head  of  the  twelve  great  chiefs 
of  the  heavenly  legions  and  send  him  down  to  earth.  He  went 
bare-foot,  with  hair  unbound ;  he  wore  a  breastplate  of  gold 
over  a  black  robe  and  amid  the  black  clouds  he  raised  his 
black  standard. 

Here  are  the  names  of  the  twelve  officers  of  the  Heaven 
as  they  are  given  by  the  "Lao-kiun-luh-kiah-fu-tu  $£  H=i  s<  ^  ffi 

0  as  quoted  by  the  Tuh-shii-kUshu-iioh  fft  *  •§£  %  J|.  Bk.43,  p. 4. 

Sz-ma-k'ing  %M>^     Chao-tze-jen         Hi"?  13: 

Chang-wen-Pung    51  ^CM     Tsan  wen-hung    #$c3SC^ 

SMh-shah-i'ung      .^J^jjt     Ts'ui  shihk'ing    -Hj-^Jilp 

Wang  wen-k'ing     3i  £  |||]     Chan-tsze-kiang    JH  -^  yx 

Hu-wen-chang        Jg  -$£  -J|     Wei  shang  -A" in  g   HjJtJlP 

Mung-pai-king       3n.^1$i     Ming-wen-chang    f^^jfl 

Hiien-Pien  fought  the  demon-king  at  T'ung-yin  -][pj  [^  (The 

Grotto  of    Gloom).       Mo-wang    jf  3£   made    out    of    air   a   grey 

tortoise  and    a    huge    serpent    which    fought    on    his    side.     Yet 

Yuen-wang  and  his  heavenly  army  won  the  victory,  overran    the 

enemy  and  flung  the  devils  in  chains  into  the  abyss  Fung-tu  f?p 

%$  in  Szechwan  (7t|  )\\  :  that  chasm  is  reputed  the  mouth  of  hell. 

The  victor  then  ascended  to  his  golden  palace  in  Heaven 
and  Yuen-shi-Pien-tsun  as  a  reward  gave  him  the  title  Hiien-Pien 


shang-ti  3£  %  J^  ^  :  First  Lord  of  Heaven.  Such  is  the  story 
in  the  CMng-tseng  sheu  shen-ki  Jl  j$  ^  f$  IE  Bk,  1.  p.  12  (J^ 
^).  According  to  the  Suh-wen-hien  t'ung-kao  Jff  -£  $k  jgj  ^  Bk. 
241,  p.  28  his  name  Hiien-wu  j£  $£  is  the  name  of  the  Polar 

One  of  the  Sung  emperors,  Cheng-tsung  jgL  ^  (997  A.D. 
— 1022  A.D.)  in  whose  name  the  character  j£  hiien  occurred, 
changed  ;£  0^'s  name  to  j||  j^  and  by  that  name  he  was  known 
for  the  future.  (1) 

The  Yuan  (Mongol  jt  dynasty)  emperor  Ch'eng  Tsung 
J&  ^  (1294  A.D.  to  1307  A.D.)  conferred  on  him  a  fuller  title : 
"Holy  Beginning  good  and  Majestic,  First  Lord  of  High 

We  must  now  turn  to  the  supposed  apparition  of  Huen-t'ien 
chang-ii  to  the  Sung  Emperor,  Hwui  Tsung  %  %fc  ^  (1100  A.D. 
to  1126  A.D.)  This  emperor  was  an  ardent  Taoist:  he  requested 
the  Tao-shi  to  register  him  in  their  annals  as  the  emperor, 
prince  and  master  in  Taoism.  "He  had  a  special  veneration  for 
one  Ling-ling-su  ffi.  f|t  ^,  a  Tao-shi ;  this  man  was  a  native  of 
Wen-chow  $j|  j'\]  in  Che-kiang  ('/jft).  He  had  been  a  Buddhist 
priest  but  being  ill-treated,  he  ran  away  and  become  a  Tao-shi. 
One  day  on  a  begging  expedition  to  a  Buddhist  monastery,  he 
was  maltreated  by  the  bonzes  and  in  consequence  kept  a  lasting 
grudge  against  them.  In  1118  Hwui  tsung  on  a  visit  to  some 
Taoist  priests,  heard  from  them  such  praise  of  Ling-ling-su  that 
he  conceived  a  high  esteem  for  the  man  and  bestowed  on  him 
the  title,  "true,  enlightened  and  intelligent  master." 

Lin-ling-su  intimated  to  Hwui-tsung  that  he  had  received 
from  heaven  a  book  in  characters  written  square  and  (apparently 
"old  seal"  cloud-like;  it  was  a  mere  farrago  of  fables  and  rubbish 
to  fool  the  people.  He  got  numerous  taoist  temples  built  with 
the  avowed  aim  of  ousting  the  teaching  of  the  bonzes  and 
avenging  the  insult  he  had  suffered  at  their  hands.     At    first    he 

(1)     Sui-yuan-sui-pih  FI  ®  FI  ^  Bk  G  p.  6 

Fig.   136 

Tchen-ou  tient  en  main  son  drapeau  enroule. 
Chen-xou,  holding  in  his  hand  his  rolled  up  flag. 

huen-t'ien-shang-ti  23 

carried  on  his  trickery  in  partnership  with  the  Tao-shi  Wang- 
yun-shang,  but  they  fell  out  and  Ling  su  poisoned  his  fellow. 
In  fine,  he  become  insufferably  arrogant  and  was  detested  by 
everybody.  One  day,  encountering  the  heir  to  the  throne,  he 
declined  to  yield  place  to  the  prince.  The  latter  on  his  return 
to  the  palace  lodged  a  complaint  with  his  father.  The  emperor 
dismissed  Lin  to  his  native  district  and  gave  orders  that  the 
local  mandarins,  especially  the  Wen-chow  mandarin,  called 
Kiang-iwan-pen,  should  make  enquiries  about  him.  This  officer 
got  definite  evidence  of  Lin's  vicious  proceedings  and  send 
a  report  to  the  emperor.  An  imperial  order  decreed  Lin's 
banishment  to  Chu-choiv,  but  he  was  dead  before  the  order 
reached  him. 

Now,  this  personage  plays  an  important  part  in  our 
present  matter.  One  day,  the  Emperor  Ilwui  Tsung  told  him 
that  he  would  like  to  see  Chen-wu' s  sacred  person.  "Your 
majesty,"  said  Ling-su,  to  obtain  this  favour  must  along  with 
me  summon  to  the  palace  the  Master  of  Heaven  (T'ien-shi  ^ 
Of)  :  Chan-tsing-hu  who  is  the  successor  of  Chang-tao-ling  j/jt 
j||  §i?  (the  sovereign  pontiff  of  Taoism).  At  the  moment  when 
these  two  were  performing  their  rites  at  midnight,  the  sky 
darkened.  Suddenly  lightning  rends  the  skies,  the  thunder  rolls; 
a  grey  tortoise  and  a  serpent  are  dropped  amid  a  blaze  of  light 
at  the  treshold  of  the  palace.  The  emperor  casts  himself  down, 
then  offers  incense  and  says,  "I  desire  to  see  Chen-wu,  if  he 
but  deign  to  reveal  himself."  The  thunder  crushes  —  tortoise 
and  serpent  are  gone  —  a  huge  foot  is  visible  on  the  threshold. 
The  emperor  makes  a  second  prostration  and  offers  incense 
begging  Chen-wu  to  condescend  to  show  himself  more  manifestly. 
That  moment,  he  sees  standing  before  him  the  huge  figure  of  a 
man  some  ten  feet  high;  his  face  was  stern  and  striking;  his  hair 
was  unbound :  over  his  black  dress  which  had  sleeves  sweeping 
down  to  the  ground,  he  wore  a  breastplate  of  gold  and  a  belt 
set  with  jewels;  his  hand  brandished  a  sword:  his  feet  were  bare, 
round  his  head    there  flouted  an    aureola  of    light — the    ends    of 


his  belt  were  floating  on  the  air.  He  remained  long  enough  for 
the  emperor    to  sketch    him  and  then  vanished.  (1) 

The  Ming  Annals  ^  j£,  Bk.  50  p.  16,18  make  mention  of 
a  temple  built  in  the  thirteenth  year  of  Yung-Loh  ^  gfe  (i.e, 
1416  A.D.).  for  sacrifice  to  the  Holy  and  helpful  true  Master  of 
the  Polar  Star,  that  is  to  say,  to  Huen-wu  (a  name  for  the 
Seven  Stars  of  the  North)  set  by  Shang-ti  in  charge  of  the 
Northern  Regions.  Human  generations  called  him — "The  True 
Master"  —  Cheng-Kiln  jf|  ;g"  and  set  at  his  feet  a  tortoise  The 
tortoise  is  identified  with  the  "White  Tiger"  and  the  serpent 
with  "Blue  Dragon"  and  a  serpent.  The  Taoists  have  fabricated 
without  any  historical  foundation  details  of  the  life  and  deeds 
of  this  personage.  (2) 

The  Sung  Annals.  ^  j£  Book  296  p.l.  relate  an  incident 
assigned  to  the  reign  of  the  Emperor  Jen  Tsung  fc  ^  (1023  — 
1064  A.  D.)  The  mandarin  at  Xing-chow  ^  j\]  in  the  prefecture 
King-yang-fu  J|  %  Jft  in  Kansu  (#  ||)  was  one  Kung-tao-fu 
descendent  from  Confucius  in  the  45th  generation.  Now  a  serpent 
suddenly  appeared  in  the  temple  of  Chen-wu  and  the  inhabitants  all 
worhipped  it  as  a  spirit ;  all  the  officials  both  civil  and  military 
made  libations  of  wine  and  prostrated  themselves  before  the 
animal.  Thereupon  Kun-tao-fu  went  to  the  pagoda  and  crushed 
the  reptile's  head  with  a  blow  of  his  official  tablet.  At  first  the 
folk  were  horrified,  but  soon  everybody  praised  his  wisdom. 

The  novel,  Si-yiu-ki  M  $1  IE  would  have  it  that  the 
Tortoise  and  the  Serpent  are  two  marshals  at  the  disposal  of 
this  divinity :  the  story  will  be  found  at  the  page  quoted  in  the 
note  above. 

In  the  more  important  temples  of  Chen-wu  (SL  g£  it  is  not 
unusual  to  find  fourteen  figures  supporting  him,  seven  on  each 
side  of  the  altar.  Of  these  the  first  eight  are  the  brigands  he 
met  on  the  Mountain  Pah-p'an-shan  A  j&  tlj  when  he  was  going 

(1 )     Sung-shi  Jfc  $l  Bk'.  463  p.  9-  Lang-ye-tai-tsui.pien  j||!  flp  f\J  f^  f|g  Bk. 
29  p. 9. 

(1)     Si-yiu-li  ®  ?S  111  Vol. VI    p. 20.  In  this  work,   he    is  named:  "T'ang- 

mo-t'ientsun  1%  fAl^^- 


to  Si-t'ien  U  ^  to  worship  Buddha.  These  rohbers  stopped  him 
and  wanted  money.  ''I  have  no  money,  he  explained,"  I  am  on 
my  way  to  worship  Buddha."  With  that,  the  brigands  showed 
their  desire  to  accompany  him,  became  his  disciples  and  afterwards 
genii.  The  other  six  are  demons  whom  he  made  subject  to 
himself  by  his  famous  victory  o\er  them  and  their  legions. 
Some  Tao-shi  claim  that  these  are  merely  four  military  officers 
and  two  civil  officers  attached  to  his  suite. 













2    {tin 
























1      11 

















r    #i 

i-t'ung  (maid-servant) 

f?   tt 



£     1 





6un,i-nj$     || 



















1  ^ 

















1     11 


















MUH-KUNG    AND    KIN-MU  27 


*    &    £    # 


Preliminary  notions.  — What,  according  to  the  Taoists,  is 
an  immortal?  Their  immortal  is  a  man  who  grows  old  but  does 
not  die.  The  term  Sien  f[|j  (or  Hiien)  means,  as  the  character 
(1)  might  suggest  graphically,  a  man  who  lives  in  the  mountains, 
the  mountain-solitary.  The  character  consists  of  a  man  \  (J^) 
and  a  mountain  |Jj  (shan).  The  immortals,  though  in  semblance 
they  die,  do  not  really  do  so.  What  is  called  a  corpse,  is  in 
their  case  but  a  metamorphosis;  their  bones  are  in  process  of 
transformation.  After  death,  they  retain  all  the  properties  of 
the  living  being;  their  feet  do  not  become  livid,  the  skin  remains 
fresh,  their  eyes  do  not  lose  their  light ;  though  apparently  dead, 
they  are  more  alive  them  ever.  Some  of  them  shed  the  corpse- 
shell  before  they  are  put  into  grave :  others  can  fly  in  the  air 
before  their  hair  begins  to  fall  out :  for  all,  the  corpse  is  merelv 
a  transition  stage ;  it  is  the  outer-casing  of  the  change.  It  is  like 
the  process  by  which  the  butterfly  emerges  in  all  its  new 
brilliancy  from  its  uncouth  pupa-shell  when  transformation  has 
taken  place. 

In  order  the  better  to  understand  this  notion  of  the  Taoist 
ascetics,  it  is  well  to  recall  briefly  their  classification  of  the 
super  human  beings  who  live  in  this  universe. 

(1)  See  "Wieger,  Characters.  Etymological  Lessons  25.  I.  where 
another,  older  former  is  explained  as  one  who  by  Taoist  practices  rose 
above  mortals. 


In  order  to  attain  such  degree  of  transcendent  qualities  as 
is  accessible  to  human  nature,  a  regime  is  necessary :  there  is  a 
hygiene  of  soul  as  well  as  of  body.  The  first  requirement  is 
strict  abstinence  from  all  that  is  calculated  to  use  up  the  forces 
of  the  body  viz.  sexual  indulgence,  pleasures  of  the  palate, 
ambition;  such  are  the  negative  conditions.  But  abstention  does 
not  carry  one  far;  the  vital  spirit,  the  essence  of  the  constituent 
elements  Tin  and  Yang  must  be  strengthened  in  all  ways 
possible  ;  hence  special  application  of  dietary,  medicine,  chemistry, 
gymnastics.  When  the  maximum  of  vital  forces  has  been 
secured,  methods  must  be  devised  for  conserving  these,  for 
protecting  them  from  the  ravages  of  disease  and  death  in  fine, 
the  adept  has  to  "spiritualise"  himself,  to  render  himself 
independent  of  matter.  This  search  gave  birth  to  an  alchemy 
that  sought  to  store  up  in  a  "pill  of  immortality"  all  the  elements 
necessary  for  the  development  of  vital  forces  and  for  the  cons- 
titution of  a  new  transcendent  man,  a  superhuman  man.  In 
this  scale  of  perfection,  there  are  degrees : — 

a)  The  immortal — This  first  degree  consists  in  begetting 
and  bringing  to  birth  in  one's  self  the  superhuman  embryo ; 
this  should,  on  attaining  perfect  development,  issue  from  the  old 
body  (like  the  cicada  from  its  first  skin)  :  this  degree  is  the 
Taoist  ascetic,  the  Immortal..  The  immortal  can  travel  at  will 
through  the  universe,  enjoys  all  the  blessings  of  glowing  health, 
has  nothing  to  fear  from  sickness  or  death,  eats  and  drinks  in 
amplest  measures- — is  perfectly  happy. 

b)  The  hero  or  perfect  man — This  second  degree  is 
higher  still.  The  body  is  here  no  chrysalis  shell  to  be  shed  and 
left  behind  but  is  itself  so  spiritualised,  has  become  so  subtle 
so  transcendent  that  it  can  fly  through  the  air:  it  is  borne  on 
the  wings  of  the  wind  or  sits  on  the  clouds  and  so  travels  from 
one  world  to  another  and  takes  up  its  abode  in  the  stars :  it  is 
freed  from  all  the  laws  of  matter  and  yet  is  not  completely 
changed  into  a  pure  spirit. 


c)  The  saint.  Third  degree.  Amongst  the  heroes,  there 
are  certain  superior  beings,  endowed  with  extraordinary  genius 
and  virtue :  these  constitute  the  third  class  of  superhuman 
beings,  the  saints. 

Thus  there  are  three  distinct  categories : 
1°     The  ascetics  or  immortals:  Sien  fj|j 
2°     The  heroes  or  perfect  men:     Chen  jen  jj|  A 
3°     Among  the  perfect    there    are    the    eminent    saints: 
Sheng  H.   (1) 

Immortals  of  the  first  rank  are  transformed  in  the  full 
light  of  day  :  for  those  of  second  rank,  the  metamorphosis  takes 
place  at  midnight:  those  transformed  in  the  morning  or  the 
evening  become  the  masters  of  the  world :  everything  in  fine 
depends  on  the  degree  of  infused  knowledge  with  which  they 
have  been  favoured  (2) 

(1)  For  fuller  treatment,  see  Fr.  Wieger's  exhaustive  handling  of 
Taoism.  (Taoism) 

(2)  Cf.  Tsih-sien-luh  H  <f|l|  g£  T'ai-ping-kwang-ki  ^  *$■  ^  fg  Bk  58 
p.  5,  Shi-wen-lei-tsii  (ts'ien-tsih)  Ip?  3t  M  *£  FJiJ  H  Bk>  34  P-  1-  Shih-ming  ^ 
£  (K'ang-hi-tsz-tien  under  the  word  Sien  |  ^  ^  J|  -fllj  ±£). 

The  king  of  the  Immortals  is  Tung-wang-kung  ]ff  3E  fi-*  called 
also  Muh-kung  ^  £•.  The  queen  of  the  Immortals  is  Si-wang-muh  jflf  3E  #' 
also  called  Kin-mu  ^  -f!Jr. 


I.     Tung-wang-kung  ^C  3E  & 

The  god  of  the  Immortals,  Tung-wang-kung ,  surnamed 
Muh-kung  /fs;  &  (Ruler  of  the  Element  Wood)  is  also  called  I  jfc 
and  Kiiln-ming  ^  B^  (1) 

In  the  beginning,  the  primitive  air  congealed  and  at  first 
remained  motionless :  then  it  set  itself  to  achieve  a  crowning 
merit  by  producing  beings :  it  began  by  fashioning  Muh-kung  /fc 
^  from  the  most  pure  substance  of  eastern  air  and  then  establi- 
shed this  being  as  the  Sovereign  of  the  active  principle  "Yang" 
$9  and  of  all  the  regions  of  the  East. 

So  Tung-wang-kung  is  often  designated,  Yuh-hwang-kiiln 
3E  Je  M  ("the  prince  Yuh-hwang").  His  palace  is  in  the  clouds; 
violet  clouds  form  its  dome,  blue  clouds  its  walls.  He  has  as 
man-servant  the  "Young  Immortal"  (Sien-t'ong)  f[I]  j|  and  as 
maid  the  Immortal,  Yuh-nii  (the  Jade  Woman)    31  ic. 

The  roll  of  the  Immortals  is  in  his  hands.  He  is  often 
called:  Tong-hwa-ti-kiiin  jfc  iji  $fr  ;g".  (2) 

(1)  Cf.     Suliweii-hient'ongk'ao  #f  %  J|£  Sflj  jg  Bk.  214  p.  2. 

(2)  See  also:  Chinese  Superstitions  Vol.  Ill  p.  256  (English  Transl) 
Vol  IX  Article  XLVI,  below.  Mayers:  Chinese  Reader's  Manuel,  N» 
572,  508. 

Fir.  437 

La  deesse  Si  wang-mou. 

The  Goddess  Si-wang-mu  (tlie   Western  Royal  Mother) 


II     Si-wang-mu  if  3E  # 

{Queen-Mother  of  the  West)  in  the  legendary.  "Shen 
Chow"  (fliljj  ')]])  1.  Origin.  Si-wang-mu  was  fashioned  of  the 
purest  quintessence  of  western  air.  She  is  often  called :  "Golden 
Mother  ^  -££  of  the  Tortoise."  Her  family  name  has  three  chief 
variants:  Heu  $| ;  Yang  j§j\  Ho  fa.  Her  own  name  is  Hwui  [g] 
and  her  first  name  "Wan-kin"  ^  jfo. 

Tung-wang-Jcung  ^f  3£  fe  formed  of  the  eastern  air  is  the 
male,  active  principle  of  the  air  and  ruler  of  the  air  of  the  East : 
Si-wang-mu  |f  ^E  #,  born  of  the  western  air  is  the  female, 
passive  principle  and  is  sovereign  of  the  air  of  the  West.  These 
two  principles  by  combining,  beget  Heaven  and  Earth,  (1)  all 
the  beings  of  the  universe  and  thus  become  the  two  principles 
of  life  and  of  the  subsistance  of  all  that  exists. 

2°  Si-wang-mu's  Palace.  It  is  planted  on  the  lofty  peaks  of 
the  snow-clad  chain  K'wun-lun  j=*  ^-.  A  rampart  of  solid  gold 
surrounds  the  twelve  blocks  of  storied  structures,  all  built  of 
precious  stones:  this  rampart  is  a  thousand  li  in  circumference  — 
that  is,  it  covers  300  miles. 

The  right  wing  stands  on  the  enchanted  bank  of  the 
''Kingfisher's  Stream"  —  it  is  the  usual  abode  of  the  Immortal 
beings  of  the  male  sex  while  the  neighbouring  left  wing  is  that 
of  their  female  counterparts.  There  are  seven  divisions  corres- 
ponding to  seven  distinctive  colours  of  dress :  red,  blue,  black, 
violet,  yellow,  green  —  and  undyed.  There  is  there  a  marvellous 
fountain  made  of  gems  —  we  shall  shortly  have  to  tell  of  the 
annual  banquet  of  the  Immortals  held  there. 

(1)  Others  accounts  interpret  their  origin  as  "the  first  created  and 
creative  results  of  the  powers  of  nature  in  their  primary  process  of 
development  (Mayers  1.  c.) :  or  born  of  Yin  and  Yang  beneath  the  influence 
of  Heaven  and  Earth  (Vol.  JII  p.  258). 


But  every  Immortal  must,  before  taking  up  his  residence, 
pay  first  of  all  a  visit  to  Si-wang-mu.  The  "Sien-fo-tsi-tsung"  tells 
us  that  Muh-wang  %%  ^  of  the  Chow  Dynasty  (1001  B.  C.  —  946 
B.C.)  paid  a  visit  to  a  Western  queen  named  Si-wang-mu  ftf  3E 
-fsj:  who  lived  in  the  mountain  group  K'wang  lun  Shan  (some 
have  suggested  Babylon!)  and  that  he  had  a  famous  interview 
with  her  on  the  magic  border  of  the  delicious  fountain  "Yao-ch'i 
Jg  -Jife.  Cf.  Muh-t'ien-tsze-ch'wan  %  Ji  ^  ^.  (1) 

Here  is  the  text  of  the  famous  verses  attributed  to  Si- 
wang-mu  on  this  occasion :  they  are  addressed  to  her  imperial 
visitor : 

In  the  heavens  hover  great  and  white  the  clouds 
On  earth  below  are  jagged  hills  and  mountain  peaks: 
Long  is  thy  way  climbing  heights  and  breasting  floods 
Die  not  therein  but  unto  us  once  more  return. 

Taoists  writers  have  made  of  Si-wang-mu  a  second  Calypso 
to  enchant  Muh-wang  ^|  3E  much  to  the  detriment  of  his 
imperial  office.       But  all  that  is  the  merest  fable  spinning. 

3°  Images  and  Cult  of  Si-ivang-mu  "jfff  3E  #•  She  is 
sometimes  depicted  in  human  shape  but  with  some  distinctive 
details:  a  panther's  tail,  tiger's  teeth,  dishevelled  hair.  (2)  In  the 
"Chi-ma-tien"  (paper-talisman  shops)  $£  Jg|  j£,  Tung-wang-kung 
~M  3:  &  and  Si-wang-mu  "g[  5E  #  are  usually  to  be  had  on  one 
"Chi-ma"  $£  jjE,  side  by  side,  and  entitled  Muh-kung  ^  Q  and 
Kin  mu  ^  -fp:. 

At  the  period  of  the  feodal  wars,  at  the  end  of  the  Chow 
JfD,  towards  400  B.C.,  Kii-isien  ^  jg|  of  the  kingdom  of  Yuch  ^| 
(the  modern  Chekiang  $ft  yX)>  and  conqueror  of  the  kingdom  of 
Wu  J%.  (modern  Kiangsu,  parts  of  Anhwei,  Chekiang  and 
Kwang-si)  created  at  the  request  of  his  minister  Wen-chang  an 
altar  to  "Si-wang-mu"  (|f  3E  #)  in  the    western   suburb   of  his 

(1)  But  this  Muh  Son  of  Heaven  may  have  been  a  prime  of  Ts'in  623 
B.  C.  (So. M.Ed.  Chavannes) 

(2)  V.  below  Article  LVI,  1. 

Fig.  438 

Tong-wang  kong  et  Si-wang-mou.    Le  roi  et  la  reine  des  Immorteis. 
Tung-wang  kung  and  Si-wang-mu.    The  king  and  queen  of  the  Immortals. 

SI-WANG-MU.  33 

capital.  He  had  sacrifices  offered  to  her  to  ask  for  happiness 
and  longevity,  This  become  a  usual  practise :  Si-wan-mu  was 
depicted  as  a  noble  matron  and  sacrifices  were  offered  to  her. 

Legend  relates  that  in  the  year  110  B.C.  Si-wang-mu 
came  in  person  down  to  the  palace  of  the  Han  Emperor  Wti-ti 
iH  "^  $?  on  ms  birth-day  and  made  him  a  present  of  seven 
peaches  that  confer  immortality.  This  is  to  be  linked  with  the 
account  of  the  annual  feast,  P'an-t'ao-hwui  ^  ^  "j}",  the  Feast 
of  the  peaches.  Once  a  year  by  the  magic  fountain  "Yao-chi" 
1%  ?&>  Si-uang-mu  entertains  the  Immortals  of  both  sexes, 
Besides  such  exquisite  viands,  as  bear's  paws,  monkey's  lips, 
dragon-liver  and  phoenix-marrow,  they  are  served  with  peaches 
from  the  goddess's  orchard  such  as  are  endowed  with  the 
myterious  power  of  conferring  immortality  on  all  who  have  the 
happiness  to  taste  of  them.  The  Si-yiu-hi  M  M  IE  describes  in 
romantic  style  the  garden,  the  peach-harvesting  and  the  setting 
of  the  feast.  (1) 

Possibly  it  is  due  to  these  fables  that  a  custom  has  arisen 
of  offering  an  image  of  Si-wang-mu  to  women  when  they  reach 
their  fiftieth  year.  Before  the  image,  prostrations  are  made, 
prayers  are  offered  and  incense  with  a  view  to  obtaining  a 
prolongation  of  life. 

In  the  year  3  B.C.  in  the  reign  of  Ngai-ti  Jg  $?  of  the 
Earlier  (Western)  Han  ~fft  -/Jl,  a  revolt  broke  out  in  Shan-tung 
li|  ^  on  the  occasion  of  a  great  drought.  The  rebels  paid 
special  worship  to  this  goddess,  offered  sacrifice  to  her  and 
carried  stalks  of  sorghun  (Indian  millet)  in  their  hands:  these 
they  called  wands  of  Si-wang-mu  (2) 

4°     Sons  and  daughters   of    Si-wang-mu.      Here    is    a    list    as 
complete  as  the  author  could  make  it. 

Only  one  sou,  but  he  is  the  ninth,  could  be  found: 
Huen-siu  j£  ~%  bearing  the  title  Chen-jen  ^  \  (perfect  man,  see 
above  p.  28)  ;  there  is  no  trace  of  other  brothers. 

(1)  Vol.  1.  Ch.  5. 

(2)  Wieger.     Textes  Historiques  1   Vol. p. 695 


More  daughters  are  to  be  found.  The  fourth  is  Hivd-lin 
j§i  $c  her  first  name  is  Yurig-chen  ^  jH  and  her  title  is  :"Nan- 
kih  fu-jen  ]|f  Hi  ^  A-  She  is  consort  of  the  God  of  longevity; 
as  such  she  is  popularly  entitled  Sheu-sing  lao-t'eu-tze  H  ^  ^ 
jgf  rf;  "the  Old  Head  of  the  Star  of  Longevity."  The 
thirteenth  of  her  daughters  is  called  Mei-lan  ^f  j||  with  the  further 
name  of  Chung-lin  ftjj  ^  and  the  title  Yiu-ying-fu-jen  ^  Sj^b  3^  A 
"Lady  of  Right  hand  beauty":  her  abode  is  on  Mount  Ts'ang- 
lang  ^  fa  Mj. 

The  twentieth  is  called  Ts'i?ig-ngo  fl-  $$,  her  prefix  is 
Yii-yin  J«r  ^  and  she  is  entitled :  Lady  of  the  Star  Tze-wei  %  ^ 
(1)  (It  is  this  star  that  was  incarnated  in  the  person  of  the 
Emperor.  Hence  the  phrase  "a  star  has  fallen  from  heaven,'' 
used  at  the  death  of  an  emperor.  In  the  imperial  palace  there 
were  pictures  of  Tze-wei  as  incarnated  in  the  emperor).  Her 
palace  is  on  Mount  Yuen-lung  7C  Pf|  |Ij  at  Yii-yc  Jft  jg^. 

The  twenty  third  of  her  daughters,  Yao-ki  Jg  #(£  bears  the 
title  of  honour,  "Lady  of  the  Flowery  Clouds."  It  was  she  who 
gave  to  Yil  ^  the  great,  the  collection  of  formula  for  unvoking 
demons  or  ghosts. 

The  youngest  daughter  named  Wan  1$[  is  known  as 
Yuh-chi-fu-jen  3£  /js;  ^  A  :  "lady  of  the  Jade  Flower  (?  plant)" 
or  as  T'ai-chen-wang -fu-jen  -fc  jf|  3£  ^  A>  "The  T'ai-Chen  King's 
Lady."  Every  time  she  drows  music  from  her  violin,  the  birds 
gather  to  hear  the  melodious  harmony :  she  rides  on  the  white 
dragon  and  travels  over  the  sea  at  will. 

Cf.     Chen-chen  pien-ivang  §|||  if|  $j;f  ^  p. 97 
Yin-yang-tsah-tsu  -g-  %  %  &  Bk.14  p. 2 
Sien-chwan-shih-i  fllj   fi|  Ifr  jjl    in  T'ai  p'ing-kwang-ki 

*  ¥  m  IE  Bk.e.p.i.  Bk.p.i 

Ming-yih-Pung-ehi  BJ  —  $  jfc  Bk.52,p.2 :  Bk.67p.42  11 
Kwang-yii-ki  ^  Jj|  ffJ  Bk.  13  p.23 

(1)      See  Vol.  XII  p. 1220 


The  Eight  Immortals    PAH-SlEi\  (T)  B.C 

A  # 

There  is  no  reliable  evidence  for  the  legend  concerning 
the  Eight  Immortals  before  the  Sung  5^  period :  it  even  seems 
very  likely  that  it  was  invented  in  the  time  of  the  Yuan  j£ 
dynasty  (1280-1368  A.D.).  Such  is  the  opinion  of  a  famous 
writer  Hu-ying-Jin  ijfl  )M  M$  and  in  his  works  he  gives  reason  in 
support.  The  emperors  of  the  Yuan  dynasty  favoured  Taoism 
which  then  grew  rapidly  in  influence.  They  gave  to  Han-chung- 
U  fH  H  iH  the  title  of  "True  Male  Principle :"  to  Lii-tung-pin 
@  ^|pj  H*  that  of  '-Pure  Active  Principle";  Ho  sien-ku  ffi  -f[i|  jfo 
then  was  taken  to  be  his  pupil  and  gradually  this  came  to  be 
the  accepted  opinion.  It  was  at  this  epoch  that  for  the  first 
time  the  Eight  Immortal  were  brought  into  the  comedies  and  into 
congratulations  on  the  attainment  of  the  fiftieth  year  of  age. 
Our  author  declares  that  there  is  no  trace  of  such  observances 
before  the  Yuan  dynasty. 

Among  the  various  names  of  the  Pah  Sien  A  fll],  some  are 
those  of  historical  personages  while  others  belong  to  the  realm 
of  romance  and  fable.  Below  the  different  sources  are  distingui- 
shed in  our  brief  notices. 

In  this  section  the  reader  will  find  first  of  all  a  catalogue 
of  the  names  according  to  the  various  lists  and  a  general 
division  into  categories  with  charateristics ;  afterwards  each  of 
these  worthies  will  have  a  notice  all  to  himself. 

Lists  of  the  "Eight  Immortals-' 

1°     According  to  the  Shi-wu-yuen-hui  iff  #j  ffi  -gf  Bk.  33,  p.  7. 
Han-chung-li       *Jf  $|  |||  Lii-tung-pin       g  j|jij  ^ 

Chang-kwo-lao     ^  H  ^  Lan-ts'ai-hwo     J*  ^  7^3 


Han-sian-tsze       ff.  ^  ^  Ts'ao-kwohJciu  t*"   |g  jji| 

Ilo-sien-ku  fa  fill  M  Li-yuan-chung    ^  x;   4* 

2°     According  to    the  (Yuen-lung)    T'ung-kao-ts'iien-shu  jj§  5J| 
&  #  (Wai-kiien)  p. 18 

Same  names  except  that  T'ieh-kwai-li  ^  ^  ^  replaces 
Li-yuan-chung  ^  7C  41-  ^  *s  ^*s  Ust  that  has  established  itself 
in  popular  representations  and  in  the  lists  as  usually  quoted. 

3°     The  Suh-wen-hien-tung-kao  &  £  jjgg  jj|  %  Bk.  241  p.  3,  47 
gives  the  following  list : 

Han-chung-li       iH  fl  fit  Lu-tung-pin       g  -j[0]   jp[ 

Lan-tsai-hwo       f  f  |  Han-siang-tze     |^  $f|  ^ 

Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu    "If  |U  J|  THeh-kwai-li       $$,  }j]  ^ 

Fung-seng-ko       JH  f^  If  Hiien-hu-tze        j£  1j|  *? 

4°     In  the  work  Yen-pu-tsa-ki  ^H  j^  $|  §£,  Bk.  6.  p.  16  we  find 

the  following's  list  of  the  Eight,  in  great  part  differing  from  any 
other : 

Li-?7i  ^        5  Yung-ch'eng       fa        j& 

Tung-chung-shu  Jf  ftfi  ^f  Chang-tao-ling   311  JEft  §|? 

Y  en-kiun-p'ing   J|  |*  zp  Li-pah-peh  ^  A   B 

Fan-chang-sheu  fa  -ft  ^  Koh-yung-kwei  J§  ?j<  Jfc 

#*'ew  wm«(/  f[I]         H 

Classification  and  Distinctive  Features  of  the  Eight  Immortals. 

1°     Classification. 

All  classes  of  mankind  are  represented  among  the  Eight. 
Greybeards  are  represented  by  Chang-kwo-lao,  youths  by  Han-yii's 
(I*?  M)  grandson,  Han-siang-tse.  Han-chung-li  is  the  representa- 
tive of  military  men,  Lii-tung-pin  of  the  literati  and  wealthy. 

The  nobility  contributes  Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu,  the  needy  Lan- 
ts'ai-kwo,  the  infirm  have  provided  the  lame  T'ieh-kwai-li  and 
womankind  Ho-sin-ku. 

Thus  in  the  representations,  three  different  groups  of 
Pah-sien  A  fill  are  to  be  found :  Primitive  Immortals,  "Mediaeval" 


Immortals  and  Modern  Immortals. 

2°     Characteristic  emblems  of  the  Eight  Immortals. 

a)  Chang-kwo-lao  jj|§  ^  -%£  is  depicted  with  his  ass  on 
which  sometimes  he  rides  with  his  face  towards  the  animal's  tail. 
He  carries  in  his  hand  a  phoenix-j 'eaiher  and  less  frequently  a 
peach  of  immortality. 

b)  Lan  Ts'ai-houo  f  ^  |]  usually  is  playing  on  the  flute: 
this  Immortal  is  the  street-singer,  symbol  of  the  mountebanks. 
Two  long  clackers  or  castanets  complete  the  portrait. 

c)  Han  Siang-tze  ff£  }!$  ^  carries  a  basket  of  peaches  of 
immortality  or  a  bouquet  of  flowers. 

d)  Han-chung-li  fj|  $§  ^|  fans  himself  with  his  feather-fan 
(Yil-mao-shan  ffy  ^  |f )  ;  he  is  also  found  holding  his  peach  of 

e)  Lii-tung-pin  g  -}|pj  §|[  is  armed  with  his  magic  sword  to 
drive  away  the  demons  Chan-yao-kwai  jjpf  ^  j^  and  he  carries  in 
his  hand  his  Yiln-chen  :ji  ^  (||)  a  kind  of  fly-whisk,  in  the 
shape  a  horse's  tail.  This  Taoist  emblem  is  a  taken  of  the  power 
to  fly  in  the  air  and  to  walk  on  the  clouds  at  will.  (1) 

f )  Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu  T|f  m  J§  is  said  to  hold  in  both  hands  his 
Tun-yang-pan  (or  Sheu-pan  ^  $()  or  ^j  Hwuh  a  kind  of  tablet 
which  had  to  be  held  when  one  was  admitted  to  an  imperial 
audience.  In  our  figures  146,  151,  he  holds  his  usual  symbol, 
castanets,  $g'  ^  or  ^@  jfc.  (1)  This  p'ou-sah  or  Immortal  had 
free  entry  to  audience  with  superior  deities.  Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu  was 
connected  with  the  imperial  family  and  had  in  fact  access  to  the 
Emperor's  presence. 

g)  T'ieh-Jcwai-U  H  })}  ^  is  depicted  with  an  iron  leg  and  a 
gourd.  (A  gourd  is  $j  /§  Hu-Lu :  and  the  crucible  is  4*J-  M.Tan  ^u) 

(1)  Also  called  yak's  tail  J%  !§.  It  is  of  Indian  origin.  It  is  used  by 
both  Buddhist  and  Taoist  priests.  In  Buddhism,  it  signifies  obedience  to 
the  commandment  not  to  destroy  the  life  of  anything  living.  See,  Encyclop. 
Sinica  p. 186, 


containing  magic  remedies.  In  our  pictures  he  has  also  his 
crucible  for  making  his  potions.  His  image  is  ordinarily  used 
as  a  sign  for  pharmacists  in  Chinese  cities. 

h)  IIo-sien-kH  jpj  -|jjj  jfc  is  shown  holding  in  her  hand  a 
bloom  of  the  magic  lotus  or  else  with  the  peach  which  Lii-tung- 
ping  g  ^  ^  gave  her  in  the  mountain  gorge  to  help  her  to 
find  her  way.  Sometimes  she  is  playing  the  Sheng  2£,  a  Chinese 
musical  instrument,  and  drinking  wine.  She  is  a  free-and-easy 
beauty  and  her  protector  Lii-tung-pin  is  the  scholar  of  still  freer 
morals  as  may  be  seen  in  the  attractive  picture  called  by  the 
Chinese  : — Lii-tung-pin  hsi-mou-tan  g  ^  ^  |$  ^  f\  Lie-tung-pin 
admires  a  peony.  (1) 

(1)     See  Part  I.  Plants  and  flowers.     (Vol  V  p.  733;  Figure  231) 
Note:     It  may  be  of  interest  to  give  the  names  of  the  Eight    in  Fig.     140: 
from    right  to  left  they  are:     Ho  Sien  Ku:     T'ieh   lew ai  li  (in   yellok):     Lan 
Ts'ai-hwo:   Ts'ao  Ewoh-kni:    Chang  Kwo-lao  (back  to  front):    Han  Siang-tsze 
(in  green);  Han  Chung-li:    Lil  Tung-pin. 


HAN  CHUi\G-Ll        -g|    |f§   j|| 

There  are  different  acccounts  given  of  his  origin  and  life. 

1.  His  family  name  is  Chung-Li  $§  $$= :  Han  fj|  indicates 
that  he  lived  under  the  dynasty  of  that  name,  the  whole  title 
meaning,  "Chung-U  of  the  Han  period". 

His  personal  name  is  K'iien  ;f|§  and  his  first  name :  Yun- 
fang  |!|  Jf .  He  was  born  in  the  district  of  Hien-yang-hsien  $  |I§ 
]§|,  a  sub-prefecture  of  the  some-time  capital  Si-ngan-fu  W  ^c  iff 
in  S hen-si  ^  ]ffif.  He  became  marshal  of  the  empire,  in  the  year 
2496  (Chinese  cycle). 

On  attaining  old  age,  he  retired  into  solitude  on  Mount 
Yang-kioh  #:  ^  ll],  30  li  N.E.  of  Yih-chleng-hien  J|  ^  jf$  in  the 
prefecture  of  P'ing-yang-fu  ^p-  $§  $f  in  Shan-si  I_£j  "gf.  He  possesses 
the  honorific  title  :  "Imperial  prince  of  the  true  active  principle". 

2.  Chung-li-k'iien  @^|^|  was  only  a  vice-marshal  in  the 
service  of  the  Uuke  Chow-hiao  J§)  ^ ;  he  was  defeated  in  a 
battle  and  fled  to  Chung-nan  Mountains  $&  ~$j  jjj  where  he  found 
five  heroes,  the  flower  of  the  East  who  taught  him  the  doctrine 
of  the  Immortals. 

At  the  opening  of  the  T'ang  dynasty  M,  Han-chung-li 
taught  this  same  science  of  immortality  to  Lii-tung-pin  g  ^|pj  ^ 
and  took  the  invidious  title  :  "Sole  independant  under  heaven.  (2) 

3.  Hdn-Chung-li,  also  called  K'iien  lived  in  the  T'ang  Jf 
dynasty.  He  has  been  wrongly  confused  with  the  Han  marshal 
Chung-Li-mei  (g^).  Han-chung-li  is  not  a  man's  name  but  the 
name  of  a  district.  (3) 

(1)  Cf.  Lii-tsu-ts'iien-sliu  g  $§.  §£  jg  Passim.      (Bk.I  p. 1.18).     Shi-wuh- 
yun-hwui.  f  t  I  #     Bk.  33  p.  2 

(2)  Cf.     Shi-wulc-yuen-hwui  |  ftg  f  Bk.  33  p.  7. 

(3)  Cf.  Ting-wei-tsa-luh  |T  H  H  H  Bk.  3.  p.  2 


4.  This  "immortal"  must  be  the  same  as  a  Taoist  adept,  by 
name,  Chung-li-tze  $§  )H  ^f  who  was  present  at  the  celebrated 
interview  between  Ch'cn-yao-ize  ffi  f=e  ^  with  T'wan  $j|.  (1) 

5.  He  was  a  beggar  who  took  the  title,  Master  Chung-li 
£i  HI  and  who  gave  "Lao-ehi"  ■%;  j±-  a  pill  of  immortality.  This 
latter  had  barely  swallowed  the  pill  when  he  became  mad,  left 
his  wife  and  attained  immortality.   (2) 

These  two  opinions  «4»,  «5»  and  the  works  that  authorise 
them  are  mentioned  in  the  Old  Annals  of  the  T'ang  (3). 

(1)  Sung-shi-ch'en,T'wan-eJiwan  Sfc  &  |5i  $5  fi£. 

(2)  Cf.   Wanglao-chi-ch'wan  5E  %  Sg  %■ 

(3)  Kiu-t'angshu  ||S   Bk.   8  p. 23. 

Fig.   4  41 

Han  Tchong-li. 
Han  Chung-U. 


LU-TLNG-PIN        g    }|j||    j|[ 

Lii-tung-pin  seems  like  the  preceding  Immortal  to  have 
once  really  existed  notwithstanding  the  differences  in  the  dates 
assigned  to  him  by  different  sources. 

First  Version: — Lii  g  is  his  family  name,  his  other  name 
is  either  Tung-pin  or  Yen  rgi.  He  came  from  Yung-loh-hsien  jfc  |j| 
f£  in  the  prefecture  of  Ho-chung-fu  fp[  pjq  fft  in  Shen-si  |$£  "gf , 
120  li  to  S.E,  of  the  present  sub-prefecture  of  Yung-tsi-hsien  ^ 
IH  M-  His  great  grand-father  Yen-ehi  ^  ;£  was  Eastern 
supervisor  of  the  river  "Ho-tung"  (p$  ]|r)  under  the  T'ang  Jf. 

His  grand  father  Wei  •jfij  was  president  of  the  Board  of 
Rites  and  his  father  Jang  |f|  was  prefect  of  Hai-chow  -/fj  j'\\.  It 
was  in  the  reign  of  T'ang-Teh-tsung  Jf  ^  ^  in  the  fourteenth 
year  of  the  Chen-yuan  j=|  j£  period  (798  A. D.),  on  the  fourteenth 
day  of  the  fourteenth  month  that  Lii-tung-pin  came  into  the 
world;  he  grew  to  be  five  feet  two  inches  in  height:  at  twenty 
years  of  age  he  had  not  yet  married.  It  was  at  this  period  of  his  life 
that  he  uudertook  a  voyage  to  Mount  Lil  JH  [ll  in  the  prefecture 
of  Kiu-kiang  %  yx  in  Kiang-si  fx  If-  There  he  met  the  hero 
"Fire-Dragon"  who  gave  him  a  magic  sword,  thanks  to  which 
he  could  at  will  hide  in  the  skies:  it  was  then  that  he  took 
the  title :  "Pure  active".  At  64  years  of  age,  he  passed  his 
examinations  for  the  doctor's  degree :  that  was  in  the  listen  Pong 
^  5j|  period  (869-847  A.D.)  of  the  T'ang  emperor  I-isung.^^  ^ 

It  was  during  a  journey  to  the  capital  -^  -^  Chang-ngan 
(Si-ngan-fou  "gf  ■$•  ffi  in  Shen-si  |$j  "jftf  that  he  chanced  to  meet 
the  Immortal  Chung -li-kiuen  H  j||  ||  (Han-chun-li  yj|  $|  g|). 
Chung-li  was  in  an  inn  and  was  engaged  in  heating  a  cup  of 
sorghum  wine.  Lii-tung-pin  was  as  it  were  ravished  in  an 
ecstasy,  and  dreamt  that  he  was  promoted  to  a  high  dignity  and 
blessed  with  all  the  favours  of  fortune.  This  happy  state  lasted, 
so  he  thought,  some  fifty  years:  suddenly  a  grave  crime  brought 


about  his  own  exile  and  the  extirpation  of  his  family.  Thus,  all 
alone  in  the  world,  he  was  sighing-  bitterly  when  he  awoke  with 
a  start.  It  had  been  but  a  little  time  since  his  fell  asleep,  so  that 
Han-chung-li's  wine  was  not  yeh  fully  heated  (1)  :  hence  the 
literary  allusion  to  the  "dream  of  the  sorghum  wine."  Thus  won 
over  from  the  ambition  for  human  dignities,  he  followed  Han- 
chung-li  to  Hoh-ling  (Mountain  Peak)  |§  fj  at  Chung-nan  jfe  jft 
there  he  was  initiated  into  the  divine  mysteries  and  became 

The  Sung  Emperor  Hwui-tsung  1115  bestowed  on  him  the 
title  of  hero  of  Wonderful  Wisdom.  Afterwards  he  was 
proclaimed:  "Imperial  Prince,  certain  protector"  (2) 

Second  Version: — A  fable  relates  that  Lu-tung-pin  is 
none  other  than  the  ancient  king  Hwang-tan  ifl  ]|L  who  was  said 
to  have  reigned  250  years  after  the  primal  chaos  and  to  have 
been  reincarnated  in  the  reign  of  the  T'ang  emperor  T'ai-tsung 
)M  ~3k  tN  in  the  twentieth  year  of  the  Chen-kwan  period  (j=|  |f|) 
646  A.D.  on  the  fourteenth  day  of  the  fourth  moon.  His  father 
was  Jang  §||  and  his  mother  one  Wang  3£  :  he  was  eight  feet 
two  inches  in  height:  he  wore  mustaches  and  side-whiskers  and 
was  slightly  pock-marked. 

At  the  age  of  twenty,  he  married  a  young  girl  named 
Liu  §?lj,  daughter  of  a  Nieh-t'ai  ^  jf,  high  court  judge  of 
criminal  eases.  He  failed  three  times  in  the  doctorate  examination  : 
at  last  in  the  second  year  of  the  T'ien-shou   ^  |g   period   of  the 

(1)  Fig.  13  9  above  would  seem  to  allude  to  this.  The  two  figures 
beneath  the  tree  are  Lu-tung-pin  and  Han  Cliung-li.  The  other  two  are 
Han-sieng-tsze  and  Tieh  Icwai-li.  These  immortals  are  engaged  on  the 
task  of  necking  the  elixir  $fc  #  While  doing  so,  they  drink  wine  f[j  p 
and  may  let  a  thousand  years  pass  unnoticed.  There  is  the  fr\.  )f  or 
external  sublimation  and  the  ft  )f  or  the  internal  sublimation  which  here 
is  helped  by  the  wine  cup. 

(2)  Cf.  Lu-tsu-ts'uen-shu-pen-chwan.  g  ffl.  Q  #  #  {#  Whole  of  Bk. 
I  P,  1,15 

Fig.  142 

Liu  Tong-pin,  sur  le  gnao  de  Koei-sing 
Li'i  Tung-pin  on  Kwei-sing's  kraken. 


T'ang  Empress  ^  fa  Wo-hou  (691  A.D.),  his  father  ordered 
him  to  present  himself  again  for  examination.  He  was  then  46 
years  of  age. 

While  passing  through  the  capital  city  Ch'ang-ngan  -J|  $£, 
he  met  Chung-li-k'iien  H  $j|  ;|f§  in  an  inn  :  he  took  this  latter  as 
master  and  taking  leave  of  the  world,  followed  him  to  Mt.  Hoh- 
Ung  l|  HI  at  Chung-nan  $§.  ~$.  Chung  li  gave  him  a  new  name 
Yen  rgi  with  the  fore-name  Tung-pin  -}[pj  3t[.  (1) 

3rd  Version:  —  Lii-tung-pin  was  born  in  the  district  of 
P'u-fan-hsien  ^  $t  M-  which  then  was  included  in  Ho-nan  jpj  ^. 
It  is  now  in  Shan-si  (Jj  |f  to  the  S.E.  of  Yung-tsi-hsien  tJ<  $f 
J$|  in  the  prefecture  of  P'u-chow  (2)   fjf  jlfl  Jft. 

4th.  Version,  Lii-tung-pin  was  born  in  the  twelfth  year 
of  the  Chen-yuan  j^  x;  period  of  the  T'ang  Emperor  Teh-Tsung 
M  W>  ^  796  A.D.  His  father  became  prefect  of  Hai-chow  #|  )]] 
aud  so  Lii-tung-pin  established  himself  there.  After  taking  his 
doctor's  degree,  he  became  sub-prefect  of  Teh-hwa-hsien  ^  f-fcjlf 
in  the  prefecture  of  Kiu-kiang  ji  fx  in  Kiang-si  ?X  W-  During 
a  voyage  towards  Mount  Lii  ft  lli  in  the  same  prefecture,  he 
met  Chung-li  "the  True  Active  Principle"  and  by  him  was 
initiated  in  the  secrets  of  immortality.  (3) 

In  all  these  references  and  others  which  could  easily 
be  cited,  there  is  visible  a  historical  foundation,  almost  always 
the  same :  and  the  fanciful  additions  made  by  legend  to  the  life 
of  this  doctor  of  the  T'ang  dynasty  do  not  change  it  in  its 
essence.  He  was  just  a  scholar,  a  simple  mortal  who  enjoyed 
no  preternatural  privileges.  (4) 

(1)  Cf.  Shen-sien-t'ung-kien  jjjtjj  f|I|   jj§  |g  Bk.  14  Ch.  3  p.l, 

(2)  Lii-tsu-ts'uen-shu,  as  above,  p. 19. 

(3)  Id.     Bk.  l.p.19 

(4)  Ch'en-t'uan-chwang  [>£  }$  % 

(5)  Worshipped  by  the  barbers  as  Lii-Tsu  g  H 


CHANG-KWO  LAO        §J|    ^    ^ 

Chang-kwo-lao  lived  as  a  solitary  on  Mount  Chung-tiao  41 
#£  |Xl  in  P'ing-yang-fu  2p  (^  j^,  a  prefecture  of  Shan-si  Mj  ff  : 
he  was  to  be  seen  constantly  travelling  between  Fen-chow  ffr  j\\ 
and  T sin-chow  ^  j\\.  He  declared  he  was  some  centuries  old. 
In  vain  did  two  of  the  T'ang  Emperors,  T'ai-tsung  -j^^  (622-650 
A.D.)  and  Kao-tsung  f^  ^  (650-684)  invite  him  to  court:  he 
refused  emphatically  all  dignities.  In  the  reign  of  the  usurper 
Empress  Wu  Hon  (684-705),  he  at  last  agreed  to  leave  his 
retreat  but  seemed  to  be  struck  dead  at  the  door  of  "The  Jealous 
Woman"  temple:  his  body  decomposed  forthwith  and  became 
the  spoil  of  worms.  But  shortly,  to  the  amazement  of  all  men, 
he  was  to  be  seen  on  Mount  Heng-chow  fa  j'\]  in  P'ing-yang-fu 
^  IH  Jft-  On  his  journeys  he  used  to  ride  a  white  ass :  but  he 
had  the  happy  knack  of  folding  up  the  ass  like  a  sheet  of  paper 
and  laying  it  aside  in  a  serviette  between  journeys :  the  serviette 
could  be  kept  in  a  travelling  bag  and  the  ass  could  be  prepared 
for  use  by  the  spraying  of  a  little  water  from  his  master's 
mouth.  He  claimed  to  have  been,  in  an  earlier  existence,  grand 
vizier  of  the  Emperor  Yao  (2357  B.C.   !). 

In  the  23rd  year  of  K'ai-yuan  §f]  %  period  (735  A.D.)  of 
the  T'ang  Emperor  Hilen-tsung  j§*  3£  ^,  he  was  commissioned 
to  go  to  Loh-yang  $g.  $§  and  was  elected  Grand  Officer  of  the 
Academy  with  the  honorific:  "Most  perspicacious  Master." 

This  was  the  moment  when  the  famous  "Tao-shi"  Yeh-fa- 
shan  |j|  ji£  H  was,  thanks  to  his  magic,  in  high  favour  at  Court. 
The  Emperor  asked  him:  '-"Who  is  this  Chang-kwo?"  "I  know, 
replied  the  magician,  but  if  I  tell  Your  Majesty,  I  shall  fall 
dead  at  your  feet  —  1  do  not  dare  to  speak.  But,  if  Your 
Majesty  deigns  to  give  me  an  assurance  that  Your  Majesty  will 
go  bare-foot  and  uncovered  to  make  petition  to  Chang-kwo-lao,  he 
will  instantly  bring  me  back  to  life."  Hilen  tsung  made  him 
the  promise  demanded,  and  Fah-shan  spoke :  "Kwo-lao  is  a  preter- 

Fie.   143 

Chang  Kwo-lao. 


natural  white  bat  that  has  issued  from  the  primitive  chaos". 

Scarcely  were  the  words  spoken  when  he  fell  dead.  So 
Hilen-tsung  went  bare-foot  and  bare-head  to  suppplicate  Chang- 
kwo-lao  and  ask  him  for  pardon  for  his  indiscretion.  Chang- 
kwo-lao  sprinkled  Fah-shan's  face  with  water  and  revived  him. 
Shortly  after,  Chang-kwo-lao  fell  sick  and  returned  to  Mount 
Heng-chow  fg  ji].  He  died  there  in  the  beginning  of  the  T'ien- 
pao  period  (742-746)  of  the  same  reign.  Sometime  after  his  burial, 
his  disciples  opened  his  grave  but  found  it  empty.  (1) 

(1)     Cf.   T'ai-pHng-hwang-M  $z  2p  Jg  |£  Bk.  30  p.l. 
Kiu-t'ang-shu  tt  /if  if  Bk.8  p. 23. 

Ming-yih-t'ung-chi  tift    —  $£  fc  Bk.20  p.l.Bk.19.  p. 18. 
Mayer's  Chinese  Reader's  Manual,  N°  20. 


LAN-TS'Al-HWO       jig   ££    %U 

The  origin  of  this  hermaphrodite  is  unknown.  His  fore- 
name was  Yang-su  ^j|  -^  and  he  lived  towards  the  end  of  the 
T'ang  Jjjf.  Here  is  his  style :  ragged  clothes,  a  blue  cloak,  a  belt 
made  of  black  wood  three  inches  wide,  one  foot  bare,  the  other  in 
a  boot,  wearing  quilted  clothes  in  summer,  in  winter  he  would 
sleep  in  the  snow  and  his  breath  went  up  burning  hot  like  steam 
from  a  boiling  cauldron.  A  strolling  singer,  begging  his  living  in 
the  streets,  he  held  in  his  hand  a  tablet  (or  a  wand)  three  feet 
long:  people  at  first  sight  took  him  for  a  fool  which  he  was  not: 
as  he  walked,  his  one  boot  beat  the  measure  of  his  song : 



May  one  on  earth  his  equal  find! 

Youth  is  a  plant  that  tastes  a  spring, 

The  years  like  weaver's  shuttles  fly, 

The  generations  pass  nor  come  again, 

Yet  ever  men  are  born  more  and  more. 

If  he  were  given  cash,  he  threaded  them  on  a  string  and 
dragged  them  after  him  or  strewed  them  in  the  road  without 
bothering  more  about  them.     His  constant  refrain  was ; 

Who  will  dare  say  that  man  cannot  be  pregnant? 
So!   I  have  been  so  these  ten  months! 

In  an  inn  of  Feng-yang-fu  ^  p§  ffi  (^)  in  Anhwei  he 
got  drunk  and  disappeared  in  a  cloud  after  first  flinging  to  earth 
his  boot,  his  cloak,  his  belt  and  his  tablet.  (1) 

(t)     Cf.   Snh-slien-sien-chwan  $|  jjjijj  f|I|  ff  (T'ai-ping-kwang-ki)  Bk.22  p. 6. 
Suh-wen-hsien-t'ung-lao  M  3t  jgf  M  sg  Bk.  242  p.   14 
Shen-sien-t'ung-Jcicn  jjft  {|I|  M  gg  Bk.  18  Cp.  6. p. 8 

Fiff.  1 44 

Lan  Ts'ai-houo 

Lan  Ts'ai-hico. 


In  Chinese  comedies,  Lan-ts'ai-hwo  is  dressed  as  a  female 
but  speaks  with  a  man's  voice  or  vice  versa.  It  is  easy  to 
understand  that  this  hermaphrodite  is  the  occasion  for  unpleasant 
ribaldry.   (1) 

(1)     Lan  Ts'ai-hwo  Jg  ££  5fp 

The  Taoist  books  give  two  different  accounts  of  this  legendary 

1.  According  to  the  Kin-Jcai  sin  teng  ^  J|  >£•  $=[  Kiien  I  p. 3.  Plate 
(T'u  HI)  Lan  Ts'ai  hwo  is  none  other  than  the  Taoist  adept  Ch'en  Ts'i  tee  $ 
-fc-  -f-  (also  called  Ch'en  Fuh-hiu  |$|  fg  f /fc )  who  was  living  in  the  regnal 
period  Cheng  Yuen  0_  y£  (785-8  05  A.D.)  of  the  T'ang  Emperor  Teh-Tsung 
J^  l*  ^;  about  that  time  he  was  summoned  to  Court.  He  went  back  to 
his  hermitage  at  Pao-cheng  ^  J$  to  finish  his  days. 

2,  The  Annals  of  the  Sub-prefecture  of  Wu-chih-hsien  ^  |&t  |g  in  the 
prefecture  of  Hwai-Mng  (g  Ig  ffi  in  Honan,  record  that  2  3  ?t  north  of 
Wu-chih-hsien  the  tomb  of  the  Immortal  (female)  Lan  Ts'ai-hwo  is  still 
shown  in  the  village  of  Lan-fung-ts'un  ^  $\  1$.  (see  Wu-chih-hsien  jj^  |5£ 
If  Tfe  Kiien  XIX  p.  2  9.) 

This  hermaphrodite  is  sometimes  depicted  as  male,  sometimes  as 

The  characteristic  symbol  fairly  commonly  used  is  the  pair  of 
clappers  (castanets)  held  between  the  fingers  to  play  a  primitive  accom- 
paniment to  the  singing  (Cf.  Kiai-tsze-yuan  hwa-ch'wan,  as  above,  p.  14.) 


HAN-SIANG-TZE       ||£   $f|   ^ 

Han-siang-tze  whose  fore-name  is  Ts'ing-fu  fjij  5^,  was  the 
nephew  of  the  celebrated  Han-yii  |f£  ;§£,  also  called  Han  t'ui-chi 
$f.  il  ;£>  of  the  district  Nan-yang-hsien  ]fo  %  J|&  in  Honan  (Hi), 
a  famous  scholar  and  high  officer  under  the  T'ang  Emperor 
Hsien  Tsung  J*  |g  ^  (806-821  A.D.).  Han-siang-tze  was  as  a 
child  confided  to  the  care  of  his  uncle  for  the  study  of  literature 
and  preparation  for  the  public  examinations.  One  day  he  said 
to  Han-yii,  "My  object  in  my  studies  is  different  from  yours". 
''What  then  do  you  learn?"  I  learn  to  make  excellent  wine 
without  any  previous  matter  existing  and  to  call  flowers  into 
existence  on  the  instant."  "Let  me  see."  So  Siang-ize  put  some 
earth  in  a  flower-pot  and  forthwith  there  came  forth  a  bouquet 
of  perfect  peonies  of  gleaming  red:  on  the  petals  of  these 
flowers,  written  in  gold,  were  two  verses: 

Clouds  shroud  Ts'in  Peak  (fif  %),  where  now  is  my  abode? 

Snow  is  piled  on  Lan-Kivan  (Jj[  gg )  and  my  horse    will  not   push  on 

These  two  mountains  are  in  Shen-si  $fe  |f  in  the  district 
of  Lan-t'ien-hsien  j*  EB  Jff[.  "What",  asked  Han-yu",  is  the 
meaning  of  these  verses?"  —  "You  will  know  in  good  time." 

Han-yii  was  sent  in  disgrace  into  the  prefecture  of  Ch'ao- 
chow-fu  $Jj  ')]]  Jft,  in  Kwang-tung  Jl  ifc.  When  he  had  arrived 
at  the  foot  of  Lan-kwan  Jg  |pj,  snow  fell  so  heavily  that  he  could 
go  no  further.  Then  Siang-tzc  appeared  to  him,  swept  away 
the  snow  and  opened  a  road  for  him.  Thus  Han-yii  came  to 
understand  the  two  lines  and  added  eight  others  himself  in 

When  Siang-tze  parted  from  his  uncle  he  sent  him  the 
following  verses;  "Many,  indeed,  are  the  men  of  name  who  have 

Fig.    145 

Han  Siang-tse. 
Ban  Siang-tze. 


served  their  land,  but  who  midst  them  is  your  master  in  letters? 
You  have  won  the  peak  of  dignities  —  and  now  art  buried  in  a 
place  of  damp  and  fog." 

And  Han-yil  on  his  part  bade  the  nephew  farewell  in 
verse  :  "How  many  here  below  are  drunk  for  love  of  honours 
and  of  gain !  Thou  bidest  on  the  straight  path,  alone  and 
watchful :  a  day  shall  come  when  heavenwards  soaring,  thou  shalt 
cleave  thyself  a  passage  gleaming  midst  the  azure  clouds." 

Han-yil  was  saddened  by  the  thoughts  of  exile  in  a  damp 
climate  and  brooded  over  the  thought  that  he  must  die  without 
seeing  home  and  family  again.  But  Siang-tze  consoled  him  and 
gave  him  a  drug  assuring  him  that  a  grain  would  enable  him  to 
endure  the  miseries  of  that  damp.  "Not  only  shall  you  come 
back  in  perfect  health  to  your  home,  but  you  shall  be  restored 
to  your  former  dignity".    And  so  it  befell.    (1) 

According  to  another  account,  Han-siang-tze  ff;  |||  ^f-  was 
the  grand-nephew  of  Han-yil  |f;  ^ :  he  fled  from  school  and  his 
whereabouts  were  for  a  long  while  unknown.  If  we  may  trust 
the  Ming-yih-t'ung-chi  J£j  —  f£  ±,  there  is  still  to  be  seen  in 
Shen-si  J$£  ff  a  grotto  called  "The  Western  Cave  of  Siang-tze ;" 
in  it  the  little  truant  is  said  to  have  hid.  His  uncle's  birthday 
saw  him  back  at  home  for  the  celebrations,  and  the  uncle  in 
just  anger  was  about  to  beat  him  when  the  youngster  said;  (2) 
"Don't  be  annoyed:  just  give  me  a  little  branch  and  I  will  make 
flowers  blossom  on  it  forthwith." 

Another  legend,  recorded  in  the  Kiai-tsze-yuen-wah-chwan 
I  ^  1  |  |  relates  that  Han-siang-tze  after  proclaiming 
himself  disciple  of  Lil-tung-pin  g  -j|^  ^,  fell  from  a  peach-tree 
and  was  killed.     After  his  body  underwent  a  metamorphosis,  he 

(1)  Cf.  Suh-wen-hsien-i'ung-Tcao  $f  %  {$  M  :#  Bk.242  p. 10. 

(2)  Cf.  Suh-sien-cMvan  $f  f(I|  %  Yuen-lien-leihan. 


Sought  out  his  uncle  Han-yii  and  boasted  of  his  power  to  create 
an  exquisite  wine  or  to  produce  flowers  instantly.  And  no  sooner 
said  than  done:  before  his  uncle's  eyes  a  cup  was  filled  with  a 
fine  wine  and  a  bouquet  of  water-lilies  burst  into  view.  (1) 

Now  here  is  the  verdict  of  the  scholar  Hu-ying-lin  j^j  fl| 
$|  on  these  proofs  of  praeternatural  power  attributed  to  Han- 
siang-tze.  The  authority  cited  is  the  poetry  composed  by  Han- 
siang's  uncle,  Han-yii  when  they  were  together  at  the  foot  of 
the  Lan-kwan  J*  ||  Mountain.  Hu-ying-Un  finds  those  verses 
to  be  sheer  inventions  of  two  works,  Yiu-yang-tsa-tsu  |§  %  $|  £R 
and  Ts'ing-so-kao-i  7^  J^  "jff[  f}| :  and  these  inventions  came  to  be 
taken  as  historical  truth.  Since  the  inscriptions  were  in  existence 
before  Han's  banishment  to  Kwang-tung  Jf  jfc  he  cannot  then 
have  written  them.  Hu  cites  in  support  the  T'ang-tsai-siang-shi- 
sih-piao  J#  ^  $  ■$  H  %. 

This  book  describes  Siang-tze  as  the  son  of  Lao-ck'eng  % 
;$,  nephew  of  Han-yii  and  as  having  been  admitted  to  the 
degree  of  Doctor  823  A.D.  in  the  reign  of  the  T'ang  Emperor 
Muh-Tsung  $  ^  9^  and  later  on  incorporated  in  the  Ministry 
of  Rites.  No  allusion  is  made  to  magical  powers.  The  occasion 
for  this  legend  seems  to  have  been  a  poem  which  Han-yii 
addressed  once  to  a  nephew  of  his  who  lived  in  Siu-chow-fu  %fc 
')]]  }{•[.  Here  are  the  words:  "Who  knocks  upon  my  door? 
Ah,  'tis  my  relative,  he  that  boasts  of  magic  power  and  of 
probing  heaven's  works".  This  person  was  then  his  nephew, 
not  his  nephew's  son  and  his  power  was  mentioned  merely  as 
that  of  a  diviner,  a  caster  of  horoscopes  —  and  so,  the  poet  adds, 

(1)     Opus  cit.  in  text  Bk.  4  p.8 


"I  venture  not  to  enhance  your  gifts  —  I  have  but  one  desire, 
to  see  you  a  loyal  officer."  There  is  not  question  here  of  the 
grand-nephew  on  the  journey  to  Kwang-tuvg.  So  Han-yil  does 
not  testify  to  any  magic  power  of  Han-siang-tze  (1). 

(1)     Cf.  Eiu-t'ang-shu  f|  $f  ^  Bk.  8. p. 23 

The  Annals  of  the  prefecture  of  Hwai-Mng-fu  in  Honan  <g|  |g  #f  :£-; 
Kiien  IV,p.  32,  state  that  Han  Siang-tze's  grave  is  5  li  east  of  Mung-hsien 
]£  %  (formerly  Eo-yang-hsien),  in  Ho-nan. 

Most  pictures  of  this  personage  depict  a  figure  with  certain  feminine 
traits  and  with  hair  tied  in  a  knot  such  as  young  girls  wear.  The  type  in 
most  use  is  that  from  the  Kiai-tze-yuen  hwa  ch'wan  ^"r  -^  |U  IE  ft?  of  the 
painter  Li  lih-wung  2^  4£  #  about  the  year  167  9.     Sz-tsih  [/C]  ^  p. 8. 

In  his  account,  the  author  explains  the  different  symbols    or    "attri- 
butes" by  which  this  immortal  may  be  recognized.. 
He  is  represented. 

a)  With  a  basket  of  peaches,  because  he  fell  from  a  peach-tree  and 
was  killed. 

b)  With  a  basket  of  flowers,  because  after  coming  back  to  life,  he 
caused  flowers  to  spring  up  suddenly  in  order  to  give  his  uncle  proof  of 
his  preternatural  powers. 

c)  With  a  pear-tree  beside  him  in  the  picture. 


TS«AO-Ii\VOII-KllJ  as 

The  Empress  Ts'ao  ^  Jl  fe,  wife  of  the  Sung  Emperor 
Jen-tsung  %  f-  ^  (1023-1064  A.D.)  had  two  younger  brothers. 
The  elder  of  these,  King-hiu  ^  jfo  remained  aloof  from  affairs  of 
state,  the  younger  King-chih  jp;  ;fjt  was  notorious  for  disorderly 
conduct.  Several  times  had  the  Emperor  ineffectually  taken 
him  sharply  to  task:  he  pursued  his  course  and  even  went  as  far 
as  homicide.  The  Imperial  Censor  was  Pao-wen-cheng  Q  -*£  IE 
(£l  tzS)  known  among  the  people  as  Pao-lao-ye  &  %  ffi,  a  native 
of  the  district  Hoh-fei-hsien  £  Jj£  jggi  in  Lu-chow-fu  Jj|  f\]  #f ,  in 
the  Province  Ngan-hwei  -$•  $fr,  haled  him  before  his  court  and 
condemned  him.  The  elder  brother,  smarting  under  this  disgrace, 
hid  himself  in  the  mountain,  made  himself  a  head-covering  and 
clothes  from  the  wild-plants  and  resolved  to  live  the  life  of  a 
perfect  hermit. 

One  day,  Han-chung-U  f||  |§  m  and  Lii-tung-pin  g  ||sj  ^fi 
visited  him  in  his  solitude  and  asked  him,  "What  are  you  doing 
here?"  "I  am  studying  the  Way?"  "What  way?  Where  is  the 
way?" — The  hermit  merely  pointed  to  heaven.  His  visitors 
urged,  "Where  is  this  heaven?"  —  The  hermit  moved  his  hand  to 
his  heart.  His  visitors  smiled  and  rejoined,  "The  heart  is  heaven* 
and  heaven  is  the  Way;  you  have  seized  the  truth."  So  then 
and  there,  they  imparted  to  him  a  prescription  for  perfection 
and  for  attaining  foremost  place  amongst  the  Heroes.  By  dint 
of  intense  application,  he  attained  the  happy  state  within  a 
few  days.  (1) 

Another  work  intitled,  Lung-Pu  (shen-twan)  kun-ngan  f| 
EH  (f^  Wi)  &  Hi  Bk.  7  p.  1  gives  more  circumstantial  yet  more 
legendary  details  about  this  pair  of  brothers. 

There  was  a  graduate,  one  Yuen-wen-chcng  ^  t£  J£  of 
Ch'ao-yang-hsien  $]  %  %  (Ch'ao-chow  fit  -]$)  jl'H  jft  i"  Kwang-tung 

(1)     Shen-sien-t'ung-kien  j$  f|l|  M  Ug  Bk.  18  ch.9  p. 8. 

Fig.   146 

Ts'ao  Kouo-kieou. 
Ts'ao  Kwoh-kiu. 


Jf  ^).  He  was  on  his  way  to  the  examinations  in  the  capital 
and  he  had  with  him  his  wife  whose  maiden  name  was  Chang  ijjf . 
The  younger  brother  of  the  Empress  caught  sight  of  the  woman 
and  was  fascinated  by  her  beauty  ,  an  invitation  to  the  palace 
for  husband  and  wife  followed:  the  husband  was  strangled  and 
the  prince  endeavoured  to  force  the  woman  to  his  will.  She 
refused  determinedly  and  at  last  he  had  her  shut  up  in  a 
deep  inaccessible  dungeon.  But  the  graduate's  soul  appeared  to 
the  Imperial  Censor  Pao-lao-ye  ill^jffi  and  demanded  vengeance 
for  this  foui  crime.  The  elder  brother  King-hiu  Jp;  f;fc  seeing 
that  the  impartial  Censor  had  taken  up  the  case  and  knowing 
of  his  brother's  guilt,  advised  him  to  do  away  with  the  woman 
and  get  rid  of  all  sources  of  incrimination  and  so  prevent  further 
prosecution.  The  young  rake  Jp;  ^f  had  the  woman  flung  into 
a  deep  well  but  the  star  T'ai-peh-kin-sing  -fr  £j  ^  j|  in  the 
figure  of  an  old  man  drew  her  out.  As  she  was  escaping,  she 
met  the  cortege  of  a  mandarin  on  the  road:  thinking  it  to  be 
that  of  Pao-lao-ye,  she  advanced  and  presented  her  accusation- 
The  mandarin  however  proved  to  be  no  other  than  Ts'ao-Jcing-hiu 
the  murderer's  elder  brother;  he  did  not  venture  to  refuse  the 
accusation  but  on  the  pretext  that  the  woman  had  been  guilty 
of  grave  disrespect  in  not  standing  aside  for  his  cortege  to  pass' 
he  had  her  beaten  with  iron-tipped  whips  and  left  her  for  dead 
in  an  adjacent  lane-way.  Again  she  revives  and  this  time  she 
succeeds  in  reaching  Pao-lao-ye.  The  Censor  gets  her  to  draw 
up  a  formal  accusation.  He  has  Ts'ao-kinghiu  arrested  imme- 
diately, puts  him  into  the  pillory,  and  loads  him  with  chains. 
On  top  of  this,  he  writes  an  invitation  to  Ts'ao-king-cliih:  the 
latter  comes  to  find  himself  confronted  with  the  woman.  Pao- 
lao-ye  has  him  thrown  into  a  dungeon  and  turns  a  deaf  ear  to 
the  entreaties  of  Emperor  and  Empress :  within  a  few  days> 
the  young  murderer's  head  falls  beneath  the  executioner's  sword- 
In  order  to  extricate  Ts'ao -king-hiu,  the  Sung  Emperor  Jen-tsung 
^M  fH  ^  then  proclaims  a  sort  of  jubilee  all  over  the  empire  by 
which  all  those  in  prison  are  pardoned.     On  receipt  of  the  edict, 


Pao-lao-yt  sets  Ts'ao-king-hiu  free.  This  latter  finding  himself 
as  it  were  risen  from  death  devotes  himself  to  the  practice  of 
perfection,  becomes  a  hermit  and  profiting  by  lessons  from  a 
Hero,  becomes  one  of  the  Eight  Immortals. 

N.B.  Pao-lao-ye  fl  ^  |f?  is  honoured  in  many  temples  as 
a  god  of  the  nether  world,  the  Lord  Justice  of  the  other  world. 
This  function  he  owes  in  great  part  to  the  above  story. 

The  Su-chow  Annals  (1)  written  in  the  reign  of  K'ang-Ki 
(1662-1723)  add  that  in  the  reign  of  the  Sung  Emperor  Cheh- 
Tsung  %  g-^.  in  the  year  1097  A.D.,  Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu  ~§ i  gj  % 
came  to  dwell  in  the  temple  Yuh-M-kwan  31  jt  H,  50  Iis  S-E- 
of  the  sub-prefecture  Siao-hsicn  ^  $$. 

Historical  critique: 

The  historian  Hu-ying-Un  tf]  flg  f|  comments  very  much 
to  the  point.  The  Sung  Annals,  says  he,  make  mention  of 
brothers  of  the  Empress  Ts'ao  ^lj  -Jz  fe,  wife  of  the  Emperor 
Jen-tsung.  The  elder's  name  was  Ts'ao-fu  "|!f  f^  and  the  younger 
was  Ts'do-yih  "f|  fft.  Their  father  was  Ts'ao-pin  t|&  $£,  a  high 
dignitary  at  the  court  of  the  Sung  Emperors  T'ai-tsu  (^  ^c  fft) 
and  T'aUsnng  (%  ±  ^) 960-998  A.D. 

Ts'ao-fu  was  prefect  of  Yung-chow  |j|  >)\\  and  received  the 
posthumous  title  Kung-heu  ^  -§|.  Ts'ai-yih  was  mandarin  under 
the  Sung  Emperor  Jen-tsung  and  died  at  the  age  of  72 ;  he  was 
canonized  as  Yih-wang  iff  3E-  The  Annals  make  no  mention  of 
his  becoming  an  Immortal:  and  yet,  among  those  related  to  the 
Imperial  house  we  find  no  other  personages  bearing  this  name 
"Hf.  Hence  we  have  to  deal  with  pure  legends  for  which  there 
is  no  Historical  foundation. 

The  work  Tao-shan-ts'ing-hwa  ^M  lif  M  ffj  speaks  of  one 
Ngan-shu  ^  ~$fc,  so  famous  for  his  learning  (under  the  Sung 
Emperor    Chen-tsung    ^    ^    ^    908-1023    A.D.)    that    he    was 

(1)     Kiang-nan  t'ung-clii  Sii-chow   hsien-chi    ^f  1^^    #1  fill  ^  Bk. 
58  p.  26 


regarded  as  a  reincarnation  of  the  Immortal  Ts'ao-pah-Peh  "H  A 
"gf  :  but  even  if  we  suppose  that  this  latter  worthy  ever  existed, 
he  is  not  connected  with  the  Imperial  family. 

Hence  Hu-yin-lin  is  well  justified  in  concluding    that  the 
whole    story    of    Ts'ao-kwoh-kiu    H   gj  J§    is    purely    legendary 
omance.  (1) 

(1)     Cf,   Sung-shi  %Z  $1  Bk.  258  p.  1:     Bk.  242  p.  10:      264  p. 8. 
Hai-yii-ts'ung-J:ao  |$  ffc  ||  ;#  B.  34  p.  24,25. 


IIO-SIEN-KU       <5f  'flJj   ^ 

So-sien-ku  ^pj  -flXf  jt,!f  was  the  daughter  of  one  Ho-t'ai  ffi  ^ 
from    the     sub-prefecture    of    Tseng-ch'eng-hsien    if    $c    #$,    in 

Kwang-tung  ^  4(.  She  lived  in  the  time  of  the  Empress  Wu-heu 
jfc  fe,  the  usurper  during-  the  Tang  dynasty  (684-705  A.D.). 
She  (diose  the  mountain  Yun-mu-ling,  ft  -fij:  ${  20  li  E.  of  the 
Tseng-cWeng  sub-prefecture  for  her  ahode.  This  mountain  yields 
a  stone  called  "Mother  of  Cloud  Stone:"  Yun-mu-shih  ft  -0J:  fi . 
In  a  dream,  a  spirit  hade  her  pound  this  stone  up  and  eat  it: 
thus  she  would  attain  agility  and  immortality.  She  was  then  14 
or  If)  years  old.  She  obeyed  and  in  addition  promised  never  to 
marry.  Henceforth  she  was  to  be  seen  flying  from  one  peak 
to  another.  Every  day  she  brought  her  mother  fruit  from  the 
mountain.  She  herself  soon  felt  no  longer  any  need  to  eat  and 
her  style  of  speech  became  as  singular  as  her  behaviour.  She 
was  invited  by  the  Empress  Wu-heu  f^  fe  to  come  to  court  but 
when  half-way  on  the  journey,  she  suddenly  disappeared  and 
became  an  Immortal.  It  was  then  the  King-lu7ig  jp;  f|  period 
of  the  reign  of  Chung-tsung  |f  41  ^  (707-710  A.D.).  (1) 

According  to  another  view,  recorded  in  Liu-kung-fu-shi-hwa 
$\  Jf  3C  fffnS  her  birthplace  was  Ling-ling  ^  §|?  in  the  prefecture 
of  Yung-chow-fu  tJ<  )'\]  fft  in  Hunan  $fj  jff.  She  led  a  vagabond 
existence  on  the  street  and  high-roads.  On  her  head  she  had  only 
six  hairs.  One  day  she  ventured  into  the  mountains  to  get  some 
tea  :  there  she  lost  her  way  but  there  came  to  her  help  a  stranger 
(supposed  to  be  Liu-tung-pin  g  flsj  ^).  He  gave  her  a  peach 
to  eat  and  showed  her  the  way  out  of  the  wild  gorges  into 
which  she  had  strayed.  As  soon  as  she  tasted  the  fruit,  she 
was  possessed  of  the  gift  of  foretelling  the  good  or  bad  fortune 
of  other  people  and  soon  also  received  the   gift    of    Immortality. 

(1)     Cf.     Ming-yih-t'ung-clii     Dlj    —  |ft   *£     Bk.    79,  p. 7:      Bk,   65   p.    32 
Suh-wen-hsicn-t'ung-kao  $f  %  gf  M  jg  Bk.  242  p.   4. 

Ho  Sien-kou. 

The  Fairy  Lady  Ho. 

ho-siEN-ktf  57 

This  is  all  dated  about  the   year  710    A.D.    under   the    reign    of 

If  however  we  look  into  the  Tseng-teh-cheng-tuh-sing-tsah- 
chi  -fl"  jg  gi  $|  ||  $f£  ±,  we  find  that  she  flourished  in  the 
Sung  period,  i.  e.  three  centuries  later,  under  Jen-tmng  ^  £  ^ 
(1023-1064  A.D.). 

Here  two,  we  may  conclude  that  there  is  nothing  of  certain 
historic  fact.  Ho-sien-~ku  is  a  heroine  of  romance  or  a  taoist  myth 
of  the  fairy  kind.  Even  if  we  suppose  her  to  have  existed,  we 
cannot  accept  as  facts  the  deeds  attributed  to  her. 

Other  details  and  texts  are  preserved  in  the  Hai-yil-ts'ung 
kao  p£  ^  ^  ^,  Bk  34. 


T'IEH-K\VA1-M         jf|    UJ   ^ 

This  Immortal's  family  name  was  Li  ^  and  his  surname 
K'ung-muh  :JL  @-  Ri-wan-mu.  ]§3i#  cured  him  of  an  ulcer  on  the 
leg,  taught  him  the  art  of  becoming  an  Immortal  :he  was  canonized 
as  'Ruler  of  the  Chinese  East."  His  lady-patron  made  him  a 
present  of  an  iron  crutch  and  commissioned  him  to  find  out 
Chung-li-h'tien  H  ||£  ^fg  (Han-chung-li  $|  il  $|)  in  the  capital 
and  teach  him  the  science  of  immortality.  (1) 

Pictures  of  T'ieh-kwai-li  are  often  to  be  found  as  the  sign 
of  a  druggist's  shop,  because  he  carried  a  gourd  containing  magic 
pills:  he  is  remembered  as  a  kind  healer. 

The  book  Shen-sien-tung-kien  jjiljj  flj  jj|  gj£  Bk.5,  Chap.  1. 
p.  3.  identifies  T'ieh-kwai-li  with  Li-ning-yang  ^  $£  %  who  was 
honoured  by  Lao-tze  with  an  apparition  and  instructed  by  him  in 
the  doctrine  of  perfection.  Shortly  after  this  favour,  his  soul 
left  his  bodv  for  a  journey  to  the  mountain  Hwa-shan  |j|  [i|. 
Before  his  departure,  he  gave  instructions  to  his  disciple  Lang- 
ling  f$  >fr  that  if  after  seven  days  his  soul  had  not  come  back, 
the  body  was  to  be  cremated.  Six  days  had  barely  elapsed 
when  the  disciple  got  news  of  the  illness  of  his  mother;  anxious 
to  start  off  to  visit  her,  he  burned  LA-ning -gang's  body  prema- 
turely with  the  result  that  the  soul  came  back  in  due  time  but 
only  to  find  the  ashes  of  its  abode.  Nearby  in  a  forest  a  hapless 
wretch  had  died  of  hunger:  Li-ning- gang's  wandering  soul  found 
the  untenanted  body,  entered  by  the  temples  and  took  possession. 
To  his  amazement,  he  found  himself  possessed  of  a  black  face, 
a  pointed  head,  woolly  matted  beard  and  hair,  huge  eyes  and  a 
crippled  leg.  At  first  sight  of  this  dreadful  exterior  he  wanted 
to  rid  himself  of  this  coating  into  which  he  had  slipped  inadver- 
tently.    Lao-tze  begged  him  not  to  do  so  and  gave  him  a  golden 

(1)     Cf.   T'ung-lao-ts'uen-shu  jfi  ^  ^  #  (T uen-lung)Wai-kiien  p.  18. 

Fig.   148 

T'ie-koai  Li. 
T'ieh-kwai  Li. 

T'lEH-KWAI-LI  59 

circlet  for  his  hair  and  an  iron  crutch  to  help  his  walking.  On 
putting  his  hand  to  his  eyes,  Li  found  his  eyes  as  large  as  rings; 
hence  he  came  to  be  called  "Hollow-Eyed  Li",  Li-k'ung-muh  ^ 
^L  @-     Popularly  he  was  called:  T'ieh-kwai-li. 

Another  legend  is  to  be  found  in  the  "Suh-wen-hsien-i'ung- 
too  m  £  ft  ft  M  Bk.  241  p.  47. 

Li-t'ieh-kwai  ^  ^  ^  lived  it  the  time  of  the  Sui  dynasty 
(5^  (590-618  A.D.)  He  was  born  at  Hiah  ftfc  in  Tung-hu-hien  }ff 
$JJ  J$£  in  the  sub-prefecture  I-ch'ang-fu  j£  ||  ffi  in  Hu-peh  $J| 
4b-  His  special  name  was  Hung-shui  ^t  7k.  and  his  "milk" 
name  was  Kwai-rh  ^  ft  ;  and  he  had  still  another  name,  T'ieh- 
kwai  HJ  }jf).  He  led  a  hapless  existence,  roaming  through  the 
towns,  begging  a  living.  In  the  end,  he  was  seen  digging  out  a 
cave  for  himself  with  his  iron  crutch  :  he  was  changed  into  a 
dragon  and  flew  up  to  the  skies. 

Hu-ying-lin  ^  Jjg  j$|,  the  critic  of  the  Immortals,  treats 
all  this  as  so  much  fiction :  "no  trace  of  this  fabulous  personage 
is  to  be  found  either  in  the  Histories  or  in  any  other  serious 
work."     Cf.  Hai-yii-ts'ung-kao  [£%  |&  H  ^  loc.  cit. 


LI  Ol    THE   EIGHT   HUNDREDS        ^    A   W 

Li-pah-peh  ^  A  If  (Li  of  the  Eight  Hundreds)  supposed 
to  have  flourished  at  the  end  of  the  Hia  J[  (c.1800  B.C.)  or  the 
beginning  of  the  Chow  ffl  (1122  B.C.)  and  reputed  to  have 
lived  800  years.  If  he  started  to  move,  he  covered  800  U  at  one 
go,  hence  the  name  "Eight  Hundred."  He  lived  at  times 
secluded  in  the  mountains,  at  times  in  the  towns.  He  devoted 
himself  to  the  study  of  alchemy  on  the  mountain  llwa-lin-shan 
l|  #  lli.  10  li  N.E.  of  the  town  of  Shui-chow-fu  Iffi  j'\]  /ft  in 
Kiang-si  £q  W-  In  the  reign  of  the  Chow  Emperor  Muh  1$% 
(1001  to  946  B.C.)  he  dwelt  on  the  mountain  ^  ^  lli  Kin-t'ang- 
shan  by  the  banks  of  the  torrent  ^  ^  Kin-t'ang  in  the  prefecture 
Ch'eng-tu  $  %  in  Sz-chhvan  0  )\\. 

He  learned  that  T'ang-hung-fang  $  Q  |$  prefect  of  Han- 
chung-fu  ^  41  ffl  in  tne  reign  of  Wang  Mang  3£  3j^  the  Usurper 
(0,^  sir  9-23  A.D.)  was  looking  for  an  experienced  master:  so 
he  betook  himself  with  all  speed  to  Shen-si  ^  ||  to  offer  his 
services.  Shortly  after  his  arrival,  his  whole  body  was  afflicted 
with  such  an  ulcer  that  no  one  ventured  to  come  near  him.  "My 
malady",  said  he  to  Kung-fang,  "can  be  cured  only  if  some  one 
licks  this  ulcer."  So  Kung-fang  got  three  servants  to  do  the 
repulsive  service.  But  Li  declared :  "Servants  won't  do :  it  must 
be  done  by  a  wise  man".  So  Kung-fang  himself  complied  but 
Li  now  demanded  that  the  prefect's  wife  must  do  the  same  as 
her  husband.  Kung-fang  ordered  his  wife :  but  when  she  had 
obeyed,  the  cure  did  not  come.  Thereupon  Li  of  the  Eight 
Hundreds  demanded  three  hundred  thousand  quarts  of  excellent 
wine  in  which  he  would  bathe.  The  devoted  Kung-fang  satisfied 
his  request  and  this  time,  Li  was  cured:  he  came  forth  from 
the  bath  hale  and  hearty  without  a  trace  of  his  previous 

"Know,  "said  Li  to  Kung-fang,"  that  I  am  an  Immortal  : 
I  knew  that  you  were  in  want  of  a   master   and    I    came  to  put 

Fig.  149 

Fig.  450 

Liu-tong-pin.       Han-tchong-li.  Ho-sien-kou.     Tchang-ko-lao. 

Lu  Tung-pin.     Han  Chung-li.         The  Fairy  Goddess  Ho.    Chang-kwo-lao. 


you  to  the  test  —  to  see  if    you    were    worth    teaching.     Now,    I 
shall  teach  you  the  recipe  for  Immortality." 

Then  he  ordered  Kung-fang,  his  wife  and  the  three 
sarvents,  to  take  a  bath  in  the  wine  into  which  he  had  plunged: 
all  of  them  in  turn  came  forth  glistening  with  freshness  and 
youth.  Then  he  presented  Kung-fang  with  a  book  of  magic 
(tan-king  ft  $g)  with  which  he  could  compound  the  draught  of 
immortality.  On  Yiln-i'ai  Mount  H  ^  (JL|  at  Ts'ang-ki-hsien  Jf 
M  M-  in  the  prefecture  of  Pao-ning-fu  j%  ^  Jft  in  tiz-clVwan  py 
J||,  this  latter  drank  the  drug  and  found  Immortality.  (1) 

In  these  fairy  tales  there  is  patent  absurdity  and  contra- 
diction. Li  was  already  800  years  old  under  the  Chow  f^ 
Emperor  Muh-wang  f|  £,  c.  1000  B.C.;  he  was  still  only  800 
years  old  in  8  A.D.  when  under  the  Western  Han  "®  $|  he 
took  service  with  Kung-fang:  and  in  the  10th  century  A.D. 
under  the  Sung  Emperor  T'ai-tsung  7^  ic  ^  he  was  still  the 
same  — in  the  Sung  Annals  5fc  i£  we  find  that  a  certain  high 
official  Clven-isung-sin  ^  $£  ^@  from  Yimg-ch'eng-hsieu  jfc  $c  M 
in  the  prefecture  of  Kwei-teh-fu  §|  ?§  )ft  (Honan)  became  his 
disciple  but  was  soon  disillusioned. 

—  History  is  not  written  in  such  contradictory  variants: 

—  Li-Rh  ^  5  (See  life  of  Tao-tze) 

—  Chang-tao-ling  ^  ^f  H  (See  his  life;  article  IX) 

Yung  ch'eng.     %$.  $ 

This  personage  claimed  to  have  been  at  one  time  the 
Master  of  Hwang-ti  fifii  and  a  high  dignitary  in  that  monarch's 
court.  The  Suh-wen-hsien-Pung-kao  ^  #  J|  M  %  adds  a  typical 
detail  viz.  that  about  1010  B.C.  in  the  reign  of  the  Chow 
Emepror  Muh  %  he  came  back  to  this  world.  He  had  the  useful 
gifts  of  renewing  youth,  of  changing  to    black    the    white    heads 

(1)     Shen-sien-chwan  jjifftllfll  {Tai-ping-lwang-M    Bk.  7.  p.  6)   Ming-yih- 
t'ung-shi  BJJ  —  $  ■&   Bk.  34  p.  39,  22. 


of  elders  and  of  making  their  missing  teeth  grow  again.     Later 
on,  he  became  Lao-tze's  master. 

Tung  chniig  slm     H  #  # 

Born  at  Kwang-ch'wan  ^  )\\,  30  li  E.  of  Tsao-kiang-hsien 
l&'x&M  in  Chihli  ft  |i  (M  4b)-  From  the  Ch'un-ts'iu  ^  $fc  we 
learn  that  while  still  a  youth  he  was  a  mandarin:  he  was  a  sage 
of  the  time  of  King-Pi  f;  $?  (156-140  B.C.) 

His  practice  was  to  probe  the  laws  of  nature  by 
examining  any  extraordinary  or  calamitous  events  that  occurred. 

Yeu-kittu-p'iiig    Jg  M  ¥ 

His  other  name  was  Tsun  i§|.  He  was  born  at  Lin-k'iiing 
$$,  J5  m  the  present  prefecture  of  K'iung-chow  Jft  >)]]  in  Sz-ch'wan 
ffl  Jl|.  According  to  the  Yih-king  ^  %&  he  used  to  practise  as 
a  professional  fortune-teller  on  the  streets  of  Ch'eng-tu  jfc  ^1$> 
the  provincial  capital,  and  on  earning  a  hundred  cents,  he 
would  return  home.  During  his  youth  he  studied  under  the 
master  Yang-yung  j§j  jjjji,  a  hermit  who  dwelt  on  the  south  of  the 
Min  Mountain  |1^  in  Sz-ch'wan,  in  the  Yuen-ting  period  ?t  }$\ 
(116-110  B.C.)  of  the  Han  Emperor's  reign,  Wu  Ti  j£  ifr. 

Fail  Chaug  Sheu     M  -^  H 

No  document  known  to  me. 

Ko  yuiig-kwei     J|  tJ<  5ft; 

The  Wan-sing-t'ung-pu  H  #li  M  Iff  assures  us  that  he 
was  also  known  as  Koh-sien-wung  ^  f|lj  f|  and  that  he  lived 
under  the  Tsin  ^  (255  to  206  B.C.). 

The  Ming-yih-tung-shi  B£)  —  |£  j±-  tells  us  that  a  mountain 
Ko-yung-kwei-shan  ||  ^  Ij|  |Jj  in  the  prefecture  Ch'eng-tu  }fc  3$> 
4o  /(  N.  of  P'ang-hsien  $£  J|£  got  its    name   as    memorial   of   the 

Fig.     152 

Lan-ts'ai-houo.      Tsao-kouo-kieou. 
Lan  Ts'ai-hwo.      Tsao  Kwoh-kiu. 

Tie-koai-li.  Han-siang-tse. 

Tieh  Kwai-li.     Han  Siang-tze. 


gift  of    Immortality  given    to    Ko-yung-kwei  while  he    lived    on 
the  mountain. 

Reference  Books: 

Wan-sing-t'ung-pu  U  #£  3§  H  Bk.  117  p.  1 :  Bk.  2  p.  20 

Bk.     67  p.  1. 

Suh-wen-hsien-t'ung-kao  g[  #  jgg  j§  %  Bk.  241  p.  9. 
lleu-han-shu  #  $|  #  (£fe  T  below  82)  p.  7. 
Ts'ien-han-shu  ift  g|  *  Bk.  56  p.  1 :  Bk.  72  p.  1. 
Shang-yiu-luh  ft  ^  $|  Bk.  10  p.  22. 

General  Conclusion. 

1.  The  legend  of  the  "Eight  Immortals"  does  not  go 
farther  back  than  the  Yuan  dynasty,  or  at  very  most  it  may 
come  from  the  end  of  the  Southern  Sung,  that  is,  the  last  half 
of  the  13th  century  A.D. 

2.  Of  the  "Eight",  only  three  are  genuinely  historical 
personages  :  viz.  Han-chung-li,  Chang  kwo-lao,  Lil-tung-pin.  Re- 
liable historical  sources  that  refer  to  these  three,  have  never 
made  allusion  to  any  praeternatural  power  possessed  by  them. 

3.  These  legends  often  are  at  logger-heads  with  chronolo- 
gical sequence :  e.g.  Ho-sien-ku  had  died  before  the  birth  of 
Lil-tung-pin,  yet  the  story-teller  tells  us  that  she  owed  her 
safety  when  she  was  lost  in  the  mountains,  wholly  to  the  magic 
peach  given  her  by  the  Immortal  Lit. 

The  first  series  of  plates  representing  these  Immortals 
singly  as  travelling  over  the  sea  on  various  sea  monsters  are 
called  popularly  "Pah-sien-piao-hai  A  f[lj  f|f  #|".  The  second 
series  depicts  them  in  couples  with  their  distinctive  symbols. 

Few  subjects  have  been  so  often  represented  by  Chinese 
artists  as  these  Immortals.  The  experienced  eye  will  often  be 
able  to  recognize  them  on  vases,  cups,  tea-pots,  fans  and 
pictures.  We  have  therefore  reproduced  different  specimens 
which  may  be  helpful  for  memorising  the  types. 


L1U-HA1-S1EN         (T.B.)  C 

Si]    *    fill 


This    Immortal    is    usual    represented    with    one    of    the 
following-  attributes : 

a)  He  holds  in  his  hand  a  motley  string  to  which  is  tied  a 
Shan  $i,  a  three-legged  toad  (an  emblem  of  money-making). 

b)  He  wears  an  oblique  sash  made  of  eggs  and  gold  pieces 

strung  together. 

The  following  legend  will  explain  these  attributes. 

1.     Name  and  Legend. 

There  is  no  agreement  as  to  his  name,   much   less    as    to 
his  acts  and  deeds. 

A.  According  to  Lu-tsu-is'uen-shu  g  f§  &  ^  Bk.  1,  p.  19, 
his  clan  name  was  Lii  fllj  and  his  personal  name  Ts'ao  $|.  He 
was  said  to  have  been  a  Minister  of  State  under  T'ai-tsu  -fc  |§ 
Fou  li  1  M&iM  m  tne  year  916  A.D.  when  the  latter  proclaimed 
himself  emperor  of  the  Liao  j§f£  or  Ki-tan  §o  J*\.  Lit  afterwards 
left  court  and  buried  himself  in  a  mountain  solitude  between 
Chung-nan-shan  ffe  ~$)  lJL|  and  T'ai-hwa-shan  •%  ijfi  lij  in  the 
prefecture  of  Si-ngan-fu  ^  #  /ff  in  Shen-si  g£  ]ffF. 

B.  The  Shen-sien-l'iing-kien  %$  f[Jj  5§  gg  Bk.  18  Ch.  3.  gives 
his  clan  name  as  Lin-hai  fllj  #$,  his  own  name  as  Ts'ao  ^  with 
a  fore-name  Tsung-ch'eng  9j?  $•  (1)  Liu-hai  flj  $  was  originally 
from  Peh-king  4b  M   (4b  ¥)  in  Ghih-li  jl  fj$  (pj  4b).  Peking  was 

(1)     The  Kwang-yu-hi  ^  ^  IE    Bk.  6    p.    37    gives    his    fore-name    as 
Chao-tah  Bg   jH 


called  of  old  Yen-shan  ^5  ]\\  and   was  the    capital    of    the    little 
kingdom  of  Yen  $&. 

This  Liu  became  a  minister  under  Liu-sheu-kwang  $!lj  ^  ^ 
king-  of  Yen  j^j. 

Nature  and  Destiny  were  the  ordinary  topics  of  his 
discourse  and  he  honoured  the  old  emperor  Hwang-ti  ^  ^  and 
Lao-kiiin.  He,  one  day,  received  a  visit  from  Cheng-yang-tze  jE 
jf^  ^-,  the  Illumined  (to  wit,  the  Immortal  Han-chung-li  ^|  f§ 
jH)  and  the  reception  of  the  visitor  took  place  in  the  state 
apartment.  The  visitor  set  himself  to  building  up  a  pile  of  ten 
eggs  one  on  top  of  another  but  each  time  with  a  piece  of 
gold  between.    (1) 

"That  is  a  hazardous  business",  cried  Liu-hai.  "Yes,  but 
less  ticklish  than  being  minister  to  that  prince  of  yours",  was  the 
retort.  The  host  immediately  cut  short  the  interview,  and  Ts'ao 
^  took  the  hint.  He  presented  himself  before  Kwang  ^£,  king 
of  Yen,  who  had  usurped  the  title  of  emperor  and  upbraided  him 
with  his  act.  (2)  As  the  king  turned  a  deaf  ear  to  his  remons- 
trance, \n  accordance  with  Chinese  practice  pleaded  illness  in 
order  to  surrender  his  seals  and  resign.  He  changed  his  name 
to  Hilen-ying  3£3&:  the  Tao-shi  call  him,"  "Hai-shan-tsze"  $|  $i 
<^p,  the  Sea-toad.  He  then  started  to  travel  in  search  of  perfec- 
tion and  meeting  with  Lil-shun-yang  g  jffc  %  (viz.  the  Immortal 
Lil-tung-pin  g  ^  §^)  he  got  the  recipe  for  changing  gold 
secretions  into  pills  of  immortality. 

The  Yuan  yfc  Emperor  Shun-Ti  Jlf(  iff  in  the  6th  year  of 
Chi-yilan  jg  j£,  1340  A.D.  conferred  on  him  the  posthumous  title: 
"Loyal  Prince  of  Intelligence  that  searcheth  the  great  Doctrine." 

(1)  Hence  the  bandolier  worn  by  Liu-hai  in  Chinese  pictures, 
2)  The  T'unglien-Tcang-muh  Iffg,  Bk.  54  p  43,  says  that  the 
Emperor  T'ai-tsu  ;fc  iffl  of  the  Later  Liang  @£  §£  had  granted  Liu  slieu- 
Tcwang  the  title  of  King  of  Yen  in  the  3rd  year  of  the  K'ai-p'ing  period  ffl 
2^  909  A.  D,  and  that  the  king  Sheu-hwang  ^  %  usurped  the  title  of 
Emperor  in  the  first  year  of  ''Kien-hwa"  $£  -f£  911  A.  D. 



2.  An  Apparition  of  Liu-hai. 

The  following  legend  is  taken  from  the  book :  Mung-lai-fu 
(fung-hia-pih-t'an)  ;£  $  ft  (M  H&  ^  ^)  P-  44. 

At  Su-ehow  |ft  j]\  outside  the  Ch'ang  Gate  |gj  f*\  there 
dwelt  in  the  Nan-hao  ^  y||  suburb,  a  man  called  Pei-hung-wen 
H  %  -3^.  This  family  lived  by  commerce  and  in  it  virtue  had 
been  held  in  honour  from  generation  to  generation.  In  the  first 
year  of  the  reign  of  Ivang-hi  J|£  $E,  1662  A.D.,  a  young  stranger 
who  gave  his  name  as  Ngo-pao  ppj  ^  knocked  at  the  door  of  Pel's 
house  and  asked  for  work.  He  was  given  employment  and 
proved  to  be  very  industrious.  After  a  month  or  so,  he  was 
offered  his  wages  but  declined  to  take  it.  Moreover  it  had 
been  noticed  that  sometimes  he  did  not  take  any  food  for  days 
together  without  for  all  that  suffering  inconvenience ;  all  the 
inmates  of  the  house  bore  astonished  witness  to  this  strange 
trait.  One  day  he  was  given  the  task  of  cleaning  the  night- 
vessels  (1)  ;  in  an  instant  he  had  turned  them  inside  out,  just 
like  a  football  cover;  the  witnesses  of  this  device  were  of  course 
still  more  amazed. 

On  the  fifteenth  day  of  the  first  Chinese  month,  the 
Lantern  festival,  (2)  the  stranger  took  his  master's  child  out  in 
his  arms  to  show  him  the  illuminations :  suddenly  he  disappeared. 
The  family  was  most  anxious.  But  he  turned  up  in  the  third 
watch.  (3)  The  master  scolded  him  roundly. 

(1)  Two  kinds  are  in  use.  One  of  the  "commode"  type,  serving  for 
stool:  the  other  of  the  urine-flask  type  as  used  for  sick-beds  in  our 
countries.  It  is  this  latter,  made  of  earthenware  and  indeed  difficult  to 
keep  clean,  of  which  there  is  question  in  the  narrative. 

(2)  Kwo  siao-nien  3$  /\>  $fc  (Spending  the  little  New  Year.  See  above 
Vol.  V  Art  IV  p.  642  (Engl,   trans). 

(3)  The  night  is  divided  into  six  watches  of  two  hours  each.  Those 
who  have  lived  in  Chinese  cities  will  have  a  vivid  memory  of  the  drum 
beats  wandering  about  all  right  announcing  the  watch:  e.  g.  three  taps 
for  the  third  watch. 

Fig.   153 

Lieou  hai  sien.  Cette  image  est  affich^e  dans  les  demeures  comme  un  talisman  pr^serva- 

teur  et  porte-bonhe'ur. 
The  Immortal   Liu-hai.      This  picture   is   affixed   in   families   as  a   protective   and    luck- 
bearing  talisman. 


"But  why,"  replied  the  supposed  servant,"  do  you  get 
angry  ?  This  year  the  Lantern  Feast  has  been  wretched  all  over 
China:  only  at  Fuh-chow  fg  ]>\],  the  capital  of  Fuhkien  f|  %£ 
has  it  been  a  success  so  I  took  your  child  there  to  see  it.  They 
refused  to  give  credence  to  this  as  Su-chow  is  hundreds  of  li  from 
Fuh-chow.  Thereupon  the  child  produced  half  a  score  of  Li 
die's  ffi,  ffi  (2)  freshly  plucked  and  offering  them  to  his  parents 
bade  them  taste  the  fruit.  Then  they  understood  that  the 
stranger  was  an  Immortal. 

Some  months  later  on,  he  caught  a  three-legged  toad 
when  he  was  drawing  water  from  the  well.  He  tied  it  with  a 
parti-coloured  cord  several  feet  long,  put  it  on  his  shoulder  and 
went  home  leaping  with  joy.  ."This  animal  had  escaped  :  .1  have 
been  looking  for  it  in  vain  for  many  a  year  and  to-day  at  last  I 
have  caught  it".  So  all  round  the  neighbourhood  the  tidings 
spread  that  Liu-hai  was  in  the  house  of  the  Pei  J=|,  family :  an 
immense  crowd  assembled.  Then  Liu-hai  raised  his  hands  to 
thank  his  master  Pei  and  from  the  middle  of  the  courtyard  went 
up  into  the  air  and  disappeared.  The  door  of  this  dwelling  in 
Su-chow  is  still  noted  by  people  passing  as  a  souvenir  of  an 
Immortal's  visit. 

Since  Liu-hai  wears  a  string  of  coins,  his  help  is  sought 
for  the  success  of  business  transactions. 

Images  of  Liu-hai  with  his  frog  (see  fig.  153)  are  intended 
for  pasting  up,  one  on  each  of  the  side-posts  of  a  door  so  that 
the  one  faces  the  other.     Our  figure  153  is  suitable  for  the   fifth 

(2)  Nephelium  punicum  Li-che  (as  above  or  Di  ^:  aiso  ft  ^  Tan  die). 
Greatly  esteemed.  Trees  said  to  live  hundred  of  years.  A  small  fruit 
with  a  light  shell,  marked  with  a  shagreen  pattern:  the  shape  is  round, 
inside  is  an  oblong  nut  surrounded  by  a  white  fleshy  substance  that  is  at 
its  best  very  juicy  and  pleasant.  It  does  not  ripen  north  of  Fuh-kien.  Li- 
chees cannot  be  got  as  early  as  the  Chinese  first  month.  May  is  the 
beginning  of  their  season. 


of  the  fifth  month  (1)  as  the  inscriptions  refer  to  the  "the 
muywost  (3t)  leaves  increasing  the  five  blessings  by  their 
breath"  and  charms  written  red  with  peach-wood  being  the 
happy  cause  of  the  Three  "superfluences"  (good-luck,  old-age, 
male  issue)."  Above  is  the  "Pah  Kwa"  with  the  command  that 
the  diagram  should  fix  for  ever  good-weal  (tJ<  |jl  ^p  $£). 

(1)     Chinese  Superstitions  (English  Ed.)  Vol.  V  p.  646,732:  717. 



The  following  account  of  Chang-iao-ling  will  hardly 
support  attempts  to  find  in  such  a  charlatan  a  parallel  for  the 
first  holder  of  the  Papacy.  To-day  the  mere  statement  of  the 
historical  facts  should  suffice  to  make  such  companion  odious. 
These  facts  are  to  be  found,  (1)  in  the  Taoist  books  and  in 
certain  other  works  that  have  dealt  with  his  life,  (2)  in  the 
general  histories  of  China,  (3)  in  the  records  of  the  Three 
Kingdoms  Period  which  mention  him  and  his  descendents  as  living 
in  that  period. 

I,     Chang-tao-ling,  according  to  the  Taoist  Books  and 
Works  of  other  writers. 

According  to  "More  Divine  Beings",  (1)  Chang 4'ien-shi 
H  3i  BrP  would  be  a  descendent  of  Chang-liang  |jj|  &  in  the 
eighth  generation  (2). 

(1)  Chung-tseng-sheu-shen-Tci  %  i£  ^  Jf4  IE  n  Part>  P-  58  etc 

(2)  (Note)  It  will  be  remembered  that  Chang-liang  was  from  Eonan 
province,  being  born  in  Yii-chow  :jg  'H]  in  the  prefecture  of  K'ai-fung-fu  ffl 
$]  Jfr-  When  he  saw  that  the  kingdom  in  which  he  was  born,  had  fallen 
into  the  hands  of  the  Ts'in  ^  dynasty,  he  attempted  in  vain  to  avenge 
the  wrongs  of  his  couutry  and  then  enlisted  under  the  victorious  standard 
of  Liu-pang  %\  f[S,  founder  of  the  Han  M  who  ousted  the  Ts'in  %.  In 
return  for  his  services,  the  title  of  "Duke"  jg  ^  was  conferred  upon  him. 
Chang-liang  thereupon  retired  from  political  life  and  sought  out  the  sorcerer 
Ch'ih-sung-tsze  #  &  -f-  to  obtain  from  him  the  secret  of  living  without 
food  and  of  spiritualizing  his  body.  The  empress  Lii-heu  g  J^  held  him 
in  high  esteem  and  constrained  him  to  eat,  much  indeed  against  his  will 
as  he  could  not  refuse  such  a  high  personage.  Eight  years  afterwards  he 
died.  His  grave  is  at  P'ei-hsien  fr|i  %  in  the  prefecture  of  Sii-chow-fu  '{£  #1 
}ff  in  Kiang-su  U  M-     He  is  known  as  %  J&  ^  Duke  Perfect  Gentleman. 



His  birth  is  given  as  taking  place  in  the  tenth  year  of 
Kwang-wu-ti  %  ^  ifr  i.e.  35  A.D.  And  the  birth-place  is  said  to 
have  been  Mount  T'ien  Muh  Ji  g  mj,  Mount  Heaven's  Eye  at 
IAn-ngan-hsien  ffi  %  %  in  the  prefecture  of  Hang-chow  jft  )>\]  Jft 
in  Cheh-kiang  $£  fa.  There  are  other  opinions  which  we  shall 
see  to  be  more  likely. 

Henceforth   he   devoted   himself    to    magic    and    lived   on 
Peh-mang-shan  ft  tfi  [lj  to  the  north  of  Honanfu  fpf  ]f  Jft,  capital 
of   the    Ho-nan.     In    vain    the    emperors    Chang-ti   ^  ffi  (76-88 
A.D)  and  Hivo-ti  %j  %?  (89-106  A.D.)  invited  him  to  their  court. 
After  pilgrimages  to  the  most    famous    mountains,    he    came    at 
last  to  the  If  $j}  g|,  the  stream    Yiin-kin  ft  fg    (cloud-brocade) 
at  Hing-ngan-hsien  igj.  %  $£,  in  the  ^  -jg   fff,  Kwang-sin  subpre- 
fecture  in  Kiangsi   fa  ]JEf.     From  the    mountain    heights    around 
the  torrent,    his    eye    ranged    over    a    wonderful    view    and    he 
proceeded  to  follow  up  the  course  of  the  stream  until  he  arrived 
at  a  grotto,  Yiin-kin-tung  f|  ^  p|.     Here  he  worked  at  alchemy 
for  three  years  until  the  consummation  of  the  mysterious   union 
of  blue  dragon  and  white  tiger,  whereupon  Chang -tao-ling  succeded 
in   producing   the    pill    of    immortality.     Upon    eating    this,    his 
face,  though  he  was  sixty  years  of  age,  became  as  fresh  as   that 
of  a  boy.     Moreover  he    received    as  a   special    mark    of    divine 
favour  a  mystic  book  containing  all  sorts  of  recipes  for  spiritua" 
lizing  oneself,  changing  shape  at    will,    or    driving    away    devils 
and  goblins.     Finally  he  left  Kiangsi  for  Szech'wan  0  )\\  where 
he  took  up  his  abode  on    the    "Cloud    Terrace"    Mountain    Yun 
T'ai  ft  jf  at  Ts'an-ki-hsien  |f  $|  f|  in    the   Pao-ning  Prefecture 
^  3|?.  ffi.     From  this  mountain  he  rose    to    heaven.     He    left    as 
heirlooms  his  magic-book,  a  collection  of    charms,    his    seal    and 
his  magic-sword. 

His  son  was  named  Chang-heng  ^M  Hr>  his  grand-son 
Chang-lu  ^  iff-,  his  great-grand- son  Chang-shing  3j|  $£.  This 
last  came  back  again  to  live  on  the  Lung-Jin  Mountain  f|  ^  iJj. 
in  the  Kwei-k'i  subprefecture  jit  ('Hi!?,  .belongings  to  Kwang-sin- fu 
Jf  fa  jft  in  Kiangsi  fa  H-     The  title  of  Chen- j  en  j||  A  :     "Hero" 


or  "Perfect  men"  belongs  to    the    head    of    the    family    in    each 

The  account  given  in  the  "Biographies  of  Genii  and 
Immortals  "Shen-sien-chwan  jjif  -fill  M  B1<-  4-  P-  8>  is  as  follows : 
Chang-tao-ling  was  originally  a  native  of  petty  kingdom  P'ei  fjff 
in  Ngan-hwui  -^  ^  (to  the  N.  E.  Nan-siu-chow  in  the  Fung-yang 
prefecture  Jf^  p§  #f).  (1)  He  was  a  distinguished  scholar,  fully 
possessing  the  national  literature.  One  day  he  burst  into  a 
sigh  —  "What  use  is  literature  for  prolonging  one's  life!"  —  and 
fortwith  abandoned  letters  for  alchemy.  He  sought  instruction 
in  the  recipes  by  which  Hwang-ti  ji  ^  had  once  upon  a  time 
concocted  his  exilir.  Determining  to  devote  himself  to  the 
preparation  of  this  wonderful  draught,  Chang  was  quickly  brought 
to  a  halt  by  the  cost  of  the   necessary   ingredients. 

He  could  not  count  upon  his  family  and  relatives  for  the 
expenses  of  his  researches  in  alchemy,  for  he  was  of  the  poor 
farmer  class  that  lived  from  hand-to-mouth  by  tilling  or  cattle- 
rearing.  Hearing  however  that  the  people  of  Sze-chivan  were 
simple  and  credulous  and  that  there  were  many  famous  moun- 
tains in  that  land,  he  betook  himself  there  with  a  train  of 
followers  and  reached  Hoh-ming  Mount  $|  %  jjj  in  the  Ta-yih 
district  ^  §}  %  (under  K'iung-chow  Jfl  j'\]).  There  he  composed 
his  book  of  magic  recipes  in  24  chapters.  Just  as  he  had  resolved 
upon  starting  to  compound  his  pille  of  immortality,  there 
appeared  a  heavenly  messenger  with  a  long  train  of  mounted 
men.  A  parasol  was  borne  in  front  of  this  notable  who  was  seated 
in  a  golden  chariot  while  his  followers  rode  tigers   and    dragons. 

This  visitor  announced  himself  as  Chu-hsia-she  $-.  ~f  $* 
or  Lao-tsze  ^  ^  or  as  Tung-hai-siao-i'ung  ^  #|  >|,  j|  "the  Youth 
of  the  Eastern  Sea."  He  imparted  to  Chang  certain  secrets 
and  wondrous  recipes  for  the  cure  of  all  manner  of  ailments. 
Chang  soon  succeeded  in  overawing  the  common  folk  who  called 

(1)     V.   Ti-li-yun-pien  ■}&  ^  fjl  fg  N.  B.  Now  at  Kiang-su 


him  "Master;  his  pupils  could  now  be  counted  by  hundreds  of 
thousands.  Faced  with  this  vast  body  of  disciples,  Chang-too- 
ling devised  a  regular  hierarchy  and  he  published  regulations 
by  which  his  disciples  took  it  in  turn  to  go  about  requisitioning 
rice,  utensils,  paper,  writing-brushes,  firewood  and  the  like. 
He  also  used  his  position  to  get  the  people  to  open  up 
roads,  and  mend  bridges:  disobedience  brought  the  infliction 
on  the  recusant  of  an  illness  as  a  punishment.  From  that  time 
on,  everybody  rendered  him  absolute  obedience.  These  simple 
folk  were  persuaded  that  Chang  had  a  mission  from  Heaven  thus 
to  command  their  service.  He  himself  took  good  care  to  foster 
the  idea. 

Chang  led  these  multitudes  more  by  their  sense  of  shame 
than  by  punishments.  According  to  his  instructions  anyone 
suffering  from  a  malady,  had  to  write  act  a  confession  of  all  the 
faults  he  had  committed  during  his  whole  life  and  then  holding 
the  document  in  his  hand,  plunge  it  into  water  and  swear  before 
the  Spirits  never  to  commit  these  faults  again.  Such  a  one  had 
also  to  pledge  his  life  as  guarantee  of  his  sincerity.  Thanks  to 
this  device,  the  people  began  to  regard  maladies  as  the  conse- 
quences of  sins  and  were  ashamed  to  go  back  to  sinful  ways. 
It  was  a  sort  of  "revival  in  which  fear  held  people  back  from 

Chang-tao-ling  netted  substantial  gain  from  this  procedure 
—  he  charged  five  bushels  of  rice  for  treating  a  case  of  sickness: 
hence  he  won  the  nick-name  of  Rice-thief  ^  $$.  which  the 
people  of  Szech'wan  were  not  slow  to  bestow  upon  him.  When 
he  had  thus  secured  the  necessary  resources,  he  set  himself 
again  by  means  of  alchemy  to  compound  the  pill  of  immortality. 
On  achieving  the  task,  he  ate  of  the  pill  only  one  half  as  he  did 
not  wish  yet  to  enter  heaven  but  chose  rather  to  enjoy  several 
personalities  at  once  down  here  on  earth.  One  of  these 
personalities  henceforth  spent  its  time  boating  on  a  lake  in 
front  of  his   dwelling. 



The  adepts  (the  Tao-she)  and  other  visitors  flocked  to 
see  him.  These  were  received  by  one  of  his  "selves"  which 
entertained  them  and  spoke  with  them  while  the  real  Chang-tdo- 
ling  stayed  out  on  the  lake.  The  visitors  got  the  following 
advice :  "You  cannot,  like  me,  renounce  the  world  and  quit  it 
but  surely  you  could  imitate  me  in  regulating  your  family.  If 
you  do  so,  you  shall  obtain  the  favour  of  drinking  a  potion 
that  will  add  some  centuries  to  your  life.  As  for  Hwang-ti's 
crucible,"  (that  is,  the  apparatus  reputed  to  have  been  used  by 
the  Emperor  for  concocting  his  elixir),  "I  have  given  it  to  my 
disciple,  Wang-chang  3E  -ft-  Later  on,  there  will  come  from 
Eastern  lands  one  who  shall  take  it  for  his  use :  his  arrival 
shall  be  on  the  seventh  day  of  the  first  moon".  He  then 
proceeded  to  trace  the  portrait  of  this  new-comer  in  advance. 
Exactly  on  time,  Chao-sheng  j$l  1$.  arrived  from  the  East;  he  it 
was  whom  Chang -tao -ling  had  announced. 

The  latter  then  led  all  his  disciples  to  the  highest  peak 
of  Yiin-l'ai  ft  <|f.  At  their  feet,  from  out  a  sheer  rock-face, 
these  grew  a  peach-tree :  it  reached  out  like  a  man's  arm  over 
an  abyss :  it  was  now  laden  with  the  peaches.  The  Master  then 
spoke.  "I  will  teach  deep  mystery  to  anyone  of  you  who  has 
the  courage  to  gather  these  peaches."  These  were  three  hundred 
disciples  there,  yet  no  one  volunteered,  until  Chao-sheng  $§  .ff- 
leaped  boldly  down  from  the  rock-peak  upon  the  tree  that 
stretched  out  into  space :  his  foothold  was  sure  and  at  once  he 
began  to  gather  much  fruit  as  he  could  stow  away  in  his  clothes. 
But  now  came  the  problem  of  the  ascent.  On  the  slippery  rock 
his  hands  could  find  no  grips  and  he  had  to  lighten  himself  of 
his  burden  of  fruit  by  flinging  then  up  to  the  company  above ; 
there  were  three  hundred  and  two  peaches.  Tao-ling  distributed 
the  peaches :  each  ate  one  and  Tao-ling  kept  one  over  for  Chao- 
sheng.  To  assist  this  later  to  regain  the  group,  Tao-ling  stretched 
down  his  hand,  extending  it  miraculously  some  thirty  feet. 
After  Chao-sheng  had  come  up  and  had  eaten  his   peach.  Chang- 



Tao-ling  looked  down  the  precipice  and  said  with  a  smile, 
"Chao-sheng  has  been  able  to  jump  down  courageously  upon 
that  tree  and  his  foot  did  not  stumble  :  ''I  will  try  it  myself 
and  I  shall  have  the  right  to  get  a  big  peach."  No  sooner  said 
than  done  —  but  now  he  was  followed  by  Wang-chang  3E -^  and 
Chao-sheng.  One  stood  on  each  side  of  the  master  and  thus  the 
two  were  taught  there  by  him  the  mysteries  of  his  doctrine. 
Three  days  after  this  revelation,  they  returned  to  their  homes, 
made  final  arrangements  and  then  came  back  to  the  mountain 
where  all  three  disappeared  in  full  midday  into  the  sky  while 
the  others  were  looking  on. 

The  book  Shang-yiu-luh  $  %  %  (b.  4  p.  9)  furnishes 
additional  details.  Chang -tao-ling' s  name  was  Fu-han  ||  -jH  : 
when  he  was  seven  years  old,  he  understood  the  Tao-teh-hing 
M  W^  Wl  and  a^  tne  l°re  °f  earth,  water  and  the  stars.  He 
lived  the  life  of  a  hermit  on  Peh-mang  Mountain  4b  t\]  (jj,  north 
of  Ho-nan-fu  pj  ~[$  ffi.  A  white  tiger  brought  a  charm  between 
his  teeth  and  laid  it  at  Chang -Tao-Ung's  feet.  The  Emperor 
Chang-ti  ^  ffi  76-89  A.  D.  invited  him  to  court:  Hwo-ti  %}  tfr 
89-106  A.D.  repeated  the  invitation  three  times,  wished  to  take 
him  as  teacher,  and  even  promised  him  the  title  of  Duke  of 
Ki-hsien.  But  Chang  could  not  be  tempted :  he  went  to 
Szechwan  and  lived  as  a  solitary  on  Mt.  Hoh-ming  g|  P|  \]j 
(Ta-yih-hsien  ^  q  M  sub-prefecture  dependant  on  K'iung  Chow 
Jft  j'\]).  He  was  the  teacher  of  Wang-chang  3£  -J|  who  was  well 
versed  in  astrology  and  had  entered  into  the  secrets  of  Hwang-ti 
jir  tft  (1)  and  Lao-tsze  j£  ^. 

(1)  Hwang  ti's  skill.  He  had  received  from  the  Master  Ts'ing-lc'iu  ^ 
ft7,  the  works  of  the  first  three  Emperors  and  a  treatise  on  astrology. 
From  his  master  Jiivang-ch'engtsze  ^  Jj£  -f-  he  had  got  the  magic  retort 
for  making  the  pill  that  conferred  the  gifts  of  spiritualisation  and  of  flying 
in  the  air.  Yiint'ai  ff  H  gave  him  magic  spells  by  which  he  could  use 
dragons  and  tigers  as  mounts,  viz.  rao-p'u-tszechen-yun  fe  ft  -f-  ^  $£. 
Cf.  Lou-she-keou-ki? 



Chang -Tao-ling  and  his  pupil  spent  three  years  in  common 
composing  the  compound  entitled:  "Of  the  Dragon  and  the 
Tiger."  A  blue  dragon  and  a  white  tiger  kept  watch  over  the 
crucible  in  which  the  concoction  of  the  drug  was  going  on.  On 
finishing  the  task,  Chang  took  the  drug  and  his  old  age  was 
forthwith  changed  into  fresh  youth. 

One  day,  Chang  was  on  a    visit   to    Mt    Sung    ^  |Xj ,    the 
Sacred  Mountain  of  the    North,    about    10    li    to    the    north    of 
Teng-fung-hsien    $£  ^  %    in    Honan.     Another    name    for    the 
mountain  is   Shell  (Mansion)  1g  because   there    is    a    grotto    or 
house  of  rock  in  its  side.     Here  it  was  that  Chang  received    his 
message  from  the  gold-clad  Ambassador.     In  a  cavern  hollowed 
out  in  middlemost  of  the  mountain's  three  peaks,  there  were  the 
books  of  the  first  three  emperors,  Hwang-ti's    crucible    and    the 
alchemy  formulas  of  the  "Three  Pure  Ones":    with    the    help   of 
these  he  was  to  make  the  Pill  of  Immortality  which    he    should 
eat  and  then  mount  up  to  the  heavens.     Tao-ling  first  underwent 
purificatory  ceremonies  and  then  made  his  way    into    the  grotto 
as  indicated :  he  found  there  the  recipe  for  the  famous  pill  which 
he    succeeded    in    producing.       So    he    acquired    the    power    of 
bilocation  and  of  invisibility.     Once  he  heard  strains  of  heavenly 
music  from    on  high.     Lao-isze   %  ^    forthwith    came    down  to 
earth  upon  the  summit  of    i§  %  jJLj    and    spoke    with    Tao-ling: 
"Just  now,  six  huge    demons    are    assailing    the    inhabitants    of 
Szechwan.     Go  and  master  them  :  it  will  bring  you  immeasurable 
merit  and  your  name  shall  be  for  ever  engraved  on  this  mountain. 
Take  from  my  hands  this  mysterious  book,  this  epitome    of   the 
prayers  of  "the  Three  Pure  Ones",  also  this  collection  of  charms, 
further  spells  for  the   pill    of   immortality,   this    pair    of    sabres, 
one  of  which  is  male  and  the  other  female,    this    seal    possessed 
every  virtue  of  this    hat,    dress,    chequer-apron  and  red  sandals. 
Let  me  appoint  my  next  meeting  with  you  for  a  thousand  days 
hence,  in  the  Grotto  of  the  Immortals  in    the   K'wan-lun    moun- 
tains %  $  iJj." 


Chang  accepted  the  gifts.  By  help  of  these,  he  marshalled 
thirty-six  thousand  spirits  and  led  them  to  Ts'ing-ch'eng  Mountain 
"pf  $c  ill  in  Kican-hsicn  ^  $£  (Clrcng-tu-fu  jfcfflffi  in  Szechwan). 
He  made  prisoners  of  the  generals  of  the  eight  departments  of 
devils  and  slew  their  six  great  kings.  After  this  exploit  he 
betook  himself  with  Wang-chang  to  Mt  Yun-t'ai  m  3S  their 
residence   on    Mt  Lung-hu  f |  )%  |Xl  in  Kiang-si  yX  M- 

This  Taoistic  legend  is  confirmed  (or  rather  repeated)  by 
the  history  Tlung-kien-kang-muli  (cheng-pien)  }j|  §gf  |S)  @  (IE  f§) 
Bk.  24  p.  83  Kang-muh-chih-shih  M  B  M  M  witl1  tlle  addition 
of  some  curious  features.  Before  mounting  to  the  heavens, 
Chang -tao-ling  called  a  halt  half-way  up  Mt.  Yun-t'ai,  struck 
boldly  into  the  granite-face  of  the  mountain  and  making  a 
passage  for  himself  came  out  at  the  very  peak.  Thus  he  was 
responsible  for  two  caves  in  the  Mountain:  one  half-way  up, 
"The  High  Cave  of  the  Immortal":  one  on  the  ridge,  "The  plane 
Cave  of  the  Immortal." 

II.     Chang-Tao-ling  in  history 

The  account  given  by  the  official  history  of  China  "Tse- 
che-t'ung-kien-kang-muh  %  \ £  jg  gjg  $pjj  g  runs  as  follows  :  — 

Chang-Tao-ling  was  a  descendant  in  the  eighth  remove 
from  Chang-leang  jjl  &  marquis  of  Liu  fg  $|,  minister  of  Liu- 
pang  |pj  i|$,  founder  of  the  Han  family  fj|.  Born  on  Mt. 
T'ien-muh  ^  g  Jj,  "Heaven's  Eye  Mountain",  he  learned  the 
art  of  making  pills  of  immortality  and  took  up  his  abode  on  the 
Dragon-Tiger-Hill  f|  ffi  llj  in  Kiang-si.  jX  Hf  The  Emperors 
Chang-ii  ^  ft  (76-89  A.  D.)  and  Hwo-ti  ftj  it  89-106  A.  D.  made 
fruitless  attempts  to  attract  him  to  court.  He  made  various 
journeys  in  an  attempt  to  find  a  perfect  solitude.  In  the  course 
of  these  wanderings  he  came  upon  the  grotto  Yun-kin-tung  |j| 
$^  -][p|  in  which  an  immortal  was  then  busying  himself  with 
alchemy.  So  he  devoted  three  years  to  the  elaboration  of  an 
elixir:  at  last  the  happy  combination  of  Blue  Dragon  and  White 


Tiger  solved  the  problem.  Chang -Tao-ling,  already  sixty  years 
old,  regained  his  youth  on  tasting  the  elixir.  He  also  fell  in 
for  a  bequest  of  talismans  and  magic-books  whose  spells  enabled 
him  to  do  Protean  changes,  to  banish  demons  and  work  trans- 
formations in  others  at  his  will. 

Chang,  on  leaving  his  laboratory-cave  went  off  to  Mt. 
Hoh-ming  (Crane  Cry)$|  %  ill  in  Sz'ch'wan  pj  )\\  where  he  lived 
as  a  hermit  immersed  again  in  researches  into  the  secrets  of 
alchemy.  To  make  a  livelihood,  he  carried  on  a  medical  practise 
in  which  his  fee  for  each  case  was  five  bushels  of  rice:  hence 
the  nick-name,  "Rice-thief." 

Lao-kiiin  %■  jg  (Lao-tsze)  himself  bestowed  on  him  a 
work  containing  charms  still  more  potent  than  he  yet  possessed  : 
so  with  some  choice  companions  he  delved  still  deeper  into  the 
mysteries  of  alchemy.  By  156  A.D.  he  had  attained  a  high 
degree  of  perfection  and  was  almost  completely  purged  of  baser 
matter :  so  he  pushed  into  Mt.  Yiin-T'ai  and  passed  out  by  the 
summit  leaving  the  two  caves. 

That  same  year,  on  the  9th  day  of  the  9th,  Lao-tsze  j£  ^ 
now  sent  him  a  heavenly  messenger  charged  with  this  message  : 
"You  have  overstepped  the  mean  in  your  massacre  of  the  devils 
and  as  a  punishment  the  Supreme  Being  is  prolonging  your 
earthly  existence  by  three  thousand  six  hundred  days.  I  will 
await  you  in  the  palace  of  Shang-ts'ing  J^  |pf ". 

Tao-ling  escorted  by  his  disciple  Wang-chang  and  by 
Chao-sheng,  retired  to  Mt.  Hoh-ming  and  spent  some  twenty  years 
as  hermit  there.  One  day  about  mid-day  he  was  visited  by  a 
redrobed  messenger  from  heaven,  inviting  him  on  behalf  of  the 
Gods  to  the  Palace  of  the  Immortals.  Tao-ling  mounted  his 
carriage  and  reached  the  Palace.  A  party  of  the  Immortals 
came  forth  to  meet  him  but  alas  !  he  was  not  yet  ripe  enough  to 
understand  their  language  (1).     So  he  had  to  be    brought    back 

<1)     Cf.  the  story  below  of  Htvui-nsni-tsse  (Article  XX1Y  ad  finem). 


to  earth  again  on  Mt.  Yang-p'ing  %  zfc  (Jj .  Then  he  handed 
over  to  Chang-heng  his  son,  all  his  magic  equipment,  recipes 
for  immaterialization,  aerial  flying,  his  amulets,  books,  seal  and 
his  two  sabres  for  decapitating  demons.  "Take,"  said  he,  "this 
precious  gifts,  kill  demons,  chase  off  hobgobbins,  protect  the 
kingdom,  bring  peace  to  the  people  and  let  my  dignity  pass  from 
father  to  son  without  ever  leaving  the  family". 

In  the  reign  of  the  Han  Emperor  Hwan-ti  fj|  ;jff  ^  157 
A.  D.  one  mid-day  Chang-Tao-ling,  accompanied  by  his  wife,  nee 
Yung  3£jt  j£,  his  pupil  Wang-ckang  and  by  Chao-sheng  |g  J|-  went 
up  to  heaven  from  the  summit  of  Yiin-t'ai  f|  jf  ill  :  he  was  123 
years  of  age. 

After  his  death,  Chang-hing  carried  on  the  magic  and 
transmitted  the  profession  to  his  own  son  Chang-lu  jjj|  iff-.  This 
latter  had  himself  entitled  Master-Prince  and  called  his  adherents 
"Demon-Soldiers"  over  whom  he  set  chiefs  called  "Libationers,'' 
"Directors".  His  gang  was  only  a  branch  of  the  rebels  known 
as  Yellow  Turbans.  The  central  authority  was  helpless  at  the 
moment :  and  so  obliged  to  endure  what  they  could  not  cure 
they  gave  him  the  title  of  Prefect  of  Han-ning  ^  3p,  now  Pin- 
chow  %  >}\\  and  Hing-ning-hsien  $&  ^  J$£  in  Hu-nan  $J]  ^. 

The  other  books  of  history  add  that  he  was  a  man  of  no 
particular  merit.  It  was  in  the  reign  of  the  T'ang  monarch 
Hiien-tsung  Jf  ]£  ^  that  in  748  A.D.  the  official  title  of  "Master 
of  Heaven"  was  conferred  posthumously  on  him.  In  the  time  of 
the  Northern  Wei  4b  i$L  the  Taoist  priest  K'eu-k'ien-chi  ^g  §f|  £ 
had  been  called  Master  of  Heaven  but  it  was  then  an  empty 
formula :  it  was  only  under  the  T'ang  that  official  recognition 
was  awarded  to  the  title. 

The  Confucian  scholar  who  has  added  the  commentary  to 
the  official  history,  sighes  over  the  history  of  Taoism.  From 
the  founder  Lao-tsze's  time  down  to  the  Earlier  Han,  there  had 
developed  only  some  thirty-seven  schools;  there  was  almost  no 
propaganda :  there  was  no  spirit  of  hugger-mugger,  no  talismans, 


no  magic.  All  these  distortions  came  in  with  Chang-Tao-ling 
under  the  later  Han  and  henceforth  propaganda  for  the  sect 
made  enormous  strides  among  the  common  people.  One  Taoist 
priest  of  Mt  Sung  ^  a  disciple  of  Chang-lu  (the  grandson  of 
Chang-Tao-ling)  claimed  to  have  been  favoured  with  apparitions 
of  Lao-tsze  and  announced  that  it  was  the  sage's  will  that  the 
title  of  "Heaven  Master''  3^  6i|J  should  be  conferred  on  Chang- 
Tao-ling.  Taoism  spread  like  wild-fire  through  China  and 
could  claim  equal  rank  with  Confucianism  and  Buddhism.  Its 
worsJ;  crime  would  be  the  entitling  its  teachers:  Masters  of  the 
Way,  "Tao-shi"  $|  -±  and  Master  of   Heaven   "T'ien-shi"    ^  gjjj. 

What  audacity!  A  wretched  charlatan  dares  usurp  the  title 

of  "Master  of  Heaven" !  Were  not  Chang-Tao-ling  and  K'eu- 
h'ien-chi  mere  men,  born  of  a  father  and  a  mother?  ..  Is  not 
their  very  intelligence  a  gift  of  Heaven?  How  dare  they  arrogate 
to  themselves  the  title  of  "Master  of   Heaven".  (1) 

I  IT.     Chang-tao-Hng  according  ti   the  Histories 
of  the  Three  Kingdoms. 

Whoever  wishes  to  get  an  accurate  idea  of  the  practices 
of  Chang  and  his  immediate  descendants  should  read  with  care 
what  the  different  histories  of  the  Three  Kingdoms  record  on 
the  subject. 

The  revolt  known  in  history  as  that  of  the  "Yellow 
Turbans"  broke  out  in  the  reign  of  the  Han  Emperor  Ling-ii  ^ 
H  $fc  about  184  A.  D.  The  chief  promoter  was  Chang-hioh  $f 
ft},  a  follower  of  Lao-tsze  who  had  been  studying   Taoist   magic. 

(1)     For  further  details  see: 

T'ung-kien-lcang  muh  !i  g£  ffl  g  j£  |g  Bk,  24  p.  82.  Bk.  3,  p.  13,  73. 
Wieger,  Textes  Historiques  V.  2  p.  916-923. 
Wei-shu  H  #  Bk.   114  p.  18  Bk.  35  p.  1. 
Sung -shu  Jfc  ^  Bk.  433  p.  1. 
Ming-shi  BJ  &  Bk.  50  p.  17. 

Heu-han-shu    Liuyen-shwan    &   gf  ^  |?i]  ^  £|  (Commentary)   |£    Bk» 
75,  p.  3. 


At  a  moment  when  the  plague  was  causing-  wide-spread  havoc, 
Chang-kioh  claimed  to  have  found  an  infallible  remedy.  Using 
a  stick  with  nine  knots  in  it,  he  drew  a  kind  of  charm  on  a  piece 
of  paper  which  was  to  be  given  to  the  victims  of  the  scourge 
These  had  then  to  prostrate  themselves,  examine  all  their  sins 
scrupulously  and  drink  off  the  ashes  of  the  charm  in  a  draught 
of  water.  If  they  got  well,  their  recovery  was  due  to  their  faith; 
if  not,  their  incredulity  was  responsible.  Thanks  to  this  procee- 
ding, he  won  an  enormous  number  of  adherents.  Thereupon  he 
proclaimed  a  universal  peace,  and  got  posted  up  on  doors  the  two 
characters:  Kiah-tsze  ^  ^ ,  viz.  the  cyclic  numbers  of  the  year 
when  peace  was  to  be  realized,  184  A.D.  He  styled  his  doctrine: 
the  "Doctrine  of  Universal  Peace".  His  recruits  to  the  number 
of  500.000  followed  his  banner  wearing  yellow  turbans  ^  \\]. 

Chang-kioh  divided  his  forces  into  three  groups.  He 
himself  led  the  first  corps  and  called  himself  the  Duke-Marshal 
of  Heaven.  His  second  brother,  Chang-pao  i/jf  H?  commanded 
the  second  with  the  title  of  Duke-Marshal  of  Earth.  Lastly, 
his  youngest  brother,  Chang-leang,  was  in  charge  of  the  third 
group  and  was  called:  Duke  Marshal  of  Men.  All  three  suffered 
defeat  at  the  hands  of  General  Hwang-fu-sung  and  perished. 

At  this  period,  another  insurgent  leader  appeared,  Chang- 
Siu  $k  %>  also  a  disciple  of  Lao-Tsze  •%£  z$-.  He  also  set  about 
popularising  his  recipe  for  curing  the  pest.  His  system  was  as 
follows :  the  patient  must  find  a  place  suitable  for  perfect 
recollection  and  there  ponder  upon  the  sins  of  his  life-time : 
then  his  name  must  be  written  on  three  documents  asserting  his 
willingness  to  amend.  That  these  three  declarations  might  be 
brought  to  the  cognizance  of  the  Three  Principles^  li?  San-kwan) 
of  Heaven  Earth  and  Water,  one  was  to  be  deposited  on  a 
mountain,  the  second  buried  in  earth  and  the  third  sunk  in 
water.  There  were  officers  to  share  the  control  of  his  bands  of 
adepts.  All  those  who  submitted  to  the  treatment  had  to  pay  a 
fee  of  five  bushels  of  rice:  hence  Chang-sin  got  the  name  of  Five 

Fig.  154 

-^     Jfc>     J&     Mj 


Tchang-t'ien-che  et  ses  insignes.  Image  dite  des  "Cinq  venimeux*'. 
Chang  T'ien-shi  and  his  insignia.   Picture  known  as  that  of  ''the  five 
venomous  animals" . 


Bushels  Master.  His  bands  were  only  an  off-shoot  of  the  general 
Yellow  Turban  Revolt.  Chang-luh  $|  §|  grandson  of  Chang -Tao- 
ling  ijj|  Iff  |H  followed  in  the  foot-step  of  Chang-siu  |jj|  j£. 

The  historian  of  the  Three  Kingdoms  tells  us  of  Chang 
Tao-ling  the  well-known  details  of  his  stay  in  Szchwan  where  he 
composed  Taoist  books  to  stir  up  the  people  and  of  the  rice  fee 
earning  the  "Rice-chief"  nick-name  (Mi-tseh  Jfc  j$). 

About  Chang-luh,  his  grandson  he  gives  us  more  informa- 
tion. He  was  originally  from  Fung  Jg  P'ei  ffff  (to  the  North 
of  Nan-siu-chow  in  Ngan-hwei),  the  cradle  of  the  Han  -/H.  He 
was  also  called  Kung-k'i  £  flU- 

The  prefect  of  Yih-chow  ^  ^'H  (now  Ch'eng-tu-fu  jfc  ffl  Jft 
in  Sz-chwan)  one  Liu  yen  §pj  3=§  entrusted  Chang-luh  with  a 
military  command  and  sent  him  to  attack  the  prefect  of  Ban-cluing 
•jH  cfi  (in  Shen-si).  But  Chang,  in  order  to  reap  all  the  glory 
for  himself  had  his  colleague  Chang-siu  murdered  and  then 
amalgamated  their  armies.  Liu-chang  §[|J  Jjpr,  son  of  Liu-yen, 
wiped  out  Chang's  family  but  Chang  installed  himself  as  governor 
at  Han-chung.  Here  he  so  effectively  won  over  the  populace 
to  his  superstitions  that  they  styled  him  the  Teacher  Prince  Sifi 
^".     His  troops  were  styled:  Demon-soldiers  Kwei-tsuh  $1  ^. 

The  adepts  of  his  teaching  were  called,  Libationers  ^  jg 
and  were  graded  in  hierarchies  under  "Grand  Libationers."  The 
chief  precept  was  blind  faith  without  an  attempt  at  dissimulation, 
exactly  like  the  Yellow  Turbans,  in  this  case  too  the  sick  were 
to  make  a  full  confession  of  their  faults  as  the  source  of  their 

The  Libationers  founded  free  inns  where  travellers  got  rice 
and  meat  free,  but  where  avenging  spirits  smote  with  sickness 
those  who  abused  the  hospitality.  Those  who  thirce  violated  the 
order's  laws  were  put  to  death.  Everywhere  the  Libationers 
replaced  the  ordinary  officials  of  the  Government  and  ruled  the 
common  people. 




For  thirty  years  Chang-luh  and  his  Libationers  ruled  the 
districts  to  the  west  of  Pa-hsien  £  ^  \n  Chung -k'ing-fu  SI!  iff 
(in  Sz-chwan)  as  well  as  the  prefecture  of  Han-chung-fu  ^|  cf3 
M  (in  Shen-si).  Just  then,  the  central  government  had  to 
tolerate  what  it  was  too  weak  to  prevent :  so  he  was  given  the 
title  of  Prefect  of  Han-ning  -^  S§£  (now  Hing-ning-hsien  f|  $j?  §| 
attached  to  Pin-chow  f£  ]]]  in  Hu-nan  $j  ^).  Ts'ao-ts'ao  igf  ^ 
assailed  him  in  216  A.D.  under  the  reign  of  the  Han  Emperor 
Hien-ti  ^|  j^  ^  and  Chang-luh  had  to  retire  to  Sz-chwan. 
Shortly  afterwards  Ts'ao  himself  got  into  trouble  and  had  to 
confer  on  Chang  the  title  of  "Marshal  Pacifier  of  the  South." 
Chang-luli  died  in  216. 

The  historian  has  not  nothing  to  say  about  Chang-heng 
»jfi$Ef  the  son  of  Chang-Tao-ling  beyond  the  fact  that  he  succeeded 
to  his  father  and  followed  the  same  profession. 

This  is  all  that  the  most  authentic  source,  the  History  of 
the  three  Kingdoms,  has  to  say  about  Chang  Tao-ling,  Chang-heng 
and  Chang-luh.  All  sources  agree  in  calling  them  "rice-thieves", 
charlatans  and  rebels.  (1) 

Origin  of  the  title  "T'ien-shi"  ^  fijjj 
( Heav  en-Teacher ). 

The  hereditary  title  of  T'ien-shi  Ji  frjj  (Heaven-Master) 
given  to  Chang  Tao-ling  and  his  lineal  descendants  was  first 
conferred  by  Shi-tsu,  T'ai-wu-U  -Jtt  f|,  i:  tf£  #  (Topatao)  of  the 
Yuen-wei  j£  fj|  dynasty  (424-452  A.D.)  on  the  Taoist  priest, 
K'eu-k'ien-chi  ^g  f§  ;£.  This  worthy  was  then  living  on  the 
southern  slope  of  the  sacred  mountain,  Sung-shan  ^  []},  situated 
in  the  north  of  Teng-fung-hsien  $£  ^  $£  in  Ho-nan.  He  was 
styled  Fu-chen  ff  ifit  and  his  home  district  was  Ch'ang-p'ing-ehow 

(1)     Cf.  San  Icxvoh-clie :     Wei-slm,   Chang-lu-chwan.    ~.  12  Jc- 
S.  Bk.  5  p.  13. 

San-lcwoh-tien-lioh  =  ^  .it.  §. 

Heu-han-shu,  Liu-yen  chwan  $  M  9  1fr\  M  M- 


H  zp.  j>\]  attached  to  Peking  (Peh-ping),  Chih-li.  In  his  youth, 
he  had  become  the  intimate  of  the  Immortal  Ch'eng-kung-hing  $ 
y)]  H  and  after  many  journeys  together  they  had  finished  by 
settling  down  on  the  southern  slope  of  Sung-shan.  Like  Chang 
Tao-ling,  he  delved  into  magic  and  claimed  to  have  been  favoured 
with  special  apparitions  of  Lao-tsze  j£  ^ .  By  him  he  had  been 
selected  as  the  head  of  Taoism  and  was  to  bear  the  title  of 
"T'ien-sM"  ^  frjj  "Heaven-Master".  A  grandson  of  Lao-tsze,  Li- 
pu-wen  ^  ff|  ■%  bestowed  upon  him  a  book  of  magic  charms 
and  it  was  this  collection  that  K'eu-k'ien-chi  went  to  present  to 
the  Emperor  T'ai-wu.  When  K'eu  appeared  at  court  no  one 
believed  his  statements  except  the  chief  of  Imperial  Kitchens, 
Ts'ui-hao  ^  fg-.  Ts'ui-hao  had  been  summoned  to  the  court  of 
T'ai-tsung,  Ming-yuen-ti  ^  ^  BJ  x.  %r  (409-424  A.  D.)  as  chief 
magician  and  the  next  monarch  Tlai-wu  placed  great  reliance  on 
him.  Later  on,  however  T'ai-wu  had  him  put  to  death  with  the 
vilest  of  indignities. 

It  was  ts'ui-hao  who  now  presented  the  magic-book  on 
behalf  of  K'eu-k'ien-chi.  The  emperor  was  greatly  pleased  and 
deputed  Ts'ui  to  offer  sacrifice  of  silks  and  victims  on  Mt.  Sting. 
K'eu-k'ien-chi  got  himself  and  his  hocus-pocus  accepted  and 
received  the  title  of  -'Heaven-teacher"  Ji  gjjj.  A  temple  was 
built  by  imperial  orders  at  Ta-t'ung-hsien  ^  |g]  §£  (then  called 
P'in-ch'eng  ^  ^j)  in  Shan-si  and  given  to  K'eu  to  be  a  centre  of 

Sz-me-kung  in  his  History  notes  the  advent  of  this  new 
alchemy  (1) 

The  historians  cited  above  assure  us  that  the  title  of 
"THen-shi"  granted  by  T'ai-wu  to  K'eu-k'ien-chi  was  only  an 
empty  honour  and  was  only  officially  promulgated  and  recognized 

(1)     Cf.   T'ung-Men-Mng-muh  (cheng-pien'  M  f£  %M  H  Bk.  22  p.  53:  Bk. 
26,  p.  11:  Bk,  24  p    82.  Bk.  3  p    72  Bk.  24,  p,  80. 
Ming-yih-t'ung-che  HJj  —  $fe  ^  Bk.  1  p.  5  2. 
SM-wuh-yuen-hwui  Jf?  $fy  M.  #  Bk-  35  P-  !• 


in  7-16  A.  D.  in  the  reign  of  the  T'ang  Emperor    Hiien    Tsung  Qf 

In  1016  A.D.,  the  Sung  Emperor  Chen-tsung  ^  if|  ^ 
conferred  on  the  Taoist  priest  Chang  Cheng-sui  ^  j£  Pil  the  title 
of  "Teacher  of  Perfect  Seclusion."  This  was  a  direct  descend- 
ant of  Chang-Tao-ling  and  lived  ou  Lung -hush  an  which  had 
become  the  seat  of  Chang's  descendants  since  Chang-sheng  jJJtjfl, 
the  great-grandson  of  Chang-Tao-ling  had  settled  there. 

Chang-chcng-sui  was  magician  and  sooth-sayer  and  got  a 
hold  on  the  people  by  his  craft.  The  Emperor  was  deeply 
wedded  to  all  such  practices  and  sent  for  Cheng-sui.  The 
minister  of  state  Wang-k'in-joh  3E  $fc  3a  got  for  him  a  house 
temple  and  landed  property  to  be  held  for  ever:  his  descendants 
should  also  have  titles  of  honour. 

The  Annals  of  the  Ming  dynasty  add  the  following  details. 
Under  the  Sung  dynasty,  Chang-Tao-ling  and  his  heirs  received 
the  title  of  True  Princes  jf|  JJ  (Emperor  Shen -tsung  %  f$  ^ 
1068-30C6  A.D.,  confirmed  officially  by  Hwui-tsung  %  %  2* 
(1101-1126  A.  D.)  The  Ming  princes  gave  them  the  style  of 
True  Men,  or  Heroes,  "Chen-jen"  jp|  \.  According  to  the 
writer  Shao-peh-icen  ffi  f fa  ^nn.  (Sung  dynasty)  the  first  three 
Chang  called  themselves  Shi-kiiin  (Master-Princes,  Princes  of 
Master.)  gjjj  %. 

Down  to  the  end  of  the  Empire,  the  court  deputed  a 
mandarin  to  offer  sacrifice  in  the  temple,  Hien-ling-koung,  II  fg  ^ 
on  the  fifteenth  of  the  first  month  the  birth  day  of  Chang-Tao-ling 
although  this  sacrifice  did  not  appear  on  the  official  list. 

The  founder  of  the  Ming  dynasty  BJ  ^C  fl  (1368-1396  A- 
D.)  deprived  Chan g-cheng-ch'ang  ^  J£  ^  Chang-Tao-ling1  s  lineal 
descendant,  of  the  title  "Heaven-Teacher",  replacing  it  by 
Chen-jen  jfL  A  (Hero).  The  Emperor,  in  the  hearing  of  his  minis- 
ters,   remarked:      "Heaven  is   the  noblest  of  beings.     How  could 


it  have  a  master?"  (1)  Yet  the  name  of  Heaven-teacher  has 
always  been  in  use  since  that,  even  though  the  ''Chen-jen" 
(Hero)  title  had  been  usual  in  the  Yuen  ?£  dynasty  (before  the 

Thus  it  appears  that  Chang-Tao-ling  is  the  real  founder 
of  modern  Taoism  with  its  preoccupations  with  magic.  It  was 
he  who  opened  up  the  source  of  revenue  in  the  pills  of  immortality 
and  the  talismans  to  cure  all  sorts  of  illnesses.  He  claimed  to 
have  his  magic  recipes  straight  from  heaven,  and  his  descendants 
exploited  that  source  of  revenue.  Considerable  sums  of  money 
were  even  till  recent  times  spent  on  procuring  as  remedy  or 
prophylactic  a  talisman  which  should  have  the  seal  of  the  Grand 
Master  of  Taoism.  (2) 

So  successful  was  this  line  of  business  that  the  Buddhist 
monks  followed  the  lead  and  turned  out  talismans  written  in  red 
ink.  Pagan  households  now  generally  treasure  one  or  more 
charms  of  this  kind  to  protect  them  from  evil  spirits  or  epidemics. 

In  fine,  Chang-Tao-ling' $  epitaph  might,  in  the  vigorous 
common-sense  of  Chinese,  be  written  with  the  characters  — 
"Stealer  of.  Rice"  %  ffc. 

The  picture  here  reproduced  depicts  Chang-Tao-ling  riding 
on  a  tiger  and  holding  magic  sword  and  magic  potion  (elixir) 
The  tiger,  be  it  noted,  holds  in  its  paw  the  magic  seal  (1)  of 
which  another  of  our  plates  reproduces  the  latest  variety  (2) 
Below  are  the  five  poisonous  beasts:  the  lizard,  the  serpent,  the 
spider,  the  toad  and  the  centiped  :  hence  the  picture  is  called,  "The 
picture  of  the  five  poisonous  things  3l  #  i$.  (wu-tuh-siang). 
It  is  often  hung  up  on    the    fifth    day    of    the    fifth    month   (old 

(1)  Ming-shi  BJ  £  Bk.  5  0  p.  17. 
Hing-yih-t'ungChi  HJ^  — •  Wi  1&  (as  quoted  above) 
Kang-Men-yih -che-luh:  chu  ffl  gg  %  £fl  #  |£  Bk.  34  p.  14 

(2)  See  fig.  134  bis:     The  Seal  of  the  last  Grand    Master    of    Taoism. 
Copied  in  the  year  1928-9. 


calendar)  to  ward  off  the  calamities  and  illnesses  that  may  come 
with  the  heats  of  summer.  (3) 

(1)  The  inscription  on  the  seal  is  ft£  jjjg  |g  '$,. 

''Blessings  descend!     Away  with  the  evils!" 
(Sie,  the  last  character,  expresses  abnormal  incorrect  influences). 

(2)  See  Fig.  154  bis 

(3)  See  Chinese  Superstitions  Vol.  V.  Fig.  203. 

(Text,  p.  616-7.) 

CULT    OF    WANG    CHANG  87 



Wang-Chang,  a  disciple  of  Chang  Tao-ling  is  worshipped 
under  the  title,  Wang  Ta-chen-sien  3E  ^c  ^  fllj-  A  temple  of 
his  at  Teh-hing-hsien  ^  Jj|.  J§£  in  Kiang-si,  40  li  from  the  town  of 
Wu-yuen-hsien  (of  Hwui-chow)  has  become  a  famous  pilgrimage. 
The  peasants  come  in  multitudes  to  worship  him  and  beg 
protection  against  epidemics  and  public  calamities  but  especially 
to  be  free  from  the  white  ants  whose  ravages  destroy  the  wooden 
frame-work  of  houses.  He  is  also  invoked  against  the  Mung- 
ch'ung  |||a  kind  of  evil  that  causes  mildew  on   rice. 

As  soon  as  people  notice  the  presence  of  white  ants  in  a 
house,  they  write  on  a  strip  of  paper  the  characters :  Wang  ta 
chen  sien  tsai  Is'z,  ch'ung  i  tsieh  sz.  3:  ^  jl|  fllj  ^  jtt  H  lHI  £P 
^£  The  great  Genius  Wang  is  here,  perish  forthwith  all  ants! 
These  details  were  furnished  by  the  Rev.  P.  de  Bodman,  S.  J. 
missioner  at  Wu-yuan  in  Ngan-hwui  4z  ^  The  peach  legend 
(p.  530)  is  still  current  among  the  people. 



HU-CHEi\-Klt5lV  (T  B)     C 

tt    M    ^ 

The  family  name  of  this  personage  was  Hit  §£  ;  he  was 
usually  called  Sun  j|§  and  his  full  name  was  King-chi  $£  £. 
The  authorities  are  not  agreed  as  to  his  birth-place.  Some  say 
that  he  was  from  the  prefecture  of  Ju-ning-fu  'fa  ^  jff  in  Ho 
nan  pf  ~$.  The  author  of  Kwang-yil-ki  Jf  J&  |£  on  the  contrary 
holds  that  he  was   born    at    Nan-ch'ang-fu    ~$j   ||  ffi  in    Kiang-si 

His  father's  name  was  Hii-su  f£  ;j|"  and  his  grandfather's 
Hit-Pan  f£  ffc.  His  mother  had  a  dream  of  a  phoenix  with  golden 
plumage  :  the  bird  was  carrying  in  its  beak  a  precious  pearl  and 
dropped  it  into  her  bosom  and  so  she  was  with  child.  In  the 
second  year  of  Ch'ih-wu  ^f  J|  (239  A.D.) — that  is,  in  the 
reign  of  Sun-k'uen  |£  ^  (Wu-ta-ti  -^  ^  *$?,  the  founder  of  the 
Wu  dynasty  -^).  the  child  was  born.  During  his  youth,  he 
studied  the  magic  of  the  Taoists:  in  early  manhood,  he  proved 
himself  dutiful  to  his  parents  and  temperate  in  life. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  regnal  period  T'ai-h'ang  -fa  M 
(280  A.D.)  of  Tsin  Emperor  Wu-ti  |f  ]j£  ^ ,  he  was  named 
sub-prefect  of  Tsing-yang  $£  $|.  This  ancient  town  was  situated 
to  the  North  of  the  actual  sub-prefecture  of  Chi-Mang-hsien  ^ 
£r_  %,  under  King-ehow-fu  $J  )>\]  Jft  in  Hu-pch  $JJ  ft.  During 
years  of  drought,  his  touch  turned  shards  of  tiles  into  gold  in 
order  that  the  distressed  might  pay  their  arrears  of  tax. 
Thousands  were  indebted  to  his  talismans  and  charms  for 
recovery  from  epidemics. 

He  resigned  office  during  the  dynastic  troubles  and  went 
to  the  south  of  Yang-tsze-kiang  where  he    entered    into    intimate 

Fig.  155 

Hiu-sien  en  promenade  par  les  lacs. 

Hsu  the  Immortal,  travelling  on  the  lakes. 


relations  with  a  famous  magician  Kwoh-p'oh  |f>  g|.  Together 
they  betook  themselves  to  the  minister  Wang-tun  j£  |$f  who  had 
revolted  against  the  Western  Tsin.  Kwoh-poh  merely  succeeded 
in  irritating  Wang  who  got  him  beheaded. 

Hil-sun  flung  a  cup  up  on  the  roof -beam  of  the  room  and 
made  it  dance  about  in  the  air:  while  Wang-tun's  attention  was 
rivetted  on  the  strange  capers  of  the  cup,  Hil-sun  slipped  away. 
Having  got  as  far  as  Lu-kiang-k'eu  Jj|  -/x  P  in  Ngan-hwei,  he 
went  on  board  a  boat  which  two  dragons  first  drew  off  to 
the  sea  and  then  lifted  up  to  the  clouds.  In  a  jiffy  they  had 
taken  it  off  to  Kiu-kiang-fu  Ji  yX  ffl  in  Kiang-si  f£  W  over  the 
Lu-shan  Jg  |Jj  (Mountain's)  (1),  25  li  south  of  the  town  of 
■Kiu-kiang  \  fXL-  The  boatman  out  of  curiosity  peeped  out  to 
steal  a  look  at  the  wonderful  motor  power  and  the  dragons 
objecting  to  this  profane  scrutiny  dumped  the  boat  on  a 
mountain  peak  and  fled. 

Now,  in  those  parts,  there  was  dragon  or  transcendent  (2) 
alligator  which  had  transformed  itself  into  a  young  man  calling 
himself  Shen-lang  '|'ft  j|fl.  This  young  man  had  married  Kia-yuh 
|5[  3£,  daughter  of  the  high  court  judge  of  T'an-chow  $g  }\\  (i-e- 
Chang -sha-fu  -^  f\?  ffi,  the  capital  of  Hunan).  The  young 
couple  occupied  quarters  at  the  back  of  the  tribunal.  Every  year 
in  spring  and  summer,  Shen-lang  swept  over  the  rivers  and  lakes 
(3).  One  day  Hii-chen-kiiin  met  him  at  Yil-chang  Jg^  Jp;  (Nan 
ch'an-fu  ~jfe  ^  Jf^f,  capital  of  Kiangsi  and  recognized  that  he 
was  a  dragon  and  actually  the  cause  of  the  floods  that  devastated 
Kiangsi.     So  he  planned  to  get  rid  of  him. 

(1)  The  Kuling  mountains,  the  favourite  retreat  of  Europeans  from 
the  summer  heats. 

(2)  The  character  f§,  known  already  from  its  use  for  the  Pox-demons 
%  11  ft-  indicates  that  an  animal  has  ascended  in  the  scale  of  being,  has 
becoming  an  intelligent  being— a  kind  of  spirit  or  demon. 

(3)  Dragon  "Article''  In  Chinese  folk-lore,  the  dragon  is  a  ruler 
over  the  waters,  sails  amid  the  clouds,  at  will  causes  rains,  storms, 
droughts  and  floods      (Yol.  V  Chapter  X.  Art.  I.V  p.  677  sq.) 



Shen-lang  was  not  slow  to  understand  that  his  behaviour 
was  known  to  Hil-chen-kiun  and  so  he  changed  into  a  yellow  ox 
and  made  off.  Hil  adopted  the  shape  of  a  black  ox  and  started 
in  pursuit.  The  yellow  beast  tried  to  hide  in  a  well  but  the 
black  one  jumped  in  after  it  and  the  yellow  beast  jumped  out 
and  away  to  Chang  sha  -^  $?  where  he  resumed  his  human  shape 
and  residence  in  his  father-in-law's  "yamen"  Hii-sun  on  following 
him  to  the  town,  straightway  repairs  to  the  official  court  and 
gives  notice  to  Shen-lang  that  he  must  come  forth  and  show 
himself,  and  imperiously  upbraids  him  :  "Dragon,  how  dare  you 
hide  yourself  here  under  a  borrowed  shape.  Shen-lang  came 
forth  and  resuming  his  proper  shape  as  a  transcendental  "alligator 
began  to  circle  about  the  hall  but  Hii-sun  ordered  the  warrior, 
spirits  to  kill  him.  Then  he  commanded  Shen's  two  sons  to 
come  out  from  their  dwelling  and  by  spitting  some  water  from 
his  mouth  on  them  (1)  made  little  dragons  of  them.  Kia-yuh 
was  ordered  to  quit  her  appartments  immediately  and  at  a  given 
instant  the  whole  tribunal  disappeared  into  the  earth  leaving 
merely  a  lake  to  mark  the  site. 

Hii-chen-kiiln  after  his  victory  over  the  Dragon  assembled 
his  whole  family,  numbering  forty-two  persons,  on  Si-shan  "jrtf  (Jj 
outside  the  walls  of  Nan-ch'ang-fu  ^  ||  ffi  —  and  all,  taking 
with  them  their  dogs  and  their  domestic  fowls,  went  up  to 
heaven  in  broad  daylight.  Hil  was  133  years  of  age.  It  was 
the  first  of  the  eighth  moon,  in  the  second  year  of  the  Ning- 
k'ang  5|E  Jf|  period  of  Eastern  Tsin  Emperor  Hiao-wu-ti  ^  5£  i?r 
(374  A.D.). 

His  own  compatriots  and  his  clan  came  and  built  a 
temple  in  Hit's  honour.  They  collected  the  hundred  and  twenty 
pieces  of  poetry  he  had  composed,  them    wrote    out   on    slips    of 

(1)  An  action  easily  recognizable  by  all  who  have  watched  Chinese 
laundrymen  at  work.  The  mouth  is  used  as  a  spraying  machine.  (See 
also  the  account  of  Chang  Kwo-lao's  steed.     Articie  VII), 


bamboo  which  they  put  into  a  tube  to  provide  lots  to    be  drawn 
by  worshippers  for  their  guidance. 

The  Sung  Emperor  Hwui-tsung  5^  ^  ^  in  1111  A.  D. 
(\&  ^P  regnal  period)  canonized  Hil-sun  under  the  style  of 
"Equitable,  admirable  and  beneficent  prince"  and  built  a  pagoda 
for  it  by  imperial  edict. 


The  traditions  relative  to  the  Dragon's  well  and  cave  are 
reported  as  follows  by  two  works:  (1)  Suh-wen-hsien-t'ung-kao 
WL  £  Wi  '®  M>  (2)  Min-yih-Pung-chi  BJ  -  $  ±. 

In  the  town  of  Nan-ch'ang-fu  p£f  ||  $f  facing  the  temple 
of  Longevity,  also  known  as  the  Palace  of  the  Iron  Pillar,  there 
is  a  bottomless  well  with  blackish  waters  whose  levels  correspond 
to  those  of  the  Kiang  £r.  In  the  middle  of  the  well  there  is 
sunk  an  iron  pillar  said  to  have  been  cast  by  Hil-sun  to  stop  the 
Dragon's  mischief.  So  the  foot  of  this  column  are  attached 
the  eight  chains  tying  up  a  vein  in  the  earth  and  blocking  the 
Dragon's  den.  (1) 

His  adventurous  deed  has  been  celebrated  by  the  poet 
Wu-ts'iien-tsieh  -^  2[S  fp   (Yuen  Dynasty  XIII-XIV  centuries). 

But  there  is  mention  of  a  second  hole  and  a  second  pillar ; 
one  was  east,  the  other  west  of  Fung-ch'eng-hsien  jg  jfy  J$f,  a 
subprefecture  of  Nan-ch'ang-fu.  In  these  pits  there  was  an  inex- 
haustible supply  of  water  and  it  was  Hii-chen  who  with  charms 
dislodged  the  Dragon  hiding  in  them  so  effectively  that  he 
returned  no  more. 

(1)     Chinese  geomancy,  Fung-shui  j$,  i\<  (lit.    Wind  and    water)    pays 

particular  attention  to  these  veins    or    arteries    in    the  earth    from    with 

earthly  influences  make  themselves  felt  and  into  which  the  Dragon    sinks 
as  into  his  den. 


Another  version  of  the  Dragon  story  is  given  by  the  work: 
Mung-lai-pu  (Fung-hia-pih-t'an-ych-lung-pien)  j&  H  "^  (J|  Bg  ^ 

t£  m  it  •)  p- 45- 

At  the  period  when  Hii-sun  was  still  only  a  novice  in  the 
high  science  of  the  way  M  (Taoism),  he  had  a  friend  who  was 
of  a  strange  and  fantastic  temper  and  whom  he  for  all  that  kept 
duly  admonished.  One  day  this  man  went  to  an  island  in  the  Kiang 
fX.  to  bathe  and  found  there  an  egg  as  big  as  a  pumpkin:  he 
pierced  the  shell  and  sucked  the  contents.  Soon  he  felt  himself  as 
it  were  encased;  he  developed  a  sort  of  carapace  and  scales,  and 
in  three  days  was  a  real  dragon. 

So  he  retired  into  the  Kiang  f£  and  only  came  forth  now 
and  then  as  a  fair  young  man  to  seduce  women.  He  made  it  his 
aim  to  turn  the  P'o-yang  lake  |}[j  |$|§  of  Kiang-si  £r_  ]fff  into  an 
island  sea.  Hence  Hii-sun  in  the  general  interest  got  hold  of  him 
and  bound  him  to  a  column  of  stone  at  the  bottom  of  the  water. 
The  place  of  the  captivity  was  Nan-ch'ang-fu  before  the  Longevity 
temple,  as  we  havo  seen  above. 

Later  on,  he  succeeded  in  marrying  a  rich-man's  daughter 
but  this  man  was  made  aware  of  the  truth  by  Hii-chan-kiiin  and 
in  consequence  showed  his  son-in-law  the  door:  the  latter  never 
came  back.  Finally  he  sought  out  two  poor  women  living  on  the 
banks  of  the  Kiang  ^£  a  mother-in-law  and  her  daughter-in-law. 

They  refused  him  admittance.  Thereupon  the  vicious  Drag- 
on cast  a  look  back  over  his  shoulder  and  pointing  with  his  finger 
said,  "Look,  the  water  is  coming,"  Actually  the  flood  had  risen  to 
the  front  door.  So  the  two  women  retired  to  the  inner  room  and 
the  Dragon  followed  them  pointing  a  second  time  and  repeating. 
"The  water  is  coming."  So  all  three  had  to  mount  to  the  upper  floor 
and  there  the  ruffian  spent  the  night.  At  down  he  disappeared. 
Shortly  the  woman  was  known  to  be  pregnant  but  when  the  time 
for  her  confinement  was  just  at  hand,  Hu-chen-kittn  came  to  the 
house-door  under  the  guise  of  a  mendicant  Taoist  priest.  The 
people  of  the  house  begged  to  be  excused  for  not  giving  anything 


because  of  domestic  troubles:  they  promised  to  be  more  generous 
another  day.  ''Oh,  yes/'  said  the  visitor  "I  know  you  are  in  dis- 
tress and  it  is  precisely  in  order  to  free  you  that  I  have  come. 
About  half  a  mile  (over  a  li)  to  the  south-east,  you  will  find 
an  old  woman,  a  very  clever  midwife :  get  her  to  come  to  you". 
They  took  his  advice  and  induced  the  old  woman  to  come: 
she  proved  to  be  the  old  Matron  of  the    Lu  Hills  (Jf[  |||). 

When  the  time  of  delivery  came,  it  was  amid  a  terrific 
storm.  As  soon  as  one  of  the  Dragon's  sons  was  born,  Hu-ch'en- 
kiun  f£  jf|  JJ  who  was  standing  ready  at  the  door,  cut  off  its 
head.  This  proceeding  was  repeated  until  eight  were  disposed 
of.  A  last  one  appeared  and  after  making  several  attempts  to 
mount  up  to  the  skies,  returned  each  time  to  its  mother.  So 
Chen-kiiln  was  touched  by  this  piety  and  determined  to  do  no 
more  to  it  than  dock  its  tail.  This  was  done  and  the  dragon  felt 
so  much  pain  that  it  fled  away  to  hide  in  a  deep  pool  in  Hu-peh 
#Jj  4t-  Every  year  it  revisited  the  mother  in  the  third  or  fourth 
moon,  causing  devastating  storms. 

According  to  another  legend,  it  dwelt  first  in  the  subpre- 
fecture  of  Ying-shan  jg  Uj  $£,  (under  Teh-ngan-fu  fjg  #  Jff  in 
Hu-peh).  The  peasants  taking  advantage  of  its  temporary 
absence  dirtied  its  pool,  so  that  it  removed  its  lair  to  Sui-chow 
|ij§  j'\],  bordering  on  Ying-shan  (also  under  Teh-ngan-fu).  The 
Sui-chow  district  is  mountainous  with  many  ponds,  fit  abode  for 
a  dragon. 

This  latter  version  comes  from  Teh-ngan-fu,  while  the  for- 
mer was  told  me  by  a  Kiang-si  man.  This  authority  added: 
You  can  find  pretty  well  the  same  account  in  the  new  edition 
of  Wan-shu-kung-chi  "jt|  H  ^  f£. 

The  miserable  Sung  Emperor  Hwui-isung  ^  %  n<  canon- 
ized him  and  gave  him  a  title  of  honour. 

According  to  two  works,    (1)  the  Taoist  priest  Wang-tsze- 

(1)     T'ung-Men-lcang-muh  (su  pien*  Ji  g£  M   H  Bk.  9    p.    93.     Sung-shu 
Sfc  &  Bk.  462  p.  9. 


sih  3L  it  it  m  the  year  1113  A.D.  claimed  to  have  received 
a  mysterious  book  enabling  him  to  declare  the  future:  this  had 
come  from  the  hand  of  Hii-sun  who  had  been  canonized  three 
years  before.  The  minister  Ts'ai-king  IjlT?!  informed  the  monarch 
who  had  Wang-tsze-sih  summoned  to  court.  There  he  was 
hailed  as  "Master  Searcher  of  Mysteries."  The  foolish  man 
wanted  to  be  honoured  by  all  the  other  Taoist-priests  and  this 
brought  about  his  ruin.  Lin-ling-su  %  g|  ^>  high  at  court,  got 
jealous,  laid  his  snares  for  him  and  got  him  cast  into  prison 
where  he  died.  Probably  it  was  on  hearing  of  the  wondrous  book 
that  the  credulous  Hwui-tseng  canonized  Hii-sun  and  then  after 
two  years  of  wonder  at  the  prophecies  decided  to  call  the  Taoist 
Wang-tsze-sih  to  court. 


T'ai-pin-kwang-ki  ic  ^  It  IE  BK.  14  p.  3 
Chung-tseng-sheu-shen-ki  it  i#  H  JjifjJ  f£   (Jfc;  ^f  )p.22 
Ming-yih-t'ung-chi  BJ  —  $  jfc  BK.  52,  p. 19 : 

BK.  31  p.  28;  BK.49  p.  8: 

BK.49  p.  13,  18. 
Yuen-kien-lei-han  $}j  fj£  $f  gj  BK,  318  p.  30. 
Kwang-yii-ki  Jf  ilL  gfi  BK.12  p. 15. 
Suh-wen-hien-t'nvg-kao  Ht  #  j#t  jf   ^  BK.  241  p.  38. 

sz-ta-t'ien-wang  95 

SZ-TA-T»IE1\-WAJ\G        (B.T.) 

m     ±      Ji     3E 


I.  Their  residences. 

The  four  heavenly  kings  have  their  palaces  on  Mt  Sii-mi 
ZMWl\h>  the  8u -Meru  where  the  gods  dwell  in  Indian  legends,  it  is 
the  Mountain  of  the  Four  Treasures.  Its  height  is  three  million 
three  hundred  and  sixty  thousand  li.  Its  sides  are  of  gold  (east) 
silver  (west),  crystal  (south-east)   and  agate    (north-east).  (2) 

II.  Their  names.     (3) 

I.  (P'i-p'u-tung-ch'a)  t'ien-wang  :  gj  ^  gi Jj  %  ^  3E 

II.  (P'i-p'u-poh-ch'a)  t'ien-wang  •.  |g  ^  -\$  %  Ji  3f 

III.  (T'i-t'eu-lai-ch'a)  t'ien-wang  :  $1  II  $§  5^  ;£;  3: 

IV.  (P'i-sha-men)  t'ien-wang  :         |jj  fp  f1]        %  3^ 

There  are  the  names  to  be  found  in  the  second  book  of 
Sheu-shen-ki  ^  f$  fj£  under  the  heading  Ji  3E,  T'ien  Wang. 

The  well-known  story  of  the  Journal  of  the  Voyage  in  the 
West  (4)  ^  $|  !£  furnishes  two  more  names  of  Heavenly  Kings  : 
it  -ft  ^  3E»  Tseng-chang  t'ien-wang  (i.e.  Virudhaka)  and  f£  ^  ^ 
^  3E,  T'o-t'ah-li  t'ien  wang,  (i.e.  Li  the  Tower-bearer,  apparently 

(1)  See  Chinese  Superstitions  (above)  Vol.  VII  (Eng.  trans.)  394-408 
for  a  full  account  of  Indian  origin. 

(2)  Tuh-su-M-shu-lioh  ff  ffi:  £E  $J[  #  Bk.  12  p.  2. 

(3)  Other  versions  of  their  names  are:  ®t  $£  $jt  Virudhaka  (south), 
lit  ftt  Wi  %.  Virupaksha  West);  H  ^  J|  p|  Dhritarashtra  (East);  4£  £b  P>j 
VaisJiramana  (North). 

(4)  (Fourth  Hwui)  ff  !'     [af  p.  15. 


the  same  as  Yirupakasha  or  VajrapdniJ.  This  latter  is  very 
popular  :  he  may  be  recognised  by  the  symbol  he  carries,  a 
tower  (1)  (See  fig.  156).  His  name  is  Yuen-pa  7c  j||  and  his 
fore-name  Tsing  $pj. 

These  Heavenly  Kings  are  styled  Li,  Ma,  Chao,  Wen  by 
the  Taoists  and  are  represented  as  in  Fig.  156,  157,  158,  159. 
For  the  Buddhist  figures  see  Vol.  VII  pp.  394  sqq.  and  its 
account  of  the  ^  pfij  Kin-hang  of  Buddist  temples. 

III.     Worship. 

When  T'ai-tsung  of  the  T'ang  dynasty  }§£  -j^  9^  (or  Li-shi- 
ming  ^  -}£  §g).  second  son  of  Kao-tsuJH  fg  f§  was  still  fighting 
to  establish  the  T'ang  dynasty  inaugurated  by  his  father  in  620 
A.D.,  a  spirit  came  down  from  heaven  and  introduced  himself  as 
P'i-sha-men  T'ien-Wang  Jj>  fV  f*\  Ji  5E  "I  wish,  said  he,"  to  help 
you  to  reestablish  peace  in  the  kingdom."  In  his  hand  he  held 
a  monster  with  the  head  of  a  pig  and  a  trunk  like  an  elephant : 
the  divinity  procured  peace  wherever  he  appeared.  So  when 
Li-shi-ming  succeeded  to  his  father,  by  imperial  edict  all  officials 
had  to  sacrifice  to  P'i-sha-men. 

In  1023  A.D.  (^  H)  the  Sung  emperor  Jen-tsung  ^  iz  tN 
ordered  all  prefects  to  build  temples  in  honour  of  this  same 
divinity  and  to  have  the  letters  %  ^  T'ien  Wang  (Heavenly 
King)  inscribed  on  the  facade  of  all  new  Buddhist  temples.  A 
large  number  of  temples  in  honour  of  the  King  of  Heaven  were 
built  all  over  the  Empire.  (2) 

According  to  the  Eai-yil-ts'ung  kao,  (3)  many  Buddhist 
temples  were  called  ^  3£  i^  Temple  of  the  Heavenly  King.  In 
the  T'ien-pao  ^  ^  period  (742-756  A.D.)  of  the  T'ang  emperor 
Huen-tsung  Jf  ;£  %*,  the  barbarians  raided  Si-ngan-fu  W  :£  #f  in 

(1)  This  tower  is  perhaps  a  confused  reproduction  of  an  Indian 
original  thunderbolt  (see  Article  on  Na-ch'a  below:  also  Chinese  Superst. 
Vol,  VI  p. 97:  Mayer's  Handbook  N°  820). 

(2)  See:  Sheu-shen-ki  ft  ftji  IE,  T  #  under  the  heading-  ^  3E  at  the 
end  of  Bk.  II. 

(3)  ^  tfc  ^  i%  Bk.  34  p.  21,42. 

Fig.   156 

Li  porte-tour. 

Li,  the  tower-bearer. 

Fig.   157 

Le  roi  celeste.  Ma. 
Ma,  the  heavenly  king. 

sz-ta-t'ien-wang  97 

Shen-si  and  the  Emperor  ordered  Puh-k'ung-san-ts'ang  ^  ^  H  ^ 
(1)  to  use  his  charms  to  drive  them  off.  Immediately  a  divinity, 
clad  in  golden  breastplate  appeared  :  the  priest  announced  that 
P'i-cha-men  T'ien-wang's  second  son,  by  name  Tuh-kien  ^  $£,  had 
set  out  to  help  the  defenders.  After  a  short  while  assurance  was 
given  to  the  Emperor  that  all  was  well,  for  T'ien-wang  Ji  3£  had 
appeared  in  the  North-eastern  district  and  had  swept  away  the 
foe.  The  Emperor  thereupon  gave  orders  for  the  image  of  the 
Heavenly  King  to  be  set  up  on  all  roads. 

(3)  Puh-Tc'ung,  a  famous  priest,  honoured  with  the  title  of  Royal 
Duke,  died  in  774  H.  D.  (9th  year  of  Ta-lih  ^  1  in  reign  of  T'ai-tsung 
JS  ft  ^  Posthumous  title:  sagacious,  erudite,  prudent  monk  of  the  Three 
Mysteries  (=  f). 








n     S 












































4*  5 







Fig.  158 

Tchao,  Le  roi  du  ciel. 

Chao,  the  heavenly  king. 

Fig.  159 

Wen,  le  roi  celeste. 
Wen,  the  heavenly  king 

t'ai-yih  99 


THE  GREAT  ONE     (T) 

The  Ran  Emperor  Wu-ii  ^|  ^  ^  was  supplied  by  the 
Taoist  priest  with  all  sorts  of  prescriptions  for  restored  youth 
and  immortality.  He  had  first  to  perform  sacrifice  to  Tsao-kiiin 
ff  H"  the  Divinity  of  the  Household-hearth  and  then  to  quaff  a 
potion  compounded  with  vermilion  —  but  without  success. 

Then  there  came  one  Miao-ki  fp  t%,  a  Taoist  adept  who 
persuaded  the  monarch  that  his  failure  was  due  to  not  sacrificing 
to  T'ai-yih  -fa  £,  the  Great  One,  the  Supreme  One,  first  of  all 
heavenly  spirits,  him  from  whom  the  Five  Sovereigns  Wu-ti  3l 
^  take  their  start.  "In  ancient  days  the  Emperor  used  to  sacri- 
fice to  the  Great  One,  both  in  spring  and  in  autumn,  in  the  south- 
eastern suburb  :  in  seven  days,  one  after  the  other,  he  was  wont 
to  offer  seven  victims."  The  emperor  ordered  these  rites  to  be 
renewed  in  the  suburbs  to  the  south-east  of  the  capital  of  Chang- 
ngan  -^  #,  that  is  Si-ngan-fu  Hf  ^  fff  ([££  U).  The  precepts  of 
Miao-ki  were  to  be  followed  minutely.   (1) 

The  scholars  enraged  at  seeing  the  emperor  falling  a  victim 
to  the  quackery  of  the  Taoists,  determined  to  counter  their  wiles. 
One  of  the  court-grandees  came  upon  the  Emperor  one  day  as 
he  was  on  the  point  of  quaffing  an  elixir  :  regardless  of  the  sacred 
person,  he  snatched  the  cup  and  drank  the  potion.  The  Emperor 
was  ordering  his  death.  "Nay,  Sire,,'  said  the  culprit,  "since  I 
have  drunk  the  elixir,  you  cannot  put  me  to  death.  If  however 
I  am  still  subject  to  mortality,  Your  Majesty  owes  me  a  reward 

(1)     SM-M-tseh-i  £.  f£  JJjl]  |g  Bk.  2  8  p.  24 
Wen-hien-t'ung-Tcao  %  J$  Jg  7$.  Bk.  J 

:#.  Bk.  80  p.  4 


for  proving  that  the  potion  is  worthless  and  that  those  humbugs 
have  been  cheating  your  Majesty."  The  Emperor  forewent  the 
punishment  but  was  not  disillusioned. 

Now  this  Supreme  One  is  an  invention  of  some  Taoist: 
the  divinity  represents  an  abstract  conception  that  has  taken  on 
different  connotations  at  different  times  or  in  different  places  or 

(1)     T*A1  Y1H:  the  Sovereign  of  the  Five  Heavenly  Emperors 

T'ai  Yih-fc  Zu  ls>  tne  noblest  of  the  Heavenly  Spirits,  the 
prime  Ruler  on  whom  depend  the  Five  Emperors,  the  Green 
Emperor  of  the  East,  the  Red  of  the  South,  the  White  of  the 
West,  the  Black  of  the  North  and  the  Yellow  of  the  Middle. 
T'ai-Yih's  throne  rises  above  those  of  the  Five.  That  is  T'ai-yih 
becomes  the  equivalent  of  HKhang-ti  J^  ^  the  Supreme  Being. 

Under  the  Han  Emperor  Yuen-ti  iH  7C  ^,  48-32  B.C., 
K'wang-hen  g  $£f  (1)  petitioned  for  the  abolition  of  the  cult  of 
T'ai-yih.  From  about  this  time  on,  T'ai-yih  begins  to  sink  into 
oblivion.  From  the  Dynasty  of  the  Western  Han  Hf  )H  to  the 
Siti  |§§  inclusive,  nothing  more  at  least  in  official  circles  is  heard 
of  these  sacrifices.  Only  under  the  T'dng  Emperor  Ming-hwang 
^  0£j  iH.  (Hiien  Tsung)  713,  A.D.  do  we  come  again  upon  traces 
of  the  cult.  (2) 

(2)     T'AI-YIH.  Cosmic  Matter  before  Its  dispersion. 

The  Rites  are  based  on  the  Great  Unit.  Heaven  and 
Earth  date  from  its  subdivision  ;  its  revolutions  constitute  the 
two  principles  of  all  beings  Yin   and   Yang    (^  (^    (Passive   and 

(1)  Fore-name  Che-l"ivei  ff  =£,  a  native  of  Yih-hsien  ft£  f£  in  Shan- 
tung (lj  |g;  he  sent  a  memorial  to  the  Emperor  for  the  suppression  of  all 
sacrifices  not  officially  canonical. 

Cf.  Ts'ien-han-shu  fjff  jH  #  Bk.  81  p.  1. 

(2)  Cf.  Shi-wu-yucn-hwui  ^  %  M  #  Bk.   12  p.  1.  .... 

Wu-li-thing-hao  Jlif  Bk.  3  6  p.  9. 

Fig.  460 

T'ai-yih  Chen-jen. 

t'ai-yih  101 

Active  :  a  sort  of  "matter"  and  "from")  ;  its  changes  produce 
the  seasons  ;  spirits  and  demons  j^  are  born  of  the  subordination 
of  its  parts.  It  is  entitled  the  T'ai-yih:,  "Immensely  Great"  : 
before  dispersion,  it  was  uniquely  one  Yih  —  :  so  it  is  T'ai-yih 
"Great  Unity",  the  principle  of  heaven,  earth  and  the  seasons.  (1) 

(3)  T'AI-YIH.  Three  and  One. 

Another  view  would  regard  T'ai-yih  as  the  noble  Heavenly 
Spirit,  at  once  one  in  himself  but  three  if  one  considers  his  union 
with  Heaven  and  with  Earth.  Heaven,  Earth  and  T'ai-yih  make 
a  Triad  in  which  the  unique  spirit  is  the  "Great  Unity". 

The  Taoits  addressed  a  memorial  on  this  supposition  to 
the  Han  emperor  Wu-ti  fH  j£  ^.  They  represented  that  formerly 
the  Son  of  Heaven  was  wont  to  sacrifice  an  ox  every  three  years 
to  the  spirit  One  and  three  :  heaven,  Earth  and  Great  One :  they 
gained  their  point  (2). 

(4)  T'AI-YIH.  An  unknown  spirit. 

The  Ming-shi  B^j  j£  Bk.  49,  p.  18.  allows  him  to  be  some 
otherwise  unknown  spirit  who  is  popularly  so  named. 

(5)     T'AI-YIH.  Spirit  of  the  Pole  Star. 

Others  would  allow  him  to  be  the  spirit  of  the  Poie  Star, 
the  pivotal  constellation.  Hence  he  has  under  him  the  Five  Hea- 
venly Sovereigns  and  he  has  his  abode  on  the  Pole  Star.  (3) 

(tt)     T«A1-Y1II.  Spirit  of  the  First  of  the  Nine  Constellations. 

The  Taoist  having  invented  certain  stellar  divinities, 
allotted  them  palaces  in  the  constellations. 

The  Nine  Constellations  of  which  there  is  question  form 
a  set  of  points  of  the  compass  —   eight  being   directions   in   the 

(1)  Cf.  Li-M-shu-shu-li-yun  ft  IE  i±  Bfi !  H  M  Bk-  22-  P-  24- 

(2)  Cf.   Shi-hi-tseh-i  £  IE  M  M  Bk  .2  8,  p    2  4. 

(1)     Cf.  Yuen-kien-lai-han  M  ^  ^  pg  Bk.  4  p.  5  Wen  hien-t'ung-iao  %. 
M  ^  Bk.  6  p.  80  SH-U-cheh-i  &  1£  $l|  li  Bk,  27  p.  1. 


heavenly  sphere  and  the  ninth  being  the  centre.     The  colours  as 
usual  are  a  fixed  convention.     The  list  is  as  follows.  (1) 

1.  W.  White.  (Star)  THen-p'ung  ^  |g  dwelling  of  T'ai-yih       ±  £ 

2.  North.  Black      „  T'icn-nei  ^  ft  „  Sheh-i'i        %  f| 

3.  S.  E.  Blue           ,,  T'ien-heng  ^  Ht  „  „  Hicn-yuen  $f  $g 

4.  East.  Green        „  T'ien-fu  ^  $$  „  „  Chao-yao     ^  ^ 

5.  Centre.  Yellow  „  T'ien-kin  H  ^  „  „  T'ien-fu       ^  %$ 

6.  N.  W.  White     „  T'ien-Sin  ^  ,fr  »  «  Ts'ing-lung  ^ff| 

7.  South,  Red         „  T'ien-chu  Ji  Q  „  „  Hien-ch'e     }&  ^jj 

8.  N.  E.  White      „  T'ien-jen  ^  ft  „  „  T'ai-Yin       ±  H 

9.  S.  W.  Violet     „  T'ien-ying  ^  ^  „  .,  T'ien-Yih    ^  £ 

Tha  Tang  emperor  Ming-hwang  (Hilen-tsung)  ■)§*  0^  j|l 
(S  v^)  713-754  A.D.  inspired  by  the  Taoist  priests  offered  sacri- 
fice to  these  nine  of  which  "ic  £,  is  the  Chief.  His  son  and 
successor  Su-tsung  Jf  H '^  756-763  A.D.  had  a  separate  mound 
erected  in  honour  of  the  Great  One  that  sacrifices  might  be 
separately  offered  to  him. 

The  Sung  Emperors  Jen-tsung  (1023-1064  %  fz  ^)  and 
Shen-tsung  (1068-1086  %  f^  9^)  set  up  respectively  the  Great 
One  of  the  West  and  the  One  of  the  Centre  :  this  latter  was 
entitled  Wu-fuh  Yl  fg,  the  Five  Blessings.  Shen-tsung  made  the 
total  of  10  -J&  —   spirits. 

I.     The  Ten  T'AI-YIH  Spirits. 

1.  The  -fc  —  of  the  Five  Blessings. 

2.  The  -Jfc  —  of  the  Prince. 

3.  The  ±  —  of  the  Officials. 

4.  The  -fa  —  of  the  People. 

5.  The  -fa  —  of  the  Nine  Natural  Agents. 

6.  The  -]&  —  of  the  Great  Journeys. 

7.  The  -fa  —  of  the  Petty  Journeys. 

8.  The  -ic  — '  of  the  Four  Spirits. 

(1)     Lang-ye-tai-tsui-pien  MMft^M  Bk.  1  p.  19. 
Tss-shi-tsing-htva  ^  £.  %  Ijl  Bk.  3  p.  9. 

T'AI-YIH  103 

9.  The  -fc  —  of  the  one  Heaven. 
10.  The  ic  —  of  the  one  Earth.  (1) 

The  Sung  Emperor  Hwui-tsung  ^  ^  ^  1101-1126  A.D. 
set  up  a  T'ai-yih  of  the  North  and  during  the  reign  devotions 
grew  in  respect  of  the  new  spirit. 

In  1252  A.D.  (i.e.  second-last  year  of  Shun  Yiu  ^  jjfc)  the 
Emperor  Li-tsung  $£  g|  ^  ordered  a  temple  to  be  erected  towards 
the  West  for  the  Great  One,  and  on  the  third  of  the  tenth  month, 
he  himself  went  in  person  to  worship.  His  minister,  Meu-tsz- 
tsai  $L  ^p  Z%  (2)  protested  with  a  very  dignified  and  outspoken 
memorial  against  this  Taoist  invention.  He  called  his  attention 
to  the  fact  that  calamities  of  all  sorts  began  to  pour  in  upon 
the  empire  from  the  very  year  112  B.C.  when  the  Han  emperor 
Wu-Ti  -fj|  jj£  ^  went  himself  to  offer  sacrifice  to  T'ai-yih  -Jfc  £,  at 
"Kan-ts'iien"  "JET' j§l  '■>  that  year  brought  an  eclipse  of  the  sun,  drought, 
locusts,  floods,  bursting  of  dams  —  and  every  year  added  a  new 
scourge.  There  was  moreover  the  revolt  of  the  South  ]fj"  ^  Nan- 
yueh,  with  Hun  inroads  and  brigandage  in  the  East  and  all  the 
painful  instances  of  witch  craft  which  had  caused  such  disturbance 
in  the  royal  palace  "So,  he  concluded,"  this  cult  is  bringing  us  no 
good-luck.  The  Emperor  ^  ^  Wu-ti  in  his  old  age,  but  all  too 
late,  recognized  that  he  had  been  cheated.  "Your  Majesty  not 
only  is  imitating  him  but  even  surpassing  him  :  that  causes 
sorrow  to  your  most  loyal  ministers  and  still  more  is  storing 
up  bitter  regrets  for  the  close  of  your  life."  (3) 

For  all  that  the  cult  was  continued  under  the  Yuen  ji^ 
Emperors.  When  the  Ming  0)^  came  a  President  of  the  Rites 
denounced  it  as  heterodox.  So  a  compromise  was  effected  (to 
save  face  for  the  older  emperors)  and  henceforth  this  T'ai-yih 
was  to  be  honoured  on  the  same  altar  as  the   Heavenly  Powers 

(1)  Cf.  Tuh-shul-i-shu-lioh  fff  #  £E  3$  -g.  Bk.43  p.  4. 

(2)  Born  at  Tsing-yen-hsicn  $■  $f  $£  in  Sz-ch'ican. 

(3j     Cf.  Suh-wen-hien-t'itng-kao  ?f  %  Jgf  jM  jg  Bk.  108  p.  1 


controlling  wind,  clouds,  thunder  and  rain  but  not  on  a  separate 
special  altar  of  his  own.  (1) 

(S)     TAI-YlH-CHEN-JEiX     ±  —  m.  A 

The  Taoists,  always  practical,  converted  these  rather 
abstract  conceptions  into  a  heroic  personage  to  be  worshipped  in 
their  temples  under  the  title  of  T'ai-ijih-chen-jen  (The  Hero  T.y.). 
His  adventures  as  related  in  the  Fung-shen-yen-i  ^  f$  $if  H  (2) 
have  made  him  famous.  The  reader  is  referred  to  the  notice  of 
Na-ch'a-san-t'ai-isz  in  Article  XV  below.  Practically  this  is  the 
only  T'ai-yih  known  to  the  worshippers  in  Chinese  temples  of 
our  days. 

(1)  Cf.  Ming-shi  ^  A  Bk.  49  p.  18. 

(2)  Cf.  'The  Right  Way  of  Installing  Divinities" 



+  .  r    t    ?    W 

The  Twelve  Ting  Kiah  spirits  of  Taoism.     (T) 

The  Taoist  have  twelve  spirits  corresponding  to  the  twelve 
Yuen-kiah  x  ^  of  Buddhism  (1)  with  a  corresponding-  cult. 
However  instead  of  combining  the  "Ten  Heavenly  Stems  ^  -p 
T'ien-kan  with  the  "twelve  Earthly  Branches"  (2)  only  two  of 
the  Heavenly  stems  were  used  ;  the  first  stem  T  Ting  is  first 
used  in  combination  the  first  six  Earthly  Branches  ^  ^  Ti-che, 
and  then  the  ^  Kiah  is  used  in  combination  with  the  remaining 
Branches.  To  each  combination  a  fuller  personal  name  is  assigned. 

1.     Six  Ting  Spirits     ("]  ) 

Cyclic  (year)  names  Personal  name. 

Ting-mao-shen  "J*  JJ|]  j$  Se-ma-kung          if]  ^  J/pj] 

Ting-ch'eu-shen  "J"  3t  #$  Chao-tsze-jen        |g  ^f-  ££ 

Ting-hai-shen  T*  ^  jffi  Chang-wen-t'iing'ffc  vjr  j$ 

Ting-yiu-shen  "T*  jSj  f$  Tsang-w en-hung  ffi  ^C  ^ 

Ting-wei-shen  ~f  ^  ^  Shih-shuh-i'ung    ;g"  ^  jg 

Ting-sze-shen  T  EL  #  Ts'ui-shih-k'ing    Jg  ft  $J] 

The  Six  liiali  Spirits     (Ep) 

Kiah-tsze-shen  ^  -f  1$  Wang-wen-k'ing  ^£  ^;  J|p 

Kinh-suh-shen  ^3  ^  jjjiji  Chan-tze-kiang    Jg  ^F  ?X 

Kiah-shen-shen  ^3  ^  iji$  Hu-wen-chang     M  "&  "H" 

Kiah  wu-shen  ^  ^p  ^  W  ei-shang-k'ing  %  J^  ^Jl 

(1)  For  a  full  account  of  these  "Genii  ruling  the  Cyclic  Year"  and 
the  actual  working  of  the  Cycle  and  its  symbols  see  Chinese  Superstitions, 
Engl.  tr.  Vol  VII.  p.  3  88 

(2)  See  Superstitions  VII  p.  388  sq.  :     Encyclopaedia  Sinica  p.  137. 



Kiah-ch' en-shen       ^  ^  |$  Mung-fei-k'ing    j&  flp.  0 

Kiah-yin-shen  ^  ^  ^  Ming-wen-chang  B£j  £  ^ 

Certain  Taoist  writers  assert  that  the  first  six  are  feminine 
and  the  latter  masculine.  (1)  Usually  they  all  are  represented  as 
masculine.  These  play  an  important  part  in  talismans  where 
they  are  represented  by  the  following  curve  : 

1  n  nil  ri 

(1)     Tuh-suh-M-shu-lioh  |f  -£  ffi  $$  §  Bk.  43  p.  4. 

Suh-wen-liien-t'ung-hao  iff  %  |K  M  :#  Bk.  241   p.  3. 

TEU-MU  107 

TEU-MU       (B.T.) 

^        # 

Teu-mu,  the  "Dipper,'  Mother,  is  greatly  honoured  in 
Buddhist  temples  but  for  all  that  she  is  a  stellar  divinity  of  the 
Taoists  as  one  can  see  from  what  follows. 

Teu-mu  J|-  -Q:  was  the  mother  of  the  nine  human  sove- 
reigns known  as  the  Jen-hwang  X  Jl  who  are  said  to  have  reigned 
in  the  fabulous  era  after  the  Rulers  of  the  Heaven  and  those  of 
the  Earth.  (1) 

She  was  called  Mo-li-che  0.  ^1j  ]£  (2)  and  was  born  in 
the  Western  Realm,  T'ien-chuh-kwoh  %  &£  [gj,  i.e.  India. 

Having  attained  a  deep  insight  into  heavenly  mysteries, 
her  presence  radiated  light,  she  roamed  over  the  seas,  travelled 
from  sun  to  moon,  and  as  well  showed  an  overflowing  charity 
for  the  help  of  poor  human  beings. 

In  one  of  the  Northern  regions  of  the  Universe  there 
lived  one  Ch'en-tsu-ts'ung  JH  %£  $£,  King  of  Cheu-yil  ffl  fjjp.  Mo- 
li-che  heard  report  of  his  renowned  virtues,  married  him  and  had 
nine  sons.     These  were  :  — 

1.  T'ien-ying  Ji  ^  2.  T'ien-jen  Ji  Q  3.  T'ien-chu  %  ££ 
4.  T'ien-sin  Ji  *fr  5.  T'ien-k'in  Ji  ^  6.  T'ien-fv,  Ji  $$ 
7.  T'ien-ch'ung  Jitft     8.  T'ien-jui  Ji  ffi       9.  T'ien-p'ung  3£*5g 

She  is  also  called  T'ien-mu  Ji  $%,  Tao-mu  ^  •££.  When 
all  these  children  had  been  well  instructed  by  their  mother  in 
all   the    transcendental    sciences,    she    said    to    them :  'Tn    these 

(1)  See  Mayers:  Chinese  Reader's  Manual  p.  384. 

(2)  Besides  her  family  name  is  given  as  Wan  $£,  her    personal    name 
as  T'ai-yang  ^  R§. 


northern  regions,  the  dwellers  are  all  too  few,  better  dwell  in  the 
South."  So  they  went  off  to  the  south  of  Mt.  Che  Siu  jjf  {§  |Jj  ; 
the  inhabitants  seeing  their  chariots  and  garments,  took  them  to 
be  genii  and  chose  the  eldest  as  king.  T'ien-ying  was  raised  to 
the  throne  and  is  sometimes  called  Kiu-t'eu-shi  j\,  jp  j£  —  "the 
eldest  of  the  nine"  but  more  generally  Jen-hwang  \  Jfl  "The 
Human  Emperor". 

Then  Yuen-shi-t'ien-tsun  yt  ia  H  M-  came  on  earth  and 
raised  Mo-li-che,  her  consort  and  her  nine  sons  to  the  joys  of  the 
Heavens  He  installed  her  in  the  palace  Teu-ch'u  J\-  $|,  the  Polar 
Hinge  (on  which  all  the  stars  revolve)  and  conferred  on  her 
the  title  of  "Queen  of  the  Doctrine  of  the  Primal  Heaven". 
Hence  is  derived  the  title  of  "Dipper"  Mother  J\-  -JsJ:,  as  she 
dwells  near  the  Dipper  Star.  Her  nine  sons  live  with  her  and 
rule  over  nine  constellations. 

Her  consort  Cli'en-tsi-ts'uny  living  with  her  is  entitled 
Teu-fu-i'ien-tsun  J\-  4£  ^  j§;,  Dipper  Father  Deva  worthy.  And 
the  Queen  has  the  corresponding  title  of  Dipper  Mother  revered 
of  Heaven.  (1) 

Fig.  161  gives  an  idea  of  the  usual  representation  of 
Indian  type  in  Buddhist  temples.  She  wears  a  crown  of  Budd- 
has :  she  possesses  three  eyes  and  eighteen  arms:  in  these  she 
holds  mystic  symbols;  a  flag,  a  bow,  an  arrow,  fiery  wheels,  a 
monkey's  head,  a  pearl  —  and  she  has  the  lotus  flower  as  her 
throne.  Our  picture  is  copied  from  a  statue  at  Ju-kao  -fa  jfl  in 
a  nunnery  temple  outside  the  South  Gate.  In  the  main  hall  of 
the  Mt.  T'ai  Temple  ^  [Jj  ^  a  similar  statue  forms  a  pendant 
to  one  of  Chun-Pi  ifl  $|  (Marichi)  these  two  are  on  lateral  altars 
supporting  P'i-lu-fuh  eft  B  {$•  (2) 

(1)  Shen-siev-fung-licn  ^  $\   51  $g  Bk.  1.  Art.  2  p.  1.  2.  Art.  3  Art.   4 
Bk.  15  Art.  5  p.  1. 

(2)  See,  Chinese  Superstitions,  Engl.  Ed.  Vol.  VI  p.  119. 

Fig.   161 


TEU-MU  109 

Teu-mu  is  derived  from  the  Marichi  (1)  of  Brahmin  my- 
thology:  the  Taoist  have  made  a  stellar  divinity  of  her  and 
provided  her  with  a  consort  and  a  palace  amid  the  stars. 

(2)     See,  Chinese  Superstitions,   Engl.  Ed  Vol.  VII    p.  303  —  311 
Marichi  is  there  identified  with  Chung-t'i  j$  $g. 



3    *f 

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NA-CH'A  111 

N/\-CH*A-SAi\-T«Al-TSZE     (T.B.) 

W     0t    H     ±     =¥- 

1.     Biith. 

Li-tsing  ^  j^:,  a  general  under  Cheu-wang  j$  ^£,  was 
local  commander  in  Ch'en-t'ang-kwan  $fl  |f  If  at  the  time  when 
the  murderous  was  ushering  out  the  8 hang  dynasty  ^  broke  out. 
His  wife  Yin-shi  Jj£  j£  gave  birth  to  three  sons,  Kin-ch'a  ^  |££ 
the  eldest,  Muh-ch'a  ;fc  P"£  the  second  and  59(5  fF£,  Na-cJva  known 
as  "the  third  prince"  JEi  ^k  -J1-     He  is  a  hero  of  romance. 

The  author  of  the  Fung-shen-yen-yi  $$  ^  -/H"  H  has  piled 
up  the  marvellous  in  describing  the  deeds  of  this  incredible 
character.  His  mother  was  with  child  for  three  years  and  six 
months  without  being  able  to  bring  the  child  to  birth.  One 
night  she  saw  in  dream-vision  a  Taoist  priest  entering  her  room. 
Full  of  indignation  at  this,  she  cried,  "How  dare  you  enter  my 
room  so  rudely?"  The  Taoist  answered  by  bidding  her  receive 
the  "child  of  the  unicorn,"  and,  without  giving  her  time  to  say 
anything,  he  thrust  an  object  into  her  bosom.  She  awoke  in  a 
fit  of  fear  and  aroused  Li-tsing,  telling  him  what  she  had  just 
seen  in  her  dream.  On  the  instant,  she  was  seized  by  birth- 
pangs.  Li-tsing  withdrew  to  a  hall,  puzzled  by  the  whole  affair ; 
everything  seemed  to  be  of  evil  presage.  Shortly  two  servants 
ran  up  distraught  crying,  "Your  wife  has  just  given  birth  to  a 
wicked  monster". 

Li-tsing  took  his  sword  and  entered  his  wife's  room.  It 
was  flooded  with  a  red  glare  and  permeated  with  a  strange 
smell.  There  on  the  floor  was  a  mass  of  flesh  whirling  about 
like  a  wheel.  Li  struck  at  it  with  his  sword,  cleft  it  open  and 
there  issued  a  child  whose  body  radiated  red  beams  of  light. 
The  child's  face  was  verv  white  :  around  its  wrist  was  a  bracelet 


of  gold  and  about  its  middle  a  band  of  red  silk  from  which 
streamed  dazzling  rays  of  golden  light.  This  bracelet  was  the 
"circle  of  earth  and  heaven,"  this  silken  band  an  embroidery  of 
earth  and  sky  in  fine,  two  precious  objects  from  the  grotto  of 
Kin-kwang-tsung  £  ^  -p]  presented  by  its  inhabitant  the  Hero 
T'ai-yih  -fa  Zj  M  A  (see  preceding  article  on  -fr  —  i.  e.  ^  £,) 
when  he  had  visited  the  mother  in  her  sleep.  The  child  was  a 
reincarnation  of  Ling-chu-tsze  g  $fc  ^f-  The  Intelligent  Pearl. 

On  the  morrow,  T'ai-yih  came  and  asked  Li-tsiny's  permis- 
sion to  see  the  child.  "His  name,"  said  he,  "shall  be  Na-ch'a 
and  he  shall  be  my  disciple." 

2.     Youth  and  Misdeeds. 

Na-ch'a  at  seven  years  of  age  was  six  feet  high.  One  day 
he  asked  permission  from  his  mother  to  go  for  a  walk  outside 
the  town.  She  agreed  on  condition  that  an  officer  should 
accompany  him,  and  impressed  on  him  that  he  must  not  remain 
long  outside  the  ramparts  lest  his  father  should  be  displeased. 
So  Na-ch'a  went  out  with  an  officer  as  escort.  It  was  the  fifth 
month  and  so  hot  that  after  walking  a  li  he  was  bathed  in  sweat. 
On  ahead,  there  was  a  grove  of  trees,  and  he  was  assured  by  his 
escort  whom  he  had  sent  on  to  investigate,  that  he  should  find  it 
very  cool  there  under  the  willows.  Na  clva  was  delighted, 
Pushed  on  to  the  trees  got  well  into  the  shade  and  undoing 
his  dress,  proceeded  to  enjoy  the  cool  breeze.  Amid  the  willows, 
a  stream  gently  ruffled  by  the  wind  rolled  clear,  green  waters 
inviting  him  to  bathe:  the  waters  played  about  the  sides  of  a 
mass  of  rocks.  The  youngster  bounding  along  the  bank,  announ- 
ced to  his  guardian  that  he  would  bathe  from  this  rock. 
"Make  haste  then,"  said  the  officer,"  if  your  father  is  back  before 
you,  he  will  be  very  displeased.  "Na  ch'a  took  off  his  clothes 
and  them  made  use  of  his  red-silk  band,  some  seven  feet  long 
as  a  bath-towell,  that  is,  as  the  Chinese  are  so  fond  of  doing  he 
dipped  it  into  the  stream.  This  band  was  a  mysterious  object: 
no  sooner  had  it  touched  the  surface  of  the  river  that  the  water 

Fie.     1G2 

Na-touo  san-t'ai-tse. 
Na-to  San-t'ai-tze. 

na-ch'a  113 

began  to  boil,  and  earth  and  sky  shook.  This  river,  the  River 
with  the  Nine  Bends,  Kiu  Wan  Ho  \  $|  jpj  was  in  touch  with 
the  Eastern  Seas:  its  waters  now  grew  red  and  the  palace  of 
Lung-wang  f|  £  swayed  on  its  supports  and  began  to  crumble. 
The  Dragon  King  (1)  Ngao-kivang  |fc  ^  seated  in  his  Crystal 
palace  Shui-tsing-kung  7k.  a,  'g"  was  surprised  to  see  the  walls 
crack  and  sway.  He  knew  it  was  not  the  time  for  an  earthquake 
so  he  sent  a  police-officer  Li-ken  ^  J|  to  visit  the  borders  of  the 
sea  in  order  to  find  out  the  cause  of  the  disturbance. 

Li-ken  came  to  the  mouth  of  the  River  of  the  Nine  Bends 
and  saw  the  waters  all  red  :  yet  there  was  only  a  child  there 
dipping  a  strip  of  red  silk  in  the  water  to  wash  himself.  Li 
burst  through  the  waters,  demanding  what  this  might  be  that 
was  causing  such  disturbance.  Na-ch'a  looked  around  and  caught 
sight  down  below  in  the  water  of  a  creature  with  green  face 
and  red  hair  who  bared  his  teeth  and  was  brandishing  a  great 
axe  as  if  to  strike  him.  "What  brute  is  it,  said  Na-ch'a  "that 
speaks  thus?"  Then  seeing  this  police-officer  of  Lung-wang  jf| 
3E  making  for  him,  he  slipped  aside  and  taking  off  his  golden 
bracelet  threw  it  so  that  it  landed  on  Li-king's  head  and  crushing 
his  brain  stretched  him  dead  on  the  rock  Na-ch'a  got  hold  of  his 
bracelet  again  and  laughing  said,  "His  blood  has  stained  my 
precious  circle  of  earth  and  sky."  He  sat  again  on  a  rock  and 
washed  it  clean  in  the  water  but  this  caused  a  second  disastrous 
quake  that  demolished  the  Dragon-king's  palace. 

"How  is  it  that  my  messenger  is  not  back?"  said  Ngao 
kwang  ■.  and  at  that  moment,  his  officials  brought  news  of  the 
killing  of  the  courier  by  a  child.  So  Ngao-kwang's  third  son, 
Ngao-ping  -|JC  ptj  at  the  head  of  a  squad  of  "marines"  and  holding 
his  trident  issues  forth:  this  flotilla  of  swift  submarines 
raises  mountainous  waves  that  caused  a  sort  of  "bore"  several 
feet  high  in  the  Nine  Bends  River.  Na-ch'a  stood  up  in  amaze- 
ment and  on  the  instant  caught  sight  of  a  warrior  riding  on  a  sea 

(1)     Chinese  Superstitions,  Vol.  VII  pp.  409  sqq. 



monster.  "Who  killed  my  envoy  ?"  cried  the  apparition.  "T'was 
I",  said  Na-ch'a.  "And  who  are  you?"  "I  am  Na-ck'a,  third  son  of 
Li-tsing  of  Ch'en-t'ang-hwen  Pjf(  |[lj  §§.  I  came  here  to  cool 
myself.  He  came  to  insult  me  and  so  I  killed  him!"  "Ruffian, 
do  you  know  that  Li-ken  was  a  messenger  of  the  King  of 
Heaven?  How  did  you  dare  to  kill  him  and  even  still  worse 
hoast  of  it?"  And  with  that  Ngao-p'ing  tried  to  strike  his 
trident  into  Na-ch'a.  Na-ch'a  dodged  the  stroke  and  demanded 
who  his  assailant  was.  ''Ngao-p'ing,  third  son  of  the  Dragon 
King,"  "Such  bragging!  If  you  dare  touch  me,  1  will  flay 
alive  you  and  your  mud-eels."  "You  would  make  me  choke 
with  rage."  shouted  Ngao-ping  and  he  struck  with  his  trident. 
Na-ch'a  opened  up  his  silk  strip  upon  the  air  and  thousands  of 
fire-balls  burst  out  from  it.  The  Dragon-King's  son  finds  himself 
hemmed  in  on  all  sides  and  falls  on  his  back.  Na-cJva  plants  one 
foot  on  his  victim's  head  and  strikes  him  with  the  golden 
bracelet  whereupon  the  real  dragon  shape  is  disclosed.  "I  am 
going,  said  Na-ch'a,"  to  take  out  your  sinews,  and  make  a  belt 
of  dragon-sinews  for  my  father's  breastplate."  This  he  did 
and  brought  home  his  spoils  to  the  great  terror  of  the  officers 
in  the  fortress. 

The  killed  man's  escort  reported  to  the  Dragon  King 
what  had  befallen  his  son  and  the  King  himself  thereupon 
assumed  the  form  of  a  scholar  in  order  to  seek  out  Li-tsing  and 
demand  of  him  reason  for  the  killing  of  his  son.  Li-tsing, 
ignorant  of  the  whole  happening,  at  first  denied  his  son's  guilt: 
then  he  summoned  Na-ch'a. 

Na-ch'a  was  in  the  garden  busy  at  plaiting  the  belt  of 
dragon-sinews  for  his  father.  To  his  father's  amazement  he 
now  offered  it  to  him.  "What  misfortunes,"  cried  the  father, 
"have  you  brought  upon  us.  Come  and  explain  yourself."  There 
is  no  need  to  be  afraid  :  his  son's  sinews  are  here  complete;  I 
shall  give  them  back  to  him,  if  he  wants  them,  "was  Na-ch'a's 
cynical  reply.     Coming  face  to  face  with    the    Dragon-King,    he 

NA-CH'A  115 

greeted  him,  offered  a  few  bare  words  of  apology  and  offered  to 
give  him  back  his  son's  sinews.  The  father,  moved  at  the  sight 
of  these  tokens  of  the  crime,  turned  to  Li-tsing;  "You  have 
begotten  such  a  son  and  yet  dare  to  deny  his  guilt:  do  you  not 
hear  his  cynical  confession.  To-morrow  Yuh-hwang,  the  Jade 
Monarch  5  4fl  shall  hear  of  this  from  me".  On  the  instant 
he  left. 

Li-tsing,  terrified  by  the  enormity  of  these  crimes,  began 
to  sob  loud.  His  wife  having  heard  the  sound  and  learned  the 
cause,  came  to  find  her  husband.  "What  a  harmful  being  you 
brought  into  the  world,"  said  Li-tsing  to  her  in  anger,  "he  has 
already  killed  two  spirits,  one  of  them  being  the  Dragon  King's 
son  :  to-morrow  Yuk-ti  3£  ^  will  be  told  of  it  and  in  two  or 
three  days  that  will  be  the  end  of  us." 

The  poor  mother  then  with  streaming  eyes  reproached  her 
son.  ''You  whom  I  bore  in  my  womb  for  three  years  and  six 
months,  you  for  whom  I  suffered  so  much,  are  you  now  to  be 
for  us  all  a  cause  of  ruin  and  death?"  Na-ch'a,  overcome  by  the 
sorrow  of  both  his  parents,  flung  himself  on  his  knees  and  pro- 
tested :  "Allow  me  once  for  all  to  declare  that  I  am  not  an  ordi- 
nary man.  I  am  a  disciple  of  T'ai-yih-chen-jen  ^  £,  m.  \. 
These  magic  weapons  which  I  hold  from  him  have  brought  upon 
me  the  mortal  enmity  of  Ngao-hwang  ;§£  ^  but  he  shall  not 
prevail.  To  clay  1  am  going  to  seek  counsel  of  my  master."  It 
is  the  guilty  one  alone,  not  his  parents,  who  must  face  the 
penalty."     Thereupon  he  set  out  for  Kien-yuen-shan  f£  jfc  nj. 

There,  he  sought  the  cave  of  his  master,  T'ai-yih  -fa  £, 
and  told  him  what  had  befallen  him.  The  master  realising  the 
serious  consequences  of  these  deeds,  bade  him  bare  his  breast 
then  with  a  brush  he  traced  a  magic  talisman  on  the  skin  and 
gave  him  certain  secret  recommendations.  "Now,"  he  added,  "go 
to  the  Gate  of  Heaven  and  wait  for  the  arrival  of  Ngao-Jcwang  on 
his  way  to  lodge  his  charge  with  3£  tf?  Yuh-ti.  Then  come  and 
consult  me  again  that  we  may  save  your  parents   from    molesta- 


tion  on  account  of  your  escapades."  Na-ch'a  arrived  at  the  Gate 
of  Heaven  and  found  it  shut.  Lung-wang  had  not  yet  come. 
After  a  short  while  Na-ch'a  saw  him  coming.  Being-  himself 
invisible  because  of  T'ai-yih's  talisman,  Na-ch'a  ran  up  to  the 
Dragon-King  and  struck  him  to  such  effect  on  the  loins  that 
Lung-wang  fell  to  the  ground  and  Na-ch'a  started  to  trample  on 
him  and  revile  him.  The  king  now  recognized  Na-ch'a  and  taxed 
him  with  so  many  crimes.  The  only  answer  was  abuse  and 
blows.  Then  Na-ch'a  proceeded  to  an  extreme  of  outrage ;  he  tore 
open  the  King's  garments,  lifted  his  breastplate  and  tore  off  some 
score  of  the  Dragon-king's  scales  from  his  body  so  that  blood 
flowed  copiously.  This  made  the  King  cry  for  quarter  which  Na- 
ch'a  granted  on  condition  that  the  accusation  before  Yuh-ti  was 
foregone.  Thereupon  Na-ch'a  demanded  that  the  king  must  change 
himself  into  a  small  serpent  that  could  be  led  away  without  fear 
of  its  making  its  escape.  Lung-wang  complied  and  had  to  follow 
Na-ch'a  home  in  the  guise  of  a  small  blue  dragon.  As  soon  as  they 
arrived  at  Na-ch'a's  home,  the  Dragon-King  Ngao-kwang  resumed 
his  normal  shape,  accused  Na-ch'a  of  having  assaulted  him  and 
declared  that  on  the  morrow  he  would  present  himself  with  all 
the  Dragon-Kings  to  lodge  his  accusation  with  Yuh-ti.  Then 
he  changed  into  a  gale  and  vanished. 

Li-tsing  was  dismayed  by  this  piling  of  woes  on  woes  but 
Na-ch'a  would  have  him  be  of  good  cheer.  "1  am"  said  he,  "the 
predestined  of  the  gods,  and  my  master  is  T'ai-yih-chen-jen.  I 
have  his  assurance  that  he  can  protect  us.  All  these  Dragons 
Kings  can  do  nothing."  Li-tsing  was  perplexed  by  the  words  as 
much  as  by  the  happenings. 

Na-ch'a  went  out  into  the  garden  and,  in  search  of  amu- 
sement issued  by  the  North  Gate  and  climbed  the  tower  overlook- 
ing the  gate.  There  he  came  across  a  magic  bow  and  three 
magic  arrows  ;  they  had  been  deposited  there  since  the  Emperor 
Hivang-ti  |if  $?  had  made  use  of  the  weapon  to  overcome  the 
rebellions  Ch'i-yiu  j£?  it.  Na-ch'a  knew  nothing  about  their 
history  but  he  mused  with  himself  that  he  must  have  some  pra- 

na-gh'a  117 

ctice,  if,  as  his  master  warned  him,  he  were  destined  to  secure  in 
the  future  the  fortunes  of  the  Chow  dynasty  /§]  against  the  Shang 
j§j.  So  he  bent  the  bow  and  shot  an  arrow  to  the  south-east. 
The  bolt  sped  whistling  through  the  air  leaving  a  trail  of  red  to 
mark  its  passage.  Just  then  an  attendant  of  Shih-ki-niang-niang 
■fi  $!  tk  &&  by  name  Pih-yun  |!|  g  happened  to  be  at  the  foot 
of  Mt  Skeleton  K'u-lou  § £  ft§  |1|  in  front  of  the  Goddess's  grotto. 
The  arrow  pierced  his  throat  and  he  fell  dead.  Immediately 
the  Goddess  came  forth  and  examining  the  arrow  which  bore 
the  inscsiption,  "the  Arrow  which  troubleth  the  Sky,''  she  knew 
that  it  came  from  Ch'en-t'ang-kwan  (^  j$  ||. 

Li-tsing  of  course  was  the  guilty  one.  So  the  Goddess 
mounted  her  blue  phoenix,  sped  over  Ch'en-t'ang-kwan  and  took 
off  Li-tsing  to  her  cave.  There  she  set  him  kneeling  before  her 
and  upbraided  him  with  his  criminal  ingratitude.  She  was  pre- 
paring him  for  immortality  and  had  helped  him  to  worldly 
honours  since  he  had  left  his  lonely  mountain  ;  and  now  he  had 
killed  her  attendant.  Li-tsing  swore  he  was  innocent  but  to  no 
avail  for  the  arrow  was  eloquent  testimony.  Li-tsing  begged 
the  Goddess  to  allow  him  to  go  at  liberty  and  find  the  culprit. 
<Tf  I  cannot  find  him,  you  shall  take  my  life." 

Again  Na-ch'a  cheerfully  owned  to  being  the  guilty  person 
and  followed  his  father  to  the  Goddess's  grotto.  But  as  he 
arrived  at  the  entrance,  the  second  attendant  Ts'ai-yun-t'ung-rh 
3£  H  M  H  upbraided  him.  Na-ch'a  struck  him  roughly.  This 
enraged  Shih-ki-niang-niang  and  she  rushed  at  Na-ch'a  armed 
with  a  sword  :  quickly  she  had  stripped  him  of  his  magic  bracelet 
and  magic  silk  strip.  Na-ch'a  fled  to  his  master  and  the  Goddess 
pursued  him.  She  demanded  delivery  of  the  culprit  to  put  him 
to  death.  A  struggle  began  and  but  T'ai-yih-chen-jen  succeeded 
in  launching  against  her  a  globe  of  nine  fiery  dragons  ;  these 
encircled  the  Goddess  and  burned  her  :  she  changed   into    stone. 

Now  "said  T'ai-yih  to  Na-ch'a  back  quich  to  your  parents: 
the  four  Dragon-Kings  have  lodged  their  accusation  with  Yuh-ii 


and  they  are  about  to  seize  your  parents."  Na-ch'a  began  to 
weep  but  T'ai-yih  whispered  him  some  secret  advice  and  assured 
him  it  would  save  his  parents. 

3.     Death. 

On  his  return,  Na-ch'a  found  the  four  Dragon-Kings  bent 
on  taking  off  his  parents.  "It  is  I,"  said  he,  "who  have  killed  your 
son.  Why  molest  my  parents?  I  will  pay  the  penalty.  I  shall 
give  back  to  my  parents  what  1  got  from  them.  I  will  rip  up  my 
belly  and  tear  out  my  entrails,  cut  off  my  limbs  and  scrape  my 
bones.  Will  you  agree?  If  not,  let  us  all  appear  before  Yuen-shi- 
Vien-wang  7c  if?  3^  5E  and  abide  the  result."  Lung-wang  accepted 
the  offer.  So  Na-ch'a  on  the  spot  carried  out  his  part :  he  took 
a  sword,  cut  off  one  of  his  arms  and  then  fell  senseless  after 
performing  the  hara-kiri.  His  soul  borne  by  the  winds  reached 
T'ai-yih's  cave  even  while  the  mother  was  still  engaged  in  the 
burial  rites.  "This  is  not  your  abode,"  said  his  Master,  "return 
to  Ch'en-t'ang-kwan  and  beg  your  mother  to  build  you  a  temple 
forty  li  away  on  Mt.  Ts'ui-p'ing  ^.  ^  Mj .  After  three  years  of 
worship,  your  can  be  reincarnated." 

About  the  third  watch  of  the  night,  Na-ch'a's  mother  was 
in  a  deep  sleep  when  her  son  appeared  and  admonished  her  to 
build  his  temple  that  his  soul  might  find  an  abode.  The  mother 
in  tears  awoke  and  told  Li-tsing.  He  scolded  her  for  her  blind 
attachment  to  such  a  monstrous  son  who  had  caused  them  such 
woe.  But  the  apparitions  continued  for  five  or  six  nights  and 
on  the  last  occasion,  Na-ch'a  spoke  very  plainly.  "Do  not  forget 
that  I  am  savage  by  nature.  If  you  do  not  give  ear,  evils  will 
come  upon  you."  So  the  mother  got  the  temple  built  secretly:  in 
it  was  a  statue  of  Na-ch'a  and  soon  it  attracted  crowds  of  pilgrims 
by  wondrous  happenings. 

One  day,  Li-tsing  with  his  troops  passed  that  way  and 
wondered  at  the  masses  of  pilgrims  of  all  ages  and  conditions  on 
the  reads  leading  to  the  temple.  "Where  are  these  people  going?" 
"These  six  months  the  spirit  in   the  mountain-temple   has   been 



doing  wonders  and  people  are  streaming  here  from  all  sides  to 
pray  to  him."  ''What  is  the  spirit's  name?"  "Na-ch'a."  Li-tsing, 
on  hearing  this,  went  to  have  the  evidence  of  his  own  eyes  and 
found  that  it  was  really  Na-ch'a-Mng-kung  ^p^^f^-  He  entered 
and  saw  that  the  statue  really  represented  his  own  Na-ch'a.  Beside 
it  were  the  usual  two  attendants.  Li-tsing  in  violent  anger  set  to 
it  whipping  and  reviling  the  figure.  Not  satisfied  with  being  for 
us  a  cause  of  evil,  you  would  deceive  these  people  after  you 
death."  He  whipped  the  statue  till  it  fell  to  pieces:  with  kicks, 
overthrew  the  attendants,  warned  the  people  not  to  worship  such 
a  wicked  man  who  had  disgraced  his  own  family.  Then  he 
ordered  the  temple  to  be  burned. 

On  arriving  home,  Li-tsing  taxed  his  wife  with  building 
that  temple  and  thereby  exposing  him,  her  husband,  to  be  degra- 
ded for  introducing  a  heterodox  cult  to  a  false  divinity.  "If  ever 
you  want  to  build  a  temple  again  for  Na-ch'a,  1  will  sever  all 
relations  with  you.  1  have  burned  that  temple  :  let  that  be  the 
end  of  the  matter." 

Na-ch'a  had  been  away  from  the  temple  at  the  moment  of 
its  destruction  and  he  returned  to  find  merely  a  heap  of  smoking 
ruins.  "Who  has  destroyed  my  temple?"  he  asked  of  his  atten- 
dant spirits  who  waited  him  in  tears.  Li-tsing,  commander  of 
Ch'en-t'ang-kwan."  "Ah!  He  has  outstepped  his  rights.  I  had 
given  him  back  what  I  had  got  from  him.  Why  does  he  come 
to  demolish  my  gilded  statue?  I  have  no  more  ties  to  bind  me  to 

During  that  half-year  of  worship,  the  soul  of  Na-ch'a  had 
begun  to  win  back  a  sensitive  life.  Now  he  must  go  again  to 
consult  T'ai-yih  how  to  carry  on.  T'ai-jjih  agreed  that  he  had 
been  cruelly  maltreated  and  declared  that  a  way  must  be  found 
to  get  Na-ch'a  ready  in  order  to  help  Kiang-lsze-ya  =£  ^  %■  who 
was  shortly  to  leave  his  mountain  and  establish  a  new   dynasty. 

4.     Rebirth  of  Na-ch'a. 

T'ai-yih-chen-jen  procured  two  water-lily  stems  and    three 


lotus  leaves  and  with  them  formed  on  the  ground  a  sort  of 
skeleton-man.  In  this  he  slipped  Na-ch'a's  soul  by  means  of 
magic  charms  and  there  arose  a  new  Na-ch'a,  full  of  life  with 
fresh  complexion  and  ruddy  lips  and  fully  sixteen  feet  in  height. 
"Presently  in  my  peach  garden,  I  shall  arm  you,"  said  T'ai-yih 
"and  there  he  gave  him  a  fiery  lance,  finely  sharp,  and  two  wheels 
(1)  of  fire  and  wind  to  serve  as  vehicles  (like  roller-skates) 
under  his  feet  and  an  ingot  of  gold  in  a  panther-skin  wallet.  So 
Na-ch'a  after  having  thanked  his  benefactor,  sped  off  on  his 
wheels  to  Ch'cn-t'ang-kwan. 

When  Li-tsing  got  warning  of  the  coming  vengeance,  he 
mounted  his  horse,  took  his  weapons  and  went  to  meet  him.  After 
mutual  abuse,  Li-tsing  was  worsted  in  a  combat  of  arms  and  took 
to  flight  Na-ch'a  pursued  relentlessly  and  just  as  he  was  about  to 
overtake  Li-tsing,  the  latter's  second  son  Muh-ch'a  ^fcl'T^  intervened 
to  protect  him.  In  answer  to  Muh-ch'a' s  rebukes,  Na-ch'a  insisted 
that  he  had  given  back  his  filial  relationship  and  will  now  have 
his  grievance  out  with  Li-tsing.  In  a  fight  Na-ch'a  disables  his 
brother  with  a  blow  of  the  golden  ingot  on  the  loins.  Then  he 
resumes  the  pursuit  of  Li  until  the  latter  loses  hope  of  escape 
and  is  about  to  kill  himself.  On  a  sudden,  the  voice  of  a  Taoist 
adopt  calls  him  to  take  refuge  in  his  cave  where  he  will  be  safe. 
Na-ch'a  follows  his  victim  but  there  is  now  no  trace  of  Li  to  be 
seen  in  the  grotto,  Na-ch'a  would  force  this  old  fellow  to  yield 
up  his  refugee  but  he  has  not  reckoned  with  his  new  opponent. 
It  was  W en-shu-t'ien-tsun  ~$t  ffi  Ji  1$.  and  T'ai-yih  has  planned 
this  to  teach  Na-ch'a  a  lesson.  This  Taoist  by  use  of  magic 
implements  got  hold  of  Na-ch'a.  In  the  twinkling  of  an  eye, 
he  had  passed  a  golden  collar  about  his  neck  and  two  chains 
about  his  legs  and  had  him  fettered  to  a  golden  pillar.  Then 
one  of  Wen-shus  attendants  gave  the  turbulent  boy  a  good 

(1)      See  Mayers   Chinese  Reader's  Manual,  N°  520  Originally  Buddha's 
wheels  ?£  ft. 

na-ch'a  121 

Just  at  this  humiliating-  moment,  T'ai-yih  as  if  by  chance 
came  to  visit  Wen-shu  and  making  Na  ch'a  stand  before  Wen-shu 
and  Li-tsing,  he  admonished  him  to  live  on  good  terms  with  his 
father  while  however  taking  the  father  to  task  for  having  burnt 
the  pagoda  of  Ts'ui-p'ing  Shan.  Thereupon  T'ai-yih  bade  Li-tsing 
return  home  and  after  a  moment,  ordered  Na-ch'a  off  to  his  own 

But  Na-ch'a,  full  of  resentment  and  thirsting  for  revenge, 
rushed  off  in  pursuit  of  Li-tsing,  confident  of  getting  his  own 
back.  But  of  a  sudden,  a  Taoist  worthy  appears,  takes  Li  under 
his  protection  and  forbids  Na-ch'a  to  do  him  any  harm.  Na-ch'a 
was  now  in  a  paroxysm  of  rage,  unrestrained  as  a  wild  cat,  and 
flung  himself  at  the  Taoist,  wishing  to  spear  him  but  this  latter 
produced  a  white  lotus-flower  from  his  mouth  aud  the  spear  was 
checked.  Na-ch'a  still  was  untamed;  so  the  Taoist  produced 
from  his  sleeve  some  mysterious  object  that  mounted  up  in  the 
air  and  then  fell  at  Na-ch'a's  feet  wrapping  him  in  a  shroud  of 
flame  that  scorched  him  cruelly.  At  last  he  yielded  and  begged 
for  mercy.  The  Taoist  made  him  promise  to  live  on  good  terms 
with  Li-tsing,  to  address  him  as  father  and  now  to  prostrate 
himself  at  his  feet  in  order  to  be  reconciled  with  him. 

It  was  now  Li-tsing's  turn.  The  Taoist  turning  to  him 
promised  him  a  retreat  from  office  that  he  might  become  an 
Immortal  and  be  enabled  to  serve  the  Chow  Jj§)  who  were  shortly 
to  take  over  the  reins  of  governement.  "Both  of  you,"  he  went 
on,  "will  be  high  officers  in  the  new  dynasty  and  both  of  you  will 
attain  immortality."  But  to  render  Na-ch'a  impotent  for  the 
future  against  Li-tsing,  he  bade  this  latter  kneel  and  then 
bestowed  on  him  the  magic  object  that  had  burned  at  Na-ch'a's 
feet  and  brought  him  to  reason:  it  was  a  tower  of  gold  (1) 
—  and  this  has  become  the  symbol   of    Li-tsing   and   the   reason 

(1)     Originally    a     representation    of    a    thunder-bolt:    the    vajra    of 
Indian  mythology.     Li  could  be  Vajrapani. 



for  his  usual  title,    "The    Tower-Bearer"    T'oh-Vah  iA-tHen-wdng 
(1)  ft  «  *  *  3£. 

The  fabulous  tales,  the  stories  of  the  gods  at  war,  the 
romances  about  the  fights  at  the  establishment  of  Chow  dynasty 
are  full  of  the  marvellous  deeds  and  fantastic  combats  in  which 
Li-tsing  and  Na-ch'a  figure  as  heroes.  They  always  share  in 
the  campaigns  of  the  gods.  (2) 

The  Sheu-shen-ki  ^|^|E  gives  a  shorter  but  more  obscure 
legend  which  seems  to  have  a  similar  core.  Na—ch'a  was  the 
squire  of  Yuh-ti  3£  ^  :  he  was  sixty  feet  in  height :  he  had  three 
heads  with  nine  eyes  in  all:  in  his  eight  arms  he  carried  magic 
weapons :  his  mouth  belched  blue  clouds  and  his  voice  made  the 
pillars  of  the  sky  rock  and  the  bases  of  earth  tremble  (3)  His 
task  was  to  reduce  to  subjection  the  Demon-Kings  who  harried 
the  earth.  Yuh-ti  made  him  generalissimo  of  the  twenty-six 
heavenly  officers,  grand-marshal  of  the  heavens,  and  guardian 
of  the  gate  of  heaven.  (4) 

(1)  See  Chinese  Superstitions,  above,  Article  XI  fig.  156. 

The  Taoist  who  bestowed  the  tower  was  Jan-teng  $k  %t  and  Taoist 
legends  would  make  of  him  the  teacher  of  Buddha  (see  Chinese  Supersti- 
tions, Vol.  VI  p.  89-90  Dipamkara  or  the  Light-bearer). 

So  Wen-shu  above  and  P'ou-hien  ^f  5£  (master  of  one  of  Litsing's 
sons)  are  the  Marijusri  and  the  Samantabhadra  Buddhas  (see  Chinese  Su- 
perstitions Vol,  VI  p.  126-130) 

Cf.  Fung-shen-yen-yi  ft  ^  JS  #§  Bk.  2  Hwui  12  p.  4:  Hwui  14  p.  12. 

(2)  Shen-sien-t'ung-Hen  j$>  On  M  ffli- 
Fung-shen-yen-yi  ft  j$  }g  Jg  Bk.  2  Hwui  12,  13,  14. 

Cf.  illustration  in  Chinese  Superstitions  Vol  XI  fig.  262 

(3)  Funy-shen-yen-yi  §J  jjjiji  {(§  i§  Bk.  6  Hwui  76.     He    owed    this    new 
shape  to  his  master  T'ai-yih. 

(4)  Sheu-shen-li  $£  jjft  1H  ( hia  Mien  T  #)  P-61. 




if  »&•  -   m 

Marshals  "Sniffer"  and  "Blower". 

Here  we  have  to  deal  with  one  of  the  marvellous  legends 
that  grew  up  about  the  terrible  struggles  ushering  in  the 
Chow  Dynasty  /gj. 

Heng  "the  Sniffer"  was  Marshal  ($f)  Cheng-lun  ^  jfo,  Ha 
"the  Blower"  was  Marshal  ($f )  Ch'en-ki  |^^f.  Cheng-lun  was  the 
Quartermaster-General  for  the  Commissariat  of  the  Armies  of 
the  last  Shang  j$j  Emperor,  the  infamous  Chow  ffi.  He  had  as 
master  a  famous  magician  Tu-ngoh  $£  /[£  (j||  X,  the  Hero) 
hailing  from  the  K'wun-Lun  Mts  j=*  -^j-  |i|.  From  him  he  had 
learned  the  marvellous  knack  of  browing  forth  from  his  nostrils, 
with  the  resonance  of  a  bell,  two  columns  of  light  which  sucked 
up  men,  body  and  soul.  Thanks  to  this  marvellous  power,  he 
was  able  to  win  victory  after  victory  over  the  Chow  f$  fighters. 
One  day  however  he  was  worsted,  fettered  and  carried  off  to  his 
camp  by  the  general  Teng-kiu-kung  gft  %  fe.  He  was  pardoned 
and  enlisted  on  the  Chow  side  as  Quartermaster-General  of 
Commissariat  and  General  of  five  army-corps. 

On  the  Chow  side  now,  he  found  himself  opposed  to 
Ch'en-ki  the  Blower  (a  sort  of  anticipation  of  poisongas  in 
warfare:  "flammenwerfer"  versus  gas)  who  was  also  commissa- 
riat commandant.  The  "Blower's"  special  qualification  was 
that  he  had  learned  the  magic  trick  of  storing  up  in  his  chest 
yellow  gas  which  he  emitted  through  his  mouth  and  so  destroyed 
those  who  faced  him.  Thus  he  cut  lanes  through  the  battalions 
of  the  Chow.  But  when  "Sniffer"  faced  "Blower",  it  was  stale- 
mate until  Na-ch'a  IfflFk,  on  the  Chow  side,  wounded  the  "Sniffer" 



in  the  shoulder  and  then  the  general  Hwang -fei-hu  ;pr  ^  ^  lanced 
him  through  the  middle. 

Ckeng-lun  the  Sniffer  in  his  turn  was  killed  in  battle 
with  the  Skang  j*j.  The  Marshal  Kin-ta-sheng  ^  ^  J\.  an 
Ox-demon,  was  his  adversary  and  he  had  the  gift  of  producing 
in  his  inners  the  Niu-hwang  ^  ^  the  Ox-bezoar  stone.  (1)  Face 
to  face  with  the  "Sniffer",  he  threw  him  out  of  action  by  spitting 
in  his  face  with  the  noise  of  thunder  a  bezoar-stone  big  as  a 
rice-bowl.  The  "Sniffer's  nostrils  were  crushed  in  and  he  was 
thrown  to  the  ground  and  then  hewn  in  two. 

After  the  establishment  of  the  Chow  Kiang-tsze-ya  H  ^p 
5f  (see  Article  LIII)  canonized  these  two  worthies  and  assigned 
them  the  guardianship  of  temple  doors.  So  at  the  entrance  to 
Buddhist  temples  you  may  find  the  Sniffer  with  nostrils  expanded 
drum-wise  and  the  Blower  with  eyes  bulging  out  of  their  sockets 
with  his  effort.  (2) 

(1)  See  Vol.XI,  Art  XXXVII  p.  1048  Niu-hwang.  Ox-bezoar  is  supposed 
by  the  Chinese  to  be  produced  in  the  stomachs  of  certain  kinds  of  cattle 
when  they  have  eaten  on  the  mountains  a  plant  called  Ling-cM-ts'ao  H  £ 
3j£.     Bezoar  is  a  costly  article  in  the  Chinese  pharmacopeia. 

(2)  Cf.  Fung-slien-yen-yi  ff   jjjij]  fig  fg  large  ed.  Bk.  1  p.  30-1; 

Bk  13  p.  9;  Bk  15  p.  40;  Bk  19  p.  19-20;  Bk.  15  p.  31,  32,42,43;  Bk 
20  p.  55.  (Popular  edition  divided  into  Hwui  or  chapters)  57,  61,  74,  92, 
99  (gj. 

Fig.     163 

Heng-ha  —  le  Souffleur  et  le  Renifleur. 

Heng-hah  —  The  blowing  and  sniffing  Taoist  Monk. 

TS'ING-LUNG,    PEH-HU  125 


*  *       6  # 

At  the  gate  of  Taoist  temples,  these  two  divinities  may  be 
found  as  guardians  like  the  Heng  and  Hoh  of  the  preceding 
article.  The  following  notes  trace  their  origin  and  how  they 
were  canonized  as  stellar  divinities. 

I.     The  Blue  Dragon,  flf  gg 

This  spirit  of  the  Blue  Dragon  star  was  originally  one 
Teng-kiu-kung  (see  preceding  article)  ffi  %  fe,  one  of  the  chief 
generals  of  the  last  Yin  Emperor  J$  (or  Shang  j$j)  who  figures 
in  the  dynastic  struggle  inaugurating  the  Chow  /§).  His  son  was 
Teng-siu  gf$  ^ ;  and  his  daughter  Shan-yuh  jjf{  3£  figures  in  the 
romance  Fung-shen-yen-yi  0$  jf$  $pf  §|. 

Teng-kiu-kung's  army  was  encamped  at  San-shan-kwan 
Jr.  ill  li  when  he  received  an  order  to  march  to  the  battle-field 
of  Si-k'i  |f  |I$.  Opposed  there  to  Na-ch'a  (see  Article  XV)  and 
Hwang-fei-hu  ipr  f[^  J%,  he  had  his  left  arm  fractured  by  Na-ch'a 
with  his  magic  bracelet.  Fortunately  he  had  a  famous  magician. 
T'u  hing-sun  i  ^t  3&  as  a  subordinate  and  this  one  quickly 
healed  wound  and  fracture. 

Shan-yuh  then  took  the  field  to  avenge  her  father :  she 
had  a  magic  weapon,  a  stone  of  five  fires,  which  she  threw  with 
good  aim  at  Yang-tsien  /§|  ff£  full  in  the  face  :  but  he  was  not 
wounded  and  his  celestial  dog  leaped  upon  Shan-yuh  and  biting 
her  neck  put  her  to  flight,  T'u  hing-sun  cured  his  wounds 
too.  (1) 

After  a  banquet  Teng-kiu-kung  promises  his  daughter  in 
marriage  to  T'u  hing-sun  if  he  wins  the  day  at  Si-k'i.  Kiang-tsze- 

(1)     Fung-shen-yen-yi  %i  jjjiji  fg  g|.     Hwui  53  p. 6:  54  p.  9. 



ya,  the  Chow  aspirant  is  uneasy  at  the  repeated  success  of  this 
daring  officer,  so  well  up  in  magic.  Finding  out  that  his  master 
was  Kit  liu-sun,  he  begged  this  latter  to  call  his  pupil  over  to 
the  "right"  side.  Ku  induced  his  pupil  to  come  to  Kiang's  camp 
and  demanded  of  him  why  he  thus  fought  against  the  new 
dynasty.  T'u  confessed  that  it  was  to  obtain  the  hand  of  Kiu- 
kung's  daughter.  So  they  set  about  satisfying  him  and  laid  an 
elaborate  plot  to  steal  the  girl  away  from  her  father.  "Go  be- 
tweens"  were  sent  to  Teng-kiu-kung  and  then  a  trap  was  laid. 
Officers  disguised  as  plain  soldiers  were  sent  to  present  a  list  of 
wedding  presents:  one  of  those  opened  a  box  containing  weapons 
and  exploded  a  bomb.  It  was  an  arranged  signal.  Teng-kiu-kung 
was  assailed,  beaten  and  forced  to  flee  leaving  Shan-yuh  to  the 

After  her  marriage  in  the  Chow  camp,  Shen-yuh  returned 
to  spend  a  few  days  with  her  father  and  she  succeeded  in  persua. 
ding  him  to  transfer  his  allegiance  to  the  "rising  sun".  (1)  Teng 
now  fought  vigorously  against  the  troops  of  his  old  master 
Chow-wang  |f  3£  and  killed  with  his  own  hand  in  the  different 
battles  at  Ts'ing-lung-kwan  (Blue  Dragon  Pass)  ^f  M  U  three 
famous  officers  Peh-hien-chung  ^  f$  jj£„  Yii-ch'eng  fe  J$  and 
Sun-pao  |£  Hf.  (2) 

In  a  subsequent  combat,  Teng  was  attacked  by  Ch'en-ki 
VM  ^f,  to  wit  1$  The  Blower  (Article  XVI).  He  was  dehorsed 
by  the  gas-attack,  taken  prisoner  and  executed  in  the  enemy's 
camp  by  order  of  the  general  K'iu-yin  JjR  ij|. 

Kiang-tsze-ya  in  his  canonisations  assigned  him  the  ruling 
of  the  star  Ts'ing-lung.  (3) 

II.     The  White  Tiger  Peh-lm.  Q  j& 

The  spirit  ruling  over  the  White  Tiger  star  is  Yin-ch'eng- 
siu  Wi  )k  $t>   one   of   the   colleagues   of   Teng-kiu-kung    (above). 

(1)  Fung-shen-ycnyi,  Hwui  56,  p.  14  -  17. 

(2)  ..       ..         ,.     „  ,  Hwui  66,  p.  11. 

(3)  Fung  shen-yen-yi  Hivui  73  p.  32,  33:  99. 

Fig.     464 


Esprit  de  l'etoile  du  Dragon  bleu— Tcheng-kieoi*-kong  (Pagode  de  Yu-hoang). 
The  God  of  the  Blue  Dragon  star— Cheng  Kiu-kung    (In  the  Yuh-hivayig 


Fig,     465 

Esprit  de  l'etoile  du  Tigre  blanc.  Yng-tch'eng-sieou  (Pagode  de  Hoang). 
The  God  of  the    White   Tiger  star.     Ting   Ch'eng-siu    (In   the  Hwang 


His  father  Yin-p'o-pai  J$!$£|tfc  occupied  one  of  the  highest  posts 
at  the  court  of  Chow-  wang  j$  3£  and  was  sent  by  him  to  nego- 
ciate  terms  of  peace  with  Kiang  tsze-ya.  The  marquis  Kiang 
wen-hwan  ||  •£  %fe  seized  him  and  put  him  to  death.  So  Ch'eng-siu 
his  son  attacked  Kiang  wen-hwan  to  avenge  his  father's  death 
but  was  defeated  in  battle  and  fell  pierced  by  a  lance.  His 
enemy  sent  his  head  as  a  trophy  to  Kiang  tsz-ya. 

As  a  sort  of  delayed  indemnity,  he  was  canonized   as   the 
spirit  of  the  White  Tiger  star.  (2) 

(2)     Fung-shen-yen-yi  Hxvui  9  5  p.  25:  99. 




i  p  i  z  m  w 

The  Divinity  of  Kwan-k'eu  (1)  and  his  son  Rh-lang.  The 
following  article  divides  itself  naturally  into  three  headings : 
historical  facts,  legend,  cult. 

1.    Such  facts  as  seem  to  rest  on  historic  basis. 

The  Divinity  of  Kwan-k'eu  is  one  Li-ping  ^  #Jc  and  the 
Rh-lang  divinity  is  his  son. 

In  the  third  century  before  Christ  the  famous  Ts'in 
Ijl  Emperor  Chao-Wang  B$  ^  (255  B.C.)  named  Li-ping 
prefect  of  Ch'eng  iu  /$,  %$  in  Sz-ch'wan.  Li  got  an  opening  cut 
in  the  mountain  Li-tui  ]H  jfe,  one  li  south-east  of  the  town 
Kwan-hsien,  to  give  an  outlet  to  the  waters  of  the  river  Moh  ffi 
yY,  thus  preventing  inundations  and  draining  the  marshes. 

Then  he  dug  two  canals  across  the  town  Ch'eng-tu:  these 
were  navigable  and  also  helped  general  irrigation  purposes.  In 
addition  to  these  services  he  seems  to  have  abolished  the 
barbarism  of  human  sacrifice  to  the  river  god ;  hence  his  own 

(1)  Mt.  Kwan-Tc'eu  is  26  li  to  the  north-east  of  Kwan-hsien  }H  $£  in 
th9  sub-prefecture  of  Cheng-tu  $  $f,  in  Ssch'ivan  0  )]\.  Wen-wung,  %  ^  a 
native  of  Lii-kiang  JjJ  £C  in  the  sub-prefecture  of  Lii-chow-fu  in  Ngan-hwui 
5£  flfr  was  appointed  prefect  in  Ss-ch'toan  towards  the  closing  years  of  the 
Han  Emperor  King-ti  (g|  H  ^f?)  15G  -  140  B.  C.  and  made  a  new  bed  for 
the  Tsien-lciang  ftjj  ft  by  piercing  a  mountain.  Hence  the  name  }||  p. 
Irrigation  Mouth. 

Cf.  Mingyih-t'ung-shi  ty  —  jjft  M  Bk.  6  7  p.  8  Ts'in    Han  Shu  mHik^ 
Bk.  89  p.  2. 

Fig.     166 


kwan-k'eu-shen  and  rh-lang-shen  129 


Pei-wen-yun-fu-tui-tsz  jfifc  $C  M  ffi  M  ^  Bk.  10  p.  45 
Kia-k'ing.  Sz-ch'wan-t'ung-chi-yii-ti  %  J|  0  )\\  %,  7&$L  ]fc 

Bk  10  p.  32 
Ming-yih-t'ung-chi  ^  —  Jgfc  •£  Bk  67  p.  23 
Shi-ki-tseh-yi  &  IE  $J  II  Bk  29  p.  2 
Ts'ien-han-shu  i${  f||  #  Bk.  29  p.  1 

II.    The  Embroidrey  of  Legend. 

We  hear  first  of  a  combat  in  which  Li-ping  rids  the 
countryside  of  a  devastating  dragon  and  chains  it  up  under  the 
mountain  Li-tui.  (1)  Then  there  is  a  ceremony  of  human 
sacrifice  to  the  River  and  an  account  of  its  abolition.  The 
following  version  is  from  the  Shi-ki-ho-k'ii-shu  j£  fB  p\  |J|  ij\  (2) 

In  the  waters  of  the  channels  cut  by  Li-ping  for  irrigation 
and  drainage  there  dwelt  a  spirit  to  whom  two  young  girls  were 
offered  annually.  A  million  cash  were  spent  on  the  ceremonies 
of  this  marriage.  (3)  Li-ping  offered  his  own  daughter.  He  clad 
her  sumptuously  and  committing  her  to  the  waters,  he  went  to 
the  temple  of  the  River-god,  mounted  the  steps  of  the  altar  and 
offered  a  cup  of  wine  —  but  there  was  no  response.  In  anger, 
he  cried,  "Sovereign  of  the  River:  you  are  insulting  me  (4)  ;  let 
us  have  our  quarrel  out!".    With  that,  he   drew   his   sword   and 

(1)  Tuh-sing-tsahchi  |$itt$  Bk.5  p.  9. 

(2)  Cf.  Shi-M-tseh-yi  &  IE  $l|  jgj  Bk.  2  9  p.  2. 

(3)  Cf.  "The  Five  Saints"  "Chinese  Superstitions  Vol  XII  p.  1100" 
for  a  description  of  the  ceremonies  of  Marriage  with  the  River-god. 

It  was  a  human  sacrifice.  The  girls  were  elaborately  dressed  in 
bridal  garments,  and  seated  upon  a  bridal  couch  in  richly  decorated  backs; 
then  they  were  taken  out  to  the  deep  and  drowned. 

See  also  Vol  X  p.  7  80.     The  Marriage  of  the  Count. 

(4)  The  Chinese  text  is  not  too  clear.  The  above  is  the  explanation 
of  capable  scholars  and  seems  right.  The  meaning  would  be.  "I  have 
given  you  my  daughter  in  marriage,  have  offered  you  the  wine  of  rejoicing 
—  and  you  are  boorishly  silent.  Is  not  this  contemptuous!"  It  was  really 
picking  a  quarrel. 



disappeared.  But  on  the  river-bank  two  green  bulls  were  seen 
in  deadly  combat  —  being  of  course  Li  and  the  River-god  —  and 
the  bout  lasted  long.  Suddenly  Li-ping  returned  in  person  to 
his  followers  and  said,  "If  you  do  not  come  to  my  help,  I  am 
dead-beat  with  fighting.  See  there  to  the  south,  that  bull  with 
his  flanks  girt  in  the  white  wrappings  of  my  seal  is  myself."  A 
scribe  went  and  stabbed  the  bull  on  the  north.  Thus  the 
River-spirit  died  and  that  was  the  last  heard  of  him.  (1) 

HI.     Cult. 

The  Hai-yii-ts'ung-kao  [T£  f£  H  £;  records  that  the  Divinity 
of  Kwan-k'eu  was  worshipped  in  the  temple  of  "Eminent  Virtue" 
at  Yung-k'ang-kiiin  t|<  ffc  J$i  that  is,  Kivan-hsien  in  Sz-ch'wan. 

This  divinity  was  entitled  King  and  had  a  mandarin 
assigned  to  take  care  of  his  temple.  All  the  people  of  Shuh  H} 
(Sz-ch'wan)  held  the  temple  in  great  veneration  and  performed 
sacrifices  there.  In  a  single  year  40.000  sheep  were  offered  there 
and  a  toll-duty  on  them  brought  in  twenty  million  cash.  At  the 
birth-day  of  the  God,  the  whole  prefecture  made  contributions 
for  the  banquet  and  processions.  Even  officialdom  esteemed 
the  divinity. 

In  1329  A.D.  in  the  first  year  of  his  reign,  the  Yuen 
Emperor  Wen-tsung  yt  "$£  ^£  conferred  on  Li-ping  and  Rh-lang 
the  following  titles : 

Li-ping :  The  King  hollowed,  virtuous,  dear  to  all,  magni- 
ficent and  kindly. 

Rh-lang:  King  magnificent  whose  renoun  is  unbounded, 
eminent  in  beneficence  and  wisdom,  good  and  generous. 


This  latter  Rh-lang  was  in  recent  times  more  honoured 
than  his  father,  probably  because  of  the  popularity  of  the  Si-yiu- 
ki  H  ^  IE  (6th  Hwui  p.  22)    which  gives  this  account  of  him : 

(1)     Cf.  T'aip'ingyiilan  ^f  f   |  Bk.  882  p.  4. 
Hai-yiits'ung-lcao  &  ffc  |g  ?£  Bk.  3  5  p.  20. 

kwan-k'eu-shen  and  rh-lang-shen  131 

His  name  was  Chao-king  j|§  ^  and  he  was  a  pupil  of  the 
Taoist  adept  Li-kioh  ^  Jg.  The  Sui  Emperor  Yang-ti  pg  $|  ft 
(605-617  A.D.)  appointed  him  prefect  of  Kwan-chow  /f|  ft]  in 
Sz-ch'wan.  A  dragon,  under  the  form  of  a  bull,  living  in  the  rivers 
Leng  tff  and  Yuen  jfifc  caused  annual  floods.  During  the  flood 
in  the  fifth  month  Chao-king  j|g  jp;  tackled  the  question:  he  came 
with  a  flotilla  of  700  boats,  a  thousand  troops  and  ten  thousand 
men  who  stood  on  the  banks  and  made  a  deafening  noise  by- 
shouting  and  drumming.  T chao-king  flung  himself  into  the 
waters  with  drawn  sword  to  fight  the  dragon.  Those  watching 
saw  the  wathers  grow  red,  then  there  came  as  it  were  an  explo- 
sion that  cast  stones  into  the  air  and  a  rumble  like  thunder. 
The  hero  emerged  brandishing  sword  in  hand  and  with  the  other 
waving  about  the  head  of  the  monster. 

He  was  twenty-six  years  of  age  when  he  performed  this 
deed  but  when  troubles  came  upon  the  national  life,  he  resigned 
and  disappeared.  However  in  a  subsequent  period  of  swollen 
waters,  the  people  of  Kwan-chow  saw  him  amid  a  fog  mounted 
on  a  grey  horse  and  crossing  the  waters  attended  by  a  heavenly 
hound.  (1) 

So  a  temple  was  erected  for  him  at  Kwan-kiang-k'eu  jff  /x 
p.  And  he  is  generally  known  as  Rh-lang  of  Kwan-kiang-k'eu, 
grand  marshal,  nephew  of  the  divinity.  (2) 

There  is  however  another  version  of  his  relationships  in 
the  Si-yiu-ki  Bk.  1  Hwui  6  p.  22. 

According  to  this,  Rh-lang  is  Yang-tsien  j§j  ff£.  He  was 
deputed  by  Yuh-hwang  3£|l  to  fight  Sun-heu-tsz,  3£j$^.  Con- 
fronted, the  two  heroes  began  to  recite  their  titles  and  Rh-lang 
said,  "Do  you  not  know  that  I  am  the  nephew  of  Yuh-ti  31  ft 
and  that  my  posthumous  name  is  Hwui-ling-hien-wang-rh-lang 
1  I  1 1  -  IR.     It  is  by  order  of  Yuh-ti  S  ft  himself  that  I 

(1)  The  popular  name  for  the  dog  is  Ying  k'iien,  If  ^  the  eagle-hound. 

(2)  Sheu-shen-ki  {±  fc)  £   j#  IE  P-  45. 


come  to  attack  you".  "Ah !  said  Sun-heu-tsz,"  I  remember  that 
the  younger  sister  of  Yuh-ti  daigned  to  come  down  to  earth  and 
married  Yang-kiiln  1$  g"  by  whom  she  had  a  son.  So  that  is 
you !  If  your  life  is  dear  to  you,  flee  at  once  or  I  must  kill  you ! 
From  this  it  follows  that  Rh-lang  as  Yang-tsien  is  the  son  of 
Yang-kiiln  and  nephew  of  Yuh-hwang. 

And  in  fact,  Rh-lang  is  identified  in  the  temples  with 
Yang-tsien,  recognizable  by  his  attendant  dog  (see  fig.  166)  or 
his  famous  mirror  that  discovers  lurking  demons  like  a  search 
light,  the  Chao-yao-king  J$  $£  $|  (The  Devil-exposer). 

A  few  more  samples  of  the  posthumous  titles  held  by 
Rh-lang  are : 

Rh-lang-shen-sheng-chen-kiiin  ~  J$  f$  §g  jgL  ^ 
Ts'ing-yuen-miao-tao-chen-kiiin  ffi  Tfi§,  j$  M  }%  M 
Ch'ih-ch'eng-wang  fp  jfa  ^£ 

These  laste  two  titles  were  conferred  by  the  Sung  Emperor 
Chen-tsung  %  \$.  %  (998-1023  A.D.)  and  the  T'ang  Emperor 
Ming-hwang  Jg  ^  ^  (Huen  Tsung)    (713-756  A.D). 



3;   m  t        m   *  s 

I.     Wang-ling-kwan.  3E  SB  IT 

The  statue  of  this  worthy  in  most  Taoist  temples  plays 
the  same  role  as  K'ia-lan  jjft  1£  does  in  Buddhist  temples,  a 

Of  his  history  as  a  historical  personage  we  have  but  faint 
details.  At  the  court  of  Yung-loh  fr  |j|,  the  Ming  Bfj  reign  from 
1403  to  1425  A.  D.,  there  was  a  Taoist  adept  famous  for  skjll, 
one  Cheu-sz-teh,  |g]  ,g,  ^  a  native  of  Cheh-kiang  province  (from 
the  sub-prefecture  of  Ts'iuen-t'ang-hsien  H  H  $$,  more  accurate- 
ly of  Hang-chow  ^  j\\).  He  seems  to  have  been  a  pupil  of 
Chang-yii-ch'u  $|  ^  ;f(J,  the  43rd  Grand-Master  of  Taoist,  but  he 
attributed  his  adept  practice  to  the  tradition  of  Wang-yuen-shwai 
3£  7C  Bill  otherwise  Wan-ling-kwan,  first  among  the  twenty-six 
heavenly  marshals,  president  of  the  Heavenly  Ministry  of  Fire. 
This  Wang-ling-kwan  was  the  pupil  of  Sah-sheu-kien  (see  below) 
and  he  in  turn  was  in  the  reign  of  Sung  Emperor  Hwui-tsung 
%  %  ^  (1101-1126  A.  D.)  a  pupil  of  the  notorious  Taoist  adept 
Lin  Ling-su  ^  ft  §^. 

As  for  the  cult  of  a  Wang;  the  Emperor  Yung-loh  ^  ^ 
seems  to  have  been  a  great  promoter  if  not  the  actual  inaugura- 
tor.  In  his  reign  an  antique  statue  of  Wang  was  found  on  the 
shore  of  the  sea  and  the  Emperor  worshipped  it  morning  and 
evening.  He  also  had  sacrifices  performed  in  Wang's  honour  to 
the  west  of  the  imperial  town  as  a  thanksgiving  for  the  hearing 
of  his  petitions.  He  had  a  temple  built  for  him  called  "Temple 
of  the  Heavenly  Marshal".  In  the  reign  Man  Teh  W  ^g  (1426- 
1436  A.  D.).  the  title  was  changed  to  "Temple  of  the  Virtue  of 
Fire"  and  Wang  received  the  title  of  "True  Prince  Glorious  and 


Kindly".  This  emperor  had  also  the  characters  for,  "Palace  of 
the  Great  Virtue  and  the  Resplendent  Intelligence"  set  on 
the  facade  of  the  temple.  The  emperor  Hien-tsung  Bf]  j|jf  5j? 
1465-1488  A.  D.  changed  the  name  of  the  temple  to  that  of 
"Palace  of  the  Virtue  of  Fire"  and  added  two  characters 
H  g|  Men-ling  to  the  worthy's  titles,  meaning  as  much  as 

Every  three  months,  the  robe  and  dress  of  the  temple 
statue  were  changed.  Every  three  years,  certain  parts  were 
consigned  to  the  fire  and  every  ten  years  the  whole  the  costly 
outfit  was  destroyed  and  renewed  with  all  its  pearls,  jade  and 
silks.  Celebrations  were  held  on  Wang's  birth-day,  and  on  New 
Year's  Day,  the  Summer  Solstice  and  the  Feast  of  the  Appari- 
tion of  Wang  and  Sah,  officials  were  deputed  to  offer  sacrifice. 

But  when  one  Kou-kioh  Jg[  J£  and  his  son  Ku-lun  )f| 
jfo  pretended  to  be  possessed  by  Wang  and  Sah,  the  affair 
became  a  source  of  disorder,  and  the  government  had  to  exile 
these  two  men.  Then  two  presidents  of  the  Tribunal  of  Rites, 
Hung-mo  $fc  |g  and  Wen-i  ■%  $£  (Ming  period)  denounced  the 
cult  as  a  senseless  practice.  But  as  preceding  emperors  had 
built  temples  for  it,  on  one  ventured  to  abolish  the  sacrifices. 
However,  the  sensible  arrangement  was  made  that  the  various 
sets  of  gala  dress  were  to  be  kept  in  the  monastery  and  not 
destroyed:  it  was  to  be  an  affair  for  the  temple  exchequer.  (1) 

In  fig.  594  it  may  be  noted  (as  in  fig.  172)  that  Wang 
has  three  eyes,  hence  his  place  in  a  Taoist  temple,  sometimes 
even  in  a  Buddist  one  is  door-keeper  in  a  niche  opposite  the 
entry,  helped  often  by  the  K'ia  Ian  (2)  or  by  Wei-i'u.  He 
carries  a  club  to  drive  away  evil  spirits.  Sometimes  he  is  a 
staff-officer  for  the  gods,  sometimes  he  enjoys  the  principal  place 
in  a  temple  as  chief  object  of  cult  therein. 

(1)  Uai-yu-ts'ungkao  fa  $&  ft  #  Bk.  35  p.  24  etc. 
Ming  yih-t'ung-chi  Ijjj   —  jfc  ^  Bk.  3  8  p.  3  6. 

(2)  filfl  i£  See  Vol.  VII  Art  XII  p.  313  Wei-t'o  ^  f£  is  Veda,  an  Indian 
importation  of  Buddhism). 

Wang-ling-koan  (Pagode  de  T'ong-tcheou). 

W an g -ling -k wan  (In  a  monastery  at  T'ung  Chow). 
























o  ^ 



Eg  * 



























i — i 













°  I 


























II.     Sah-chen-jen.  fil  jg  A 

This  Sah-sheu-kien  |f  1  said  to  have  been  a  pupil  of 
Lin  ling-su  $fc  ft  ^  in  the  reign  of  Hwui-tsung  $r  9J2  (1101-1126 
A.D.)\vas  a  native  of  Si-ho  1§  ]pf  in  Sz-ch'wan  and  was  a  doctor 
by  profession.  One  day,  by  a  slip  of  the  pen,  his  prescriptions 
killed  a  patient  and  Sah  renounced  his  practice  and  left  for 
Kiang-nan  f£  ~\$  hoping  to  learn  at  the  feet  of  the  Taoist  adepts 
Hii-tsing  ^  %$,  Lin-ling-su  and  Wang-shi-ch'en  3Ef#^.  But  when 
he  got  as  far  as  Shen-si  ^H>  ms  purse  proved  to  be  empty.  Three 
Taoist  worthies  met  him  and  told  him  that  the  Adepts  whom 
he  sought  had  already  left  this  earth :  to  console  his  grief,  each 
gave  him  a  talisman.  Hii-tsing,  for  it  was  no  other,  gave  him  a 
written  letter ;  the  second  gave  a  charm  that  each  time,  on  being 
recited,  made  the  reciter  the  possessor  of  seven  cash;  the  third, 
a  spell  giving  power  at  will  to  make  a  thunderbolt  strike. 
Sah-sheu-kien  parted  from  these  good  people,  and  thanks  to  a 
recitation  of  the  charm  a  hundred  times  a  day,  covered  his 
expenses  and  even  could  bestow  alms.  On  arriving  at  the 
Grand-master's  dwelling  in  Kiang-si,  he  found  all  in  mourning 
for  Hii-tsing,  who  had  died  a  few  days  before.  The  new-comer 
presented  his  letter,  and  lo !  it  was  the  handwriting  of  the  great 
Tien-shi  (Heavenly  Master)  %  gjfl  who  had  just  died.  The 
letter  ran :  We  three,  Hii-wang  and  Lin  have  met  Sha  and  each 
of  us  has  given  him  a  talisman.  You  can  safely  send  up  his 
name  to  the  Emperor  for  promotion. 

Sah  became  a  famous  magician.  Having  learned  that  in 
tha  town  of  Siang-yin-hsien  f$  |5|  jg$  (in  Hunan  $fj  $j  in  the 
district  of  Chang-sha  Jf;  fp  )  young  boys  and  girls  were  offered 
in  sacrifice  to  Ch'eng-hwang  jjfc  |^  (1)  in  a  temple,  he  went  to 
investigate.  As  soon  as  ever  he  said,  "It  is  an  evil  spirit,  I  am 
going  to  burn  his  temple,"  the  lightning  flashed  and  the   temple 

(1)      Ch'eng-hwang  JfJ  |!|  is  the  tutelary  spirit  in  charge  of  a  town.     He 
is  the  Heavenly  Mandarin  of  the  place.     See  Vol.  XI  Art  III  p.  874. 

Fig.     d68 

Sa  tchen-jen  et  le  Tch'eng-hoang  chen  sortant  des  eaux. 

Sah  Chen-jen  and  the  God  of  the  city  moat  coming  out  of  the  water. 


was  past  saving.     It  was  never  rebuilt.  (1) 

Another  account  runs  as  follows.  Sah-chen-jen  stayed  in 
that  same  temple  and  during  the  night  the  Ch'eng-hwang  (or 
local  tutelary  god  j$  |j§l  appeared  to  a  villager  and  ordered  him 
to  eject  an  obnoxious  Taoist  adept  from  his  temple.  When  the 
villager  got  as  far  as  the  temple  gate,  Sah-shen-kien  met  him, 
gave  him  some  sticks  of  incense  and  said,  "When  I  am 
gone  out,  just  light  this  at  the  foot  of  Ch'eng-hwang's  statue." 
The  result  was  lightning  bursting  from  the  incense-burner  and 
the  destruction  of  the  temple  as  in  the  other  account.  But  now 
follows  something  better  to  which  our  illustration  (fig.  168) 
refers.  Sah  wished  to  put  the  river  between  himself  and  possible 
consequences,  but  there  was  no  ferryman :  so  he  steered  himself 
across  and  then  deposited  the  fare  on  the  thwart  of  the  ferry. 
Straightway  a  figure  armed  with  a  golden  axe  rose  from  the 
river-flood  and  greeted  Shen-kin.  He  introduced  himself  as  the 
divinity  of  the  burned  temple :  "I  have  accused  you  before 
Shang-ti  J^  ^  and  have  got  orders  to  track  you  for  three  years 
and,  if  I  find  the  slightest  flaw  in  your  conduct,  I  am  to  strike 
you".  "But,"  retorted  Sha,  "Why,  pray,  do  you  come  to  me  to  day 
if  the  three  years  are  not  run  yet?"  "Because  your  flawless  honesty 
in  using  the  ferry  has  inspired  me  with  the  desire  to  follow  you 
and  be  your  disciple.  (2) 

Another  variant  again  to  this  is  found  in  the  Sheu-shen-ki 
(see  footnote  above).  Sah  standing  on  the  edge  of  the  river  at 
Lung-hing-fu  f |  $|  ^  saw  a  figure  rising  from  amid  the  waters. 
This  apparition  had  a  golden-breastplate  and  held  a  whip  in  its 
right  hand.  In  answer  to  Sah,  it  explained  that  it  was  the 
divinity  of  the  temple  of  Siang-yiu-hsien  and  that  he  had  been 
fruitlessly  spying  to  find  a  defect  in  Salt's  behaviour  those  twelve 
years :  as  Sha  was  shortly  to  be  admitted  to  high  heavenly 
dignity,  would   he   kindly   find   a   subordinate   position   for  this 

(1)  Sheu-shen-ki  (■$  jft  IE)  ±  %  p.  35. 

(2)  KiaUng-hu-nan-t'ungchi  3g  ^  $]  gj  J§  ^  Bk.  171  p.  29. 



divinity?"  8ha  retorted,  "Would  your  cruelty  and  wickedness 
do  me  any  credit?"  The  divinity  swore  to  mend  his  ways,  and 
Sah  made  a  successful  petition  to  Yuh-ti  ^  ^j?  to  be  allowed  to 
employ  him  as  marshal; 

8 hen-kin  went  on  to  Ts'ing  chow  ffi  j\\  and  there  he  received 
a  message  from  a  group  of  heaven's  officials  that  orders  were  just 
coming  from  heaven  summoning  him  to  take  up  his  high  divinity 
there.  On  the  word  he  rose  and  became  immortal.  When  his 
mortal  remains  were  enclosed  in  a  coffin,  it  was  remarked  that 
the  coffin  was  so  heavier  than  before :  it  was  opened  and  found 
to  be  empty.  So  it  was  known  that  he  had  become  an  immortal. 
The  Ming  Emperor  Siian  Teh  B^  jjf  3g  entitled  Safe's  True  prince 
eminent  and  beneficent. 

Fig.  169 


The  Immortal  Chen-yuan, 




ft       7C       ftfj 

This  immortal  was  a  younger  of  brother  T'ai-yih-hwang- 
jen  (1)  ^  %  ||  A-  He  lived  a  hermit's  life  on  Mt.  Wan-sheu 
]l|  H  ill  at  Si-t'u  "jjg  ;£.  His  master  was  Tuh-ch'en-ta-fah-shi  31 
H  ;A;  }&  Bijl  wno  as  usual  trained  him  in  magical  arts.  When  he 
had  finished  that  course,  he  went  to  attend  his  brother's  instruc- 
tions in  the  temple  Peh-yuh-leu  ^  J^  on  Mt.  Ngo-mei  ||$  ||| 
in  ijj  Sz-ch'wan. 

Both  of  them  were  among  the  guests  at  the  great  banquet 
of  the  gods  given  by  Wang-mu  3i#  lor  the  feast  of  P'an-t'ao-hwui 

\  (2)     That  is  to  say,  they  were  both  ranked  as  immortals. 

(1)  T'ai-i-hwang-jen  lived  in  the  legendary  ages,  some  time  after 
Jen-hwang  \  J*;  distinguished  for  skill  in  government,  he  was  elected 
emperor  and  reigned  for  over  four  hundred  years.  His  sons  were  Tu  %$ 
and  Chang  j|E.  He  studied  the  science  of  immortality  on  Mt.  Ngo-mei  #$, 
m  tfj  (Sz-ch'wan  0  )\\ ). 

(2)  Shen-sien-t'ung-kien  jj4  f[l|  jfi  jg  Bk.  1,  art.  2  p.  5; 
Bk.  1  art.  6  p.  2. 

Bk.  2  art.  9  p.  6  — 8. 


LIEH-TSZE     (T) 

The  legend  Lieh-tsze  is  a  literary  title  for  a  man  of  the 
Tih  tribe  (J^)  whose  name  was  Ma-tan  ||  -ft.  In  his  first 
existence  he  had  been  in  charge  of  forestry  under  Hien-kung  j$ 
ft  (882-811  B.C.).  But  when  this  prince  destroyed  the  Tih,  and 
put  Kung-t'ai-tsz  ffijk^   to  death,  Ma-tan  Jg^  fled  from  court. 

In  the  time  of  Chao-suen-tsz  ^  la  ^  (595-576  B.C.)  Ma 
reappeared  under  the  name  of  Tun  jjf.  He  mounted  his  chariot 
and  entered  the  capital  of  Tsin  ^f .  The  prince  Ling  g|  had 
intended  to  bestow  office  on  him,  but  as  the  prince  was  guilty 
of  some  lack  of  deference,  Tun  disappeared  in  a  whirl-wind.  So 
the  people  of  the  North  worship  him. 

Now  Tun  endeavoured  to  become  a  pupil  of  ln-hi  fB"  5|£' 
Twice  he  was  rebuffed,  some  months  later  he  was  honoured  with 
a  look,  three  years  after  that  with  a  smile  and  finally  after  five 
more  years  of  aspirancy,  he  was  accepted  and  ln-hi  taught  him 
how  to  become  immortal. 

Tun  married  a  young  woman  named  Cheng  Pft  and  then 
sought  out  a  new  master,  one  Hu  K'iu  tsze  lin  jjj?  Jc  •-?  $ft  with 
whom  he  stayed  nine  years.  Then  he  removed  to  Pah-chow  ^ 
>}\]  where  he  studied  under  Lao-shang-shi  $£  j§j  j£.  Here  he 
became  the  intimate  of  Peh-kao-tsze  f £  ^  ^  and  attained  perfect 
knowledge :  he  could  now  walk  about  the  sky  on  wings  of  the 
wind.  Again  he  assumed  a  new  name,  Yiik'eu  3j®  ^g  and  retired 
from  men  for  40  years  in  the  kingdom  of  Cheng  ffft. 

It  was  at  this  period  in  Pu-i'ien  [§j  B3  that  he  composed 
the  eight  sections  of  the  Lieh-tsze  $J  :f,  afterwards  called  the 
Chung-hii-king  $>$[$&.     He  had  considerable  numbers   of  pupils 

Fig.  170 



especially  at  the  period  of  Duke  Muh  Tfefe.  Word  was  brought 
to  the  local  mandarin  Tsz-yang  ^  p§  that  he  had  living  in  his 
district  a  man  of  worth  who  was  poor  and  would  be  a  fitting 
Person  on  whom  to  bestow  alms.  Tsz-yang  sent  Lieh  some 
scores  of  wheel-barrows  laden  with  grain,  but  Lieh  thanked  him 
and  declined  to  accept.  When  his  wife  was  annoyed  by  this 
self-denial,  he  explained  that  though  the  mandarin  had  just  then 
believed  good  reports  about  himself,  he  might  in  the  future  give 
ear  to  evil  critics  and  so  he  preferred  not  to  take  any  gift  • 
Shortly  after  that,  when  the  people  of  Cheng  put  to  death  Tsz 
yang  and  his  adherents,  Lieh-tsze  was  not  molested.  (1) 

(1)     Cf.  Shen-sien-t'ung-Tcien  jjft  -f|J|  M  |g  Bk.  6  art.  1  p.  7; 




1.  The  Author. 

No  precise  date  can  be  fixed  for  the  period  of  Lieh-tsze 
life,  but  pretty  well  all  are  agreed  that  it  was  in  the  period 
immediately  following  the  death  of  Confucius,  that  is,  after  479 
B.C.  Others  say  that  he  was  compelled  to  leave  the  territory  of 
Cheng  f||$  by  a  famine  in  398  after  he  had  lived  there  in  poverty 
and  obscurity  for  40  years. 

His  real  name  was  Lieh  Yii-k'eu  ~$\\  ^  ^.  Some  critics 
have  taken  the  name  of  the  work  "Lieh-tsze"  to  be  a  nom-de-plume> 
but  in  all  probability  the  eight  chapters  contain  for  the  most  part 
the  actual  teaching  of  Lieh-isze  though  edited  by  his  immediate 
disciples  and  later  on  modified  or  added  to. 

The  actual  work  is  clearly  a  composite  arrangement  by 
several  authors  who  have  put  their  own  ideas  into  it.  But  to 
conclude,  as  a  critic  of  the  Sung  %  period  did,  that  Lieh-tsz  never 
existed  in  as  much  as  Sz-ma  Ts'ien  p\  J|  jg  makes  no  mention 
of  him,  would  be  to  go  beyond  the  premises.  Rather,  there  are 
so  many  semi-historical  legends  about  him  that  he  must  have 

2.  His  Work. 

Lieh-tsze  and  Chwang-tsze  |£  -jp  both  handle  the  same 
elusive,  vague  doctrine  that  is  the  Tao  of  Lao-tsze  (^  •? )  in  the 
M  $&  S-  However  the  works  of  these  two  are  those  of  real 
thinkers,  a  rare  qualification  among  Chinese,  writers.  They  have 
developed  the  Master's  doctrine  and  that  is  found  to  be  enriched 
and  enlarged  by  the  process. 


Lieh-tsze's  Treatise  was  first  entitled;  Chung-hii-king  tft 
J$sL  jg?  In  742,  the  Emperor  Hiien  Tsung  M  &  rjk  named  it: 
Chung-hii-chen-king  tyt  ^  $|  $g.  Later  on,  two  more  characters 
were  added  and  it  was  called :  Chung  hii-chi-teh  chen  king    ?i|i  f$j[ 

m  m  m  *• 

These  works  have  been  translated  into  many  languages. 
In  French  two  are  available :  les  Annates  du  Musee  Cuimet,  Tome 
XX  p.  282  sq. :  Wieger  S.J.  Taoisme  II  p.  69  to  p.  200.  Partial 
translations  into  English  :  F.H.  Balfour  in  Leaves  from  my  Chinese 
Scrapbook  (1887).  Giles:  Taoist  Teachings  Wisdom  of  the  Fast 

3.     His  Doctrine. 

On  the  one  hand,  profound  and  difficult  speculations  on  the 
origin  of  things  v.g.  Chapter  I.  The  nature  of  the  primal  Tao  Hf, 
a  begetter  not  begotten,  transformer  nor  itself  tranformed  ever- 
existent,  immutable  beyond  sensation,  whence  issue  all  the  beings 
in  the  universe  in  virtue  of  the  two-fold  law,  of  the  two  fold  modali- 
ty of  Yang  |5|j  and  Yin  |^  (the  Active  Principle  and  the  Passive). 

On  the  other  hand,  complete  incertitude  as  to  the  origin 
and  the  end  of  man.  "The  living  know  nothing  of  their  future 
state  of  death ;  the  dead  know  nothing  of  their  future  state  of 
new  life"  (an  insinuation  of  metempsychosis).  Also  there  is  a 
rude  pantheism,  "Thy  body  belongs  to  the  skies  and  the  earth 
of  which  it  is  a  morsel.  Thy  life  is  an  atom  of  cosmic  harmony:... 
thy  children  and  babies  are  thine  but  belong  to  the  Great  All. 
Life  is  a  theft  from  nature :  all  men  though  they  be  not  culpable 
thieves,  yet  live  by  stealing  from  sky  and  earth." 

Added  to  this  mixture  of  shallowness  and  depth  one  finds 
everywhere  in  the  course  of  the  work  the  two  more  prolific  ideas 
of  Taoism :  first,  the  idea  of  unconstraint,  free-and  easy  conduct 
in  politics  and  morals;  secondly,  practices  aiming  at  prolonging 
life,  etherializing,  refining  away  the  body  and  arriving  at  the 
condition  of  an  immortal  genius.     We  find  constantly  these  same 


tendencies  in  Chinese  Taoism,  even  here  in  what  are  after  the 
Tao-teh-king  the  fundamental  documents  of  the  doctrine,  Lieh-tsze 
and  Chwang-tsze  (Article  XXII).  It  is  these  characteristics  which 
become  more  and  more  marked  as  we  approach  the  charlatan 
Taoism  of  Chang  Tao-ling  jjg  aj|  §S?  (1) 

The  text  of  Lieh-tsze  is  readily  available  in  coll.  348  and 
349  of  the  Commercial  Press's  new  edition  of  the  Taoist 
Canonical  Writings. 

(1)     Tsz'yuan  g$  $£  (Lieh  Jlj)  Encyclopedia  Sinica  (coulingl  Lieh  Tsii. 
Wieger  Taoisme,  Tom  II  (Les  Peres  du  Systeme  Taoiste)  passim. 

Nan-hwa-chwang-shenc.  145 


S      0      ffi      £ 


Chwang-sheng  %£  £  also  called  Chwang-cheu  J$£  J^J  and 
Chwang-tsze  $£  ^  was  a  distant  descendant  of  Chwang-Wang 
|£  3E  king  of  C7i'w  2§  (not  his  third  son  as  the  Sheu-shen-ki  ^ 
T&  IE  would  have  it).  He  dwelt  at  T'ung-shan  0_  [Ij  in  the 
territory  of  Mung-hsien  j|£  IJ£  where  he  filled  an  official  position. 
It  was  there  that  he  professed  himself  a  disciple  of  Lao-Tsze  $£ 
zf-  (the  historical  Chwang  died  about  320  B.C.) 

During  the  day,  he  would  often  fall  asleep  and  in  his 
sleep,  he  became  a  butterfly  that  fluttered  gaily  about  the 
garden.  On  awaking,  his  shoulders  were  still  twitching  with  the 
movement  of  his  wings.  Puzzled  he  consulted  Lao-tsze  (the 
historical  personage  died  about  490  B.C.)  "Oh",  said  Lao-Kilen 
Ml&>  "do  you  not  know  that  formerly  you  were  a  white  butterfly 
that  was  to  become  immortal  after  having  fed  on  the  quintess- 
ence of  flowers  and  so  nourished  yourself  on  the  quintessence  of 
Yin  |^  and  Yang  % ;  but  one  day  you  raided  the  peaches  and 
flowers  in  the  garden  of  W '  ang-mv-niang-niang  3£  -fs£  $j£  $|  and 
the  Blue  Bird,  (1)  guardian  of  the  garden,  killed  you  and  you 
had  to  be  reincarnated." 

Chwang-cheu,  at  fifty  years  of  age,  at  last  learned  the 
secret  of  his    being.     Lao-tsze    perceiving   his  virtue,  gave   him 

(1)  The  Blue  Bird  is  a  metamorphosis  of  Shen-nung-hwang-ti's  daugh- 
ter (the  fabulous  farmer-emperor  jp$  ^  Tgr  ^  dated  about  2737-2697  B.C.). 
She  was  drowned  in  crossing  the  sea  to  join  Ch'ih  Sung  Tsze  #+£•¥".  Then 
she  was  changed  into  a  blue  bird  and  ordered  to  fill  up  the  sea  by  dumping 
all  sorts  of  things  into  it.  Wang-mu  took  pity  on  her  and  made  her  the 
guardian  of  her  garden.     (Cf.  Shen-sien-t'ung-Men). 



the  five  thousand  characters  of  the  Tao-teh-king  %,  ijg  $£  (the 
Taoist  Classic)  :  he  learned  them  off  with  the  result  that  he  saw 
his  body  spiritualize  and  he  was  enabled  at  will  to  change  shape. 
So  he  resigned  his  office,  (1)  left  Lao-tsze,  crossed  over  into  Ts'i 
^  and  became   the   intimate  of  a    rich    merchant    T'ao-chu-kung 

m  *  &•  (2) 

Later  on  he  went  off  to  the  kingdom  of  Ch'u  ^  where 
the  prince  Hwui  jg  3£  488  -  432  B.  C,  employed  him  as  his 
master  and  here  he  wrote  the  Tung  ling-king  ^  f|  $g  in  9 
chapters  with  the  collaboration  of  his  friend  Keng-sang-ch'u  f% 
H  ^.  Here  also  a  man  named  T'ien-ts'i  BB  ^  took  him  for  his 
son-in-law.  This  was  his  third  wife  for  he  had  already  had 
Chwang-k'iao  |£  gjf,  the  daughter  of  one  Ch'u  $£  and  after  her 
death  he  had  married  one  Sung  $£  but  he  had  put  her  away  for 
bad  conduct.  (3) 

He  stayed  with  his  father-in-law  in  Ch'u  for  a  little  over 
a  year,  then  he  left  for  the  grotto  of  Lien-hwa-tung  ^g  Jfe  fljj  on 
Mt.  Miao-ku-she  £g  j$  %\  [[]  in  Chao-ti  £g  jfc.  There  he  took 
up  a  pupil  one  Ting-ling-wei  T  ^  JSfe  (previously  known  as 
Ting-ku  7  |)  a  man  of  Liao-tung  j§f  ^. 

Then  he  returned  io  Ch'u  jj§£  and  took  to  writing.  He 
produced  enough  writings  to  fill  five  wheel-barrows.  Wei-wang 
j^  3£  king  of  Ch'u  ^g  sent  thrice  a  high  official  to  invite  him  to 
take  office.  At  first  he  offered  a  "retainer"  of  100  golden  pieces, 
and  on  the  other  two  occasions  raised  it  to  1000  but  Chwang-tsze 
was  unmoved.  He  suggested  that  if  the  king  would  have  service 
from  him,  he  might  call  his  son  to  court.  The  king  fell  in  with 
this  suggestion  and  the  son  became  minister. 

(1)  The  Sheu-shen-Tci  gives  a  political  reason    for  his  resignation;    viz 
the  wars  of  Wu-tsz-sii  ^  -f-  ^. 

(2)  The  name,  as  a  pledge  of  successful  commerce    often    occurs    on 
the  antithetic  couplets  \Tui-tss  ff  -^  presented  to  merchants. 

(3)  The  Sheu-shen-ki  gives  him  as  spouse  Jo-ngao  shi  ^  %l  ]fc,    and  a 
son  Chwang-chi-yang  :$£  ^  *fc. 

Fig.  171 

Hoai  nan-tse. 


T'ao-chow-kung's  son  ( f>$$  ^   £•)  is  condemned. 

T'ao  had  three  sons  and  the  second  of  them  T'ao-pien  \$ 
$j$  while  drunk  killed  a  man.  He  was  arrested  and  was  to  be 
beheaded.  So  the  father  sent  his  eldest  Ch'ih-sun  fp  ^  with  a 
letter  and  a  quantity  of  gold  to  Chwang-sheng  in  order  to  get  his 
help.  He  instructed  Ch'ih-sun  not  to  meddle  with  the  business 
beyond  handing  the  letter  and  the  gold  to  Chivang  who  was  to 
act  for  his  friend  with  the  fullest  possible  liberty. 

Chwang-sheng  told  the  young  man  he  might  go  back  home, 
but  the  advice  was  not  taken.  However  Chwang  went  off  to  the 
king  and  told  him  that  an  unlucky  star  was  about  to  appear  and 
that  the  only  method  to  avoid  disaster  was  to  set  free  all  priso- 
ners.    So  the  king  issued  an  amnesty. 

Ch'ih-sun  did  not  know  of  Chwang's  action  in  the  matter 
and  thinking  he  had  done  nothing  to  help,  demanded  back  the 
gold.  Chwang  gave  it  back  but  he  was  raging.  So  back  he  went 
to  the  palace  and  told  the  king  that  among  the  amnestied  was 
one  T'ao,  guilty  of  homicide,  who  on  being  freed  had  circulated 
a  story  that  the  king  had  been  bribed  to  open  the  prisons. 
The  king  got  T'ao  arrested  and  beheaded.  Ch'ih-sun  buried  the 
body  and  returned  home  to  be  upbraided  by  his  father :  "It  is 
your  love  for  gold  that  has  killed  your  brother." 

Chwang-sheng  handed  his  pupil  over  to  a  friend,  Feu-k'iu- 
wung  ££  _£  H  and  went  off  with  his  wife  to  Sung  %.  Here  he 
retired  to  Mt.  Nan-hwa  ~$  |p  [jj  at  Ts'ao-chow  ff  ^fl  and  spent 
his  days  in  writing.  There  ho  wrote  the  Nan-hwa-king  in  33 

A  humourous  incident  is  connected  with  the  sage's  stay 
there.  One  day  walking  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain,  he  saw  a 
freshly  heaped  grave-mound  with  a  young  widow  beside  it  busily 
engaged  in  fanning  the  soil.  Interested  as  a  sage  should  be,  he 
approached  and  begged  for  an  explanation.  The  widow  was 
furthering  her  husband's  last  will  for  he  had  enjoined  on  her  not 
to  marry  before  the  earth  on  his  grave  should  have  dried.  Chwang- 


sheng  gallantly  offered  his  services  to  expedite  matters,  took  the 
fan,  waved  it  and  lo !  the  earth  was  dry  as  a  bone.  The  widow 
thanked  him  and  went  off  on  her  business. 

Chwang-sheng  told  the  incident  to  his  wife  on  coming 
back  home.  The  lady  was  shocked  at  such  unseemly  conduct  in 
a  fresh  widow.  "Oh,  not  at  all,"  said  the  sage,  "that's  the  usual 
way  of  the  world."  His  wife,  scenting  the  sarcasm,  protested 
under  oath  that  it  was  not  her  way. 

Shortly  ofterwards,  Chwang-sheng  died  and  his  griefstrick- 
en  wife  buried  him.  A  few  days  after  the  funeral  a  young  man 
Ch'u-wang-sun  $g  3£  ~%  (Grandson  of  the  King  of  Ch'u  is  the 
translation)  arrived  intending  to  become  Chwang's  pupil.  "What ! 
Dead!  Then  show  me  to  the  tomb!"  And  he  did  reverence  to 
the  grave.  Finding  an  empty  room  somewhere  there,  he  settled 
down  to  study.  When  half  a  month  had  passed,  the  widow 
approached  Ch'u-ivdng-san's  servant,  a  discreat  elderly  man. 
Was  his  master  married?  "No!"  Then  would  the  man  be  good 
enough  to  act  as  go-between?  Ch'u-wang-sun  in  fact  made  some 
difficulties  about  the  impropriety  of  unseemly  haste.  "But",  said 
the  lady,  "my  husband  is  dead  and  that  is  all  that  is  to  be  said." 
So  she  put  off  her  widow's  weeds  and  got  ready  for  fresh 
nuptials.  Then  Wang-sun  brought  her  face  to  face  with  her 
husband's  tomb  and  said,  "Your  man  is  risen!"  She  scanned 
the  face  opposite  her  and  sure  enough,  it  was  her  own  Chwang- 
sheng  she  hanged  herself  for  very  shame.  Chtvang  buried  her 
in  the  vacant  tomb  and  struck  up  a  song. 

Having  burnt  his  house,  off  he  went  to  Puh-shui  }0|  7]^ 
where  he  engaged  in  fishing.  Thence  he  went  to  Chung -tiao-shan 
41  i$  ill  where  he  met  Fung-heu  JU,  ^  and  his  mistress  Huen-nu 
3£  -fc  (or  Ji  -JjJ:  Mother  of  Heaven).  With  him  he  loved  to 
walk  the  skies  or  visit  astral  dwellings.  One  day,  dining  with 
the  gods  at  Wang-mu's  (3£  -J£),  he  was  invested  by  Shang-ti  Jl 
tft  with  the  kingship  in  Jupiter  and  assigned  as  his  palace  the 
dwelling  vacated  by    Mao-mung    ^  -]f|,  a    stellar    god    who    had 


reincarnated  himself  in  the  Chow  dynasty  and  had  not  since 
come  back  to  claim  his  starry  abode.  Now  Shang-ti  recommend- 
ed that  in  future  leave  of  absence  should  be  asked  and  not 
merely  taken.  (1) 

(1)     Shen-sien-t'ung-Men  jjjiji  {\\[  $&  $g  Bk.  6,    art    5,    p.    4:    art    9    p.   2 
Sheu-shen-U  -8  #$£  (J:  1?)  (I  part)  p.  62-63. 




I.     The  man. 

Usually  known  as  Chwang-tsze  this  famous  Taoist's  family 
name  was  Chivang  but  his  personal  name  Chow  Jgj,  with  the  other 
characters  Tsze-hiu  ^f-  $c.  His  posthumous  title  is  Nan-hwa 
chen-jen  ffa  §||  jf|  \  and  he  merits  the  "chen-jen"  by  his  vigo- 
rous, original  thinking. 

He  was  born  at  Mung-hsien  ffc  J$£  in  Sui  Yang  fjff:  j^  in 
the  duchy  of  Sung  %  and  lived  at  Tung-shan  ^  [Jj.  According 
to  some  authorities  he  was  originally  from  Liang  $fc. 

Chwang  filled  an  official  post  at  Mung-hsien  but  resigned 
and  went  off  to  the  kingdom  of  Ts'i  H  where  he  formed  an 
intimate  friendship  with  Tao-chu-kung  ^  ^  fe  (1),  an  important 
merchant  in  that  country. 

From  Ts'i,  Chwang  went  to  the  kingdom  of  Ch'u  ^  where 
he  composed  the  Tung-ling-king  flej  J|  $g  in  nine  chapters.  It 
was  in  Ch'u  that  the  king  Wei  Wang  j^  ;=£  thrice  offered  him 
official  position. 

II.     His  Work. 

In  742  A.  D.,  the  T'ang  Emperor  Hiien-tsung  Jf  ]£  ^ 
conferred  on  Chwang-tsze  the  posthumous  title  of  Nan-hwa-chen- 
jen  j|f  Ijl  j||  A  and  consequently  the  title  of  his  writings  has 
over   since   been  ^   ^g  jjl  #g.     The   text   will   be   found   in   the 

(1)  i.  e.  Fan-Li  ?£  J&  having  helped  as  Minister  to  the  final  victory  of 
Yiieh  j||  over  IT'u  ^,  left  Yueh  in  472  for  Ts'i  where  he  became  rich  by  com- 
merce under  the  name  of  Ch'c  I  tsz  Pi  Stl^^f  ft  and  subsequently  became 
minister.  Again  he  resigned  and  wandered  off  to  T'ao  (5{g  (S.W.  Shantung): 
here  again  he  became  rich  trading  and  farming  under  the  names  of 
T'ao-chu-Jcung  |5fg  ^  ft. 


Commercial    Press  edition   of  the   Taoist   Canon   under   N°  687 
(coll.  349,  350,  351)  ;  in  Wieger  (Taoisme  II)  N°  665. 

French  translations  are  to  be  found  in  "Les  Annates  du 
Musee  Guimet,  torn  XX  p.  213  sq. :  Wieger,  S.J.,  Taoisme  II 
p.  202-509.  In  English  there  is  Giles:  Chwang  Tsu,  Mystic, 
Moralist  and  Social  Reformer.  Legge :  Texts  of  Taoism  (Sacred 
Books  of  the  East). 

The  treatise  comprises  three  sections: 

1.  Nei-pien  pg  |f  in  7  chapters :  work  of  Chwang-tsze. 

2.  Wai-pien  #[>  ^  in  15  chapters. 

3.  Tsah-pien  $$  |f  in  11  chapters. 

The  last  two  sections  are  the  work  of  pupils,  not  of  the 
master  himself. 

Chwang-tsze  collaborated  with  his  friend  Keng-sang-ch'u 
M.  Jl  M  commonly  called  Kang-tsang-tsze  %  ^  ^-,  in  the  com- 
position of  the  Tung-ling  chen  king  j|^|  |^g  (in  vol.  349  of 
the  new  C.P.  edition  of  the  Taoist  Canon). 

These  two  works  together  with  Lao-tsze's  Tao-teh-king  j£ 
ir  M  iM  $2>  Lieh-tsze's  #]  ^  Tch'un  hit  chen  king  tyi  ^  jg>  $g , 
Yin-hi's  ^r  j|  Wen-shi-chen-king  (1)  -£  £§  ^  f?g,  and  Wen-tsze's 
-i£  ^  T'ung-hiien-chen-king  j|  J  ^  g  form  the  real  corpus  of 
Taoist  doctrine. 

IIT.     His  Doctrine. 

A.  The  critic. 
Chwang-tsze  has  flashes  of  wit,  slashing  retorts  that 
have  passed  into  proverbs.  He  is  an  unrivalled  master  in  the 
art  of  piercing  the  weak  spot.  Even  Confucius  is  not  spared. 
Having  brought  to  the  bar  of  the  critic's  justice  that  Utopian 
politician  "the  fair  speaker  from  Lu,  that  monger  of  silly  tales 
to  the  credit  of  Wen-wang  t£  J£   and  Wu-wang  ^  3E  ",  Chwang- 

(1)  Probably  the  work  of  T'ien  t'ung-siu  ffl  [i]  ^  (c  742  A.D.)  Yin-hsi, 
the  guardian  of  the  pass  Kan-Vuh  ]5f  &  through  which  Lao-tsze  passed 
out  West. 


tsze  concludes  with  this  final  sentence :  "He  may  count  as  a 
teller  of  the  antique,  not  as  a  master  of  the  antique." — "to  want 
to  fit  ancient  ways  to  the  ideas  of  one's  contemporaries,  is 
running  your  car  over  the  water  and  your  boat  over  the  land." 

B.     The  Philosopher. 

At  least  he  has  the  honesty  to  confess  ignorance  as  to 
the  law  that  governs  the  great  cosmic  transformations,  cosmic 
evolution,  the  origin  of  the  world.  "To  say  of  the  universe  :  "some 
one  has  made  it",  or  it  has  come  from  nothing  are  alike  inde- 
monstrable propositions."  Chivang-tsze  professes  to  know  nothing 
about  the  essence  of  the  Chao  ^g,  of  that  Principle  which  he  knows 
only  by  its  external  manifestations.  To  ask  questions  about  the 
principle  or  to  answer  them  alike  betrays  ignorance  as  to  the 
very  Principle  itself.  Questions  or  answers  concerning  its  nature 
are  foolish  and  inept  for  they  suppose  in  the  people  who  make 
them  a  total  ignorance  of  the  nature  of  the  universe  and  of  the 
Great  Beginning.  Surely  a  warning  for  commentators  of  the 
Tao-teh-king  and  for  those  who  would  devise  systems  of  interpre- 
tation for  it. 

The  principal  points  of  the  doctrine  contained  in  Chwang-tsz's 
works  may  perhaps  be  reduced  to  these  heads: 

1.  Non-interference,  non-assertion,  inaction,  "  apathy" :  — 
Therein  is  the  way  of  Heaven.  "If  a  man  would  last  long,  he 
must  moderate  his  own  self,  not  press  to  the  extreme  of  any- 
thing, always  stop  half-way.  In  this  fashion  one  will  keep  one's 
body  intact,  maintain  life  to  the  very  last,  support  one's  parents 
till  their  death  and  last  oneself  to  the  very  end  of  one's  allotted 
span."  "One  makes  life  last  by  using  it  only  on  that  which 
does  not  use  it  up."     Chwang-tsze  ch.  III. 

2.  Egoism.— Avoid  what  might  use  up  the  vital  principle 
i.e.  a)  Affliction  and  worries,  b)  Too  lively  a  desire  of  results 
and  success,  c)  Working  over-busily  at  making  oneself  useful. 
"If  you  are  a  useful   man,   you  will   not   live  to  be  an  old  one." 


"The  axe  spares,  the  useless  tree  but  cuts  down  any  one  that  has 
got  an  acknowledged  value :  the  over-zealous  man  is  over-used." 

3.  Pantheism.— "All  beings  are  participation  in  the  Great 
All".  Heaven  and  earth  make  a  mighty  crucible  in  which  beings 
undergo  transformation;  let  us  leave  the  founder  to  do  as  he 
will.  We  should  accept  in  good  part  all  that  transformation 
fashions  out  of  us.  The  material  of  existing  things  has  served 
and  will  serve  in  due  succession  for  a  quantity  of  different 
beings:  let  us  leave  full  liberty  to  the  transforming  principle  to 
do  its  work.  Your  body  is  merely  the  loan  of  some  coarse  matter 
which  heaven  and  earth  have  made  to  you  for  a  span  of  time* 
Your  life  is  a  combination  of  subtile  matter  which  also  you  have 
from  heaven  and  earth. 

4.  Taoist  Wisdom  —  Let  Heaven  act  and  do  not  attempt 
to  aid  its  action.  The  crowning  height  of  wisdom  is  to  fall  into 
line  with  the  march  of  universal  evolution.  Let  time  work,  swim 
with  the  current,  concentrate  on  inaction.  Real  science,  real 
wisdom  consists  in  maintaining  one's  life  to  the  end  of  the  years 
assigned  by  nature  without  shortening  it  by  one's  own  fault. 
Chwang-tsze.     Chap.  VI  and  XL 

Cf.     Wieger  Tom.  II  p.  408-411,  438,  439  etc. 


Chi-na  wen  hioh  ski  ^  M  %  jg  £  Vol.  67.  ±_  ^  p.  17-18  p.  21-22. 

Chen-sien-Ueh-chwang  jjjiji  f|I|  ^l]  f$  (  J^  !£). 

Ts'z-yuen  g$  $g  (Chwang  $£). 

Mayers.     Chinese  Reader's  Manual;  N°  92  Chwang  Ciww  N°  127,  Fan  Li 
N*>  3  3  6,  Lao  tsse. 

Shen-sien  t'ung-lien^  {\]\  Ji  f  1.  c.  in  text  above. 




m  s  ? 


The  Legend. 

This  worthy  was  originally  one  IAu-ngan  |flj  $  and  was 
king  of  the  districts  south  of  the  Hirai  in  122-116  B.  C,  that  is 
in  the  period  Yuan-sheu  %  ffi  of  the  Han  Emperor  Wu-ti  jf|  $£ 
^f.  His  younger  brother  was  Liu-se  §lj  $fj,  king  of  Lu-kiang  jjS 
yX-  How  the  former  came  to  get  the  title  used  above  will  be 
explained  by  the  narrative. 

IAu-ngan  had  the  reputation  of  being  well  versed  in  lear- 
ning and  especially  in  astrology.  After  studies  under  Kilen-tsze 
}j|  -y%  a  famous  magician  who  taught  him  the  three  treatises  of 
the  K'in-sin  3p  ,fy  (The  Tempering  of  the  Heart),  Liu  wrote  the 
Nei-shu  [*J  *'  (The  Inward  Writing)  in  21  chapters,  the  Chung- 
pien  cfj  H  (The  Mean)  in  8  chapters  and  then  the  three  books 
of  the  Hung-pao-wan-pih  $|  'f(  ~$!}  Jfl  on  transformations,  a  work 
of  100,000  characters.  Liu  was  responsible  for  famous  cookery 
recipes:  he  taught  the  people  to  grind  beans,  to  make  the  pickle 
"T&iang-yeu  |f  -/^  and  the  famous  bean-curd  cheese  Teu-fu  ja  $|. 

About  this  time  people  remarked  in  the  kingdom  a  young 
man  who  called  himself  Wang-chung-kao  3E  f^  ^  an(l  there  was 
one  very  old  man  who  told  how  he  had  seen  this  young  person 
a  very  long  time  before ;  in  fact  he  was  one  who  made  his 
appearance  in  every  generation.  One  Wu-pei  fa  $£  brought  this 
to  the  king's  notice  and  the  king  had  Wang  summoned  to  court 
and  received  him  with  all  honour.  After  a  long  time,  Wang  at 
last  confided  to  the  king  that  he  was  the  brother  of  Hien-yuen- 
hwang-ti  ff  ijfg   ji  ^  (i.e.  Hwang-ti  or  else  an  emperor  from  the 

Fig.   172 

Wang  yuen-choai. 
Generalissimo  Wang 

HWAI   NAN   TSZE  .155 

ninth  fabulous  epoch)  and  that  he  had  retired  to  Mt.  Peh  4b  ill 
at  Shang-kuh  J^  @  because  the  Ts'in  emperor  She-hwang  |(|  #£ 
^  (211-209  B.  C.)  had  summoned  him  to  write  characters.  "I 
make  it  my  business"  he  went  on  "to  teach  men  the  doctrine  of 
immortality."  The  king  of  course  immediately  asked  how  that 
could  be  achieved.  "My  friends  will  come  to  teach  you",  said 
Wang-chung-kao  5£  ftfi   "^fj. 

A  few  months  afterwards,  Wang  left  the  country  and  eight 
venerable  old  men  with  white  beards  and  hair  presented  themsel- 
ves at  the  palace  gate  requesting  an  audience.  Word  was 
brought  to  the  king  and  he  sent  a  smooth-tongued  official  to 
.interview  these  importuners  and  get  rid  of  them.  They  were 
told  that  the  king  was  on  the  look-out  for  three  things,  immor- 
tality, deeper  knowledge  of  the  Doctrine,  magic  craft  for  killing 
tigers  and  rearing  buildings,  and,  as  old  men  were  of  no  use  in 
furthering  those  ends,  the  official  could  not  dare  to  usher  them 
into  the  royal  presence.  The  old  men  smiled:  it  was  no  crime  to 
look  at  a  king  and  old  men  might  be  useful  after  all.  And  with 
that  they  turned  themselves  into  radiant  young  men!  Off  went 
the  official  to  the  king  and  King  Liu  in  person  came  out  to  the 
palace  door  to  receive  them,  barefoot,  lor  he  forgot  in  his  haste 
to  slip  on  his  shoes.  He  brought  them  into  the  Sz-sien-i'ai 
Palace  yg,  f[{j  jf  and  there  prostrate  before  them,  he  professed 
himself  their  pupil. 

The  eight  resumed  their  venerable  aged  forms  and  recited 
to  him  what  they  could  do  by  way  of  controlling  winds,  thunder 
and  the  elements.  The  king  asked  them  for  the  elixir:  they 
explained  to  him  the  36  books  of  the  Hiien-yuh-tav-king( Alchemy) 
S  Ifl-|  and  every  day  escorted  him  to  collect  magic  simples. 
On  the  Pah-kung-shan,  the  Mountain  of  the  Eight  Venerables  A 
^  [Ij  near  Shcu-chow  H  }>\]  (Longevity  Town)  they  concocted 
the  elixir. 

In  122  B.C.  (7c  ^  year),  Liu-ngan's  son,  Liu-ts'ien  ^\\  j§§ 

who  believed  himself  to  be  an    incomparable  swordsman   challen- 


ged  a  military  officer,  one  Lei-pei  f|  #£,  highly  skilled  with  the 
sword,  to  a  fencing-bout.  In  the  match  Lei-pei  inadvertently 
wounded  the  prince.  Fearful  of  consequences,  Lei  plotted  with 
one  of  his  friends  Wu-pei  fj£  $l£  ancl  forwarded  to  the  Emperor 
Wu-ti  a  denunciation  of  the  two  Liu  brothers,  the  kings,  as 
hatching  a  revolt  against  the  throne.  The  emperor  on  receipt 
of  this  sent  an  envoy  Tsung-cheng  ^  J£  to  punish  them.  The 
king  of  Lu-kiang,  Liu-se,  the  younger  brother,  hung  himself  on 
hearing  of  this  turn  of  fortune. 

Before  the  imperial  delegate  got  to  Hivai  Nan,  the  eight 
immortals  came  to  invite  Liu-ngan  to  go  off  with  them.  Liu  not 
knowing  of  his  brother's  death,  wanted  to  fetch  him  first ;  on 
hearing  of  his  loss,  he  demanded  the  death  of  the  false  L^ei-pei 
and  Wu-pei.  But  the  eight  dissuaded  him  for,  said  they,  those 
who  would  not  kill  even  insects,  could  not  be  the  killers  of  men. 
So  they  took  the  king  with  them  to  Mt.  Peh-knng  and  all  moun- 
ted up  to  the  heavens.  They  left  their  simples  and  their  alembic 
behind  with  the  result  that  certain  hens  and  dogs  ate  and 
became  immortal.  Now  the  Eight  led  the  king  to  a  mountain 
beyond  the  seas  where  all  the  genii  were  gathered  together.  They 
instructed  him  to  address  the  genii  as  "Uncle,  Immortal  One" 
and  to  serve  them  with  respect  in  the  hope  of  being  himself 
admitted  to  the  palace  of  Yuh-ti  3£  ^. 

Liu-ngan  obeyed,  but  not  having  yet  shaken  off  the  royal 
way,  his  manner  of  speaking  and  acting  displeased  the  Immortals 
as  smacking  of  superiority  and  not  redolent  of  due  humility.  So 
a  complaint  was  lodged  with  Yuh-ti,  and  the  Heavenly  Sovereign 
seeing  that  Liu  was  not  yet  ripe  for  immortality,  was  for  sending 
him  back  to  earth  for  reincarnation.  Now  the  Eight  came  again 
to  the  rescue  and  suggested  that  he  be  permitted  to  live  for 
three  years  at  a  distance  from  the  Palace,  alone  and  without  any 
official  functions  in  order  to  give  him  time  for  conversion.  After 
conversion,  he  could  be  entrusted  with  office.  Yuh-ti  agreed. 
The  first  step  was  to  change  the  king's  name.  It  was  now  that 
he  took  the  name  "The  Sage  from  South  of  the  Uivai," 

HWAI    NAN    TSZE  157 

Now  Hwai-nan-tsze  begged  the  Eight  to  save  his  brother 
whose  death  was  such  a  bitter  grief  to  him.  The  Eight  went  off 
upon  the  Western  seas  and  got  a  branch  of  a  fragrant  wood 
called  "the  tree  that  recalls  the  soul"  Fan-hwan-shu  jS^tfU  :  with 
this  they  made  a  pill  and  gave  it  to  the  dead  man  :  he  revived, 
practised  virtue  and  was  saved. 

The  Eight  accompanied  by  Ho-heu  fpf  $|  revisited  Hwai- 
nan-tsze,  instructed  him  in  all  the  mysteries  related  to  him,  and 
escorted  him  to  Tung- wan g-~kung  ^  3E  ^,  king  of  the  Immortals 
and  he  conferred  on  the  sage  the  vacant  post  of  T'al-kili-chen-jen 

±  U  m  A  (1). 

(1       Cf.  Shen-sien-t'ung-lcien  jjjiji   f[]j   M  gg  Bk.  8.  Art.  2  p.  3-7. 




I.  Tlio  Literary  School  of  Hwai-nan-tsze  ffi;  ^f  ^-. 

The  court  of  the  King  of  Hwai-nan  7^  ]fj  was  the  gather- 
ing place  of  scholars  of  all  different  shades  of  opinion  but  Taoism 
predominated.  Magicians  and  devotees  of  occultism  met  there 
in  great  numbers.  The  prince  himself  Liu  Ngan  committed  sui- 
cide in  122  B.C.  on  an  accusation  of  revolt. 

Liu  Tvh  |?|J  fg  King  of  Ho-kien  -/pj  fpj  fostered  a  school 
which  formed  an  exact  contrast  with  Liu-Ngan's  in  Hwai-nan. 
Whereas  the  Hwai-nan  band  strayed  from  classic  tradition  and 
refinement  and  tended  to  Taoism  and  magic,  the  Ho-kien  school 
worked  at  the  restoration  of  the  ancient  canonical  writings.  The 
latter  were  Confucian,  the  former  Taoist. 

II.  The  Works  of  Hwai-nan-tsze  fH  f^f  -J-. 

The  works  attributed  to  Hwai-nan-tsze  are  collected  uncle** 
the  title  Hwai-nan-tsze-hung-lieh-kiai  yf:  ffa  -^  #|  ^J  tfjfr.  It  is 
included  in  the  Taoist  Canon  and  is  to  be  found  at  N°  1,200  of 
the  Commercial  Press  edition.  It  contains  28  Kiien  %fc  and  is 
printed  in  the  five  volumes  863,  864,  865,  866,  867. 

It  is  also  called  Hung  pau  wan  pih  |J|  ||f  "||  J|l. 
It  is  divided  into  three  sections: 

1.  Net  shit   pg  ^21  chapters. 

2.  Chung  shu  41  fir  8  Chapters. 

3.  Wai  shu  $|n  *"  Dissertations  on  various  subjects. 

This  work  is  a  collection  of  some  of  the  literary  produc- 
tions of  the  motley  company  that  frequented  the  court  of  the 
prince  of  Hwai-nan. 

It  is  very  probable  that  Hwai-nan-tsze  had  personally  little 
or  no  share  in  it.     The  accounts  to  be  found    in    the    Shen-sien- 

THE   LIFE   OF   HWAI   NAN  TSZ  159 

t'ung-kien  $ji  f[jj  jj§  $|j  and  other  Taoist  books  as  to  his  personal 
labours  in  the  composition  of  the  collection  are  at  least  very 

Nevertheless  this  collection  which  we  owe  to  Liu  Hiang 
|ilj  [nj,  the  Librarian  and  President  of  the  Committee  for  the 
Canonical  Books,  is  a  very  precious  document  for  the  reason  that 
it  sums  up  perfectly  the  state  of  Taoism  at  the  period  150-122 
B.C.  It  marks  a  period  of  unmistakable  degradation  in  the  real 
Taoist  doctrine  of  Lao-tsze  ^  ^,  Chwang  |jf  ^-,  Lieh  ~Fj\\  ^  and 
Wen  -*£  rf*.  Decadence  appears  in  insertion  of  marvellous  hap- 
penings, the  devotion  to  alchemy,  legends.  The  work  or  compi- 
lation known  as  Hwai-nan-tsze' 's  is  the  dawn  of  degenerate, 
charlatan  Taoism.  It  is  the  first  stage  of  falling  off,  a  very 
distinct  branching  off  towards  the  Neo-taoism  of  Wang  Pao  ^ 
^|  and  Chang  Tao-ling  5|  j|  |^. 



3E      7C     8l|i 


Generalissimo  Wang's  father  was  Wanp-ch'en  ]£  gi  and 
his  mother  Chao-shi  Q$  J£.  His  father  was  already  dead  when 
the  child  was  born  in  the  Ping-shen  year  pj  ffi  of  Chengkwan 
£  g|  period,  i.e.  63f  A.  D.  His  parents  lived  in  Loh-li  $$.  jg.  at 
Siang-yang  H|§.  He  was  called  VFanghioit  (ngoh)  3£  ig  and  also 
as  fore-name  Tung-ch'eng  J^  f$. 

He  was  gifted  by  nature  with  abnormal  muscular  strength : 
but  for  study  he  had  not  the  least  interest.  If  disputes  broke 
out  in  fairs  and  markets,  he  brought  the  parties  to  reason  and 
everybody  was  full  of  praises  for  his  sense  of  justice.  Otherwise, 
as  he  was  of  an  impetuous  character,  persons  who  pushed  their 
own  schemes  detested  him,  and  he  could  never  succeed  in  cor- 
recting them. 

At  Fu-fung  fo  JU,,  there  was  one  Wang-heh-hu  Ji  |&  $£ 
i.e.  Wang  the  Black  Tiger.  This  man  borrowed  our  hero's  name 
Wang-wu  (ngoh)  3£  |g  and  under  that  name  carried  off  women 
and  sold  them.  So  much  in  awe  did  the  peasants  stand  of  the  real 
Wang-wu  3£  ^  that  they  were  afraid  to  protest,  not  knowing 
that  they  were  being  fooled  by  an  imposter.  The  real  Wang-wu, 
getting  to  hear  of  it,  killed  3E  H  ^  Wang-heh-hu  and  the  people 
then  gladly  went  to  the  criminal  court  to  defend  their  liberator. 
But  Wang-wu  on  appearing  refused  to  kneel  before  the  mandarin 
and  so  was  condemned  as  guilty.  He  thereupon  grew  furious, 
his  hair  stood  on  end  and  he  cried  death  to  all  such  bandits  and 
deliverance  for  the  people  from  their  malpractices.  He  flung 
himself  at  the  mandarin  who  was  barely  rescued  by  his  body- 

Fig.  173 

Nan-hoa  Tchoang-cheng  (Tchoang-tze). 
Nan-hwa  Chwang  sheng  (Chwang-tze). 


Wang  once  went  to  King-siang  $|J  ||,  where  he  found  that 
a  demon  of  the  River  (Kiang  yx)  dwelling  in  an  old  temple  was 
befooling  the  people.  Every  year  on  the  sixth  day  of  the  sixth 
month  processions  in  his  honour  were  held  and  people  had  to 
provide  ten  oxen,  ten  pigs,  ten  sheep  and  wine  for  the  sacrifice, 
declared  to  be  for  the  averting  of  epidemics.  Tt  was  a  cruel 
imposition:  people  at  times  had  to  sell  their  children  to  meet  it. 
So  Wang-wu  burned  temple  and  idol.  Then  the  evil  spirit  stirred 
up  a  raging  wind  but  Sah-chen-jen  |§  jjfc  J\  (see  Article  XIX) 
appeared  and  countered  it  and  the  evil  spirit  bad  to  take  to 

Yuh-ti  3£  ^  canonized  him  with  the  title:  Wang  Saga- 
cious Generalissimo :  also  he  had  a  seal  big  as  a  man's  head 
engraved  for  him  with  the  four  characters:  Ch'eh-sin-chung-liang 
iff  'b  &  $<  •  "Sincere  and  Conscientious".  He  also  conferred 
on  him  the  office  of  spirit  protecting  the  capital  of    the    Empire. 

Wang  Tuen-shwai  was  most  beneficent.  As  soon  as  ever 
the  Taoist  priests  communicated  with  him  any  business  by  means 
of  their  charms,  he  straightway  settled  it.  He  puts  to  death 
all  the  grievous  wrong-doers  he  can  discover  and  so  people  are 
on  their  guard  against  offending  him.  He  is  of  a  very  irascible 
temperament:  he  always  keeps  close  to  the  Gate  of  Heaven  and 
as  soon  as  Yuh-ti  commissions  him  to  redress  any  wrongs  down 
in  the  world,  he  is  off  at  once  without  delay.  (1) 

(1)      Sheu-shen-U  $%   %$  IE  (T  i£ )  P.  10. 



S1E-T'1EN  KltJN     (T)  B. 

m  *  m 


Sie-t'ien-kiun's  name  was  8ie-shi-ywng  Df  ft  H,  his  fore- 
name was  Lei-hing  fjf  %f  :  his  father  was  Sie-ngen  HJ"  $y.  When 
he  was  born  on  one  first  of  the  month  during  the  period  Chen- 
kwan  J[  H  627-650  A.D.,  fiery  wheels  fell  from  the  skies  over 
Shan-tung  and  lighted  up  the  air  with  a  marvellous  light.  Endowed 
with  a  violent  character  and  very  irascible,  Sie-shi-yung  Hf  ft  ^ 
knew  no  fear,  but  his  conduct  was  upright  and  he  became  sub- 
prefect  of  Shan-yin  \\]  p|£.  A  superior  official  in  Liao-tung  ^  ^ 
pressed  for  the  remittance  of  the  taxes  in  order  to  "  squeeze  "  a 
thousand  of  taels  from  Shi-yung.  But  the  latter  gave  nothing 
but  rather  reported  the  matter  to  the  viceroy  who  visited  his 
displeasure  on  the  higher  official  of  the  two.  This  latter  then 
demanded  of  Shi-yung  a  present  of  a  helmet  and  breastplate  of 
silver.  The  sub-prefect  passed  off  on  him  an  ox-hide  with  tin- 

The  superior  officer  now  devised  another  scheme  for 
paying  off  Shi-yung.  He  sent  a  memorial  to  the  viceroy  praising 
his  enemy's  military  qualities  and  recommending  him  as  the  only 
one  capable  of  dealing  with  the  rebels.  So  Shi-yung  was  put  in 
charge  of  the  expedition  and  came  off  victorious.  Being  a  care- 
ful commander,  he  foresaw  that  the  rebels  might  immediately 
try  a  surprise  attack.  He  stationed  his  soldiers  around  the  camp, 
not  in  it,  occuping  the  best  commanding  positions:  sure  enough, 
the  enemy  returned  but  found  himself  overwhelmed  with  arrows 
and  had  to  retire. 

Yuh-ti  3£  tfi  canonised  Sie  as  Hwo-teh-Pien  kiiin  fc  ^  5^ 
;g  Heavenly  Sovereign  of  the  Beneficent  Planet  Mars.     He  has 

Fig.  4  74 


Sieh,  the  heavenly  leader. 

sie-t'ien-kiun  163 

control  of  summer.  He  is  depicted  as  wearing  a  Tao-adept's 
head-gear,  and  his  feet  move  on  fiery  wheels:  in  his  hands  he 
carries  a  golden  staff.  (1)  It  is  easy  to  distinguish  him  from  Na- 
ch'a  (Article  XV)  by  the  difference  of  attributes.  Sometimes  he 
is  depicted  with  six  arms  and  three  heads  (Tantra  style)  and 
riding  on  his  fiery  wheels  :  so  he  is  to  be  found  on  a  representa- 
tion from  the  Hwo-sing  Temple. 

(1)     Sheu-sJien-Jci  (T  #)  ^   #  IE  P-  4-5. 


II\YU\T-K1-P'A.\G-YUE1\-SHYVA1     (T.B.) 

u   ?&  m    7c    Biti 


This  worthy's  name  was  P'ang-kiao  ^fg  ^j :  his  fore-name 
was  Chang-ts'ing  -fi:  $|.  His  father  P'ang-ting  ^g  %  and  his 
mother  (Yao  $[c  was  her  family  name)  lived  at  Tu-k'eu  $£  P  by 
Han-kiang  ^|  £j\  He  was  born  during  the  reign  of  the  Han 
Emperor  Hien-ti  fj|  Jffft  ^  in  the  year  Kwei-yeu  %£  jSj,  193  A.D. 
on  the  Kwei-hai  bay  (the  cyclic  number  ^  %)  in  the  eleventh 

All  his  ancestors  had  been  boat-people  and  the  family 
enjoyed  a  high  reputation  among  travellers.  Once  a  lady  had 
passed  the  ninth  of  the  ninth  moon  on  board  their  boat  and  had 
left  behind  her  a  hundred  pounds  in  gold.  She  came  back  next 
day  to  recover  them  and  P'ang-kiao  /f|  ^  gave  her  back  the  sum 
entire  and  would  not  accept  the  gratuity  she  offered. 

On  the  twenty-eighth  of  the  twelfth  moon,  in  the  evening, 
a  young  woman  came  to  cross  the  river.  It  was  snowing  and 
nobody  dared  to  go  across.  P'ang-kiao  gave  her  shelter,  got  her 
clothes  dried,  and  on  the  thirtieth  his  father  took  her  on  board  to 
bring  her  to  her  home.  But  it  was  a  stormy  day,  the  River  was 
rough  and  the  boat  capsized.  P'ang-kiao  leaped  into  the  waves, 
bent  on  saving  his  father :  thrice  he  brought  him  to  the  bank  and 
thrice  the  wave  swept  them  out  to  the  depths.  Yet  P'ang-kiao 
and  the  father  managed  at  length  quite  exhausted  to  save  them- 
selves. The  woman  had  meanwhile  disappeared,  but  it  was  she 
who  really  had  saved  them  :  it  was  Kwan-yin-p'u-sah  |J|  ^ 

^-  3£ 

When  the  father   and    son  got  safe  on  to  the  bank,   they  found 

Fig.  175 

Hoen-k'i-pang  yuen-choai. 

The  Generalissimo  Hwun-k'i-pang. 

hvvan-ki-p'ang-yuen-shwai  165 

there  scores  of  Kwei  %  spirits  of  the  dead,  ghosts  (1)  weeping 
all  around  them  disappointed  that  they  had  not  been  able  to 
drown  them  (2). 

(1)  On  the  30th  day  of  the  12th  moon,  all  these  ghosts  leave  the 
nether  regions  or  other  abodes  and  gather  about  rivers,  lakes,  streams  in 
order  to  drown  anybody  who  ventures  to  come  there.  Anyone  of  the 
ghosts  that  secures  his  victim,  gives  his  place  in  Hades  to  the  soul  of  the 
drowned  and  himself  enters  a  new  incarnation.  This  same  is  true  of  the 
30th  of  the  7th  moon.     Hinc  illae  lacrimae. 

(2)  Sheu-slien-M  ("p  ^-)  ^   #  "IE  P-  8 


Ll-YUEN-SHWAl    (T) 

*    it     erfj 


IA-fung  ^  ^J"  was  born  exacty  at  midday  on  the  fifth  of 
the  moon  in  592  A.D,  (in  the  year  Jen-tsze  ££  ^ ,  during  the  Sui 
|5j|  dynasty).  His  father's  name  was  Li-fang  ^  ^  and  his 
mother's  Sun-ski  ~%  ^.  Kin-hiang-h'eu  $|  £L  P  was  tne  place 
of  his  birth. 

Li-fung  became  a  formidable  pirate  on  the  Southern  seas: 
he  had  fled  from  his  home  because  he  had  killed  the  murderer 
of  a  neighbour's  parents :  to  this  step  he  had  been  led  by  an 
irresistible  temper  and  herculean  strength.  He  took  refuge  in 
a  temple  of  a  marine  divinity  and  there  five  genii  who  saw  him 
coming  cried  out,  "Here's  an  angel  coming  !"  Li-fung  asked 
them  how  they  knew  and  they  explained  that  as  officers  of  Lung 
wang  f|  3:  their  business  was  to  seize  the  water  demons.  So 
saying,  they  brought  out  a  sword  from  their  den,  gave  it  to 
Li-fung  and  disappeared.  This  vision  kept  puzzling  him  thereafter. 

Here  are  some  of  his  exploits.  On  the  Kiang  £q  (the 
River)  he  one  day  spotted  a  suspect  boat  and  went  on  board:  it 
was  a  pirate-ship  full  of  young  women  and  laden  with  valuables. 
He  set  the  women  free  and  lectured  the  pirates  on  their  robberies. 

On.  another  occasion,  still  on  the  Kiang,  he  perceived  in 
the  bed  of  the  river  a  monstrous  devil,  and  all  about  were  huge 
waves  stirred  up  by  a  terrifying  wind.  Li-fung  jumped  out  of 
the  boat  and  began  to  walk  over  the  waves:  a  black  wind  raged 
franctically  hollowing  out  the  waters :  the  devil  appeared  face  to 
face  with  Li  in  the  form  of  a  colossal  Kiong-chu  yj.  Itf  —  a  river- 
pig,  a  porpoise  —  large  as  a  mountain  with  a  tail  more  than  90 
feet  long  and  attended  by    seven   other   demons.     Li-fung   killed 

Fig.   176 

Li  yuen-choai. 
Generalissimo  Li. 

LI-YUEN    SHWAI  167 

them  all  and  the  storm  grew  calm.  The  next  night  a  spirit 
came  to  thank  him  for  his  exceptional  services  and  to  assure 
him  that  he  would  beg  Yuh-ti  3£  *^,  to  recompense  him  for 
them.  Yuh-ti  did  reward  him  by  canonization  with  the  title  of 
"Generalissimo  Li,  chief  of  the  advance-guard"  ;  he  was  assigned 
two  marshals  as  assistants  (1). 

(1)     Sheu-shcn-M  ^   f,t|j  |£  ("p  #)  P.  9,  10. 


LUI-T«lEN-KltJN    (T) 

si   *  m 


The  work  Tsah-ki-chwan  ^|  IE  f$  ca*'s  him  Liu-tsun  §ij  $£  : 
Liu-fuli  (|?lj  |@)  was  his  father  and  his  mother  was  a  Sic  fit.  He 
was  born  during  the  dynasty  of  the  Eastern  Tsin  J  f  in  a 
fisherman's  boat  at  Min-kiang  [Ijj£  yx  on  the  12th  of  the  8th  moon 
of  the  year  Keng-tsze  J^  -T  (a  cyclic  number  that  might  stand 
here  for  340  or  100  A.D.). 

One  day  when  his  mother  was  drawing  water  from  the 
Kiang  yX<  he  fell  into  the  water  but  was  so  lucky  as  to  cling  to 
some  floating  wreckage  until  his  father  could  haul  him  out. 
Though  his  family  was  very  poor,  the}-  managed  to  send  him  to 
study  under  Lo-chen-jen  JH  jf|  J{  who  taught  him  the  "  five 
thunders"  recipe  by  which  he  could  control  winds  and  rains.  By 
a  public  spirited  use  of  this  power,  he  made  himself  the  benefac- 
tor of  the  countryside  and  all  the  people  went  to  honour  him 
as  a  p'u-sah,  So  he  quitted  the  place  but  the  peasants  erected 
a  temple  to  him  and  prayed  to  him  with  sure  effect. 

At  this  time,  a  drought  affected  the  regions  under  the 
Eastern  capital.  The  Emperor  was  in  great  distress  and  on 
hearing  that  Liu-tsun  was  an  infallible  help,  he  went  and  prayed 
to  him.  The  drought  was  broken  and  the  harvest  was  excellent. 
The  Emperor  conferred  on  Liu  the  title  of  Hiien-hwa-is'e-tsi- 
chen-kiiin  ]£  \ fc  •§£  "Hf  iSL  JJ" :  True  prince  merciful  benefactor  of 
the  Empire.  Yuli-ii  3£  tffr  ratified  this  title  and  entrusted  to  Liu 
the  Supervision  of  the  Five  Cereals.  (1) 

(1)      Sheu-shen-ki  $   j$  %l  (  f  :#)  p,  10. 

Fig.  177 


Liu,  the  heavenly  leader. 

Fig.     178 

Les  deux  generalissimes  Kao  et   Wang. 
The  two  Generalissimos,  Kao  and   Wang 

WANG,   KAO    RH    YUAN    SHWA1  169 


3E      jg     H      7C     ft|J 


The  "Fung  ski  chivan"  $$  {£  1^  gives  them  the  names 
Wang-t'ieli  3£  |£,  Wang  the  Iron  and  Kao-t'ung  "^  $sj,  Kao  the 
Brazen.  Wang  was  from  the  south  of  Yung-ch'eng  |$  $c  and  A'ao 
from  the  north  of  Ki-yung  |jjj  |f|.  Both  were  born  the  same 
year,  839  B.C.  while  Li-wang  J|F  3£  of  the  Chow  dynasty  was 
living,  though  just  then  he  was  in  exile  and  a  sort  of  republic 
was  in  power. 

The  two  had  become  sworn  brothers:  they  held  various 
offices  in  different  provinces  of  the  empire  but  when  Han-wang 
jjs|  3i  took  no  account  of  their  advice,  they  resigned. 

One  day  Kao-t'ung  informed  his  friend  that  he  was  going 
away  on  a  voyage  to  Nan-ling  \fa  $(.  "Do  you  not  know  that 
that  district  is  infested  with  tigers?"  asked  his  solicitous  friend. 
"Death  or  life  is  of  small  account,"  answered  K'ao-t'ung.  So  he 
went  off,  and  of  course  shortly  his  friend  must  follow  him.  It 
was  only  Wang-t'ieh  who  met  a  tiger  and  he  killed  it.  K'ao-t'ung 
went  to  meet  his  friend,  anxious  lest  he  be  the  prey  of  tigers 
and  they  made  the  return  journey  together.  This  friendship  it 
was  that  won  the  popular  titles  of  Iron  and  Copper:  so  solidly 
was  their  friendship  welded. 

In  consideration  of  their  braver)-,   Yuh-ti   3£  *$?    conferred 
>n  them  the  title  of  Superintendants  of  the  Tiger  Hill.   (1) 

(l)     Sheu-shen-M  (T  #  )  4f  ^  BE  P-  10-11. 





(of  the  Thunder  Department) 

m    0    #    7c    Brfj 


The  family  name  of  this  personage  T'ien  EB  and  his  other 
names  are  explained  below. 

This  worthy,  really  being  terrestrial  electricity,  took  to 
himself  a  human  body  in  a  field  EB.  His  birth  took  place  amid 
terrifying  portents :  thunder,  lightning,  gales  and  rain ;  but  when 
the  new-born  babe  striding  a  huge  serpent  appeared,  all  the 
bees  fled  to  feed  him  with  their  honey. 

On  growing  up,  he  took  the  family  name  of  T'ien  (EB 
Field)  with  the  personal  name  of  Pih  (Jji  Complete)  because  his 
birthplace  was  a  field  set  off  with  flowers  of  which  he  presuma- 
bly was  the  latest,  the  finishing  touch.  Then  he  retired  to  a 
hermitage  on  Mt.  Luh-lu  yen  jjj$j  |j|  jg.  (Windless  Precipice).  It 
was  at  the  time  when  Nil  wo  ski  ■$£  M  i£  (1)  was  engaged  in 
stopping  up  the  north-east  gap  in  the  sky;  she  was  not  successful 
with  her  five-coloured  earth.  So  T'ien-pih  came  to  her  help  with 
a  mixture  of  the  essences  of  fire,  water  and  primal  rock  matter; 
the  fusion  was  forwarded  by  the  South  wind  and  then  a  dreadful 
crash  shook  earth  and  sky.     The  gap  was  filled. 

Later,  he  helped  Hien-yuen-hwang-ti  ijif  $R  §t  *$?,  to  reduce 
the  rebel  Ch'i  yeu  ^  -fa  by  showering  on  the  rebel  five-coloured 
fire  amid  a  whirl  of  wind  and  thunder.  Hivang-ti  conferred  on 
him  the  title  and  function  of  Dragon-master.  But  T'ien  found 
all  this  incompatible  with  being  a  hermit  and  declining  withdrew 
to  Hiva-siu  |jl  If.     Henceforth  he  added  Hwa  to  his  name. 

(1)     See  account  of  Nii-wo  id  %  K  Vol.  XII  Art.  XLVI  p.  1070. 

Fie.     d79 

Le  generalissime  Tien-hoa-pi. 
The  Generalissimo  Tien  hwa-pih. 

t'ien-hwa-pih  yuan-shwai  171 

When  in  the  reign  of  the  Emperor  Yao  J=|,  the  demon 
monsters  and  the  ten  suns  were  causing  trouble  and  tenor  on 
earth,  Yuh-ti  jg,  ^  by  edict  conceded  T'ien-yuen-shivai  the  right 
to  range  over  heavens,  sun  and  moon,  riding  on  the  lightning 
and  carrying  in  his  hand  the  thunder-banner. 

At  the  end  of  the  Han  ^  dynasty,  the  demons  again 
scoured  the  earth  and  human  perversity  was  at  its  worst.  So 
Yuh-ti  canonized  T'ien  Hwa  with  the  title  Lei-men-pih  yuan  shwai 
fa  P^  Jp  7C  El]],  Pih  generalissimo  of  the  Thunder  Gate  (i.e. 
Ministry  or  Department,  Porte).  He  entrusted  to  him  the  supervi- 
sion of  the  twelve  subdivisions  of  the  Department  to  aid  Chen-wu 
jH  jf£  in  overcoming  the  demons  of  epidemics,  attending  to 
droughts  and  floods,  and  putting  to  death  criminals.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-M  fa  jf,f  |£  (T=  #)  P.  11. 



ffl     If     tc     arfi 


This  fabulous  personage  was  the  son  of  the  Green  Dragon 
who  flying  from  the  pursuit  of  Ts'e  tsi  chi  h  kiiin  *£  \$  m.  1g,  had 
come  to  hide  in  the  grotto  Hwang-sha-tung  (Yellow-sand  Cave) 
jf  t^  i[nj  in  Sz-ch'wan  and  there  had  taken  to  himself  a  beautiful 
woman  called  P'ang  Jff.  Ts'e-tsi  overtook  them  as  the  woman  was 
with  child :  the  Green  Dragon  took  to  flight  and  the  woman  hid 
herself  in  a  field.  The  pursuer  found  her  there  and  caused  the 
instant  birth  of  the  child  by  a  frightening  pass  of  his  sword.  He 
did  no  harm  to  the  child  though  it  had  the  head  of  a  dragon,  but 
bade  the  mother  suckle  it.  As  the  rain  fell  and  the  thunder 
growled  at  the  moment  of  the  birth  in  the  field,  the  name  T'ien 
yil,  Field  Rain,  was  given  the  child. 

At  the  age  of  six  Tien-yu  was  entrusted  to  Chaiuj-chen  jen 
</H  m.  A  to  be  educated :  his  tutor  taught  him  the  science  of 
thunder  and  gave  him  the  name  Ts'uen-ling  &  f|.  Then  in 
retirement  on  Mt.  Tsc-hwa  (Purple  Flower  Mt.)  ^  |p  \\},  he 
began  to  meditate  on  how  he  came  into  being  and  asked  a  venera- 
ble Taoist  adept  to  enlighten  him.  Thus  he  learned  that  his  father 
was  the  Green  Dragon  and  that  his  mother,  now  blind,  was 
living  at  Lung-ijcu  p§|  :£f  in   Sz-ch'wan. 

This  news  inspired  him  with  deep  resentment  for  the 
pursuer  of  his  father.  Two  years  after  that,  he  went  to  visit 
his  mother  and  in  a  fit  of  resolution  to  avenge  his  father,  he 
tore  up  the  cloth  of  his  tent  and  made  of  it  a  flag:  with  this  he 
coursed  the  skies  to  hunt  out  his  enemy.  His  mouth  exhaled 
water  which  became  clouds  and  at  the  waving  of  his  standard, 
the  thunder  rolled.  Twelve  demons  stopped  his  career  and 
T'ien-ijii  enraged  gave  battle,  but  there  was  no  decision. 

Fig.   180 

Tien  Yu  Yuen-choai. 

Tien-yu  Yuan-shwai  (Generalissimo  Tien-yii). 

t'ien-yu  yuan-shwai  173 

Yuk-ti  3£  iff  then  summoned  T'ien-yu  and  explained  that 
Ts'e-tsi  had  been  aiming-  only  at  the  general  good  by  driving  off 
the  Green  Dragon  and  so  T'ien-yu  must  not  bear  him  a  grudge: 
as  for  the  twelve  demons,  though  indeed  they  deserved  death, 
now  that  they  had  stayed  him  from  vengeance  they  desired  to 
become  his  subordinates. 

Now  Yuh-ti  canonized  him  as  Hiang-yao-k'iu-sie  yuan  shivai 
pj£  ^c  ^ffi  3f(S  7C  Bfjl :  tne  Generalissimo  conqueror  of  hobgoblins  and 
exorcist  of  the  obscene.  He  is  represented  as  holding  in  his 
left  a  thunder-bolt  and  in  his  right  a  yellow  flag.  Fig.  180  shows 
a  character  inscribed  ^  on  the  triangular  flag  attached  to  a  dart: 
this  is  ling  ^  ;  it  is  a  royal  commission.   (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-Tci  (f  %)  S&  jjjij!  IE  p.  12-13. 



S     7c     Bill 


This  Generalissimo  was  born  at  Hwai-chow  fff  j'\]  during 
the  reign  of  the  Sung  Emperor  Chih-tsung  ^  f f  ^  in  the  Yuan 
yeu  period  (ytflfc)'  1086-1094  A.D.  All  we  know  about  his  parents 
is  that  his  father  had  a  posthumous  title  Ho-kia-tsai-siang  ^  % 
^  /f:|  and  that  his  mother  belonged  to  the  Ch'en  p|f.  On  the 
day  of  his  birth,  there  appeared  on  the  high-road  some  thirty 
children  with  flags  together  with  a  new-born  babe  :  the  children 
explained  that  they  were  escorting  "Yih-luh-fuh-sing"  —  #fr  f|  J| 
"The  lucky  star  for  all  the  way."  The  child's  complexion  was 
black  but  he  was  endowed  with  all  the  talents  of  mind. 

Tang  was  three  years  a  Commissioner  of  Inquiry  and  he 
proved  to  be  above  corruption  :  he  meeted  out  justice  to   all,   be 

they  relatives  or  absolute  strangers,  and  his  skill  in  unravelling 
cases  passed  as  miraculous.  It  passed  into  a  popular  saying  that 
if  the  Black  Judge  put  a  man  in  prison,  it  was  deserved,  and  it 
became  the  theme  of  popular  songs  that  nor  man  nor  devil  for 
sheer  awe  could  look  at  him  without  tears. 

He  died  aged  97  and  Yuh-ti  3£  ^  canonized  him.  As 
symbol  he  carries  a  mace.  He  is  a  punisher  of  evil-doers  and  a 
rewarder  of  the  good.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-M  (T  #)  ^1   jfi'j'  IE  P-  13. 

Fig.     181 

Generalissimo  Tang, 

Fig.     182 

Generalissimo  Shih. 



5     7C     Bit 


The  seventh  year  of  the  Chow  Emperor  Silen-wang  Jgij  If 
jE,  833  B.C.,  is  given  as  the  year  of  Skill's  birth;  and  the  day 
was  the  Pure  Brightness  Festival  —  Ts'ing  ming  $  H^,  the  6th 
of  April.  That  day  the  dragons  had  great  rejoicings  and  there 
was  rain  and  wind.  He  was  born  in  Siang-k'i  ^g  ^  of  a  father 
called  Wen  fu^^  and  a  Han  fft  mother.  He  bore  the  name 
of  Shen-ynh  jffi  ^  (Divine  rearing).  Possessed  of  a  pleasing 
exterior,  he  went  oft"  to  study  under  Yin-yil  ffr  -^f  at  Kivan-chung 

Later  on,  he  built  a  house  south  of  Mt.  Mei  ,/j|  pj  and  stayed 
there.  During  the  seventh  month,  an  alarming  draught  set  in: 
the  harvest  was  in  jeopardy  and  the  peasants  came  to  consult 
Shih  in  their  distress.  So  he  took  a  bath,  changed  his  clothes 
(ritual  proceedings  before  worship),  burned  incense  and  made 
prostrations  :  the  people  joined  with  him  in  worship.  The  prayers 
were  heard  and  rain  fell.  But  during  the  prayer,  Shih  was  suddenly 
changed  into  an  immortal :  only  his  garments  marked  the 
place  where  he  had  stood.  New  arrivals  now  announced  that 
they  had  met  Shih  escorted  by  over  a  hundred  men  with  flags 
riding  eastwards.  He  bade  them  thank  the  villagers  on  his 
behalf  and  explain  that  Yuh-ti  3£  ^  had  entrusted  him  with  an 
urgent  mission. 

Shang-ti  J^  ^f  put  him  at  the  head  of  the  Thunder 
Department  with  the  office  of  rewarding  the  good  and  punishing 
the  evil  (1). 

(1)     Sheu-shcn-li  iT  #)#   #  IE  P-  13-14. 


FU-YlrVG-YUAiV-SHWAl     (T)  B 

m   •    7c   Biii 


At  the  foot  of  the  famous  T'ai-shan  fj|  |I|  in  Shan-tung 
there  dwelt  one  Fu-ho-kung  @|J  ^  Q  and  his  wife  Ngeu  yang 
shi  $fc  %  J£.  They  had  a  son  T'ai  yii  ^  ^.  He  was  born 
in  the  first  month  of  the  year  Jen-yin  f£  ^  during  the  reign  of 
the  T'ang  Emperor  Hi-tsung  j§  ^  ^,  882  A.D.  (])  The  child 
proved  to  be  of  an  energetic,  choleric  temperament. 

Grown  up,  he  stood  for  the  examinations  and  failed.  So 
he  shut  himself  up  in  his  room  and  studied  intensely.  One  night 
as  he  sat  studying,  one  of  the  Demon-foxes— one  with  nine  tails 
—  taking  the  shape  of  a  man,  opened  the  door  and  wished  to 
start  a  conversation  with  Fu-ying  but  the  scholar  would  not  take 
any  notice  of  the  intruder. 

Next  day,  the  fox  came  again,  and  now  knocked  at  the 
window  but  the  student  did  not  make  any  sign  of  attention.  Now 
the  fox  became  a  monstrous  giant  with  eyes  as  big  as  bells,  jaws 
like  a  dragon's  and  a  mouth  like  a  tiger's:  this  monster  entered 
the  room,  sat  upon  a  tea-table  and  began  to  fire  its  eyes  and 
nose  with  a  fire  brand  which  it  had  in  its  hands.  The  recluse, 
without  looking  up  from  his  books,  told  the  monster  that  he 
knew  quite  well  he  was  the  same  as  yesterday's  intruder  but 
that  it  did  not  frighten  him  in  the  least.  With  that  he  flung  his 
brush  for  red  writing  at  the  Demon-fox  full  in  the  face.  The 
monster  on  the  instant  turned  into  a  woman,  thanked  him  and 
said  :  "You  are  a  high   dignitary  :    Ynh-ti   3£  i^f    shortly  will   put 

(1)  Whole  account  is  from  Sheu-shen-l'i  (~f  ^)  p.  14  but  the  account 
there  wrongly  gives  the  date  as  9th  year  of  Kien-fu  period  1&  ffi;  it  was 
the  2nd  of  Chung-hwo  >|"  5fD  -  Kien-fu  was  only  7  years  long. 

Fig.  183 

Fou-yng  Yuen-choai. 
Generalissimo  Fu-ying. 


you  in  charge  of  all  spirits  and  hobgoblins  in  this  region.  May 
I  hope  that  you  will  pardon  my  faults?"  "From  now  on,  " 
replied  the  recluse,  "you  must  turn  over  a  new  leaf  and  practice 

In  fact,  Yuh-ti's  edict  soon  was  published  summoning 
Generalissimo  Fu-ying  and  conferring  on  him  the  dignity  of 
regent  and  notable  of  the  district. 



YANG  YUAN  SHWA1     (T)  B. 

Wj     yt     fift 


The  information  about  this  personage  is  more  than  usually 
vague.  His  lather  was  Yang,  his  mother  was  Sii  f£  and  he  was 
born  in  one  of  Keng-shcn  $£  Ef3  (cyclic  number)  years  under 
the  Han  dynasty  fj|  on  the  16th.  of  the  10th.  month.  He  was 
given  the  name  Piao  ^,  "Little  Tiger/'  because  immediately 
before  his  birth  a  tiger  was  seen  running  up  —  and  the  peasants 
began  to  cry  out,  "Tiger !  Tiger !" 

Becoming  a  mandarin  under  the  Han  Emperors,  he 
obtained  the  pardon  of  a  robber  whom  the  Emperor  was  about 
to  put  to  death,  and  once  when  local  mandarins  tried  to 
corrupt  him  with  a  gift  of  a  thousand  silver  pieces,  he  went 
on  with  his  resolution.  Whilst  he  exercised  his  functions  at 
Yang  Chow  ^  j\\,  he  distinguished  himself  for  courage  and 
perfect  integrity. 

Shang-ti  J^  ^  granted  him  the  post  of  terrestrial  spirit 
and  attached  to  him  is  a  military  officer.  He  has  authority 
both  over  this  world  and  the  world  beyond:  —  1)  in  the  other 
world,  over  the  demons  of  the  five  directions  and  over  the  ten 
rulers  in  Hades,  2)  in  our  world,  he  is  charged  with  the  rewar- 
ding of  good  and  evil  actions  and  further  has  a  power  of  restraint 
over  the  demons  of  the  sea  and  of  mountains.  On  the  whole, 
as  a  reward  for  his  own  observance  of  law,  he  has  been  elevated 
to  the  position  of  a  formidable  potentate.   (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shcn-U  (T  #)  45  4§  IE.  P-  15, 

Fig.  184 

Yang-yuen-choai  et  son  officier  militaire. 
Generalissimo  Yang  and  his  military  attendant. 


KAO-YUA1V-SHWA1     (B.T.) 

|wj      7C      BitJ 

GENERALISSIMO  KAO  (a  faultless  healer). 

Kao-yuan-shwai  ^  y£  ffi  was  a  reincarnation  of  T'ai-yih- 
chen  jen  jk.  Zl  M  A  (Article  XII)  in  the  womb  of  one  Mei,  #|, 
wife  of  Kao-ch'un-kung  "j^  ^  ^.  For  the  date  of  his  birth  we 
have  only  the  very  indefinite  data,  the  Kia-tsze  day  (^  -^  first 
of  a  cycle)  of  the  11th  month  of  a  Kia-isze  year.  At  birth  he 
dazzled  everybody  with  the  fire-like  brilliancy  of  his  body,  so 
his  parents  threw  him  into  the  River  f£  as  an  evil  genius.  But 
Yoh-shi-t'ien-tsim  |||  gjfj  ^  l|r  (The  Deva  Medicine-Man)  saved 
him  and  took  him  as  a  disciple.  The  boy  grew  up  to  be  very 
beautiful  and  his  master  called  him  Yuan  j|  and  taught  him  all 
kinds  of  wonderful  spells. 

Kao-yuan  could  cure  monkeys,  serpents,  tigers  of  their 
maladies  or  wounds.  For  instance  he  cured  a  tiger  of  a  bad 
throat  by  the  application  of  the  bone  of  a  serpent. 

He  had  a  remedy  for  every  evil.  Once  he  came  upon  an 
immortal  who  had  a  suppurating  sore  on  his  back :  he  got  the 
wound  to  close  by  the  application  of  the  dew  from  the  flowers 
called  K'iiing-hwa  $J|  ;f£  (flowers  of  the  immortals) .  This  particular 
immortal,  bent  on  founding  out  a  weak  spot  in  Kao's  art,  told 
him  of  an  old  cypress  that  was  withered  and  dead  and  challenged 
him  to  revive  it.  "Quite  easy",  "said  Kao,  and  sprinkling  it  with 
Kwan-yin  |^  ^  lustral  water,  he  made  the  tree  live  again.  Then 
the  immortal  proposed  to  him  the  difficult  task  of  providing 
issue  for  a  childless  grandee :  but  Kao  had  a  nostrum  in  his 
pharmocopeia  for  that  too.  "All  very  well,"  said  the  immortal, 
"but  you  doctors  only  heal  one  evil  by  causing  another.  The 
simples  you  use  would  have  produced  seeds  and  from  the   seeds 


new  plants  might  have  come:  you  injure  the  plants  to  cure  men". 
So  Kao  could  only  sigh,  "True !  One  cannot  save  hoth  at  once" : 
he  thanked  the  immortal  for  this  reminder  and  gave  him  a 
recipe  for  resuscitating  people. 

As  Kao  had  on  his  voyages  done  an  immense  amount  of 
good,  Yuh-ti  3£  ^  conferred  on  him  the  title:  Generalissimo 
Kao,  avatar  come  from  the  nine  skies.  (1)  His  statue  is  to  be 
found  in  the  temples  of  the  god  of  healing  or  in  those  where 
Buddists  worship  Yoh-shi-fnh  H  ftjjj  f$,  The  Healing  Buddha. 
(Baishajyaguru :  see  Chin.  Sup.  Vol. VI  p. 115) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-li  (T  #)  •-»  jj$  It  p.  16-17. 

Fir.  485 

Kao-yuen-choai  le  medecin  transcendant. 
Generalissimo  Kao,  the  peerless  doctor. 

Fiff.  186 

Tchang-yuen-choai  le  protecteur  contre  la  variole. 
Generalissimo  Chang,  who  protects  from  smallpox. 


CHAJ\GtYUA3V-SHWA1    t.b. 

3R     it     £f|i 


Chang's  father  had  the  personal  name  Kwei  J^  and  his 
mother  was  a  Hwang  fa.  He  was  born  at  Ning-hai  Sf£  $J  in 
Shan-tung  in  703  A.D.,  i.e.  the  year  Kwei-mao  ^  JJ|]  during  the 
reign  of  the  Empress  Wu-heu  |£  fc,  on  the  Kwei-mao  ^f  JJ[1  dav 
of  the  8th  moon. 

Chang  had  a  very  handsome  face  with  splendid  beard  and 
resembled  Wang-ling-kwan  (1)  BE  It  TlT-  He  was  possessed  of 
a  clear  intelligence  and  passed  the  official  examinations,  becoming 
a  prefect  of  the  second  class.  He  was  greatly  esteemed  for  his 
consistent  justice.  During  his  administration  many  students 
took  their  degrees  for  he  was  never  severe  towards. them.  When 
the  surrounding  districts  were  ravaged  by  an  epidemic,  bis  was 
spared  and  the  residents  built  a  temple  and  honoured  him  there. 

Yiih-ti  3£  'n^  knowing  him  to  be  exactly  just  and  of  a 
piercing  intelligence,  conferred  on  him  the  title,  "Speedy  Avenger 
of  Injustice,"  and  the  office  of  watching  epidemics.  Also  he  was 
to  guard  infants  against  small  pox.   (2) 

Chang  is  one  of  the  male  divinities  of  the  small  pox  and 
his  statue  is  to  be  found  in  very  many  temples. 

(1)  See  Article  XIX  above. 

(2)  Sheu-shen-lci  (T  :#)  JS   ipME  P-  2  0. 

Cf.  Vol.  X  (below;  :  Chap.  V  Art.  Ill  p.  7  57  sqq. 




(Thunder  Department)    (T)  C 

*    m    tf     7c     BrtJ 

In  the  prefecture  of  Ku-yung-chow  "£  %  )\\  on  Mt.  Shen-lei 
1$  m  \ti  (Mountain  of  the  Spirit  Thunder)  the  thunder-god  was 
wont  to  come  forth  out  of  the  mountain-side  at  the  10th  moon : 
during  summer  and  autumn  he  hid  under  the  form  of  a  hen.  A 
poor  wood-cutter  of  Yung-chow  named  Sin-hing  ^  JS.  and  with 
the  added  name  of  Chen-yii  U  ^  used  to  cut  fire-wood  for  his 
mother.  One  day  in  the  eighth  month  while  cutting  faggots  on 
Mt.  Shen-lei,  he  had  the  good  fortune  to  come  across  five  hens 
roosting  in  the  depths  of  a  cave.  He  took  them  off  home  to 
his  mother.  She  put  four  of  them  into  a  crate-hasket,  covering 
them  over  with  clothes,  but  she  kept  the  other  out  to  kill  it  and 
cook  it  for  a  meal.  But  this  hen  spoke  and  said  to  her: 
"Beware,  I  am  the  Spirit  of  the  Thunder:  you  cannot  eat  me: 
beware  of  doing  me  any  harm."  The  old  lady  was  quite  unmoved 
by  this  prodigy :  thereupon  the  lightning  flashed  and  she  was 
dashed  to  the  ground. 

Siu-hing  came  back  again,  this  time  with  fire-wood  and 
wine  and  found  his  poor  old  mother  lying  lifeless  on  the  floor. 
He  could  not  understand  why  his  mother,  so  good  an  old  woman, 
should  have  been  killed  or  how  she  could  have  died  so  suddenly. 
Just  then  the  wind  howled,  the  thunder  rolled  and  from  amid 
the  thunder-clouds  the  outraged  divinity  was  about  to  kill 
Sin-hing.  But  instead,  in  consideration  of  Sin's  filial  piety,  a 
Taoist  adept  appeared  and  said,  "If  1  have  killed  your  mother, 
the  reason  is  that  she  was  about  to  kill  me.  Do  not  bear  me 
any  grudge :  I  am  the  Thunder-spirit  and  I  now  ask  your  pardon." 
Thereupon,  he  gave  Sin  12  iron-pills.  Sin  swallowed  them  and 
was  completely  metamorphosed.     His  mouth  became  a  beak;  he 


grew  wings :  in  one  hand  he  held  a  hammer  and  in  the  other  a 
wedge  :  beneath  his  feet  were  five  drums.  His  first  task  was 
to  save  his  mother.     That  done,  he  disappeared. 

The  sovereign  of  the  heavens  canonized  him  for  his  great 
filial  piety  with  the  title  :  Generalissimo  of  the  star  Keu,  member 
of  the  Thunder  Department.  Along  with  Pih-ijuan-shwai  (Article 
XXX)  he  rules  over  the  demons  of  the  five  directions.  (]) 

Chang's  statue  along  with  of  Pih-yuan-shwai  is  often  to 
be  seen  in  temples  of  Chen-wu  jpl  "p^,  e.g.  in  that  at  T'ai-hing. 

This  spirit  seems  to  be  merely  a  doublet  of  Lei-kung  f[f  ^ 
(the  Thunder  Divinity)   and  has  no  historical  prototype. 

(1)     Sheu-shenl'i  (T  #)  ^   1$  IE  P-  21. 


T'lEII-YUArV-SHWAl     (T)  B. 

M     7c     Biti 

T'ai-yih-chen-jen  js:  &  0L  \  received  from  Yuh-ti  3£  ^ 
an  order  to  send  one  of  the  six  Ting  ~f  spirits  (see  Art.  XIII) 
to  earth  to  be  born  from  a  Yen  woman  JfS :  for  the  child  there 
was  to  be  no  father.  The  birth  took  place  on  the  seventh  day 
of  the  fifth  month  in  the  year  Ping-wu  p*j  ^  of  the  Emperor 
Sin  -^  of  the  Slicing  j*j  dynasty.  (1)  The  name  of  the  child  was 

From  earl}'  youth,  he  was  remarkable  for  courage  and 
daring  and  his  strength  was  such  that  he  could  knock  over  nine 
oxen.  So  in  a  series  of  Herculean  toils,  he  killed  a  demon  south 
of  Shui-ying  7k.  |fj,  tamed  a  horse  of  fire  north  of  Yin-shan  [5J; 
|lj,  killed  another  demon  at  Ye-hwo-miao  jgf  fc  )f$\,  took  captive 
a  Demon-fox  at  Tse-hii-leu  %  |g  j^,  and  destroyed  a  Demon- 
snake  of  the  Kiang  yX- 

Yuh-ti  rewarded  his  bravery  by  confiding  to  him  the 
administration  of  the  Northern  lands  and  honoured  him  with 
the  title  of  "Fierce,  Impetuous  Generalissimo  T'ieh."  (2)  The 
whole  stoiw  seems  to  be  lacking  historical  basis. 

(1)  There  were  three  Emperors  of  this  name  in  the  dynasty:  Siao 
Siu  (1373-1352  B.C.);  Lin  Sin  (1225-1219  B.C.)  and  the  infamous  Chow  Sin 
fcf  ^S,  the  last  of  the  dynasty  (1154-1122  B.C.).  The  year  Ping-wu  does 
not  fall  in  either  of  the  first  reigns:  it  falls  on  the  year  1155  B.C.  and 
perhaps  this  may  be  meant  as  the  first  year  of  Chow-sin:  if  not,  the  dating 
is  purely  at  random. 

(2)  Shcushcn-ki  (T  #)  45   ^  IE  P-  23. 

Fig.  187 

Generalissimo  T'ieh. 

Fie.  488 


/!  / 


Generalissimo  K'ang, 


K'ANG-YUAN-SHWAl     (I J   T.) 

B    7c     Brfi 


An  incarnation  of  the  dragon-horse  took  for  its  father 
Kwang-yeu  |ff  j§  and  for  its  mother  a  Km  ^:  these  people  dwelt 
on  the  banks  of  the  Hwang-ho  (Yellow  River)  jlr  */pJ.  The 
birth  of  the  child,  K'ang,  took  place  on  the  wholly  mythical  date 
of  the  9th  year  of  the  Emperor  Jen-hwang  £  Jl  during  the 
period  Yen-teh  4£  ^. 

K'ang  was  remarkable  for  his  compassion  :  he  never  did 
harm  to  any  living  being.  Worms  and  ants  were  the  objects  of 
his  tender  care.  His  one  great  pleasure  was  to  drink  a  pure 
noble  wine. 

One  day  he  saw  a  bird  of  prey  swoop  on  a  little  heron 
and  carry  it  off  but  the  little  bird  fell  to  earth  again  with  a 
broken  wing.  So  K'ang  took  it  home,  bandaged  its  wing  and 
nursed  it:  the  heron  grew  big  and  one  day  brought  in  its  beak  a 
stem  of  the  herb  of  immortality  which  it  presented  to  its 

On  the  lips  of  the  people,  he  was  spoken  of  as  the 
"beneficent"  for  he  cured  all  sicknesses.  So  the  Celestial 
Monarch  confirmed  the  title  formally  as:  "Beneficent  and  sage 
generalissimo,"  and  conferred  on  him  supervision  of  the  four 
cardinal  points.  He  is  depicted  as  carrying  a  club  in  his  right 
hand  and  a  golden  axe  in  his  left.   (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-M  (T  # )  4i   #  IE  P-  23. 




MUNG  YUAN  SH1VA1    (She  Merciful)    ( I )  IS 

j&       7C        A|I 

Somewhere  in  the  fourth  century  B.  C.  a  temple  was  built 
in  the  kingdom  of  Chao  ^  in  honour  of  Mung  with  the  title  of 
Tsiang-kiiin  $f  jpf,  Marshal.  The  actual  dates  of  his  life  are 
uncertain.  He  was  born  on  the  12th  of  the  8th  moon  in  the  Wu 
sheng  year  ^  ^  of  a  mother  Kwok  ||S  and  a  father  Ki-hao  i|>/ff. 
The  child's  name  was  Mung-shan  jfc  (1|.  He  died  in  the  12th 
moon  of  the  Keng-ch'en  year  j|?  j||. 

Being  very  sympathetic,  it  happened  that  as  mandarin 
his  thoughts  turned  to  his  old  mother  and  to  the  mothers  of  so 
many  prisoners  in  his  charge.  These  poor  fellows,  he  reflected, 
could  not  go  to  see  their  mothers.  So  he  visited  his  prisons 
and  told  the  immates  how  their  state  actually  conflicted  with 
filial  piety.  The  prisoners  wept  and  asked  for  the  favour  of 
being  allowed  to  revisit  their  mothers.  Then  Mung  made  a  pro- 
posal to  them.  "If  you  all  promise  to  be  back  here  by  the  fifth 
of  the  first  moon,  I  will  let  you  go  home  on  the  twenty-fifth  of 
the  twelfth  moon."  The  prisoners  agreed,  were  let  go  and  kept 
their  word.  It  became  an  annual  custom. 

So  Mung  began  to  meditate  how  these  fellows  were  really 
good  men  :  they  had  filial  piety,  they  were  trustworthy  :  they  were 
even  just  in  as  much  as  they  came  back  to  pay  their  debt  to 
human  justice.  So  one  day  he  said  to  them  all,  "If  I  set  you 
all  at  liberty,  will  you  conduct  yourself  well  for  the  future?" 
"We  have  been  bad  in  the  past,"  they  answered  him,  "but  we 
swear  that  from  now  on,  we  will  lead  blameless  lives."  "Then," 
said  the  mandarin,  "I  set  you  all  free."  The  prisoners  said, 
"That  is  all  very  well  for  us,  but  what  about  you  yourself?" 
"Oh,  I  have  only  one  life  and  if  I  lose  it  in  saving    hundreds   of 

Fig.  189 

Generalissimo  Meng. 

MUNG   YUAN    SHWAI  187 

others,  what  harm  does  it  do?"  The  convicts  protested  that 
they  had  merited  death  by  their  crimes  and  could  not  consent  to 
purchase  their  liberty  at  the  cost  of  his  innocent  life,  seeing  too 
that  they  owed  him  many  favours.  Mung-shan,  now  in  tears, 
said,  "Be  assured,  I  have  my  own  ways  of  managing."  So  the 
prisoners  were  freed  from  their  chains,  did  obeisance  to  him 
and  left. 

The  superior  mandarin,  one  T'eng  Fj|£,  informed  of  what 
had  happened  sent  for  Mung  shan,  had  him  punished  and  censur- 
ed him  :  "I  order  you  to  get  back  the  800  prisoners  whom  you  have 
set  at  liberty:  if  one  solitary  prisoner  is  missing,  you  will  forfeit 
your  life."  Mung-shan  replied,  "I  am  ready  to  die,  but  I  cannot 
get  back  those  eight-hundred.''  Then  he  seized  a  lance  and 
tried  to  pierce  himself:  three  times  he  tried  and  each  time  an 
invisible  power  struck  it  aside  and  only  the  lance-handle  met  his 
breast.  Mung  now  heard  someone  calling  him  out  of  doors:  on 
going  out,  he  found  a  chariot  waiting  him  ready  harnessed,  and 
a  whole  escort  with  flags. 

Mung  went  off  and  paid  his  respects  to  Yuli-ti  3£  ^  who 
canonized  him  as :  Magnificent  Generalissimo  of  the  Kingdom 
of  Chao.  The  heavenly  sovereign  placed  two  of  the  immortal's 
flowers  on  his  hat  and  made  him  a  present  of  a  lance  decorated 
with  a  yellow  dragon.  The  higher  mandarin  sent  a  memorial 
on  the  event  to  the  prince  of  Chao  and  this  latter  had  a  temple 
built  in  honour  of  Mung  and  gave  him  the  title   of   Marshal.  (1) 

(1)      Sheu-shen-M  (T  #)  4t  •$  IE  P-  25.26. 


I  I 'XG-HWO-VL YX  T'lEX-YU  YX  SIIYVA1     (T) 

M     'X     1%     ffl     7c     ftd 

GENERALISSIMO  T'lEN  (of  the  Wind  and  Fire  Ministry) 

This  generalissimo  (or  apparently  this  group  of  hrothers) 
had  T'ien-tsien  EB  $|:  as  father  and  Tiao-ch'un-hi  <J  ^  §  as 
mother  and  came  from  T'ai-ping-kwoh  -Jx  2p  pg.  There  were 
in  all  three  brothers,  matchless  musicians:  T'ien-sun-liu  EB  1=0 -§3, 
T'ien-lmng-i  EB  j*  H  and  T'ien-che-piao  EB  ^  ^,  in  order  of 
seniority.  In  the  period  K'ai-yuan  $J  j£  (713-742  A.  D.),  the 
T'awgf  Emperor  Hiien-tsung  Jf  ]£  ^  took  them  as  his  music- 
masters.  They  were  formed  for  cantatas  and  dances,  and  were 
excellent  flutists.  When  they  played  their  magic  flutes,  the 
clouds  stayed  in  their  course  across  the  sky,  and  the  harmony 
of  their  songs  opened  the  Lah-mei  flowers  Jjjf(  $f  :f£  (Chimonan- 
thes  Fragrans,  a  scented  flower  opening  in  the  depth  of  winter, 
12th  moon). 

The  Emperor  fell  sick  and  in  a  dream  he  saw  the  three 
brothers  playing  the  Chinese  equivalents  of  mandoline  and  violin; 
the  harmony  of  their  tones  charmed  him  and  he  awoke  cured. 
So  he  made  marquises  of  the  three  of  them. 

They  are  in  one  account  credited  with  the  invention  of 
the  dragon-boats,  the  once  national  event  in  China  on  the  5th 
of  the  fifth  month  (1).  The  Taoist  Grand-Master  was  engaged 
in  staying  an  epidemic  but  the  demons  proved  intractable.  So  he 
consulted  the  three  brothers.  T'ien  yuan  shwai  caused  a  large 
boat  named  "Shen-cheu"  (Spirit-boat)  $$  -jfj-  to  be  constructed. 
This  was  to  be  manned  by  a  million  spirits  under  orders  to  keep 
beating  drums.     The  din  enticed  the  demons  out  from  the  town 

(1)     Sheu-slien-li  (T  3£)  JS   #  IE  1»-  24- 

Fig.  190 

Les  trois  freres  musiciens. 
The  three  Brothers  Musicians. 


to  listen  to  the  concerted  sound.     T'ien  yuan  shwai  seized   them 
and  drove  them  away  with  the  help  of  the  Taoist  Master. 

Chang  t'ien  shi  3j|  Ji  ftfj  (1)  recognizing  T'ien' s  skill  and 
craft,  gave  certain  helpers  and  adressed  a  memorial  to  the  Emperor 
Hiien-tsung  (i.e.  Ming-hwang  jjf  0^  ^)  to  inform  of  these  striking 
deeds.  The  Emperor  canonized  the  brothers  with  the  title  of 
marquises.  All  the  members  of  their  family  received  posthumous 
titles  of  nobility.  (2) 

(1)  See  Chinese  Superst.  Vol  V  p.  648  (Engl.  Trans.)  for  the  usual 
traditional  explanation  of  the  Dragon-boat  festival,  connecting  it  with 
the  poet  K'uh-yuen  Jg  j^  B.C.  332-295. 

(2)  The  great  wizard  of  Taoism,  see  Article  IX  above. 


KlU-Ll-HU-SlEN    (  I  ) 

x  m  m  fiii 


At  Sien-yeii-hsicn  -flJLl  $1  $$->  a  sub-prefecture  in  the  district 
Hing-hiva-fu  J|  ft  }{f  in  Fuh-kien  fg  ££  there  lived  one  Ho-tung- 
p'an  ffi  jg  ^ij  with  his  wife  Lin  ffi.  She  bore  nine  children  of 
whom  the  eldest  was  one-eyed  and  all  the  others  blind.  The 
father  in  despair  determined  to  kill  them  all.  But  the  mother 
found  a  man  to  take  them  oft'  to  the  mountains  towards  the 
north-east  of  Sien-yeu-hsien.  There  on  the  mountain  of  the  Nine 
Immortals  they  devoted  themselves  to  the  hermit's  life  :  nearby 
is  a  lake  and  on  its  shores  they  concocted  the  elixir.  Succeeding 
in  their  essay,  they  mounted  each  a  red  carp  and  disappeared: 
hence  the  lake  is  called  Kiu-li-hu  \  $j|  $JJ,  the  Nine  carp  Lake. 
By  the  lake  is  a  temple  where  great  crowds  gather  every  year 
to  burn  incense  in  honour  of  the  nine  brothers. 

The  poet  Hwang-mung-liang  lif  -^  j^  has  commemorated 
the  legend  in  verse.  (1)  Having  described  the  wondrous  land- 
scape that  is  the  setting  of  the  story,  he  tells  how  the  nine  carps 
became  nine  dragons  and  raised  the  immortals  to  the  heavens. 

The  "SJlen-sien-t'ung-'kien,'  jjiifi  -fjjj  y|  |K  fixes  a  date  for 
these  events  and  adds  picturesque  details.  According  to  this 
account,  the  King  of  Min  p]  (Fuh-kien)  W%-chu  4tt  gg,  in  the 
days  of  the  Han  emperor  Wu-ti  7H  "jf^  ^  (140  —  86  B.C.),  had  a 
glorious  palace  built  for  himself  amid  the  Niao-shih  (Bird-rock) 
Mountains  ,%  ^  |||,  in  a  site  of  enchanting  beauty.  On  the 
ninth  of  the  ninth  in  the  year  Ping-ch'en  pj  H  (125  B.C.),  the 
king  gave  a  great  banquet.  Someone  told  how  the  brothers  Ho 
were  engaged  in  making  their  pills  of  immortality  on  the  borders 
of  the  lake  below.     The  king  immediately  sent  for  them, 

(1)     Sheu-shen-M  (T  #)  4£  #  IE  P-  58. 


The  brothers  were  asked  whence  they  came  and  what 
their  powers  were.  They  answered  that  after  a  feast  on  Mt. 
Sil-mi  (Su-meru  2j|  "/!$  lil),  they  had  gone  off  with  T'ai-kih-chen- 
jen  ^c  ^  H  A  and  each  had  now  a  special  gift  of  magic.  So 
they  displayed  their  talents  for  the  Emperor. 

The  first  made  a  pass  on  the  air  and  immediately  a  golden 
cup  rose  from  the  royal  table  and  plunged  down  into  the  lake. 
The  second  pointed  at  one  of  the  mountains :  its  rocky  sides 
split  and  lotus  flowers  sprang  forth.  The  third  flew  up  against 
the  face  of  a  precipice,  wrote  letters  there  and  came  down  the 
air  again.  The  fourth  by  a  breath,  stirred  a  wind  that  whirled 
up  rocks  like  a  swarm  of  flies :  on  a  sudden,  the  wind  ceased  and 
the  rocks  returned  to  their  mountain  caves.  The  fifth  uprooted 
a  fir  and  changed  it  to  a  gilded  dragon  which  first  flew  aloft 
and  then  retired  into  a  cave  :  with  a  bamboo  branch,  the  genius 
made  as  if  to  fish  it  out  and  stirring  up  the  dragon  changed  him 
back  to  a  fir-tree  again.  The  sixth  with  a  hand-pass  made  a 
neighbouring  mountain  move  off  to  the  east  and  then  called  a 
mountain  from  the  north  to  shift  into  the  vacant  site. 

When  the  turn  came  for  the  seventh,  he  announced  that 
as  the  brothers  had  already  made  the  elixir,  they  were  now  about 
to  depart.  So  he  turned  to  the  lake,  and  nine  carps  came  at 
his  summons.  The  nine  brothers  rode  on  the  backs  of  the  fish 
up  into  the  skies. 

From  that  on,  the  lake  was  known  as  the  Nine  Carp  Lake 
and  the  mountain  as  that  of  the  Nine  Immortals.  Now  king 
Wu-chu  4H£  ^  and  his  court  on  seeing  this  ascension  of  the  genii 
had  flung  themselves  on  their  knees  and  the  fifth  of  the  brothers 
let  fall  to  earth  the  bamboo  with  which  he  had  played  the 
dragon :  so  the  king  treasured  it  and  on  the  facing  mountain 
Niao-shih  ,%  ^  [i|  had  a  ferrace  Ling-siao  ^  f^  j|  built  to  be  a 
monument  of  these  wonders.  On  the  edge  of  the  lake  he  had 
another  temple  built  where  sacrifice  was  offered  annually  to  the 
Nine  Immortals.  (1) 

(1)     Shen-sien-Vung-lcien  jjjtj]  \\\\  M  f£     Bk.  VII,  Art  7  p.  S  -  Art.  8  p.  1. 


\\  AXG-Slll-CH'Er*     (T) 

I   #   s 

~\Yang's  real  name  was  Wang-wen-k'ing  T:  #  0  \  Shi-ch'en 
was  an  official  title  (Majordomo).  He  was  born  in  the  time  of 
the  Sung  dynasty  (X1,XII,XIII  centuries  A.D.).  (1)  He  was 
noted  for  a  most  unusual  cast  of  features. 

When  grown  to  manhood,  he  took  to  travelling  all  over 
the  country.  One  day  he  met  a  magician  who  gave  him  a  charm 
for  setting  the  winds  in  movement  and  casting  lightning-bolts. 
This  magician  was  the  Taoist  on  whom  the  Sung  Emperor 
Hwui-tsung  %  $  &  (1101-1126  A.D.)  conferred  the  title  of 
"Taoist  Adept  of  the  Palace;"  this  important  personage  often 
wished  to  make  gifts  to  Wang  but   our  worthy   always   refused. 

Once  upon  a  time,  the  district  of  Yang-chow  %  )\\  suffered 
a  long  period  of  drought.  Wang  was  begged  to  command  the 
rain.  So  he  took  his  sword,  filled  his  mouth  with  water  (as 
Chinese  laundrymen  and  others  still  do)  and  sprayed  it  like  rain 
in  the  air,  saying,  "Let  the  Yellow  River  rise  three  feet!"  Three 
davs  after,  the  mandarin  of  Yang-chow  reported  to  the  Emperor 
that  a  yellow  rain  had  just  fallen  in  his  district. 

In  the  epoch  T a- yuan  (no  such  name  ^  7c  in  the  usual 
period  lists:  ^c  ||  was  1107-1111  A.D.)  a  temple  was  built  for 
Wang  in  the  town  of  Kien-ch'ang-fu  ^  ||  /ft-  It  became  famous 
for  prodigies  and  was  crowded  with  worshippers.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-li  (T  #)  i$  /#  IE  P-  5  9. 

Fig.  191 

Wang-che-tch'en  fait  monter  l'eau  du  fleuve  Jeune. 
Wang-ski-ch'en  raises  a  flood  in  the  Yellow  River. 

LU-SHAN  k'wang-feu-sien-sheng  193 


I     Jj     I     I    A     4 


This  teacher's  name  was  K'wang-shuh  [S  $|  and  his 
personal  name  Eiun-pHng  ^  2p.  with  a  second  style  Feu  JfL.  He 
was  horn  in  the  south  of  the  Kingdom  of  Ch'u  j§|.  When  he 
was  still  quite  young-  he  conceived  the  idea  of  living  as  a  recluse 
and,  refusing  the  offices  presented  by  the  Emperor  Wu  ^  3£ 
(1122  —  1115  B.C.),  he  retired  to  the  south  of  Mt.  Nan-chang 
rff  |»y[  UJ  Pasr-  which  flowed  the  Tiger  Stream  JF^  y||.  Here  he 
built  a  hut  of  straw  furnished  barely  with  a  couch  and  some 
books.  Here  he  was  visited  by  Yung-ch'eng-kung  ^  ^  ^ 
disguised  as  a  young  man  who  taught  him  the  secret  of  the 

This  K'wang-shuh  ||  $jf  was  the  second  eldest  of  five 
brothers:  the  eldest  was  K'wang-s uh  |I|  f£,  named  Tsze-hi  ^-  ^. 
The  three  younger  brothers  dwelt  some  time  at  Lu-shan  in 
company  with  K'wang-shuh  g  $j|. 

In  the  reign  of  K'ang-wang  jf§  3£,  1078-1052  B.C.,  K'wang- 
shuh  professed  himself  a  disciple  of  Lao-lsze  3£  ^  and  even 
received  from  his  lips  all  sorts  of  magic  recipes.  When  Lao-tsze 
left  the  court  to  retire  to  Poh  3g,  Kwang-shuh  reentered  CJrou 
$£  where  he  arrived  during  the  reign  of  Chao-wang  HS  3:  (1052- 
1001  B.C.).  There  he  taught  his  brothers  the  doctrine  of  immor- 
tality. About  a  thousand  years  later,  the  Han  Emperor  Wu-H 
(140-86  B.C.)  returning  from  the  Sacred  Hill  of  the  South,  Mt. 
Heng  Hj  dj  in  Hunan,  passed  by  P'ang-li  (the  Po-yang  lake)  % 
j||,  and  found  there  a  temple  of  K'wang-suh  |a|  (ft  to  whom  he 
paid  his  respects.  Thence  he  made  for  the  Siin-yang-kiang  ^  f^ 
$L-     The  noise  of  the  drums  on  the  imperial    bark   annoyed    the 



river-dragon  who  made  such  a  disturbance  of  the  waters  that 
the  hoat  was  on  the  point  of  being  swamped.  Then  there 
appeared  an  archer  who  walked  over  the  waters  and  came  to  the 
imperial  boat.  Very  respectfully  he  told  the  sovereign  that  he 
had  been  sent  by  his  brother  Suh  f^  to  protect  the  imperial 
person  as  the  emperor  had  just  been  praying  in  his  temple. 
Then  he  shot  some  arrows  into  the  dragon,  killed  it  and  disap- 
peared, having  restored  calm  to  the  waters.  The  emperor  was 
puzzled  and  asked  his  Taoist-adepts  to  explain.  "We  know," 
said  they,  "that  K'wang-suh  has  a  younger  brother  K'wang-shu 
([MM)  and  trus  *s  probably  the  Immortal  who  has  appeared  to 

So  the  Emperor  canonized  him  as :  Nan-kih-ta-ming-hung 
if  $&  ^  0)3  £:  Most  Illustrious  Duke  of  the  South  Pole  (or 
perhaps  here  "Extremity"  as  the  Emperor  had  been  visiting  the 
Sacred  Peak  of  the  South). 

K'wang-shuh  had  such  marvellous  powers  as  enabled  him 
to  command  dragons  and  ride  tigers.  The  five  marshals  of 
epidemics  had  to  submit  to  him  and  take  his  orders.  The  Emperor 
Wu-ti  had  a  temple  built  in  his  honour  on  the  bank  of  the 
Tiger  River.  Later  on,  the  prefect  of  Kiu-yin  f§  ||§,  by  name 
Hwan-i  ;jg  ffi,  had  it  transferred  to  a  site   near   the   pass   of  Mt. 

This  genius  has  jurisdiction  over  the  Ministry  of  epidemics 
and  protects  those  who  supplicate  him  in  time  of  drought,  floods 
or  plagues.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-lci  (T*  #)  4S  #  IE  p.  59.     Shen-sien-t'ung-l:icn    jptji  \\\\  iflj 
Bk.  4,  Art.  9  p,  5:  Bk.  5  Art.  1,  p.  1;  Bk.  8  Art.  6  p.  2. 

Fig.  192 

Liu-chan  K'oang-fou-sien-cheng  et  son  frere  aine  K'oang-sou. 

The  teacher  Kio'ang-feu  of  Lii-shan,  and  his  eldest  brother  Kw'ang-snh, 

Fig.  193 

Hoang-sien-che  le  dessinateur  de  talismans. 
Hwang  the  Immortal,  writer  of  magic  charms. 



M    fill     SB 


As  Hwang  was  the  seventh  among  his  brothers,  he  was 
usually  known  as  ji  -fc;  ^V  Hwang  ts'ih-kung:  Hwang  the  Seventh. 
He  was  born  at  Shang  hang-hsien  J^  5^  JH  in  Fuh-kien  in  the 
prefecture  of  Kiang  Chow  fji  $\. 

He  was  by  profession  a  magician,  a  writer  of  charms:  he 
exorcised  devils  with  whips.  Legend  tells  that  the  countryside  was 
suffering  great  annoyance  from  a  mountain-demon  and  a  praeter- 
natural  stone.  Hwang  got  the  better  of  them  with  his  charms 
and  then  got  into  the  stone  himself  and  never  more  came  forth. 
That  particular  rock  had  something  human  about  its  shape,  some 
resemblance  to  Hwang -ts'ih-kung  n|r  -fc  Q. 

At  Chung -liao-ch'ang  fH  5=?  ^  a  temple  was  erected  in  his 
honour  on  a  rock  called  Shih-k'i  ^  ^.  Afterwards  it  was  removed 
to  the  south  of  Shang -hang-hsien.  J^  ^  f|.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen  Id  (T   &  )  48  #  IE  P-  60. 




ac  m  *   w  k 


This  title  is  that  posthumously  conferred  on  Yen-chen-k'ing 

fff  if|  Jjifip  who  lived  in  the  time  of  the  T'ang  Emperor    Teh-tsung 
J§  ^  ^  (780-805  A.D.) 

The  Emperor  used  Yen  as  a  trusty  officer  to  oppose  the 
rebel  Li-hi-lieh  ^  %  $[{  in  783  A.D.  (Kwei-hai  H^).  Before  Yen 
set  out  against  the  rebel,  his  family  entertained  him  to  dinner  at 
Cheng -loh-p'o  -^  |lj|  f$.  In  his  cups,  he  revealed  that  he  had 
once  upon  a  time  met  a  Taoist  adept  by  name  T'ao-pah-pah  |5^J 
A  A  from  whom  he  had  got  the  pill  of  immortality:  but  the 
Taoist  had  warned  him,  "In  seventy  years  there  will  be  great 
danger  waiting  you.  I  will  expect  you  on  the  bank  of  the  I-loh 
\f  jg.  on  Mt.  Lo-feu  $|  ffi  \[\."  Yen  confessed  that  now  he  felt 
that  he  was  going  to  his  death. 

When  Yen  arrived  at  the  Eastern  capital  to  exhort  the 
rebel  to  make  his  submission,  this  latter  had  him  surrounded  by- 
minions  who  abused  him  and  threatened  to  butcher  him.  But 
he  remained  so  unmoved  that  Li-hi-lieh  ^  ^  ^  actually  treated 
him  with  respect. 

The  next  year,  784  A.D.  Li,  had  himself  proclaimed  Emperor 
and  took  the  title  of  Wu-ch'eng  "^/j^,.  Ten  wrote  from  Ts'ai-chow 
<$£  f\\  a  farewell  report  to  the  Emperor  and  Li  shortly  had  him 
strangled.  He  was  77  years  of  age  at  his  death  and  the  emperor 
gave  him  the  posthumous  title  of  Wen-chung  t£  *,  "Distinguished 
and  Loyal."  Before  his  death  he  entrusted  his  gold  belt  to  an 
imperial  envoy  and  enjoined  on  him  to  bury  his  corpse  carefully. 
This  the  envoy  did  to  the  south  of  Ts'ai-chow  ^  >}[\. 

Fig.  194 

Yen  Tchen-k'ing,  canonist,  premier  officier  du  Ministere  des  Exorcismes  du  p61e  Nord. 
Yen  Chen-kHng,  canonised,  first  officer  of  the  Ministry  that  exorcises  the  North  Pole. 

peh-kih-k'u-sie-yuan  197 

In  787  A.D.  (Ting-mao  ~f  JJ[J),  the  minister  Li-pi(l)^  $£N 
begged  the  Emperor  to  order  befitting  obsequies  for  his  loyal 
official,  Yen-lu-kung  fjf  <j§.  ^  (the  honorific  title  given  by  the 
Emperor,  "Duke  of  Lu")  who  had  died  in  the  imperial  cause. 
The  Emperor  sent  his  own  son  to  bring  the  coffin  to  the  capital. 
The  prince  got  the  coffin  opened  and  though  it  was  mouldering, 
the  body  was  intact:  hands  and  feet  were  flexible,  the  black  hair 
and  beard  were  several  feet  in  length  and  the  hands  were  so 
resolutely  clenched  that  the  tips  of  the  fingers  had  pierced  the 
palms  of  the  hands.  So  the  body  was  put  into  a  new  coffin  and 
brought  to  the  capital.  The  obsequies  were  performed  with  all 
the  honours  due  to  dukes.  He  was  buried  at  Peh-shan  4b  [JL| 
near  Yen-shih-hsien  jg   ftp  J§£. 

Sometime  afterwards,  a  merchant  happened  to  pass  by 
Lo-feu-shan  ^  ffi  \\}  and  saw  two  Taoist  adepts  playing  at  chess 
under  the  trees.  One  of  them  addressed  him  and  asked  him 
where  he  came  from.  On  learning  he  was  from  Loh-yang  ^g.  [^, 
the  Taoist  smiled  and  said  he  wished  to  give  him  a  letter  for  his 
family.  Then  he  wrote  a  letter  and  entrusted  it  to  the  merchant. 
When  the  latter  had  returned  to  Peh-shan,  he  gave  the  letter  to 
the  custodian  of  the  family  tombs  and  he  gave  it  to  Yen's  rela- 
tives. They  recognized  the  writing  as  that  of  their  ancestor:  so 
Yew's  grave  was  opened  and  found  empty. 

Yuh'ti  canonized  the  worthy  as  Peh-kih-k'u-sie-iso-p'an- 
kwan  4b  Hm  Jfl$  £  f\]  i?  :  First  Military  Officer  of  the  Ministry 
of  Exorcisms  of  the  North  Pole. 

After  some  ten  years,  a  family  servant  entered  a  temple 
of  the  T'ung-teh-si  p]  i<g  ^p  at  Loh-yang  ffc  %  and  found  Yen- 
chen-k'ing  seated  there  on  the  altar  of  Buddha,  clad  in  a  white 
robe.  The  servant  went  closer  to  get  a  better  look  at  him  but 
the  figure  turned  away  its  face  and  so  kept    concealing    its   fea- 

(1)  A.D.  722-89.  A  famous  scholar  and  statesman.  In  756  he  became 
councillor  of  the  Emperor  Svh-tsung  ^  %  and  remained  so  for  three 
reigns.     Later  on  an  ardent  Taoist.     See  Vol,  VII  p.  46  8. 


tures  until  finally  it  left  the  temple,  passed  into  a  garden  and 
entered  a  hut  built  of  two  straw  cells :  into  this  the  servant 
followed.  Yen  inquired  about  his  relatives,  gave  the  servant 
an  ingot  of  gold  for  his  journey  and  told  him  not  to  divulge 
what  had  happened.  The  servant,  of  course,  on  his  return  told 
all :  the  gold  proved  to  be  genuine  and  was  sold.  The  people  of 
the  household  got  their  horses  and  rode  off  to  see  for  themselves 
but  everything  had  vanished  and  they  found  only  a  fallow  land 
covered  with  high  grass.  (1) 

(1)     Sheu-shen-ki  ("p  #)  #  j$  IE  P.  61. 

Shen-sien-t'ung-kien  jjpji  f|I|  M  gg  Bk.  16  Art.  1  p.  8;  Art.  3,  p    1. 

seh-hoh-t'ung-tsze  199 



In  the  account  of  Chili  nil  (French  ed.  Vol.  XI  p.  1028) 
the  reader  will  find  how  her  son  as  a  Crane-spirit  carried  his 
father  off  to  heaven.  Here  we  are  concerned  with  its  appearance 
in  the  biography  of  Pao-che-shan-shi  '^f  |^  jjj|i  gjfj  (or  Chi-kung  f^ 
^).  (1)  Chi  Kung  disputed  with  Peh-hoh-tao-jen  ^  ||  f  ^  the 
possession  of  Mt.  Ts'ien  $£  nj.  The  Liang  Emperor  Wu-ti  |$&  5^ 
*j$f  promised  it  to  the  first  to  get  hold  of  the  mountain.  The 
crane  flew  off  to  take  possession,  but  just  as  it  was  about  to 
settle  on  the  land,  Chi-kung's  |&  <&  staff  came  whistling  through 
the  air  behind  and  the  crane  took  fright  and  flew  beyond.  The 
staff  fell  to  ground  and  the  site  was  adjudged  to  Chi-kung  f^^. 

The  statue  of  this  White  Crane  Boy  is  to  be  found  in 
many  Taoist  temples  and  the  Fung-shen-yen-yi  |jj-  ffi  ^  j||  gives 
an  account  of  his  exploits.  He  was,  according  to  this,  the  disci- 
ple of  Yuan-shi-t'ien-tsun  (Article  I)  jt  jt£  Ji  j|r,  and  together 
they  helped  the  commander  in  chief  of  the  Chow  armies  at  the 
foundation  of  the  dynasty  (1122  B.C.).  The  White  Crane  Boy 
distinguished  himself  in  the  Hwang-ho-chen  jfr  fpj  (^.  When  the 
heroine  K'iiing  siao  J§|  fj  entered  the  struggle,  Yuan  ordered  his 
disciple  to  throw  into  the  air  his  precious  jewel,  the  magic  Ju-i 
tU  M-  (2)  In  falling  it  broke  the  head  of   K'iung-siao.     Pih-siao, 

(1)  See  above  Vol.  VII  Art.  XXII  p.  4  57  sqq.   Chi-hang  (A  D.4  2  5-514), 
a  famous  Buddhist  monk. 

(2)  A  Ju-i  is  carried  by  Tss  wei-sing  in  Fig.  359,360  of  Vol.    XII:    see 
also  Fig.  131  (above). 

Originally  a  Buddhist  magic  jewel,  one  of  the  7  Precious  things, 
the  Saptnaratna.  In  China  a  sceptre,  a  symbol  of  Buddhist  gods  (and  in 
Chinese  court  usage,  a  token  of  distinction).  Said  originally  to  be  an 
instrument  for  back-scratching. 


?v  1?  ner  sister,  came  to  avenge  her  loss:  she  cast  her  magic 
scissors  in  the  air  in  order  to  kill  Yuan.  But  Pehhoh's  Ju-i  Hies 
up  a  second  time  and  colliding  with  the  scissors,  makes  it  crash 
to  the  ground.  Yuan,  availing  himself  of  the  chance,  draws  a 
box  from  his  sleeve,  flings  it  into  the  air  and  Pth-siao  finds  her- 
self imprisoned  and  is  killed  subsequently.  (1) 

(1)      Fung-shcn  ycn-yi^  jjjijj  '0  jfe  Bk.  5  Ilwui  51,  p.  1. 

Also  Chinese  Superstitions  Vol.  XI  Art. XI,  p.  932  on  K'ang-san- 
lu-niang  *£  ~  $  jfe  where  Fig-  262  depicts  the  battle  of  m  i«!  W  with 
Na-ch'a,  and  Fih-siao  and  her  scissors. 

Fig.  195 

Pe-ho-t  ong-tse. 

The  divining  youth  Peh-hoh  (White  Crane:. 

Fig.  196 

Tang-se  tsiang-kiun. 
General    Yang-sze. 


YAI\G-SZE-TSlAI\G-Klt)N     (T.B.) 

m   m   m  s 


Yang  is  one  of  the  generals  of  the  Naga-king,  Lung-wang 
(the  Dragon-King)  f|  3£  and  is  in  charge  of  the  policing  of  the 
waters.  Therefore  boatmen  and  the  lumbermen  on  the  rafts 
worship  him. 

In  several  temples  in  Hai-mcn  #|  p^  his  statue  occupies  a 
special  altar  and  is  much  reverenced  by  the  wood-merchants  as 
the  protector  of  the  rafts  of  wood. 

His  symbols  are  a  dragon,  as  he  controls  the  rivers  and 
watercourses  and  stills  storms,  and  an  axe,  symbol  of  wood- 



CH'lH-lilOH  SlEi\     (  I  ) 

#  m  at 


In  the  year  1009  A.D.  (Ki-yen  if,  !§)  during  the  reign  of 
the  Sung  Emperor  Chen-tsung  ^  j||  5^  in  the  10th  month,  a 
high  official  was  ordered  to  Mt.  Mao  ^  mj,  where  Mao-kiiin 
^  ;§"  Mao-ying  ^  ££  (1)  was  honoured,  to  demand  from  that 
spirit  an  heir  to  the  empire.  Mao-kiiin  happened  just  then  to  be 
staying  at  T'ai-shan  fj|  mj,  the  Sacred  Peak  of  the  East:  the  god 
of  T'ai-shan's,  daughter,  Pih-hia-yuan-liiin  ||.  j!|  7^  jg,  (2)  was 
Mao's  wife.  So  Mao  referred  the  request  to  the  god  who  in  turn 
presented  it  to  Yuh-ti  3£  $fr,  the  Ruler  of  Heaven.  Yuh-ti  was 
just  then  at  this  palace  of  T'ung-ming  }j|  ^  J$£  and  there  were 
12  bare-footed  Immortals  round  his  throne.  Yuh-ti  caught  one 
of  these  smiling  and  pounced  on  him  immediately  for  the  duty 
of  reincarnation  and  office  of  governing  men. 

The  Immortal  did  not  want  to  be  reincarnated  but  Yuh-ti 
insisted  and  gave  him  as  helps  two  K'iih  (j}J])  spirits,  one  civil 
("&  Wen)  and  one  military  (Wu  $£).  So  "Barefoot"  had  to  go, 
greatly  regretting  his  smile. 

On  the  5th  of  the  10th  month  of  1010  B.C.  (Keng-suh 
JH  Jf£),  an  heir  was  born  to  the  Emperor.  He  was  called  Sheu-i 
^  jifc,  Benefit  received  :  but  for  all  that,  he  wept  uninterruptedly. 
So  the  Emperor  by  proclamation  invited  any  person  to  supply  a 
remedy  for  stopping  tears  effectively.  A  Taoist  Adept  called  Leu 
^  presented  himself,  touched  the  little  prince's  head  and  said, 
"Don't  cry  !     It  had  been  better  had  you  not  laughed    when  you 

(1)  See  Article  LIV  for  the  Three  Brothers  Man. 

(2)  See  below  Vol.  XI  Art.  XXII  p.  990  sq. 


were  in  Yuh-ti's  palace.     Now,  take  heart !     Wen  Jc'iih  -%  $\  and 
Wu-k'ilh  will  give  help."     The  infant  ceased  crying. 

A  month  after  his  birth,  there  grew  up  under  his  cradle  a 
shoot  of  Ts'ing  ling-chi  f  |g,  a  herb  of  the  Immortals.  The 
little  prince,  from  his  earliest  years,  loved  to  walk  bare-foot.  (1) 

(1)     Shen-sien-t'ung-lcien  Jjfr  f|]j  M  $g  Bk.    18  Art.  8  p.  l. 




fi       7C       filfj 


The  small  town  of  "White-stone  Bridge"  in  the  Wen-chow 
imi  ')'\]  subprefecture  in  Cheh-kiang  flft  yx  was  the  birth-place  of 
Wen.  Though  his  family  was  of  the  people,  his  father  was  a 
scholar  with  the  bachelor's  degree.  As  he  had  no  child,  he  went 
with  his  wife  Chang-shi  ijj|  j£,  called  also  Tao-hwui,  M  M  to  Pray 
to  Heu-t'o  fa  ^L  (Sovereign  Earth)  in  his  temple. 

During  the  night,  his  wife  in  a  dream  saw  a  spirit  with 
golden  armour  who  held  in  one  hand  a  large  axe  and  in  the  other 
a  brilliant  pearl  which  he  was  offering.  'T  am",  said  he,  "one  of 
the  Kiah-shen  ^  f$  (1)  and  Yuh-hwang's  marshal.  I  desire  to 
be  incarnated  in  your  womb  and  become  a  man :  will  you  be  my 
mother?"  Chang-shi  accepted  as  she  was  a  pure  stupid  woman 
but  her  visitant  a  being  full  of  wisdom  and  majesty.  Then  the 
spirit  laid  his  pearl  in  her  womb  and  she  awoke. 

After  twelve  months,  she  bore  Wen-yuan-shwai:  it  was 
mid-day  of  the  fifth  of  the  fifth  month  and  the  year  was  142  A.D., 
i.e.  the  first  year  of  Han-ngan  ^  ^c  during  the  leign  of  the  Han 
Emperor  Shun-ti  fj|  Jlp  ^.  On  bathing  the  child,  his  cousin 
exclaimed:  "There  are  24  charms  written  on  his  left  side  and 
16  on  his  right  and  nobody  knows  the  characters."  (2)  Soon  after, 
all  these  vanished.  The  mother,  because  of  her  dream,  called  the 
child  Hwan  Tsz-yvh  ^  ^  31 ;  literally,  Bracelet — Child-Jade. 

(1)  Cf.  Che-rh  yuenkieh  Appendiee.     Thence  they    give    the    name    of 
these  six  spiiits  Taoist. 

(2)  See  above  Vol.  Ill  (Engl.  Ed.)  for  specimens  of  the  extraordinary 
characters  used  in  charms. 

Fig.  197 

Generalissimo  Wen. 



From  early  youth,  Wen  displayed  a  ready  talent.  At  seven, 
he  studied  the  stars;  at  ten,  the  classics,  histories  and  astronomy. 
At  nineteen,  he  sat  for  the  examinations  and  failed.  At  twenty- 
six,  he  abandoned  literature  for  arms:  and  in  the  military  exami- 
nations, he  failed  afresh.  So  he  reflected  sadly  that  in  life  he 
could  not  serve  his  monarch  and  his  people,  but  consoled  himself 
with  the  hope  that  after  death  he  should  aid  the  sovereign  by 
destroying  evildoers  and  abuses.  He  began  to  think  of  becoming 
a  recluse,  and  while  working  over  these  thoughts,  he  saw  a  dra- 
gon which  dropped  a  pearl  at  his  feet :  he  caught  up  the  pearl 
and  swallowed  it.  The  dragon  began  to  dance  and  twirl  before 
him.  Wen  seized  the  monster,  bent  him  to  a  circle  and  rolled 
its  tail  round  his  arm.  A  change  came  on  him  immediately  :  his 
face  went  grey,  his  hair  red,  his  body  blue  and  his  total  appear- 
ance was  terrifying.  Thereupon  the  god  of  T'ai-shan  ifjc  y\] 
appointed  him  as  his  assistant  in  governing  T'ai-shan,  an  office 
in  which  he  distinguished  himself. 

Yuh-hwang  canonized  him,  at  first,  as  the  Grand  spirit 
with  the  Golden  Neck;  then,  later  on,  as  the  Marshal,  Chief  of 
all  the  spirits,  Supervisor  of  all  officials  of  T'ai-shan.  He  besto- 
wed on  him  a  bracelet,  a  flower  made  of  gems  and  a  writing 
securing  him  free  entry  and  sortie  from  heaven,  allowing  him  to 
present  himself  in  Yuh-hwang' 's  palace  to  submit  petitions  in 
urgent  cases. 

He  is  depicted  with  a  precious  bracelet  in  his  left  and  a 
sort  of  battle-mace  T'ieh-kien  $§,  fgj  (an  "iron  baton",  prickly 
mace)  in  his  right. 

Wen  is  honoured  at  Wen-chow  ^  '}\\.  The  inhabitants  of 
that  town  by  persistent  entreaty  obtained  his  investiture  with 
honorific  titles.  (1)  In  many  temples  of  the  god  of  T'ai-shan,  his 
statue  also  is  to  be  found.  A  figure  very  similar  to  Fig.  197  was 

(1)     Shen-shcn-ki  «T  £)  W   #  IE  P-  18-19.  He  is  there  entitled.  Veu-yeu 
W en-yuan- shwai  #  JJ6  i&  7C  $&•. 


to  be  seen  in  a  temple  in  the  countryside  about  8  li  to  the  north- 
east of  Ju-kao.  To  give  him  more  dignity,  two  servants  and 
a  horse  were  in  attendance  on  him. 



T  m  m.         it; 


The  figures  of  these  two  genii,  often  as  giants  with  savage 
expressions  on  their  faces,  are  to  be  found  as  door-guardians  in 
many  Taoist  temples.  (1)  This  Chinese  Lynceus  and  his  brother 
of  superfine  hearing  were  named  Kao-ming  ~^j  B^j (Piercing  View) 
and  Kao-kioh  ^  Jl  (Delicately  Sensitive).  They  came  to  Chao- 
ko  ]|jj  ffc  and  were  presented  by  Fei-lien  Jfe  jjj|  to  the  Emperor 
Chow  f$  (the  infamous  last  member  of  the  Shang  dynasty  1154- 
1122  B.C.).  The  Emperor  greatly  admired  their  warlike  appear- 
ance and  granted  them  the  title  of  Spirit-Marshals  of  his  army 
Shen-wu-shang-tsiang-kiiln  j$i  jj£  J^  JJf  ||f  and  had  them  brought 
to  Mung-tsin  jg  -^  where  his  commander-in-chief  Yuen-hung  J^ 
$fc  then  was. 

Ko  Ming's  face  was  blue  in  tint  and  his  eyes  shone  like 
lamps:  he  was  very  tall :  his  mouth  had  a  wide  gape  and  showed 
tusk-like  teeth.  His  brother,  Ko-Kioh,  had  a  green  complexion : 
on  his  head  were  two  horns  :  he  had  a  red  beard  and  teeth  sharp 
as  swords  jutted  forth  from  his  large  mouth. 

Their  first  adversary  was  Na-ch'a  who  was  on  the  side  of 
the  Chow.  Na  flung  his  magic  bracelet  but  Kao-kioh  received  the 
blow  on  his  head  without  suffering  a  scratch.  Na  then  took  hold 
of  his  fiery  globe  but  the  brothers  discretely  withdrew.  As  all 
means  of  attack  proved  ineffectual,  a  council  was  held  by  Yang- 
tsien  j§j  ff£,  Kiang-tsze-ya  H  ^  ^  and  Li-tsing  ^5fg  to  debate  a 
method  of  beating  the  brother's  spells  by  using  the  trigrams(see 
upper  part  of  Fig.  199)  of  Fuh-hi  ffi  ||,  sprinkled  with  the  blood 
of  fowl   and   dog.     But  of  course,   it   failed  when  it  came   to  be 

(1)     Two  gigantic  statues  at  Ch'eng-hwang-miao  of  T'ai-hing  %  #&. 


put  in  practice,  for  the  brothers  had  heard  and  seen  deliberations 
and  preparations  alike.  The  important  military  factor  of  surprise 
was  lacking. 

So  Yang-isien  went  to  Kiang-tsze-ya  and  told  him  that  he 
wished  to  take  more  effective  methods  against  the  two.  "What 
do  you  wish  to  do?"  asked  Kiang-tsze-ya.  "I  can't  tell  you;  they 
would  hear  it  all."  So  Kiang  allowed  him  to  go  away  to  execute 
his  plan.  The  brothers  of  course  were  quite  aware  that  Yang 
had  gone,  but  he  had  not  said  where  he  was  going  and  any  how 
it  did  not  matter. 

Now  Yang  went  away  to  visit  Yuh-ting-chcn-yen  Ji  ^  jf| 
A  "Jade  Tripod"  (a  Taoist  adept)  in  the  cave  of  Kin-hia  ^  jg 
M  (Cavern  of  Golden  Mist)  on  Yuh-ls'iien-shan  3£  ^  pj.  Being 
asked  his  advice,  the  Taoist  worthy  explained,  "These  two  are 
from  Mt.  K'i-p'an  $£  ^  \[\  :  one  of  them  is  a  peach-tree  demon 
and  the  other  a  pomegranate-demon  :  the  two  trees  have  active 
roots  covering  an  area  of  30  square  li.  On  the  Mountain  there 
is  a  temple  of  Hwang-ti  |f  $fr  called  Hien-yuen-miao  $f  $ft  M 
and  in  it  are  two  clay  statues  of  Ts'ien-li-yen  f  ^  |  and  Shun- 
fung-rh  ]l|g  M  %  :  the  peach-tree  and  the  pomegranate-tree  having 
become  genii  have  entered  these  statues  and  possess  them.  The 
one  can  see  and  the  other  can  hear  a  thousand  li  but  no  farther. 
Let  Kiang-tsze-ya  know  that  he  must  uproot  all  the  roots  of  those 
two  trees,  burn  them  and  then  break  the  statues.  Then  he  will 
defeat  these  demons.  But  when  you  tell  Kiang,  see  that  demons 
cannot  perceive  your  communication.  You  must  get  flags  waved 
and  gongs  and  drums  beaten  all  through  your  army." 

On  Yang's  return,  Kiang  asked  him  how  he  had  fared.  "I 
can  say  nothing,"  replied  Yang.  "But  I  must  know  what  you 
want  to  do."  "Well,  first,  if  you  please,  1  will  do  it,  and  then 
you  will  see."  Kiang  agreed  and  Yang  went  to  have  2000  red 
flags  waved  busily  in  the  air  and  a  thousand  soldiers  to  beat 
gongs  and  drums  vigorously.  This  effectively  screened  the 
communication  to  Kiang  of  the  Taoist  Worthy's  advice. 

Fig.  1^8 

Ts  ien-li-yen.     Choeti-fong-eul. 
Ts'icn-U-i/en.     Shun-fung-euL 


Thereupon  Li-tsing  ^  tfa  with  3000  soldiers  marched  off 
to  K'i-p'an  Mountain  and  destroyed  the  abode  of  the  demons  and 
at  the  same  time  Lei-chen-tsze  f|  J*  -^  kept  the  giants  engaged 
by  an  attack.  But  the  giants  were  rendered  useless,  for  the  flags 
waving  as  far  as  the  eye  could  see  and  the  deafening  din  of  gongs 
and  drums  fuddled  their  sensitiveness. 

On  the  following  right  Yuan-hung  J|  -£t  determined  to 
storm  Kiang's  camp.  He  sent  as  an  advance-guard  Ts'ien-li-yen 
and  Shun-fung-rh:  but  the  Chow  camp  was  on  the  alert  expecting 
an  attack.  Yang  tsien  and  the  other  officers  in  the  service  of 
Wu-wang  ^  3E(the  first  Chow  Emperor  1122-1115  B.C.) outflanked 
the  brothers.  Kiang-tsze-ya  cast  his  exorcising  whip  in  the  air: 
it  fell  on  these  two  demons  and  broke  their  skulls.  (1) 

(1)     Fungshen-yen-yi  $i  j$  i§|  g|  Bk.  8  Hwui  89  p.  9  to  Hwui  91  p.    21 




KIANG  TSZE  YA     ( T  B)     C  ( 1 ) 

*     *    W 

1190-1094  B.C.  (?  1210-1120) 

The  family  name  of  this  hero  was  Kiang  ||  and  his  perso- 
nal name  was  Shang  "fpj  but  since  the  fief  Lii  g  had  been  held 
in  his  family  as  descendants  of  a  minister  of  the  Emperor  Yaoj^ 
(2257  B.C.?  Dawn  of  Chinese  history),  he  was  known  as  Lii 
Shang.  He  was  known  by  another  name  T'ai-ku7ig-wang  -fc  <fe> 
i.e.  Grandsire's  Hope  :  this  title  was  given  him  by  Si-peh  "gj  \fa 
(B.C.  1231-1135),  "the  Chief  of  the  West",  Duke  of  Chow,  the 
virtual  founder  of  the  Chow  Dynasty  (who  is  known  by  a  post, 
humous  title  as  Wen-wang  -*£  3E  as  if  he  had  himself  been 
Emperor).  This  Wen-wang  discovered  in  Kiang  the  counsellor 
whom  an  ancestor  had  prophesied  would  help  to  establish  the 
fortunes  of  the  House  of  Chow  f$. 

Kiang-tsze-ya,  at  least  in  legend,  passing  from  the  service 
of  Chow  wang  $-  3E  to  that  of  the  new  dynasty  Chow  JgJ, 
became  its  most  distinguished  general.  His  military  successes 
set  the  Chow  in  the  person  of  Wu-wang  jj£  ^  on  the  throne :  in 
reality,  the  disaffection  of  the  Shang  adherents  had  much  more 
to  say  to  the  results.  The  battle  of  Mung  tsin  jg  :0  (The  Lord 
of  Mung)  or  Muh-yeh  fa  Jgf  (1122  B.C.)  to  the  south  of  Wei- 
hwui-fu  %  $p  ffi  decided  the  fate  of  the  Shang.  As  a  result  jj£ 
j£  Wu-wang  (originally  Fah  ||)  ascended  the  throne  as  first  of 
the  Chow  dynasty.  He  conferred  on  Kiang-tsze-ya  the  title  of 
"Father  and  Counsellor"  and  named  him  King  of  Ts'i  ^  with 
succession  for  his  children.  (2) 

(1)  See  also  Chinese  Superstitions:  Vol  IV,  Chapter  VIII,  Article  VII 
p.  428  (English  Edition);  A  magic  inscription:for  averting  devils  at  sight 
of  Kiang 's  name. 

(2)  Eang-Men-hopien  Bk.  2  p.  2,  3. 

Fig.   199 


This  is  the  historic  frame  into  which  legend  and  romances 
have  woven  a  tissue  of  miraculous  happenings  and  marvellous 
deeds.  Only  a  very  short  resume  can  be  given  here  of  the  con- 
tent of  the  legends. 

Kiang-tsze-ya  was  an  avatar  of  Yih-chen  —  jj|,  pupil  of 
Yuh-chen-ta-fah-shi  3£  j|  ^  fe  ftp  ;  he  was  born  at  Hit-ciww  ^ 
j'\]  near  the  Eastern  Sea.  His  parents  died  when  he  was  very 
young  and  he  became  a  vendor  of  the  bean  condiment  Tsiang-yeu 
W  '/&  (1)  Dut  did  not  do  good  business.  So  he  took  to  slaugh- 
tering cattle:  after  making  a  slaughter-house  to  the  east  of  the 
town  Chao-ko  ]j$  ffft  for  some  time,  he  had  to  give  up  this  trade. 
Then  after  a  voyage  to  Liao-tung  ^  Jf  he  returned  to  Tung-yang 
|i  %  where  he  married  the  daughter  of  one  Sz-ma  p\  ^.  Then 
he  went  to  dwell  in  Nan-shan  j$  \[\  where  he  spent  his  time 
fishing.  One  day  he  caught  a  carp  and  in  its  belly  found  a  book 
entitled :  Ping-ling-ta-yao-luh-pien  ft  fft  -^  |g  ^  H,  six  chapters 
on  Military  Art.  He  studied  the  book  for  a  month  and  when  he 
had  grasped  the  subjet  matter,  he  went  on  again  with  his  fishing. 
He  is  famous  for  his  fishing  with  a  straight  pin  of  iron  instead 
of  a  hook  (it  is  said  that  the  fish  in  admiration  of  his  virtue 
voluntarily  impaled  themselves) — but  his  wife  remonstrated 
with  him  on  this  apparent  folly.  Kiang  pointed  out  that  she  did 
not  belong  to  the  craft  and  went  on  as  before. 

Then  at  last  Lao-tsze  ^  -^  appeared  one  day  on  the  other 
bank  of  the  river  and  reproached  him  with  being  ignorant  of  his 
origin.  "Take  and  eat  this  pill,"  said  he,  and  threw  into  the  air 
the  Kioh-yuan-tan  jj-  j£  ft  "drug  of  understanding  origin."  The 
pill  leaving  a  luminous  track  in  the  air,  passed  through  into 
Kiang's  stomach.  On  digesting  the  pill,  he  felt  that  Lao-tsze 
himself  was  before  him  and  was  influencing  his  ideas. 

"Why",  said  Lao-tsze,  "do  you  not  want  to  be  a  mandarin?" 
''What  means  can  I  take  to  attain  to  that  rank?"   replied  Kiang. 

(1)  A  paste  of  "yellow  beans"  Hf  :&  with  salt  which  has  been  ferment- 
ed before  use.  Kiang  is  invoked  for  the  success  of  the  culinary  process. 
See  Vol.  IV.  p.  428  sqq. 



''Wen-wang  ■%  3E  has  need  of  a  capable  man;  he  will  take  you 
up.  When  the  time  comes,  you  will  find  a  jade  tablet.  1  am 
going  myself  to  look  up  Wen-wang  to  settle  the  business."  When 
Lao-tsze  had  gone,  Kiang  went  home  and  removed  his  family, 
including  his  boy  Tsao  f|,  aged  7,  and  his  10  year  old  daughter, 
to  Wen-wang' 's  country  near  Si-ki  H  ibjc  (S.W.  ot  Shen-si)  and 
made  his  home  there  in  Pao-ki-hsien  <Jjf  |§  $£  at  Wci-shui  ^  7^.. 
Three  months  after  that,  he  caught  a  fat  fish,  and  inside  there  was 
a  jade  tablet  with  the  inscription,  "Ki  #|£  is  predestined  to  the 
throne,  go  to  his  help.  Ts'i  H  shall  be  thy  reward."  Ki  was  a 
name  for  the  descendants  of  Hwang-ti,  and  especially  for  the 
house  of  Chow.  (1) 

Now  the  hour  had  come.  Wen-wang  (i.e.  Si-peh)  had  a 
dream  in  which  he  saw  a  winged  bear  flying  from  the  south-east 
and  settling  down  beside  the  palace.  Soothsayers  explained  that 
the  expected  sage  would  therefore  come  from  the  lands  south-east. 
One  day,  Wen-wang  and  his  court  went  hunting  along  the  banks 
of  the  Wei-shui.  Coming  upon  some  fisherman,  who  timidly 
withdrew,  he  followed  and  questioned  them.  They  told  him  of 
an  old  man  farther  on  who  was  always  fishing  by  the  river  and 
singing  as  he  fished:  his  name  was  Fei-hiung,  Flying  Bear  ^|,#lf. 
Wen-wang  felt  he  had  his  man  and  got  people  to  lead  him  to  this 
"Flying  Bear."  The  old  man  did  not  take  any  notice  of  this 
great  personage's  salutation  but  went  on  fishing  and  singing: 
"When  the  West  Wind  begins  to  blow,  winter  is  a-coming  in. 
The  old  year  is  a-dying  and  the  phoenix  has  cried  to  the  land  of 
Si-k'i  W  ftj?.  Few  are  they  that  know  me."  Wen-wang  %  JT: 
saluted  him  ap-ain  and  now  entered  into  conversation  with  him  : 
at  last  he  took  him  away  with  himself  in  his  chariot.  It  was 
the  year  Jen-shen  ■£  tfi  1129  B.C.  and  Kiang  was  then  72  years 
of  age  (born  in  1200  B.C.?). 

(1)     Wen-wang  was  a  descendant  of  Eeutsi    fg  ^    of    the    Ki    family; 
and  the  first  Chotv  emperor  jft  3E  Wn-wang  was  Wen's  son. 


Before  his  death,  Wen-wang  summoned  his  son  Wu-wang 
and  bade  him  pay  his  respects  to  Kiang  as  master  and  father. 
When  the  new  emperor  had  ascended  the  throne,  he  took  Kiang' s 
daughter  as  the  imperial  concubine  and  he  conferred  the  kingdom 
of  Ts'i  ^  on  Kiang  and  his  descendants.  It  was  Tsao  jf ,  Kiang's 
eldest  son,  who  ruled  the  kingdom  while  his  father  remained  at 
court  with  the  title  of  king.  The  second  son  Shen  H  received 
the  principality  of  Fu  ~$j\  Kiang  retired  to  his  kingdom  when 
death  drew  near  and  passed  away  very  quietly  one  day  in  his 
arm-chair  at  the  age  of  105(?). 

The  king  of  Ts'i  sent  news  of  his  father's  death  to  the 
Emperor  Ch'eng-wang  ^3E  and  the  Duke  Pih  Jjl^  was  deputed 
by  the  monarch  to  go  as  his  representative  to  Ts'i  and  offer 
sacrifice  to  the  dead,  immolating  an  ox.  But  when  Kiang  was 
encoffined,  the  coffin  seemed  no  heavier  for  the  body,  so  Kiang's 
son,  the  king  Tsao,  opened  the  coffin  and  found  nothing  beyond  the 
hat,  clothes  and  the  military  treatise  belonging  to  the  dead  man. 

So  the  empty  coffin  was  buried  at  the  scene  of  the  great 
victory  of  Muh-ye  tifo  ff  and  the  clothes  were  buried  at  Pih  JJI. 
In  Ts'i  his  son  had  a  mausoleum  built  and  there  Kiang  received 
the  honours  of  the  rites.  (1) 

Other  legends  would  have  Kiang  to  be  the  pupil  of  Yuan- 
shi-t'ien-tsun  yc  ji^  Ji  M  (see  Art  0-  After  a  stay  of  40  years  in 
the  Kwun-lun  Mountains  j^  -$f  with  his  master,  he  received  the 
order  to  go  to  help  Wen-wang.  Then  he  tried  his  hand  at  many 
things  before  accomplishing  his  mission.  At  the  age  of  68  he 
took  a  wife,  he  became  a  worker  in  bamboo,  a  miller,  an  eating- 
house  keeper,  a  cattle-dealer,  a  fortune-teller  and  from  this  last 
occupation  went  into  service  under  Chow-wang  £j-  jE-  Then  he 
turned  over  to  Wu-ivang. 

His  fights  in  company  with  the  immortals  and  the  gods 
fill  whole  volumes  of  Fung-shen  yen  yi  (The  Way  to  Invest  Di- 

1)     Sheu-sien-t'ung-Tcien  Jg   fill  M  £g  Bk.  4  Art    7  p.    1    to    Art,    9    p.     5 
Fung  shen  yen  yi  Jf  jjjfji  '0  §|  Bk.  2  Hivvi  14  to  Hwui  24. 


vinities,  i.e.  to  Confer  the  Post  of  Divinity)  if  ji$  j1&  H-  Here  we 
can  only  give  in  outline  the  famous  Canonization  of  the  Shen  jffi 
after  the  Chow  JS]  victory.  It  is  supposed  to  have  added  consi- 
derably to  the  spirit  ranks. 

A  tower  was  built  for  the  ceremony  by  five  genii  under 
the  supervision  of  Peh-kien  jfa  §&.  The  Decree  of  Canonization 
was  delivered  to  Kiang-tsze-ya  by  Yuan  shi  t'ien  tsun  as  well  as  a 
list  of  the  spirits  and  their  functions :  this  list  was  affixed  to  the 
supports  of  the  platform.  Kiang  in  helmet  and  breastplate, 
holding  his  yellow  flag  ^  and  his  exorcising-whip,  mounted  the 
stage.  He  had  Peh-kien  lead  before  him  the  souls  of  all  the 
warriors  who  had  fallen  in  the  previous  fights,  explained  Yuan- 
shi-t'ien-tsun's  decree  and  conferred  on  them  the  spirit-offices 
they  were  to  hold  in  the  other  world.  Many  of  these  spirits  are 
still  reckoned  in  the  Chinese  pantheon.  (1) 

This  explains  the  power  over  demons  credited  to  Kiang- 
tsze-ya.  He  has  made  them  and  therefore  can  unmake.  Hence 
the  protective  spell,  "Kiang-tsze-ya  is  here :  there  is  no  reason  for 
fear" ;  or  as  in  fig.  199  ^;fc&&jH;H^$S^  ,§!  Venerable 
Kiang  is  here,  everything  is  safe  (in  the  sense  of  "lucky").  He  is 
much  associated  with  the  P'ah-kun  (or  eight  trigrams)  which 
received  so  much  attention  from  Wen-wang.  Often  Kiang  occu- 
pies the  place  of  honour  on  a  household  altar.  In  many  districts 
of  Ngan-hivui  and  Kiang-su  pictures  of  Kiang  are  pasted  up  on 
the  fifth  of  the  fifth  to  ward  off  bad-luck,  devils,  epidemics. 

As  a  fact,  under  the  T'ang  dynasty,  Kiang  was  a  war-god. 
In  731  A.D.  the  Emperor  Hiien-tsung  M  ~tL  %.  had  temples 
erected  in  his  honour  officially  in  both  capitals  and  in  all  prefec- 
tures and  subprefectures.  Ten  generals  were  assigned  as  his 
court  in  attendance   and   Chang-leang  $|  &    (2)    as  his   attached 

(1)  Fung-shen-yen-yi  Hwui  9  9  Bk.  8. 

(2)  Chang-leang,  died  B.C.  189;  had  shared  in  the  establishment  of 
the  Han  dynasty  and  the  overthrow  of  the  Ts'ifi  somewhat  as  Kiang  in  the 
overthrow  of  Shan  a. 


minister.  Thus  was  begun  the  system  of  two  official  temples:  a 
"civil"  one  for  Confucius  and  a  "military"  one  for  the  god  of 
war.  Sze-ma  Kwang  iaj  J|  -jt  protests  against  Kiang  being  put 
on  a  level  with  the  matchless  Confucius.  Moreover  the  sages  of 
antiquity  could  make  one  job  of  governing  and  repressing  at 
once.  (1) 

(1)     Wieger;      Textes  historiques  p.  1658. 


SAN  MAO     ( T  B) 

=        W 


A  genealogical  table  with  notes  will  explain  the  history 
of  these  brothers,  whose  birth  place  was  Hien-yang  $  \%  (i.e. 
Si-ngan-fu)  in  Shen-si. 

Great-great-grandfather  :(1)?-217  B.C.  Mao-mung  (Ch'u-ch'eng) 

^     ii  ^     $ 

Great-grandfather:  (Unknown) 

Grand-father:  (2)  249  B.C.  Mao-hi^^   (Kung-lun^jfo) 

Parents  :     Hil  (Wife)  f{-  J£  Mao-tsu  (Peh-ying)or  Mao-mung 

#  m  f fi  &  #  if 

Mao-ying     (Shuh-shen)     Mao-lu  (Ki-wei)     Mao-chung     (Sz-chi) 

#&       (M$)     *®    &m      ^n     (& &) 

Mao-ying,  the  eldest  of  the  brothers,  was  born  during  the 
reign  of  the  Han  Emperor  King-ti  <gf  jp;  iff  in  the  fifth  year  of 
the  Chung-yuan  cfj  /£  period,  i.e.  145  B.C.,  on  the  third  of  the 
10th    month.     When    eighteen   years    of  age,  he  left   his  parents 

(1)  The  great-great-grandfather  had  been  a  famous  scholar  of  Hicn 
yang.  Foreseeing  that  the  Chow  JU  were  toppling-  to  ruin,  he  kept  out  of 
office  and  devoted  himself  to  alchemy  on  Mt.  Ewa  Ijl  Mj.  In  full  daylight, 
on  the  day  Keng-tsse  (Jp?  ^f-)  of  the  9th  in  the  30th  Year  of  TsHn-ahi 
hwang-M,  he  went  up  to  the  heavens. 

Shen-sien-t'ung  kien  jpiji  {\\\  M  fg  Bk.  43  p.  8. 
Tung-sien-chwan  p  -fill  %         Tlai-p'ing-lwang-li  Bk.  5  p.  5. 
Suh-wen-hien-fung-hao  $f (  %  jg£  M  :#  Bk.  241  p.  13. 

(2)  The  grandfather  had  been  Comptroller  for  the  Ts'in  Prince 
Chwang-siang-wang  |^|I,  the  father  of  Ts'in  shilnvang  ^  j&  Ji  (221- 
2  09  B.C  )  and  real  ouster  of  the  Chow  dynasty.  Mao  hi  received  for  his 
service  the  title  of  Magnanimous,  Sincere  Duke. 

Fig.  200 


•  •     #  •    •    *•••• 
% * 

•••• •• 

•  ••• 








San  Mao  (Tchema  en  leur  honneur). 

Written  charm  burnt  in  honour  of  the  Three  Princes  San  Mao. 

Fig.  201 

San  Mao. 
The  Three  Princes  San  Mao. 



for  Mt.  Heng  »[^  \\},  the  Sacred  Peak  of  the  North  (in  Hwun- 
yuen-hsien  -}j|  ^  jgjf,  in  Shen-si).  There  he  met  Wang-kiiin  Jl1&> 
a  spiritualized  man  ;  becoming  his  pupil,  he  learned  how  to  spiri- 
tualize himself  so  that  he  could  overcome  the  law  of  gravity  and  the 
need  for  nutrition.  Si-wang-mu  (Article  VI)  gave  him  the  prayer 
that  makes  the  perfect  hero.  Then  having  acquired  the  science 
of  perfection,  the  Tao  jjf ,  he  returned  home  at  the  age  of  49. 

His  father  now  abused  him  for  vagrancy  and  lack  of  filial 
piety :  the  old  man  took  a  stick  to  beat  him  but  it  flew  in  pieces 
of  itself.  So  Mao-ying  fled  and  passed  into  a  wall  to  hide. 
Shortly  he  quitted  home  and  went  eastward  till  he  settled  down 
on  Mt.  Kil-k'iih  fy  ^  pj  in  the  kingdom  of  Wu  -^L.  In  this 
solitude,  a  spiritualized  man  gave  him  a  method  of  self-perfection 
and  intrinsic  nutrition  :  so  he  arrived  at  full  subtility  and  aerial 
levitation  at  will.  On  the  death  of  his  parents,  he  returned  to 
Shen-si  for  the  funeral  and  ceremonies. 

In  the  fourth  year  of  the  period  Pen-ski  fc  %a  (i.e.  69  or 
70  B.C.)  of  the  Han  Emperor  Silen-ti  $|  la  $?  on  the  third  of 
the  fourth  month,  a  heavenly  messenger  brought  him  a  message 
and  Mao-ying  immediately  bade  farewell  to  his  relatives,  and 
announcing  that  he  was  going  away  to  Mt.  Kii-k'iih,  disappeared 
into  the  clouds. 

His  brothers  Ku  [g  and  Chung  J|  were  mandarins  but 
when  they  heard  of  his  departure,  resigned  and  followed  him  to 
Mt.  Kii-k'iih.  Ying  welcomed  them  and  set  them  to  a  fast  of 
three  years  as  a  way  to  the  immortal  state  :  each  of  them  for 
that  period  lived  solitary  on  a  separate  peak.  So  the  mountain 
came  to  be  called  Mt.  Mao  or  the  Peaks  of  the  Three  Mao's.  It 
is  situated  45  li  to  the  south-east  of  Kii-yung-hsien  /pj  ^  Jgg  in 
the  sub-prefecture  of  Kiang-ning-fu  fr  ^  ffi  (modern  Nanking) 
in  Kiang-su.  (1) 

In  64  B.C.  the  second  year  of  the  period  Yuan-k'ang  yt 
Jf£,  in  the  8  th  moon,  during  the  reign  of  Siian-ti,  the  two  younger 

(1)     Ming-yih-t'ung-chi  (Geography  of  Ming)  B^  —  $ft  ^  Bk-  6.  p.  8 



brothers  Ku  and  Chung  mounted  on  two  yellow  cranes  to  the 
heavens.  To  prayers  offered  to  them  on  the  mountain  peaks 
they  have  always  given  effect. 

Now  Man-ying's  old  master  Wang-kiiin  came  from  T'ai 
Shan,  the  sacred  mountain  of  Shan-tung,  to  Mt.  Kii-k'iih  to  pro- 
pose marriage  with  his  niece  Yuh-nii  (Jade-lady  3£  -£).  (1)  So 
Man-ying  went  to  T'ai-shan  ~fc  [Jj  to  be  married  and  henceforth 
his  life  was  a  series  of  journeyings  to  and  fro  between  Kii-k'iih 
and  T'ai-shan  on  the  back  of  a  white  crane. 

In  976  A.D.,  the  Sung  Emperor  T'ai-isung  ^  ^c  ^,  in  his 
very  first  year,  canonized  Mao-ying  as :  ''Loyal  Prince,  Protector 
of  the  Holy"  1fc  M  <$k  %=>•  By  this  name  Mao-ying  is  known  in 
the  Shen-shen-ki  |g  iffy  |£. 

In  the  district  about  Hivo-chow  fp  '}{],  on  the  borders  of 
Nanking  (the  town  Hwo-chow  is  in  Ngan-hwui),  there  is  on  the 
left  bank  of  the  Kiang  yx,  a  celebrated  mountain  standing  boldly 
up  with  three  peaks.  It  is  the  Bird  Cage  Mt.  Ki-lung-shan  |{£ 
HI  |Xl -  Here  a  temple  to  San-Mao  =  ^,  the  Three  Maos,  has 
been  constructed  on  the  almost  precipitous  peak,  so  difficult  of 
access  that  one  has  to  climb  up  one  passage  with  the  help  of  an 
iron  chain  let  into  the  rock  at  either  end;  it  is  or  was  a  fairly 
popular  pilgrimage. 

(1)     i.e.  Pih-hia-yuan-Miin  M  $%.  7Z.  %£  (See  Vol.  VI  Art.  XXII  p.  990  sq.) 

Fig.   202 

Kin-k'iue-chang-ti  et  Yu-k'iu£-chang-ti. 
Kin-k'iieh  Shang-ti  and  Yuh-k'ueh  Shang-ti. 



&m ±  %  spit 

The  Annals  of  the  Ming  relate  that  at  the  time  of  the 
Five  Dynasties  (907-960  A.D.),  Chi-cheng  £p  |fand  Chi-ngoh  £p 
|g,  sons  of  Sii-wen  f£  $g,  led  their  armies  south  and  restored 
peace  to  Fuh-chow  fg  )<\]  in  Fuh-kien.  The  heads  of  families 
and  the  elders  erected  statues  and  made  offerings  before  them 
in  token  of  gratitude. 

An  emperor  of  the  Sung  dynasty  canonized  them  as 
"heroes,"  i.e.  in  the  second  rank,  superior  to  that  of  "immortal" 
or  "genius"  f|lj.  The  Ming  Emperor  Ch'eng  Tsu  Bfj  J$  f|  (1403- 
1425  A.D.  )  when  ill  had  recourse  to  them  and  was  cured :  in 
gratitude  he  conferred  on  them  the  title  of  Ti-hiiln  ^  ;§"  Imperial 
Sovereigns.  One  was  "of  the  Golden  Palace"  (^  $)|)  and  the 
other  "of  the  Palace  of  Jade"  (3£  ^). 

Then    the   Ming   Emperors   Ying-tsung   ^   ^    (1436-1450 
A.D.)  and  Hien-Tsung  |g  ifc  (1465-1488  A.D.)  honoured  them  as 
\-  ^,  Supreme  Rulers. 

In  1488,  in  the  reign  of  Hiao  Tsung  ^  <£,  the  Ministry 
of  Rites  deprived  them  of  this  title  as  an  abuse  and  cut  down 
the  sacrifices  in  their  honour. 




The  five  genii  known  by  this  name  have  been  the  theme 
of  many  Chinese  paintings  or  drawings,  and  Chinese  arts  have 
exercised  their  ingenuity  to  secure  fresh  original  treatment. 
Their  images  are  often  exposed  for  the  sake  of  art  rather  than 
for  worship.  Yet  they  are  genii  of  whom  we  read  in  the  Records 
of  Divinities  and  Genii,  the  Shen-sien-t'ung-kien  $$  f[jj  jg  f§£. 
According  to  this,  they  would  be  among  the  first  of  human 
beings  on  the  earth,  or  rather  they  are  the  spirits  of  the  five 
elements :  metal,  wood,  water,  fire  and  earth. 

1.  The  spirit  of  Metal  ^  is  the  famous  Wang-mu  3E  #  or 
Kin-mu  4&^;  she  was  born  on  the  Kwun-lun  Mountains  J^-$fli|, 
born  of  "Tin"  flfS  and  "Yang"  %.  the  two  principles.  At 
birth,  her  hair  was  bunched  in  a  top-knot  on  her  head,  she  had 
tiger-teeth,  a  great  necklace  with  jade  pendants  fell  upon  a  sort 
of  apron  of  mulberry-leaves  (Cf.  Si-wang-mii,  Article  VI  above 
p.  489). 

2.  The  Wood-spirit  is  Muh-kung  ^.Q,  god  of  the  Immortals. 
He  was  born  of  primal  air  in  the  country  of  Wei-ling,  to  the 
East.  He  made  himself  garments  of  green  leaves  and  hawthorn 
leaves.  (Cf.  Tung-wang-kung  ^  3E  &,  Article  VI,  p.  488) 

3.  The  Water-spirit  is  Shui-tsing-tsze  Tfc  $|ff  -jr.  He  was 
born,  a  very  handsome  person,  at  Ts'ang-lang  ^ft|  in  the  North. 
He  made  himself  garments  of  the  bark  of  ebony. 

4.  The  Fire-Spirit.  Ch'ih-tsinh-tsze  (see  Vol.  X  Fig.  236) 
appeared  first  at  Shih-t'ang-chan  ;g"  $g-  [Jj  in  the  South.  He  issued 
from  "yiri"  and  "yang"  and  looked  like  a  man  made  of  fire.  He 

Fie.  203 

Les  quatre  Patrons  de  la  Vieillesse  (Seccmde  maniere  de  les  representer). 
The  Four  Patrons  of  Longevity  (Another  manner  of  representing  them). 

Fig.   204 

Fig.  205 

Fie    206 



made  himself  garments  of  red  leaves.     He  had  come  down  from 
a  star  as  a  streak  of  light. 

5.  The  Earth-Spirit  is  Hwang-lao  (the  Yellow  Ancient) 
j£  %.  He  was  produced  by  humidity  and  warmth  and  suddenly 
appeared  in  the  middle  regions.  (1) 

Other  authors  give  the  Ancients  the  following  names : 

Shih-pah-Jiung  (King-tsich)   -f  A  ^   (0;  Ip) 
Ku-chih-kung  $R  fll   & 
Ling-k'ung-tsze  ^?  ^  •=jr 
Fuh-yuu-shen  ||  f  ^ 
Hiug-sien  (2)  -g-  filj 

It  is  usual  to  depict  only  four  Ancients,  called  Sze-lao  pt| 
%.  Wang-mu  is  left  out.  (See  Vol.  XIII  fig.  4,  for  an  apparition 
of  these  five  elders  to  Confucius).  (3) 

(1)  (Slien-sicn-long-lcien  Bk.  I  Art.  1) 

(2)  (Si-yeu-U  M  M  IE  Ewui  64  p.  15). 

(3)  In  fig.  205  the  butterfly  $%  Tieh  is  a  punning  allusion  to    Jg     Tieh 
"80-70  years  of  age". 


Some  Immortals.  Better  Known  or  More  in  Honour 

1.     KWAN  CH'ENG -TSZE     H  $  =? 

Kwang-ch'eng-tsze,  one  of  the  first  to  be  numbered  among 
the  Immortals,  dwelt  in  a  cavern  hollowed  out  in  Mt.  K'ung-t'ung 
fli§  |l||p].  The  Emperor  Hwan-ti  jif  $?  went  to  take  lessons  from 
him  and  learn  the  secret  of  immortality.  (1) 

2-     HWANG  CH'U-PING     (M)  %  ^j  ^ 

Hwang-ch'u-pivg  was  born  at  Tan-h'i  j*\  $*  in  the  kingdom 
of  H  (modern  Shen-si).  At  the  age  of  fifteen  as  he  was  herding 
sheep,  he  was  carried  off  by  a  Taoist  adept  to  Kin-hiva-shan  £3$> 
[1|  where  he  spent  more  than  forty  years  in  a  grotto  heedless  of 
his  family.  His  elder  brother  had  been  ever  looking  for  him 
and  one  day  meeting  a  very  famous  Taoist,  he  asked  him  whether 
he  knew  of  his  brother,  living  or  dead.  "At  King-hwa-shan,  there 
is  a  shepherd  Hwang-ch'u-pivg.     It  must  be  your  brother." 

The  elder  brother  found  him  by  the  Taoist 's  guidance. 
The  first  question  was,  "What  has  happened  to  your  sheep?" 
"They  are  east  of  the  mountain,"  answered  Ch'u-ping.  Only 
white  rocks  were  visible  but  at  a  word  from  their  "herdsman" 
they  turned  into  thousands  of  sheep.  "Oh,  so  you  have  become 
a  'genius';  may  I  too  learn  that  learning?"— "Wish  and  you  will 
attain."  So  the  elder  brother  quitted  home  and  became  his 
junior's  disciple.  So  he  secured  the  gift  of  immortality.  Ch'u-p'ing 
then  took  the  name  of  Ch'ih-sung-tsze  ff:  $<  ^f-  and  his  elder 
brother  Ch'u-k'i  ■%]  ^£  took  the  name  Lupan  ^  3jj£.  (2) 

(1)  T'ai-p'ing-kwang-li  ;fc  *p  ^  |£  Bk.  I  p,  5. 
Sien-fuh-yuan  -fill  $7  H  Bk.  4  p.  3. 

(2)  T'ai-p'ing-Jcivang-l-i  ;fc  ^  M  IE  Bk.  7  p.  1  -  2    Sien-fuh-yuan-lci    {(I( 
$   @  Bk.  4  p.  13. 


3.  HIJEN-CHEN-TSZE     £  %  $ 

This  genius's  real  name  was  Chan-chi-hwo  jjj|  ^  fp :  he 
was  a  hermit  on  Mt.  Kwei-ki  -fr  fj|  [lj.  Having  being  a  celebrated 
scholar  with  the  doctor's  degree  and  having  been  in  office,  he 
came  back  to  his  family  as  usual  on  an  occasion  of  mourning 
and  then  renounced  public  life  in  order  to  live  in  solitude. 

As  strong  with  the  wine-cup  as  with  the  pen,  he  could 
drink  three  bushels  (?)  and  not  be  drunk.  As  a  result  of  a 
special  form  of  nutrition,  he  could  roll  in  the  snow  without 
feeling  the  cold  and  could  submerge  himself  in  water  without 
drowning.  He  crossed  lakes  and  rivers  in  comfort,  carousing  and 
singing,  by  simply  spreading  his  mat  on  the  water  and  embarking 
on  it. 

When  the  time  came,  a  crane  came  down  from  the  skies: 
he  mounted  its  back  and  disappeared  in  the  heavens.  (1)  He 
lived  in  the  time  of  the  T'ang  Emperor  Su-Tsung  J|  ^  ^  (756- 
773  A.D.) 

4.  CHANti-LAO     ^  %    (2) 

Chan-lao  was  from  Luh-IIoh-hsien   ^  &  J|£   in  Yang-chow 

5.     MEH-TSZE    M  ^ 

Meh-tsze  was  a  high  dignitary  in  the  kingdom  of  Sung  ?fc. 
His  real  name  was  Tih  |§  but  when  he  had  written  the  famous 
book  that  goes  by  the  name  of  Meh-tsze,  (3)  he  was  ever  after  called 
by  that  name.  When  war  broke  out  between  Sungife  and  Ch'u 
$&,  Kung-shu-pan  Q  $j|  ^,  a  Chinese  Daedalus  (See  Lu-pan: 
"Chinese  Superstitions"  Vol.  XI,  p.  1031,  French  Edition),  made 

(1)  T'ai-p'ing-kwangli  5k  ^P  H  IE  Bk.  2  7  p.  7    Sien-fuh-yuan    {\\\  #  0 

Bk.  4  p.  2  0. 

(2)  T'ai-p'ing-lcivang-Jci  „    ,,    ,.    ,,    Bk,  17  p.  1. 

(3)  The  historical  Meh-tih  lived  somewhere  between  the  5th  and    4th 
centuries  B.  C.     His  doctrine  is  summed  up  as  t  g  "Universal  Love." 


special  aerial  ladders  for  scaling  the  enemy's  Avails.  Now  dlih- 
tsze  made  a  special  journey  of  seven  days  and  seven  nights  to 
beg  him  to  withdraw  the  aid  afforded  to  an  unjust  war  by  his 
special  talents. 

At  the  age  of  82.  Meh-tsze  retired  to  Mt.  Chow-tih  |g)  %fc 
|Jj  where  he  became  an  immortal. (1) 

6      YE- J  EN     if  A 

The  Wild  Man. 

He  was  a  disciple  of  Koh-hung  ;§|  $fc,  a  famous  Taoist  of 
the  fourth  century,  also  known  as  Pao-pu-tsze  fy  ■%[■  ^-.  His 
master  before  passing  away  to  the  life  of  the  immortals,  had  left 
some  of  the  elixir  pills  hidden  in  a  stone  pillar  on  Mt.  Lo-feu  $£ 
:ff.  |Jj.  The  "Wild  Man"  got  hold  of  one,  swallowed  it  and 
became  a  terrestrial  immortal.  Travellers  crossing  Mt.  Lo-feu 
by  night  saw  a  man  wearing  no  clothes  but  covered  with  long 
hair  all  over  his  body:  this  Wild  Man  spent  his  life  roaming 
over  the  mountain  singing  joyous  songs.  Taoism  honours  him 
as  a  genius.  (2) 

7.     CHANG-LIANG     §g  & 

The  historical  personage  who  died  in  189  or  187  B.C.  is 
famous  for  his  part  in  assisting  the  llan  dynasty  against  the 
Ts'in.  We  need  only  here  note  that  he  has  become  one  of  the 
Taoist    Immortals. 

8.     CHANG  SAN-FUNG     3g  =  ^ 

This  Taoist  was  possessor  of  a  "Comucopiae"  Tsii-pao-pen 
M  31?  ^  and  so  was  deified  as  Protecting  Spirit  of  Riches. 

His  name  was  CMng-Kiun-shih  ^|  21  ^f,  or  Chang  Ts'iien- 
yih  ijji  ijs  —  ;  he  was  dubbed  Chang  the  Filthy  Chang  "Lah-tah" 

(1)  T'ai  p'ingl-icangli  js.  ^  M.  IE  Bk.    5  p.  l.  2. 

(2)  Sien-fuh-yuan  {\\\  #  ®  Bk.  4  p.  5. 


3H  iH  £§•  His  native  place  was  Kwang-ning-hsien  in  Kin-chen-fu 
of  the  Province  of  Fung-t'ien  (Liao-tung).  Sometimes  he  was 
called  Yuan  Yuan-tsze  ytyt-f.  Temples  in  his  honour  are  to  be 
found  in  Shen-si,  Yun-nan,  Ngan-hwui  and  in  most  of  the 
provinces.  Actually  he  lived  under  the  first  Ming  Emperor, 
Hung  Wu  gt  jf£,  1368  —  1399.  He  then  lived  in  the  temple 
Ying-siang-Jcwan  jQl  f^  |||  to  the  north-east  of  Ying-chow-fu  in 

Cf.  Ying-chow-fu-chi       £jf  )<\]  }ff  j£  K.  11  p.  14  -  16 

Yun-nan-t'ung-chi     H  f|f  jj§,  ^5  K.  91  p.  2,3 

Shen-si  i'ung  chi       K  ®  il  ^  K.  65,  p.  52,  53 

Ts'ing-yih-t'ung-chi  fjif  —  $£  j±-;  K.  44  p.  7 

Note :  The  Sien-fuh-yuan  f[|j  f^jj  gj  provides  illustrations 
of  the  usual  statues  or  carving  that  depict  these  genii  in  the 




The  Visual  Grouping  of  "SAINTS"  in  Taoist  Temples 

To  those  wishing  to  identify  Taoist  statues,  it  will  he 
useful  to  know  the  three  groups  of  "Saints"  which  are  honoured 
in  the  greater  Taoist  temples. 


I.  Wu  Tsu  3£  fil,  the  Five  Ancestors. 

II.  Ts'ih  Chen  Jfc  jjt,  the  Seven  Heroes. 

III.  Shih-Pah  ta  shi  -f-  Ajzffi  the  Eighteen  Grand  Masters. 

I.     WU-TSU     3£  fft 


1°  Wan  Hsiuenp'u  {Tung-hwa-ti-hiun)  ^.^^(M^^^)  157  A. D. 
2°  Chang  Li-kHuan  {Cheng-yang-tsze)  ft  8|  jf$  ( J£  R§  ^f )   295 
3°  Lit  Yen(Tung-pin)(T'un-yang-tsze)  gf^(i$^)  ($$  11^)817 
4°  Liu  Ts'ao  (Hai-chan-tsze)  flj  %  {%  j§  + )  911 

5°  Wang  Chih  (Chung-yang-tsze)  Jg  (fi  p§  + )  1192 

II.     TS'IH  CHKN     -t  £ 


(Disciples  of  the  fifth  ancestor:  Wang  Chih). 

1°  Ma  Yu(Tan-yang-tsze)  ,f|     &(#R§^)  +1183 

2°  Ta??.  Ch'a-toan(Ch'ang-chan-tsze)         ^^^C-ftj^^f )  +  1175 

3°  Lift  Ch'u-hsiuan  (Clrang  sheng  tsze)  flj^5(ft^+)  +  1203 

4°  A''m  C/i'm  ki  (Ch'ang  ch'wcn-tsze)     Jt^^(^#+)  +  1227 

5°  IVa>(#  Ch'u-yih  (Yii-yang  tsze)             3Eit  —  (SH  +  )  -4-  1222 

6°  Ho  Ta-t'ung  (Hwang-ning-tsze)          U^j&iM^^)  +  1212 

7°  Sww  Pw-ewZ  (Ts'ing-tsing-san-jen)       M^Z.(ffitftffcA)  +  H82 



III.     SHIH  PAH  TA  SHI     +  A  *  fifi 




















isciples  of  the  fourth  Hero  Kiu, 

Yin  Ts'ing-hwo  (Chi-p'ing) 
Sung  Bing-yun  (Teh-faug) 
Li  Chen-chang  (Chi-chang) 
Chao  Tao-hien  (Pao-yuan) 
Sung  Tao  ngan  (T'ai  yuan) 
Hia  Chi-cheng  {Sheu-yih) 
Wang  Chi-ming 
Sun  Chi-kien  (T'ai-su) 
Yii  Chi-ko  (Kwang  fan) 
Chang  Chi  su  (Chung-hwo) 
Chen  Chi-siu  (Kwang-kiao) 
Kiih  Chi-yuen  (Pao-puh) 
Mung  Chi-wen  (Fu-hwa) 
Chang  Chi-yuan 
K'i  Chi-yuan  (Chi-ts'ing) 
Ho  Chi-ts'ing  (Ming-chen) 
Yang  Chi-tsing 
Pan  Teh-chung 

Ch'ang-ch'un  In-ft^f) 

4  1227 


4  1251 


4-  1247 


+  1256 


4-  1221 



4-  1255 




+  1255 


4-  1268 




4  1261 




4-  1255 



4  1256 

-Cf.  Tao-tsang  M  &Vol.  75,  76. 

Ki  fu   t'ung-chi  (Kwang-sii)   f&ffij&ifc(-%&)  K.  178,  p.  94-95.